SMA TS4-R-F Quick Reference Manual

TS4-F-SMA-IS-xx-10 | Version 1.0
Quick Reference Guide
Instrucciones breves
Notice résumée
Legal Provisions
SMA Solar Technology AG
Quick Reference GuideTS4-F-SMA-IS-xx-102
Legal Provisions
The information contained in these documents is the property of SMA Solar Technology AG. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, be it electronic, mechanical, photographic, magnetic or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SMA Solar Technology AG. Internal reproduction used solely for the purpose of product evaluation or other proper use is allowed and does not require prior approval.
SMA Solar Technology AG makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to this documentation or any of the equipment and/or software it may describe, including (with no limitation) any implied warranties of utility, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. All such representations or warranties are expressly disclaimed. Neither SMA Solar Technology AG nor its distributors or dealers shall be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages under any circumstances.
The exclusion of implied warranties may not apply in all cases under some statutes, and thus the above exclusion may not apply.
Specifications are subject to change without notice. Every attempt has been made to make this document complete, accurate and up-to-date. Readers are cautioned, however, that product improvements and field usage experience may cause SMA Solar Technology AG to make changes to these specifications without advance notice, or per contract provisions in those cases where a supply agreement requires advance notice. SMA Solar Technology AG shall not be responsible for any damages, including indirect, incidental or consequential damages, caused by reliance on the material presented, including, but not limited to, omissions, typographical errors, arithmetical errors or listing errors in the content material.
All trademarks are recognized, even if not explicitly identified as such. Missing designations do not mean that a product or brand is not a registered trademark.
SMA Solar Technology AG
Sonnenallee 1 34266 Niestetal Germany Tel. +49 561 9522-0 Fax +49 561 9522-100 Email: Status: 8/30/2018 Copyright © 2018 SMA Solar Technology AG. All rights reserved.
1 Information on this Document
1.1 Validity
This document is valid for:
• TS4-R-F
1 Information on this Document
SMA Solar Technology AG
Quick Reference Guide TS4-F-SMA-IS-xx-10 3
1.2 Target Group
The tasks described in this document must only be performed by qualified persons. Qualified persons must have the following skills:
• Training in how to deal with the dangers and risks associated with installing, repairing and using electrical devices and installations
• Training in the installation and commissioning of electrical devices and installations
• Knowledge of all applicable laws, standards and directives
• Knowledge of and compliance with this document and all safety information
1.3 Content and Structure of this Document
This document contains safety information as well as graphical instructions on installing and commissioning (see page 14). Observe all information and carry out the actions illustrated graphically in this document in the specified order.
Illustrations in this document are reduced to the essential information and may deviate from the real product.
1.4 Levels of warning messages
The following levels of warning messages may occur when handling the product.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a situation which, if not avoided, can result in property damage.
1.5 Symbols in the Document
Symbol Explanation
Information that is important for a specific topic or goal, but is not safety-rele­vant
Section in which the installation and commissioning process is illustrated graphically.
2 Safety
SMA Solar Technology AG
Quick Reference GuideTS4-F-SMA-IS-xx-104
2 Safety
2.1 Intended Use
The TS4-R-F Rapid Shutdown solution is a cost-effective way to meet the requirements of the UL1741, National Electrical Code® 2014 and 2017. The TS4-R-F is compatible with the powerline-based Sunspec communication signal for Rapid Shutdown. The signal is easy to implement due to its reliable functional ability. The communication between inverter and module electronics is done via the DC conductors. The installation times and labor costs are reduced since no additional communication product is required. The compliance with the open SunSpec standard makes the TS4-R-F a flexible solution since it can be combined with various inverters.
Use this product only in accordance with the information provided in the enclosed documentation and with the locally applicable laws, regulations, standards and directives. Any other application may cause personal injury or property damage.
Alterations to the product, e.g. changes or modifications, are only permitted with the express written permission of SMA Solar Technology AG. Unauthorized alterations will void guarantee and warranty claims and in most cases terminate the operating license. SMA Solar Technology AG shall not be held liable for any damage caused by such changes.
Any use of the product other than that described in the Intended Use section does not qualify as the intended use.
The enclosed documentation is an integral part of this product. Keep the documentation in a convenient place for future reference and observe all instructions contained therein.
This document does not replace and is not intended to replace any local, state, provincial, federal or national laws, regulations or codes applicable to the installation, electrical safety and use of the product. SMA Solar Technology AG assumes no responsibility for the compliance or non­compliance with such laws or codes in connection with the installation of the product.
All components must remain within their permitted operating ranges and their installation requirements at all times.
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS This section contains safety information that must be observed at all times when working on or with
the product. The product has been designed and tested in accordance with international safety requirements. As
with all electrical or electronical devices, there are residual risks despite careful construction. To prevent personal injury and property damage and to ensure long-term operation of the product, read this section carefully and observe all safety information at all times.
2 Safety
SMA Solar Technology AG
Quick Reference Guide TS4-F-SMA-IS-xx-10 5
Danger to life due to electric shock when live components or cables of the inverter are touched
High voltages are present in the conductive components or cables of the inverter. Touching live parts and cables of the inverter results in death or lethal injuries due to electric shock.
• Disconnect the product from voltage sources and make sure it cannot be reconnected before working on the device.
• Wear suitable personal protective equipment for all work on the product.
• Do not touch non-insulated parts or cables.
Damage to the TS4-R-F by active SunSpec communication signal in the inverter
The SunSpec communication signal must not be activated during the installation and commissioning of the TS4-R-F. The TS4-R-F may be damaged and the function impaired by the activated SunSpec communication signal in the inverter.
• Deactivate the SunSpec communication signal in the inverter during the installation and commissioning of the TS4-R-F.
Disposiciones legales
SMA Solar Technology AG
Instrucciones brevesTS4-F-SMA-IS-xx-106
Disposiciones legales
SMA Solar Technology AG es propietaria de todos los derechos de la información que se facilita en esta documentación. Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este documento, así como su almacenamiento en un sistema de recuperación y toda transmisión electrónica, mecánica, fotográfica, magnética o de otra índole sin previa autorización por escrito de SMA Solar Technology AG. Sí está permitida, sin necesidad de autorización previa, su reproducción para el uso interno, para evaluar el producto o para el uso previsto.
SMA Solar Technology AG no establece representaciones, ni expresas ni implícitas, con respecto a estas instrucciones o a cualquiera de los accesorios o software aquí descritos, incluyendo (sin limitación) cualquier garantía implícita en cuanto a utilidad, adaptación al mercado o aptitud para cualquier propósito particular. Tales garantías quedan expresamente denegadas. Ni SMA Solar Technology AG, ni sus distribuidores o vendedores serán responsables por ningún daño indirecto, incidental o resultante, bajo ninguna circunstancia.
La exclusión de garantías implícitas puede no ser aplicable en todos los casos según algunos estatutos, y por tanto la exclusión mencionada anteriormente puede no ser aplicable.
Las especificaciones están sujetas a cambios sin previo aviso. Se ha tratado por todos los medios de hacer que este documento sea completo y preciso y esté actualizado. Sin embargo, advertimos a los lectores que SMA Solar Technology AG se reserva el derecho de cambiar estas especificaciones sin previo aviso o conforme con las condiciones del existente contrato de entrega si lo consideran adecuado para optimizar el producto y su uso. SMA Solar Technology AG no será responsable por ningún daño, ya sea indirecto, incidental o resultante, como consecuencia de confiar en el material que se presenta, incluyendo, aunque no exclusivamente, omisiones, errores tipográficos, aritméticos o de listado en el material del contenido.
Marcas registradas
Se reconocen todas las marcas registradas, incluso si no están señaladas por separado. La falta de señalización no implica que la mercancía o las marcas sean libres.
SMA Solar Technology AG
Sonnenallee 1 34266 Niestetal Alemania Tel. +49 561 9522-0 Fax +49 561 9522-100 Email: Versión: 30/08/2018 Copyright © 2018 SMA Solar Technology AG. Reservados todos los derechos.
1 Indicaciones sobre este documento
1.1 Área de validez
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