SOMFY KNX IP LineMaster, 9018249B Operation And Installation Manual

©2017 SOMFY ACTIVITÉS SA, 50 avenue du Nouveau Monde, 74300 Cluses, France REF. 5135987B – 2017-06-30 Page 1/8
Operation and installation manual
KNX IP LineMaster
Ref. 9018249B
KNX Power supply with integrated KNX IP Router and diagnosis functions
KNX IP LineMaster
The KNX LineMaster combines the essential functions of a KNX bus line: Power supply with choke, KNX IP Router and KNX IP Interface with a small footprint of only 6 units (108 mm).
The KNX IP Router in the KNX IP LineMaster allows forwarding of telegrams between different lines through a LAN (IP) as a fast backbone. In addition this device is suited to connect a PC to the KNX network e.g. for ETS® programming.
The IP address can be obtained by a DHCP server, by manual configuration via the device menue or by downloading a config­ured ETS application. This device works according to the KNXnet/IP specification using the core, the device management, the tunneling and the routing part.
The KNX IP LineMaster has a filter table (8 kByte) and is able to buffer up to 150 telegrams.
An easy to read OLED display on the front panel enables the user to display the operating parameters locally on the device.
Coupler function (KNXnet/IP Routing)
The KNX IP LineMaster operates as a line or backbone coupler. In both cases, the LAN (IP) is used as a backbone.
The following table shows the application possibilities of the KNX IP LineMaster compared to the classic topology:
(without IP)
IP coupling
of areas
(IP area coupl.)
IP coupling
of lines
(IP line coupler)
Area (Backbone)
KNX Line Coupler
(max. 15 Pcs.)
KNX IP Router
(max. 15 Pcs.)
Directly via
LAN Switch
Main line
KNX Line Coupler
(max. 15x15 Pcs.)
KNX Line Coupler
(max. 15x15 Pcs.)
KNX IP Router
(max. 225 Pcs..)
KNX IP LineMaster as line coupler
The individual address assigned to the KNX IP LineMaster de­termines whether the device operates as a line or area coupler. If the individual address is in the form of x.y.0 (x, y: 1..15), the KNX IP LineMaster operates as a line coupler. If it is in the form of x.0.0 (x: 1..15), the KNX IP LineMaster acts as a backbone coupler.
KNX IP LineMaster as area coupler
If the KNX IP LineMaster is used as an area coupler (x.0.0), there must not be a KNX IP Router in the topolo­gy beneath it. For example, if a KNX IP Router has the individual address 1.0.0, there must be no KNX IP Rout­er with the address 1.1.0.
If the KNX IP LineMaster is used as a line coupler (x.y.0), there must not be a KNX IP Router in the topolo­gy above it. For example, if a KNX IP Router has the in­dividual address 1.1.0, there must be no KNX IP Router with the address 1.0.0.
©2017 SOMFY ACTIVITÉS SA, 50 avenue du Nouveau Monde, 74300 Cluses, France REF. 5135987B – 2017-06-30 Page 2/8
KNX IP LineMaster as area and line coupler
The KNX IP LineMaster has a filter table and thus contributes to reducing the bus load. The filter table (8kB) supports the extend­ed group address range and is automatically generated by the ETS.
Because of the speed difference between the Ethernet (100 Mbit/s) and KNX TP (9.6 kbit/s), a far greater number of tele­grams can be transmitted on IP. If several consecutive telegrams are transmitted for the same line, they must be buffered in the router to avoid telegram loss. The KNX IP LineMaster has a memory for 150 telegrams (from IP to KNX).
Bus access function (KNXnet/IP Tunneling)
The KNX IP LineMaster can be used as an interface to KNX. The KNX bus can be accessed from any point in the LAN. The device supports up to 6 simultaneous Tunneling connections. For each connection an additional individual address must be assigned. This is described in the following sections.
Installation and Connection
The KNX IP LineMaster is designed for installation on DIN rail with a width of 6 units (108 mm). It features the following controls (❼❽❾) and displays (
The settings of the device can be accessed via
1. Local display on the device (partly)
2. ETS (Version 4.2 or higher)
The KNX Programming Mode is activated/deactivated by simultaneously pressing the buttons ❽❿ – when acti­vated the programming LED
lights up.
Programming and status LED
The red LED on the front panel is used to display the KNX pro­gramming mode and errors. The LED can have the following states:
LED off: The programming mode is not active and
there is no error (normal operating mode).
LED lights up: The programming mode is active,
any errors are not visualized/notified by the LED, but can be read on the display.
LED flashes quickly: The programming mode is
not active. The rapid flashing indicates one of the following faults:
o Overload (sum of the current of auxiliary
and Bus power)
o The device is not loaded correctly, for
example, a cancelled download.
Factory default settings
The following configuration is set by factory default:
Individual device address: 15.15.0 Number of configured KNXnet/IP tunneling con.: 6 Individual address of tunneling con. 1: 15.15.240 Individual address of tunneling con. 2: 15.15.241 Individual address of tunneling con. 3: 15.15.242 Individual address of tunneling con. 4: 15.15.243 Individual address of tunneling con. 5: 15.15.244 Individual address of tunneling con. 6: 15.15.245 IP address assignment: DHCP
Direct Setting via display on device
A. Startup and idle display
During startup of the device, the physical address and the status of the application is displayed. The device name “KNX IP LineMaster” can be changed within ETS parameter settings.
The status can be one of the following values:
Running: Application is loaded and running
Stopped: The application is stopped -
LED for
Programming Mode is flashing
Unloaded: The application is not loaded-
for Programming Mode is flashing
Loading: The application is currently loading by
Overload: The output current is above the limit of
900mA -
LED for Programming Mode is flash-
Parameterized coupler settings were manually overwritten (filter, repetition and acknowledge) via the manual operation in the de­vice display. By pressing long on on Enter , the normal operating mode, as parameterized, is re­stored.
The power supply functionality (KNX and auxiliary voltage) is not dependent whether the application is running or not.
After 10 minutes of inactivity the display will turn into screensaver mode (blank screen with a bouncing dot) to safe display life time. Press any key to turn the display on again.
Aux. Power Out 30 V DC
KNX Bus OutPower In 230 V AC LAN Connector OLED Display LED for Prog. Mode Up Button Down Button Escape Button
Enter Button
©2017 SOMFY ACTIVITÉS SA, 50 avenue du Nouveau Monde, 74300 Cluses, France REF. 5135987B – 2017-06-30 Page 3/8
B. Main Menu
By pressing (arrow down) you enter the main menu of the device. By press­ing ❿ (enter) you enter the submenus. Within the menus you can use ❼ (arrow up) and (arrow down) for navigation;
(enter) is for confirmation and
(escape) is to cancel / go back / one lev­el higher.
Router <-> Powersupply <-> System Info <-> Dev Reset <-> Contrast
C. Submenu Router
The Router menu item offers the following submenus: IP Config <-> IP Tunnel <-> Filter <-> Rep / ACK <-> Tel Counter <-> Bus Errors
D. Submenu IP Config
Select DHCP or Manual for IP configura­tion. Within Manual you can set the IP, subnet and gateway. Use and ❽ to navigate/set and to select.
E. Submenu IP Tunnel
The KNX IP LineMaster supports 6 sim­ultaneous KNXnet/IP tunneling connec­tions. You can display them in the sub­menu IP Tunnel including their actual status as well as the corresponding indi­vidual address.
F. Submenu Filter
For commissioning or test purposes, the filter settings parameterized by the ETS can be bypassed temporarily. The settings for broadcast telegrams (BC), individually addressed telegrams (IA) and group telegrams (main groups 0 to 13 GA
and main groups 14 to 31 GA14) can be changed separately. The left­hand side relates to the forwarding from the main (IP) to the subline (TP), the right-hand side to the forwarding from the sub (TP) to the main line (IP). The following options are available: - For­ward, x Block and \ Filter. Settings differing from parameterization are marked with an angular bracket. The parameterized setting can be re­stored with a long press on Enter ❿.
G. Submenu Rep / ACK
In this submenu, the settings for repeat­ing telegrams on the subline (TP) can be changed. The settings for broadcast tel­egrams (BC), individually addressed tel­egrams (IA) and group telegrams (GA) can be changed separately: --- no repeti­tion, REP up to 3 repetitions.
In addition, the settings for the telegram acknowledge can be changed on the subline (TP): ROUT Acknowledge only when forwarding, ACK acknowledge al­ways, NACK negative acknowledgment. When answering with NACK, access to the device via KNX TP is no longer pos­sible, see ETS parameter settings.
These settings are temporary.
Settings differing from parameterization are marked with an angular bracket. The parameterized setting can be restored with a long press on Enter ❿.
H. Tel Counter
This submenu contains telegram coun­ters. The number of forwarded telegrams is displayed here, separated from the di­rection (mainline IP to subline TP and vice versa) and telegram type (individu­ally addressed telegrams IA and group telegrams GA). The counters can be re­set here.
I. Submenu Bus Errors
In this submenu, you can display bus errors and reset the bus error counters
by pressing (enter).
The following errors are counted:
Send errors: Send failed after final repetition due to
missing ACK, NACK or BUSY.
Receive errors: Malformed telegrams or telegram
fragments received.
Repetitions: Number of received repeated tele-
grams. Also own repetitions are counted.
J. Submenu Submenu Powersupply
The Powersupply menu item offers the following submenus:
Diagnosis <-> History <-> Bus Reset <-> Event Counters
K. Submenu Diagnosis
This submenu shows actual values of busload (%), voltage (V), current (mA), and temperature (°C). The busload is an indication of number of telegrams in a time span.
A value of 100 % busload is achieved by about 50 telegrams per second (Group Value Write, 1 Byte data). Voltage is the bus voltage, current the sum of bus and auxiliary current. The temperature is measured within the device.
L. Submenu History
History displays the value range (min and max) for busload, voltage, current and temperature over the last 24 hours.
By pressing the ❽ (arrow down) several times a graphical ‘realtime' visualization is displayed: for busload, voltage, cur­rent, and temperature. To go back to the main menu, press (escape).
The time span of each graph is approxi­mately 2 minutes.
M. Submenu Bus Reset
This submenu allows you to reset the KNX Bus line. Press (enter) to switch off the KNX voltage. The default reset time is 30 seconds. To stop the count­down, press (escape)
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