Sonance 625R, 621R, 624R, 623R TL, 623R Installation Manual

Thank you for purchasing Sonance Orig inal Series Medium Round speakers. When properly insta lled, the se speakers will give you many years of entertainme nt pl easure. To get the most out of y our new speak ers, please read this manual thoro ughly before you begin installation.
Since a ll of the Original Seri es Medi um speakers have exac tly the same footprint and have id entic al installati on requirements, the directions in th is manua l apply to each of the fo llowing models: 625R, 624R , 623R, 622R, 621R, 623R TL, 622R TL, and 621R TL.
To achieve the best performance, Sonance recommends that these speakers be installed by a Sona nce Authorized Dealer/ Installer.
Sa f e t y Wa r ning:
th eS e Sp ea k er S ha ve faS tM o un t® t a bS tha t p r ev en t th e S p ea k er fr o M
fa ll i ng o ut of t he M ou nt i ng h ol e d u ri n g t he i nS t al lat io n pr o ce SS .
he ed geS of th e f a St Mo u nt ta b S a re ve r y Sh a rp . u S e c au tio n W he n
ha nd l in g th e S p ea k er.
ee fi g ur e 4 f or c oM p le te i nf o rM a ti on a bo u t t he faS t Mo un t ta b S.
The following chart shows how far apart the speakers can be placed at different ceiling heights while still providing goo d coverage. The distances are based on ear heights of 62” (1.5 m) for st anding liste ners and 40” (1 m) for seated listeners.
Home Theater Speaker Placement
Left & Right
Surround Speakers
6' – 10' (2 - 3 m)
Left, Center
& Right
6' – 10' (2 - 3 m)
Parts List
Your Original Series Medi um Ro und speakers inclu de th e following:
• (2) Original Series Medium Round Speakers
• (2) Paintable grilles
• (2) Plastic paint plugs to protect speakers during painting
• (1) Mounting cutout template (in packaging)
Speaker Placement
Th e locatio ns of the spea kers shou ld be determin ed by considering the prim ary listenin g l ocati on, the primary use for the speakers (di stributed audio, 2-c hannel, or home theat er), an d aest heti c valu es. Fo r opti mum result s, con tact y our Authorized Sonance Dealer for advice.
Distributed Audio Placement
Sonance Original Series Medium R ound speak ers have very smooth and predictable off -axis res ponse, increasing placement options while providing excellent coverage in distributed audio systems from a wide variety of i nstallation locations.
1'– 2'
(30 - 60 cm)
2'– 3'
(60 - 90 cm)
Figure 1: 5.1-channel home theater placement
Left, Center & Right Channels
• Place the left, center and right speakers from 1-2 feet (30­60 cm) in front of the video screen, anywhere from 6 feet to 10 feet (2–3 m) apart , with the center channel speaker as close to midway between the left and right speaker s as possible.
• Place the left & right speakers at lea st 2 to 3 feet (60–9 0 cm) away from the side w alls.
• The main listening position should be bet ween 4 and 10 fee t (1.2–3 m) away from the sp eakers.
• If necessary, pivot the tweeter and the woofe r of each spe aker towards the listening positi on to maximize the soundstage. The pivoting feature is avail able only on the Original Series Medium Round 625R, 62 4R, 623R, 622R , and 621 R speakers. The adjustable thre e-position tweeter swit ch is available on the 625R, 624R, 623R, and 623R T L.
Use Figure 1 as a gui de.
2' – 6'
(.5 - 2 m)
Left & Right
Left, Center
Left & Right Surround Speakers (5.1-Channel System)
Locate th e left and ri ght surround speakers on the ceiling between 2 and 6 feet (.6 - 2 m) beh ind the lis tenin g p ositi on. The speakers sh ould be between 6 and 10 feet (2 - 3 m) apart. Since the surround spea kers a re usually called -upon to cre ate diffuse effects like the sound of win d or rain, they can be located close to walls without adversely affecting sound quality.
• You can create a more diffuse, spacio us surround effect by pivoti ng the tweete r and the woo fer towards a wall or window, away from th e listen ers. This feature is available only on the 625R, 624R, 623R, 622 R, and the 621R s peakers.
Use Figure 1 as a gui de.
Left & Right Surround and Surround Back Speakers
(7.1-Channel System)
• Left & Right Surround Spe akers: Place the left and right surround speakers directly to the sides of the list ening position, betwe en 6 feet and 10 feet (2 - 3 m) apart. The speakers can be placed close to the si de wal ls.
• Surround Back Spea kers: Plac e the surround back speakers between 2 and 6 feet (.6 - 2 m) behi nd the liste ning position. The surr ound back spe akers should be closer together than the left an d right su rroun d speakers -- between 3 an d 6 feet (1 - 2 m) apart. Like the lef t and right su rround speakers, the surround ba ck speakers can be located close to walls without adversely affecting sound quality.
Use Figure 2 as a gui de.
& Right
6'– 10'
1'– 2'
(2 - 3 m)
2'– 3'
(60 - 90 cm)
(30 - 60 cm)
Figure 2: Left, Center, & Right Home Theater Speaker Placement
Surround Speakers
2' – 6'
(.6 - 2 m)
3' – 6'
(1 - 2 m)
Wire Gauge
Extra resistance in the spe aker wire can make speakers sound less dyn amic and redu ce definition of the bass frequencies. In extreme case s, it can even atten uate high frequenci es. Also, amplifier power is wasted in wire with extra r esist ance, reduci ng your system’s maximum output level.
To prevent degrading sound qua lity, the total wire resistance should be less t han 10% of the speaker’s imp edanc e. This means that for an 8-ohm speak er, the tota l resi stanc e of the wire should be less than 0 .8 ohm s.
Refer to the table be low to select the proper wire g auge for your system.
Preparing the Installation Location
All Sonance speak ers are designed to be rela tively insensitive to variation s in enclosure volume. To achieve the ul timate performance from y our speakers, a sectio n of the ceiling bay can be partitioned to form a back box. Bui lding such an enclosure will create a dram atic imp rovement in your speaker s’ bass performance and power handling.
Ideal internal back box volume requirements:
0.62 ft³ (.0175 m³) overall size
Insulating the Ceiling Cavity
You can reduce sound transmission to adjacent rooms and further improve speaker pe rform ance by inserting a sh eet of unfaced fiberglass insulation over the back of the speaker.
To reduce noise prod uced by un supported drywall, install fiberglass insulation in the ceiling bays adjacent to the speaker location.
Optional Retrofit Enclosures
For insta llations wher e it isn’t possible to partition the ceiling bay to form a back box (such as when you’re retrofitting the speakers into an e xisting ceiling), you can effectively reduce sound transmission into adj acent rooms by fitting the speakers with the optional Medium Round Retrofit En closure (part# 92343) or t he Medi um Roun d 6½” Woo den Enc losure (part# 91688). These enclosures are designe d specifically to be use d wit h these spe akers , and will noticeably reduce sou nd “spillover” from the rea rs of t he speakers into adjacent rooms and spaces.
Installing the Speakers
Before Installation: New Construction
For ins talla tions in new constru ction , Sonance recommends using a Flex Bracket (part# 9233 7) to reserve a loc ation for the speaker. The Flex B racke t has perforated wings that can be positioned at any ang le around the bracket, and is nailed or screwed to the studs. This serves as a guide for the drywall er so that t he speaker ho le will be in the desired locat ion once the drywall is installed.
Before Installation: Retrofit
1. Dete rmine the locati on for the speaker (see Speaker Pla cemen t on page 1).
2. Perf orm an obstruction survey to be certain that the re are no studs, conduit, pipes, heating ducts or air returns that will interfere with the speaker.
3. Moun ting s pace r equir ements:
• Medium Round speakers: 8¼” (210mm) diameter cut-out;
4¾” (121mm) depth within the mounting cavity.
• Medium Round ThinLine
cut-out; 3
4. Posi tion the included cutout template wher e t he speaker is to be located and pencil an o utline on th e ceil ing.
• If you are u nsure about o bstructions, drill a small hole in
the center of the ou tline and insert a coat hanger wire into the hole to fe el-around for possible obstructions.
5. Cut the moun ting hole using a keyhole or drywall saw, and run the speaker wires from the moun ting hole to the ampl ifier location.
/32” (77mm) depth within the mounting cavity.
No te: Con sul t l oCal b u ild ing Cod es befo re runn ing spe ake r
wi res t hrou gh Ceil ing s .
Sonan ce Origi nal Ser ies Med ium Round speakers fea ture exclusive FastMo unt tab s and an integral Roto-Lock system for quick mount ing directly into existing ceili ngs and walls.
Wa rNi N g:
Ca ut ion wh e n h and li n g t he s pe a ke r.
1. Remo ve the paint plug from the speaker.
2. Run speaker wire fro m each speaker t o the amplifier location.
th e edge s of the fas tMo un t tabs a re v er y sh a rp . use
speakers: 8¼” (2 10mm) diameter
4. The speaker’s connector posts are spring-loade d. Push the top of each connector p ost down to open the conne ctor and insert the exposed wires into the holes in t he pos ts.
• The spea ker’s positive post is labeled with a r ed dot; the
negative post i s lab eled with a bla ck dot. Connect the speaker wire to the termina ls on the speaker. Double­check that you co nnected amplifier “+” to spe aker “+ ” and amplifier “–“ to speaker “–“.
5. Make s ure all the Roto-Lock clamps are in the full clockwise position so that they are tucked within the mounting hole’s border. Insert the speaker into the hole in the ceiling. The Roto-Lock system can accomm odate a maximu m ceiling material thickness of 1¼” (32mm).
• The FastMount tabs wi ll pre vent the speaker from falling out
of the mounting hole, allow ing the installer to let go of the speaker to pick up t ools o r othe r item s (see Figure 4).
No te: th e fast Moun t t a bs ar e d esig ned fo r o ne-tiMe use
on ly. if t he spe a ker i s reM o ved f roM the Moun tin g h ole , the fa stM o unt t abs w ill d i sCo nneC t and r eMa i n in s ide t he wall s.
6. Tigh ten the four s crews on t he front of th e speaker baffle. T he Roto-Lock clamps will automa tically rotate into pos ition and begin clamping the speaker (see Fi gure 4 ).
• When you notice r esistance on the screws the speaker has
been clamped successfully.
Figure 4: Original Series Medium Round Speaker Installation
im por t aNt : alwa y s u s e l o w-t orqu e sett ing s . never ov er-
ti ght e n.
ot e: ad jus tin g the ten s ion of t he roto -loC k C l aMp s so
th at the s pea ker fraMe is f lat w ill h e lp ens ure t hat t he gri lle Co nta C ts t he Cei l ing all the wa y ar o und th e sp e ake r fo r a pr ope r fit.
7. Atta ch the gril le after the speaker has been installed. Insert about half of the grille into the groove at the edge of the speaker. Gently fit th e remai ning ha lf of the grille by wo rking around the speaker, fitting the grille into t he groove as you go.
• You ca n adjust the torque to the Roto-Lock screws to
achieve a proper grille fit.
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