3. Once the wings are in the desired
positions on the frame, you can hold
them in position by placing wing
locks on either side of it. The locks
snap into place in the channel on
either side of the wing (see
Figure 4
This will prevent the Flex Bracket
frame from moving out of position
after the Flex Bracket wings are
fastened to the wall studs or ceiling
joists in the mounting location.
•• LLoo cckkss ffoorr aall ll rreecc tt aanngguullaarr aa nn dd
ss qquuaarree FFll eexx BB rr aacc kkeettss aarree
•• LL oocc kkss ff oorr SSoonn aanncc ee VVii rrttuuoo ss oo DDRR
FFll eexx BB rr aacc kkeett ss aa rree
•• LL oocc kkss ffoorr SS oonn aannccee SSyymmpp hh oonn yy
TTRR FFlleexx BBrr aacc kkeett ss aa rree
4. Position the Flex Bracket in the
desired location against the wall studs or ceiling joists, with the “This Side Out”
legends facing outward. The speaker will be slightly adjustable within the hole (about
/8” in all directions).
55.. FF oorr rr eecc tt aanngguullaa rr aa nndd ssqq uu aarr ee FFlleexx BB rraa cckkeettss,,
use the 4 centering marks on the
frame to line it up properly, then use a square or level to set the permanent location.
6. Attach the Flex Bracket wings to the studs or joists using screws, nails or staples that
are at least ½” long. Use at least 2 fasteners per wing.
7. Feed the speaker wire through one of the Flex Bracket’s two wire loops. This will
keep the wire readily accessible to speaker installation personnel after the drywall
is installed. (See
Figure 6
Removing the Flex Bracket Wings
RR eecc tt aanngg uu ll aarr aa nndd SS qquuaarree FFll eexx BB rr aacc kkeett ss ::
• Remove the wing locks and slide the wings out of the bracket channel at the corner
entry points.
RR oouu nn dd FFll eexx BB rr aacc kkeettss ::
• Remove the wing locks, position the wing at the entry point in the bracket channel
with its arrow facing the arrow in the channel and pull the bracket out of the channel.