The information contained in this document is the property of SMA Solar Technology AG. Publishing
its content, either partially or in full, requires the written permission of SMA Solar Technology AG.
Any internal company copying of the document for the purposes of evaluating the product or its
correct implementation is allowed and does not require permission.
SMA Warranty
You can download the current warranty conditions from the Internet at
All trademarks are recognized, even if not explicitly identified as such. A lack of identification does
not mean that a product or symbol is not trademarked.
and any use of these marks by SMA Solar Technology AG is under license.
Modbus® is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric and is licensed by the Modbus
Organization, Inc.
QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.
and Pozidriv® are registered trademarks of Phillips Screw Company.
is a registered trademark of Acument Global Technologies, Inc.
SMA Solar Technology AG1 Information on this Document
1 Information on this Document
1.1 Validity
This d ocumen t is valid for de vice ty pe "PWCMOD-10" (SMA Power Control Module) from hardware
version A1.
1.2 Target Group
The tasks described in this document must be performed by qualified persons only. Qualified persons
must have the following skills:
• Training in the installation and commissioning of electrical devices and installations
• Knowledge of how to deal with the dangers and risks associated with installing and using
electrical devices and installations
• Knowledge of all applicable standards and directives
• Knowledge of how an inverter works and is operated
• Knowledge of and compliance with this document, including all safety information
1.3 Further Information
Links to additional information can be found at
Document titleDocument type
Firmware Update with SD CardTechnical Description
Measured Values and ParametersTechnical Description
1.4 Symbols
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death
or serious injury
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, can result in death
or serious injury
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, can result in minor
or moderate injury
Indicates a situation which, if not avoided, can result in property damage
Information that is important for a specific topic or goal, but is not
☐Indicates a requirement for meeting a specific goal
☑Desired result
✖A problem that might occur
Installation ManualPCONTROLMOD-IA-en-155
1 Information on this DocumentSMA Solar Technology AG
1.5 Typographies
Bold• Display texts
• Elements on a user interface
• Connections
• Elements to be selected
• Elements to be entered
>• Connects several elements to
be selected
[Button/Key]• Button or key to be selected or
• The value can be found in the
field Energy.
• Select Settings.
• Enter the value 10 in the field
• Select Settings > Date.
• Select [Next].
1.6 Nomenclature
Complete designationDesignation in this document
SMA Power Control ModuleModule
Sunny WebBox with
PV systemSystem
Wireless Technology
Sunny WebBox with BLUETOOTH
1.7 Display of Parameters
Depending on the type of communication (e.g. RS485, BLUETOOTH or Speedwire/Webconnect),
the parameters are displayed differently in the communication products. This document uses both
methods of displaying parameters.
Example: Display of the parameter for setting the operating mode of the multifunction
• For communication via RS485: parameter Mlt.OpMode
• For communication via BLUETOOTH or Speedwire/Webconnect: parameter Operating
mode of multifunction relay
1.8 Figures
The figures in this document have been created for inverters of type Sunny Tripower and may deviate
slightly in some cases for inverters of type Sunny Boy.
6PCONTROLMOD-IA-en-15Installation Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG2 Safety
2 Safety
2.1 Intended Use
The SMA Power Control Module is a multifunction interface which enables grid management services
to be implemented for one inverter. In addition, the module is equipped with a multifunction relay.
The module is available as a retrofit kit or is pre-installed in the inverter.
The module must only be used with the supported products.
The inverter still complies with the standard after the product has been installed.
For safety reasons, it is not permitted to modify the product or install components that are not explicitly
recommended or distributed by SMA Solar Technology AG for this product.
The enclosed documentation is an integral part of this product.
• Read and observe the documentation.
• Keep the documentation in a convenient place for future reference.
2.2 Safety Information
This section contains safety information that must be observed at all times when working on or with
the product. To prevent personal injury and property damage and to ensure long-term operation of
the product, read this section carefully and observe all safety information at all times.
Danger to life due to electric shock when opening the inverter
High voltages are present in the live components of the inverter. Touching live components results
in death or serious injury.
• Prior to performing any work on the inverter, always disconnect the inverter from voltage
sources on the AC and DC sides (see inverter manual). Observe the waiting time to allow the
capacitors to discharge.
Risk of burns due to hot enclosure parts
Some parts of the inverter enclosure can get hot during operation. Touching these enclosure parts
can result in burn injuries.
• During operation, do not touch any parts other than the lower enclosure lid of the inverter.
Damage to the inverter due to electrostatic discharge
The internal components of the inverter can be irreparably damaged by electrostatic discharge.
• Ground yourself before touching any inverter component.
Installation ManualPCONTROLMOD-IA-en-157
2 SafetySMA Solar Technology AG
2.3 Supported Products
SMA Inverters
The module must only be installed in the following inverters from the indicated inverter firmware
* If the firmware version of the inverter is lower than specified i n th e ta ble, you mus t up dat e th e in ver ter fir mwar e to the version
indicated or higher. For information on performing the firmware update, refer to the Technical Description "Firmware
Update with SD Card" at
Additional SMA Products
The module can be configured with the following communication products:
• Sunny Explorer from software version 1.06*
• Sunny WebBox with BLUETOOTH from firmware version 1.03
• Sunny WebBox from firmware version 1.0
• SMA Cluster Controller from firmware version 1.0
* Inverters of type SB xx00SE-10 are supported from Sunny Explorer software version 1.07.03.
8PCONTROLMOD-IA-en-15Installation Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG3 Scope of Delivery
3 Scope of Delivery
Check the scope of delivery for completeness and any externally visible damage. Contact your
distributor if the delivery is incomplete or damaged.
Scope of delivery differs according to order option
If you have ordered the module separately from the inverter, the scope of delivery of the retrofit
kit includes the components shown below. If you have ordered the inverter together with the
module, the module will be pre-installed in the inverter upon delivery.
Figure1: Components included in the scope of delivery
Position Quantity Designation
A1SMA Power Control Module
B2Cable gland with single-hole seal
C2 Counter nut
D2 Two-hole seal
E2Three-pole plug
F2Six-pole plug
G1Installation manual
Installation ManualPCONTROLMOD-IA-en-159
4 Product DescriptionSMA Solar Technology AG
4 Product Description
4.1 SMA Power Control Module
The SMA Power Control Module is a multifunction interface which enables grid management services
to be implemented for one inverter. In addition, the module is equipped with a multifunction relay.
For the implementation of grid management services, the module rec eiv es the sp eci fic ati ons of t he g rid
operator via a ripple control receiver. In total, there are 16 setting possibilities or entry combinations.
The module can implement the following grid management services:
• Active power limitation in staged intervals of 0%, 30%, 60% and 100% of the agreed
connected active power
• For systems with a maximum power output of 6 kW and only in conjunction with inverters of
type SB xx00TL-21, SB xx00TLST-21, SB xx00SE-10:
– Remote shutdown within 50 ms
– Narrowing of the frequency limits to between 49.5 Hz and 50.5 Hz
The multifunction relay can be used for the following functions, for example:
• as fault indicator or operation signaling contact
• to control an external load or charge batteries
• to report the switching status of the grid relay (report start of grid feed-in to grid operator)
Figure2: Design of the SMA Power Control Module
ARibbon cable
BScrew for attaching the module in the inverter
CTerminals for ripple control receiver
DMultifunction relay terminal
10PCONTROLMOD-IA-en-15Installation Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG4 Product Description
4.2 Type Label
The type label clearly identifies the product. The type label is located on the back of the product.
You can read off the following data from the type label:
• Device type (Type)
•Serial number
• Hardware version (Version)
• Device-specific characteristics
Yo u wi ll r equ ire the inf ormatio n on the typ e la bel to u se t he p roduct safely and when seeking customer
support from the SMA Service Line. The type label must remain permanently attached to the product.
4.3 Multifunction Relay
Error message required by standard
In some countries, signaling of errors is required by standards, e.g. IEC 62109-2.
This requirement can be met in one of two ways:
• Operate the multifunction relay in the operating mode Fault indication (FltInd) and
connect a display to the multifunction relay that signals an error or the undisturbed
operation of the inverter.
• Activate the error alarm in Sunny Portal (see the Sunny Portal user manual at for information on receiving error alarms via Sunny Portal).
This requires the inverter to be registered on Sunny Portal.
You can use the multifunction relay for various purposes:
Operating mode of
multifunction relay
Fault indication (FltInd)The multifunction relay controls a display device which,
Control via communication
Battery bank (BatCha)The multifunction relay controls the charging of external batteries
Installation ManualPCONTROLMOD-IA-en-1511
de pen din g on the t ype of c onn ect ion , signal s ei the r an err or o r th e
undisturbed operation of the inverter.
This operating mode is set by default.
The multifunction relay switches the loads on or off depending on
the amount of power available from the PV array. If a battery is
integrated in the system, the multifunction relay will still switch the
lo ads on o r of f de pen din g on t he a mou nt o f po wer avai lab le f rom
the PV array, not from the battery.
The multifunction relay switches loads on and off according to
commands transmitted by a communication product.
depending on the amount of power available from the system.
4 Product DescriptionSMA Solar Technology AG
Operating mode of
multifunction relay
Fan control (FanCtl)The multifunction relay controls an external fan depending on the
temperature of the inverter.
If the temperature of the inverter is 5°C higher than a specific
threshold set in the inverter, the fan starts automatically. If the
temperature of the inverter is 10°C below the set threshold, the
fan stops automatically.
Switching status grid relay
The multifunction relay switches simultaneously with the grid relay
of the inverter and transmits a signal to the grid operator.
Depending on the intended application of the multifunction relay, the procedure for connection will
vary (see Section5.8.1 "Connection Options for the Multifunction Relay", page24).
After commissioning, you must set the operating mode of the multifunction relay via a communication
product and, if necessary, make further settings relating to the operating mode (see Section6.3
"Setting the Operating Mode of the Multifunction Relay", page31).
12PCONTROLMOD-IA-en-15Installation Manual
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