Remote Procedure Call Description Interfaces and API Definition
Plant Monitoring
User Manual
SWebBoxRPC-BA-en-14 | Version 1.4
SMA Solar Technology AG 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 Validity

This document applies to the RPC interface of the Sunny WebBox and the Sunny WebBox with

1.2 Nomenclature

In this document, the Sunny WebBox with Bluetooth® Wireless Technology is referred to as Sunny WebBox with Bluetooth.

1.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations

API Application Programmers Interface
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
JSON Javascript Object Notation
UDP User Data Protocol
URL Uniform Resource Locator
RAS Remote Access Service
RFC Request for Comment
RPC Remote Procedure Call
Wireless Technology.

1.4 Referenced Documents and Sources

[1] RFC 4627: The application/json Media Type for Javascript Object Notation (JSON)
[2] JSON-RPC 1.1 Working Draft August 2006
[3] Introducing JSON
[4] The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
User Manual SWebBoxRPC-BA-en-14 5
2 System Overview SMA Solar Technology AG

2 System Overview

2.1 Sunny WebBox RPC

The da ta loggers Sunny Web Box and Sunny WebBox with Bluetooth contin uous ly r eco rd a ll th e da ta of a PV plant. This is then averaged over a configurable interval and cached. The data can be transmitted at regular intervals to the Sunny Portal for analysis and visualization.
Via the Sunny WebBox and Sunny WebBox with Bluetooth RPC interface, selected data from the PV plant can be transmitted to a remote terminal by means of an RPC protocol (Remote Procedure Call protocol).
To do this, the Sunny WebBox provides a pool of service procedures (see Section6 "Object Definitions", page12) that can be accessed from the remote terminal by means of a Remote Procedure Call protocol (RPC protocol) via a network or RAS connection. The data exchange format used here is the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) (see Section3 "JavaScript Object Notation", page7).
2.2 Differences between Sunny WebBox and Sunny WebBox with
Different representation for Sunny WebBox and Sunny WebBox with Bluetooth
The presentation of the plant data transmitted via the RPC interface is different for the Sunny WebBox and the Sunny WebBox with Bluetooth.
This document only contains sample responses for the Sunny WebBox and none from the Sunny WebBox with Bluetooth.
You will find a list of measured values and parameters for the Sunny WebBox with Bluetooth in the technical description "Measured Values and Parameters" at
Available service procedures Sunny WebBox Sunny WebBox with
6 SWebBoxRPC-BA-en-14 User Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG 3 JavaScript Object Notation

3 JavaScript Object Notation

A description and explanation of JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) can be found on the website

3.1 Example

The f oll owing example shows an illustr ation of a device list. It defines an object made up of the values "totalDevicesReturned" and "devices".
"totalDevicesReturned" is a figure with the value 4. The array "device" has 2 fields, each having one device object objects.
"name":"Sunny Central E1",
"name":"Sunny BFS E1",
"name":"String Monitoring Unit E1",
"name":"Sunny Central E2",
(see Section6.1 "Device Object", page12), which in turn contains nested device
User Manual SWebBoxRPC-BA-en-14 7
3 JavaScript Object Notation SMA Solar Technology AG
"name":"Sunny BFS E2",
"name":"String Monitoring Unit E2",
8 SWebBoxRPC-BA-en-14 User Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG 4 Procedure Conventions

4 Procedure Conventions

All identifiers used are case-sensitive. This means that "Power" and "power", for instance, designate two different objects. All characters are transmitted using Unicode in UTF-8 format.

4.1 Procedure Call (Request)

Each request consists of one serialized JSON object which possesses the following obligatory members:
version — a character sequence which defines the underlying RPC version.
proc — a character sequence which contains the procedure to be called.
id — a random character sequence (max. 16 characters) which serves to assign a response to
the request.
format — a character sequence defining the data exchange format of the procedure's result
(see Section4.2 "Return Value (Response)", page10).
passwd — a character sequence comprising the hash value of the password for the desired
access level (user, installer). The hash value is calculated using the MD5 algorithm (see [4]). Password allocation is performed via the security settings in the Sunny WebBox. If the object is not transmitted, the user level is automatically assumed.
params — an object whose elements are transferred to the procedure as arguments. Each
parameter must be available in the form of a named JSON object. Hence, the sequence is arbitrary. The number of parameters depends on the given service procedure (see Section 7). If the requested procedure does not expect any arguments, the entry is omitted.
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4 Procedure Conventions SMA Solar Technology AG

4.2 Return Value (Response)

The data exchange format of the response is defined by the character sequence transmitted in the request.
The following formats are currently available:

4.2.1 JSON

The response to a request consists of a serialized JSON object made up of the following compulsory objects:
version — a character sequence which defines the underlying RPC version.
proc — a character sequence which contains the called procedure.
id — a character sequence which serves to assign the request and response. Contains the ID
from the respective request.
result — the result of the executed procedure as a serialized JSON object. If d ue t o an err or the
procedure cannot be executed successfully, the "error" object will be transmitted instead.
error — an object containing a character string with a description of the error encountered. If
the procedure is executed without errors, this object will not be transmitted.

4.3 Query Interval

The interval between two queries should not be less than 30 seconds.
10 SWebBoxRPC-BA-en-14 User Manual
SMA Solar Technology AG 5 Interfaces

5 Interfaces

The Sunny WebBox provides two different access options which differ in the implementation effort required and their runtime utilization

5.1 RPC via UDP Stream

The procedure call is transmitted to port 34268 of the Sunny WebBox in the usable data part of the UDP protocol. Responses are also sent to port 34268.
UDP transport requires a relatively low implementation effort on the client side and saves runtime resources. For communication beyond the limits of local networks, the port will normally need to be opened by the appropriate firewalls.

5.2 RPC via HTTP

Data exchange takes place by means of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol via a TCP/IP connection to the web server port configured in the Sunny WebBox.
The default setting is port 80.
The URL for all requests is: http://IP address/rpc
The IP address in each case is the currently configured IP address of the Sunny WebBox. The default setting is
Hence, the default URL is the following:
The request is transmitted via HTTP POST in the body of the HTTP request as a serialized JSON object according to the conventions established in Section 4.1.
Both the client-side implementation effort and the resource requirements are relatively high. As a general rule, communication takes place via the standard port 80, which means that there is no need to make any changes to active firewalls.
of resources.
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