STP50-40-BE-en-12 | Version 1.2ENGLISH
Operating manual
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SMA Solar Technology AG
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The information contained in these documents is property of SMA Solar Technology AG. Any publication, whether in whole or in part, requires prior written approval by SMA Solar Technology AG. Internal reproduction used solely for the purpose of product evaluation or other proper use is allowed and does not require prior approval.
SMA Warranty
You can download the current warranty conditions from the Internet at
Software licenses
The licenses for the used software modules can be called up on the user interface of the product.
All trademarks are recognized, even if not explicitly identified as such. Missing designations do not mean that a product or brand is not a registered trademark.
SMA Solar Technology AG
Sonnenallee 1 34266 Niestetal Germany Tel. +49 561 9522-0 Fax +49 561 9522-100 Email:
Status: 12/11/2017 Copyright © 2017 SMA Solar Technology AG. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
SMA Solar Technology AG
Operating manual STP50-40-BE-en-12 3
Table of Contents
1 Information on this Document................................................. 6
1.1 Validity........................................................................................................................ 6
1.2 Target Group.............................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Structure...................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Types of warning message........................................................................................ 6
1.5 Symbols ...................................................................................................................... 7
1.6 Typographies.............................................................................................................. 7
1.7 Nomenclature............................................................................................................. 7
1.8 Additional Information ............................................................................................... 7
2 Safety ........................................................................................ 9
2.1 Intended Use .............................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Safety Information...................................................................................................... 9
3 Scope of Delivery ..................................................................... 12
4 Product Overview .................................................................... 13
4.1 Product Description .................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Interfaces and Functions ............................................................................................ 15
5 Mounting................................................................................... 18
5.1 Requirements for Mounting ....................................................................................... 18
5.2 Mounting the Inverter................................................................................................. 21
6 Electrical Connection ................................................................ 24
6.1 Safety during Electrical Connection.......................................................................... 24
6.2 Overview of the Connection Area ............................................................................ 25
6.3 AC Connection........................................................................................................... 25
6.3.1 Requirements for the AC Connection......................................... 25
6.3.2 Connecting the Inverter to the Utility Grid................................. 27
6.4 DC Connection........................................................................................................... 29
6.4.1 Requirements for the DC Connection......................................... 29
6.4.2 Assembling the DC Connectors ................................................. 29
6.4.3 Connecting the PV Array ............................................................ 31
6.4.4 Disassembling the DC Connectors............................................. 34
6.5 Connecting the Multifunction Relay .......................................................................... 35
6.5.1 Procedure for connecting the multifunction relay...................... 35
6.5.2 Operating Modes of the Multifunction Relay ........................... 36
6.5.3 Connection Options.................................................................... 36
Table of Contents
SMA Solar Technology AG
6.5.4 Connection to the Multifunction Relay....................................... 40
6.6 Connecting the Network Cables............................................................................... 42
7 Commissioning ......................................................................... 44
7.1 Commissioning Procedure ......................................................................................... 44
7.2 Commissioning the Inverter........................................................................................ 44
7.3 Starting the Self-Test (For Italy Only) ........................................................................ 45
7.4 Selecting a configuration option ............................................................................... 46
8 Using the Inverter User Interface............................................ 50
8.1 Establishing a connection to the user interface ........................................................ 50
8.1.1 Establishing a direct connection via WLAN.............................. 50
8.1.2 Establishing a Connection via WLAN in the Local Network.... 51
8.1.3 Establishing a Connection via Ethernet in the local network.... 52
8.2 Logging In and Out of the User Interface................................................................. 53
8.3 Start Page Design of the User Interface.................................................................... 55
8.4 Displaying and Downloading the Stored Data........................................................ 57
8.5 Changing the Password............................................................................................. 58
9 Configuration of the Inverter................................................... 59
9.1 Changing Operating Parameters.............................................................................. 59
9.2 Starting the Installation Assistant............................................................................... 60
9.3 Configuring the Country Data Set............................................................................. 61
9.4 Changing the Operating Mode of the Multifunction Relay .................................... 61
9.5 Configuring the Modbus Function............................................................................. 62
9.6 Setting the Tripping Threshold of the Residual-Current Device................................ 63
9.7 Configuring Feed-In Management............................................................................ 63
9.8 Setting SMA OptiTrac Global Peak ......................................................................... 64
9.9 Activating the Receipt of Control Signals (Only for Italy)........................................ 64
9.10 Activating String-Failure Detection............................................................................ 65
9.11 Saving the Configuration in a File............................................................................. 65
9.12 Adopting a Configuration from a File....................................................................... 65
9.13 Switching the Dynamic Power Display Off............................................................... 66
9.14 Switching WLAN On and Off................................................................................... 66
9.15 Activate WPS Function............................................................................................... 67
10 Disconnecting the Inverter from Voltage Sources................. 69
11 Cleaning the Inverter ............................................................... 71
12 Troubleshooting........................................................................ 72
12.1 Event Messages ......................................................................................................... 72
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12.2 LED Signals................................................................................................................. 85
12.3 Forgotten Password.................................................................................................... 86
12.4 Checking the PV System for Ground Faults.............................................................. 87
12.5 Updating the Firmware.............................................................................................. 90
13 Decommissioning the Inverter................................................. 92
14 Technical Data .......................................................................... 96
15 Accessories ...............................................................................101
16 Contact ......................................................................................102
17 EU Declaration of Conformity .................................................104
1 Information on this Document
SMA Solar Technology AG
1 Information on this Document
1.1 Validity
This document is valid for the following device types:
• STP 50-40 (Sunny Tripower CORE1)
1.2 Target Group
This document is intended for qualified persons and end users. Only qualified persons are allowed to perform the activities marked in this document with a warning symbol and the caption "Qualifiedperson". Tasks that do not require any particular qualification are not marked and can also be performed by end users. Qualified persons must have the following skills:
• Knowledge of how an inverter works and is operated
• Training in the installation and commissioning of electrical devices and installations
• Knowledge of all applicable laws, standards and directives
• Knowledge of and compliance with this document and all safety information
• Training in how to deal with the dangers and risks associated with installing, repairing and using electrical devices and installations
1.3 Structure
This document describes the mounting, installation, commissioning, configuration, operation, troubleshooting and decommissioning of the product as well as the operation of the product user interface.
You will find the latest version of this document and further information on the product in PDF format at
1.4 Types of warning message
Safety information that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Safety information that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Safety information that, if not avoided, can result in minor or moderate injury.
Safety information that, if not avoided, can result in property damage.
1 Information on this Document
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1.5 Symbols
Symbol Explanation
Information that is important for a specific topic or goal, but is not safety-relevant
Indicates a requirement for meeting a specific goal
Desired result
A problem that might occur
Sections describing activities to be performed by qualified persons only
1.6 Typographies
Typography Use Example
• Terminals
• Slots
• Parameters
• Elements on the user interface
• Elements to be selected
• Elements to be entered
• The value can be found in the field Energy.
• Select Settings.
• Enter 10 in the field
• Connects several elements to be selected
• Select Settings > Date.
• Button to be selected or pressed
• Select [Next].
1.7 Nomenclature
Complete designation Designation in this document
Sunny Tripower CORE1 Inverter, product
1.8 Additional Information
Links to additional information can be found at
Document title Document type
"Parameters and Measured Values" Overview of All Inverter Operating Parameters and Their Configura-
tion Options
Technical Information
1 Information on this Document
SMA Solar Technology AG
Document title Document type
"Webconnect Systems in SunnyPortal" Registration in SunnyPortal and setting or changing operating pa-
rameters of the inverter
User Manual
"SMAModbus® Interface" Information on the commissioning and configuration of the SMA
Modbus interface
Technical Information
"SunSpec® Modbus® Interface" Information on the commissioning and configuration of the SunSpec
Modbus interface
Technical Information
"Efficiency and Derating" Efficiency and Derating Behavior of the SunnyBoy, SunnyTripower
and SunnyMiniCentral Inverters
Technical Information
2 Safety
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2 Safety
2.1 Intended Use
The SunnyTripower is a transformerless PV inverter, with 6 MPPtrackers, that converts the direct current of the PV array to grid-compliant, three-phase current and feeds it into the utility grid.
The product is suitable for indoor and outdoor use. The product must only be operated with PV arrays of protection class II in accordance with
IEC61730, application class A. The PV modules must be compatible with this product. The product is not equipped with a transformer and therefore has no galvanic isolation. The
product must not be operated with PV modules whose outputs are grounded. This can cause the product to be destroyed. The product may be operated with PV modules whose frame is grounded.
PV modules with a high capacity to ground must only be used if their coupling capacity does not exceed 12.6μF (for information on how to calculate the coupling capacity, see the Technical Information "Leading Leakage Currents" at
All components must remain within their permitted operating ranges and their installation requirements at all times.
The product must only be used in countries for which it is approved or released by SMA Solar Technology AG and the grid operator.
The product is also approved for the Australian market and may be used in Australia. If DRM support is specified, the inverter may only be used in conjunction with a Demand Response Enabling Device (DRED). This ensures that the inverter implements the commands from the grid operator for active power limitation at all times. The inverter and the Demand Response Enabling Device (DRED) must be connected in the same network and the inverter Modbus interface must be activated and the TCP server set.
Use this product only in accordance with the information provided in the enclosed documentation and with the locally applicable standards and directives. Any other application may cause personal injury or property damage.
Alterations to the product, e.g. changes or modifications, are only permitted with the express written permission of SMA Solar Technology AG. Unauthorized alterations will void guarantee and warranty claims and in most cases terminate the operating license. SMA Solar Technology AG shall not be held liable for any damage caused by such changes.
Any use of the product other than that described in the Intended Use section does not qualify as the intended use.
The enclosed documentation is an integral part of this product. Keep the documentation in a convenient place for future reference and observe all instructions contained therein.
The type label must remain permanently attached to the product.
2.2 Safety Information
This section contains safety information that must be observed at all times when working on or with the product.
To prevent personal injury and property damage and to ensure long-term operation of the product, read this section carefully and observe all safety information at all times.
2 Safety
SMA Solar Technology AG
Operating manualSTP50-40-BE-en-1210
Danger to life due to high voltages of the PV array
When exposed to light, the PV array generates dangerous DC voltage, which is present in the DC conductors and the live components of the inverter. Touching the DC conductors or the live components can lead to lethal electric shocks. If you disconnect the DC connectors from the inverter under load, an electric arc may occur leading to electric shock and burns.
• Do not touch non-insulated cable ends.
• Do not touch the DC conductors.
• Do not touch any live components of the inverter.
• Have the inverter mounted, installed and commissioned only by qualified persons with the appropriate skills.
• If an error occurs, have it rectified by qualified persons only.
• Prior to performing any work on the inverter, disconnect it from all voltage sources as described in this document.
Danger to life due to electric shock
Touching an ungrounded PV module or array frame can cause a lethal electric shock.
• Connect and ground the frame of the PV modules, the array frame and the electrically conductive surfaces so that there is continuous conduction. Observe the applicable local regulations.
Risk of burns due to hot enclosure parts
The enclosure and the enclosure lid may get hot during operation. The DC load-break switch can not become hot.
• Do not touch hot surfaces.
• Wait until the inverter has cooled down before touching the enclosure or enclosure lid.
Damage to the enclosure seal in subfreezing conditions
If you open the product when temperatures are below freezing, the enclosure seals can be damaged. Moisture can penetrate the product then.
• Only open the product if the ambient temperature is not below -5°C.
• If a layer of ice has formed on the enclosure seal when temperatures are below freezing, remove it prior to opening the product (e.g. by melting the ice with warm air). Observe the applicable safety regulations.
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Damage to the type label due to the use of cleaning agents
• If the inverter is dirty, clean the enclosure, the enclosure lid, the type label and the LEDs with a damp cloth and clear water only.
3 Scope of Delivery
SMA Solar Technology AG
Operating manualSTP50-40-BE-en-1212
3 Scope of Delivery
Check the scope of delivery for completeness and any externally visible damage. Contact your distributor if the scope of delivery is incomplete or damaged.
Figure 1: Components included in the scope of delivery
Position Quantity Designation
A 1 Inverter B 4 Foot C 8 Hexagon bolt M8x40 D 8 Washer E 4 Carrying handle F 12 Positive DC connector G 12 Negative DC connector H 24 Sealing plug for DC connectors I 1 Cable gland M63 with counter nut J 1 3-pole terminal block K 1 Quick Reference Guide
4 Product Overview
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4 Product Overview
4.1 Product Description
Figure 2: Design of the SunnyTripower
Position Designation
A Cover B AC Connection Unit C DC Connection Unit D LEDs
The LEDs indicate the operating state of the inverter. E Cable glands for data cables F DC load-break switch G DC connector H Fan bracket with three fans I Type label
The type label clearly identifies the product. The type label must remain
permanently attached to the product. You will find the following informa-
tion on the type label:
• Device type (Model)
• Serial number (Serial No. or S/N)
• Date of manufacture
• Device-specific characteristics
4 Product Overview
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Position Designation
J Additional label with details for registration in SunnyPortal and WLAN
• Identification key (PIC) for registration in Sunny Portal
• Registration ID (RID) for registration in Sunny Portal
• WLAN password (WPA2-PSK) for the direct connection to the user interface of the inverter via WLAN
K Enclosure opening for AC connection L Enclosure opening for additional cable M Enclosure opening for carrying handle
Symbols on the Product and on the Type Label
Symbol Explanation
Inverter Together with the green LED, this symbol indicates the operating state of
the inverter. Observe the documentation
Together with the red LED, this symbol indicates an error. Data transmission
Together with the blue LED, this symbol indicates the status of the network connection.
Grounding conductor This symbol indicates the position for connecting a grounding conductor.
Grounding This symbol indicates the position for the connection of an additional
grounding conductor. Risk of burns due to hot surfaces
The product can get hot during operation. Avoid contact during opera­tion. Prior to performing any work on the product, allow the product to cool down sufficiently.
Danger to life due to electric shock The product operates at high voltages. Prior to performing any work on
the product, disconnect the product from voltage sources. All work on the product must be carried out by qualified persons only.
Observe the documentation Observe all documentation supplied with the product.
4 Product Overview
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Symbol Explanation
Danger This symbol indicates that the product must be additionally grounded if
additional grounding or equipotential bonding is required at the installa­tion site.
Direct current
The product is has no galvanic isolation.
Three-phase alternating current with neutral conductor
WEEE designation Do not dispose of the product together with the household waste but in
accordance with the disposal regulations for electronic waste applicable at the installation site.
CE marking The product complies with the requirements of the applicable EU direc-
tives. Degree of protectionIP65
The product is protected against dust intrusion and water jets from any angle.
The product is suitable for outdoor installation.
4.2 Interfaces and Functions
The inverter can be equipped or retrofitted with the following interfaces and functions:
User interface for monitoring and configuration
The product is equipped as standard with an integrated webserver, which provides a user interface for configuring and monitoring the product. The product user interface can be called up via the web browser if there is an existing connection to an end device (e.g. computer, tablet PC or smartphone).
SMA Speedwire
The product is equipped with SMASpeedwire as standard. SMASpeedwire is a type of communication based on the Ethernet standard. SMASpeedwire is designed for a data transfer rate of 100Mbps and enables optimum communication between Speedwire devices within systems.
4 Product Overview
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SMA Webconnect
The inverter is equipped with a Webconnect function as standard. The Webconnect function enables direct data transmission between the inverters of a small-scale plant and the Internet portals SunnyPortal and SunnyPlaces without any additional communication device and for a maximum of 4 inverters per visualized system. In large-scale PV power plants with more than 4 inverters, there is the option of establishing data transmission between the inverters and the web-based monitoring platform SunnyPortal and SunnyPlaces via the SMAClusterController or to distribute the inverters over several plants. If there is an existing WLAN or Ethernet connection, you can directly access your visualized system via the web browser on your end device.
The product is equipped with a WLAN interface as standard. The inverter is delivered with the WLAN interface activated as standard. If you do not want to use WLAN, you can deactivate the WLAN interface.
In addition, the product has a WPS function. The WPS function is for automatically connecting the product to a network (e.g. via router) and establish a direct connection between the product and an end device.
Expanding the radio range in the WLAN network
In order to expand the radio range of the inverter in the WLAN network, you can install the Antenna Extension Kit accessory set in the inverter.
The product is equipped with a Modbus interface. The Modbus interface is deactivated by default and must be configured as needed.
The Modbus interface of the supported SMA products is designed for industrial use – via SCADA systems, for example – and has the following tasks:
• Remote query of measured values
• Remote setting of operating parameters
• Setpoint specifications for system control
Module slots
The inverter is standard-equipped with two module slots. The module slots are located on the communication assembly and allow additional modules to be connected (e.g. SMA Sensor Module). The modules are available as accessories. The installation of two identical modules is not permissible.
SMA RS485 Module
With the assembly of the RS485 Module, the inverter can communicate with special SMAcommunication products (Information on assembly and connection see manual of the SMA RS485 Module). The SMA RS485 Module can be retrofitted.
Grid management services
The product is equipped with service functions for grid management. Depending on the requirements of the grid operator, you can activate and configure the functions
(e.g. active power limitation) via operating parameters.
4 Product Overview
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Antenna Extension Kit
Within the WLAN network, the Antenna Extension Kit enables the radio range of the inverter to be upgraded (Information on assembly and connection see manual of the Antenna Extension Kit). The Antenna Extension Kit can be retrofitted.
SMA I/O modules
The SMA I/O Module enables the inverter to perform grid management services (for information on installation and connection, see the manual of the SMA I/O Module). The SMA I/O Module can be retrofitted.
SMA Sensor Module
The SMA Sensor Module has different interfaces for connecting various sensors (i.e. temperature sensor, irradiation sensor, anemometer or energy meter). The SMA Sensor Module converts the signals of the connected sensors and transmits them to the inverter. The SMA Sensor Module can be retrofitted.
Multifunction Relay
The inverter is equipped with a multifunction relay as standard. The multifunction relay is an interface that can be configured for the operating mode used by a particular system.
SMAOptiTracGlobalPeak is an advancement of SMAOptiTrac and allows the operating point of the inverter to follow the optimal operating point of the PV array (MPP) precisely at all times. In addition, with the aid of SMAOptiTracGlobalPeak, the inverter detects several maximum power points in the available operating range, such as may occur particularly with partially shaded strings. SMA OptiTrac Global Peak is enabled by default.
String-Failure Detection
The string-failure detection measures the total current of every input and continuously calculates the mean values for the inputs in question. The total currents are compared with the mean values. If a total current exceeds or falls short of the mean value by the set tolerance value, an event is reported. Marginally increased total currents are reliably detected over several query intervals and distinguished from typical current fluctuations of the PV array. String-failure detection is deactivated by default and must be activated. In addition, the tolerance value can be set via the user interface and the mean values read off.
Surge Arrester TypeII
On the AC and DC side, the inverter is equipped with slots for type II surge protection devices. The surge protection devices limit dangerous overvoltages. The surge protection devices can be retrofitted.
5 Mounting
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5 Mounting
5.1 Requirements for Mounting
Requirements for the Mounting Location:
Danger to life due to fire or explosion
Despite careful construction, electrical devices can cause fires.
• Do not mount the product in areas containing highly flammable materials or gases.
• Do not mount the product in potentially explosive atmospheres.
☐ The mounting location must be inaccessible to children. ☐ A solid, flat support surface must be available for mounting. ☐ The mounting location must be suitable for the weight and dimensions of the inverter (see
Section14 "Technical Data", page96).
☐ The mounting location should be freely and safely accessible at all times without the need for
any auxiliary equipment (such as scaffolding or lifting platforms). Non-fulfillment of these criteria may restrict servicing.
☐ The inverter can be mounted in a position that is directly exposed to solar irradiation. There is,
however, the possibility that the inverter reduces its power output to avoid overheating due to
high temperatures. ☐ The DC load-break switch of the inverter must always be freely accessible. ☐ Climatic conditions must be met (see Section14 "Technical Data", page96).
5 Mounting
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Dimensions for mounting:
46.2 46.2
Figure 3: Position of the anchoring points(Dimensions in mm)
Structural Stability:
☐ When mounting with feet or profile rails, the width of one foot or the profile rail must be at
least 175mm to ensure structural stability. ☐ The inverter must be attached under the following conditions:
– Inclination of the support surface: >3° – Wind speed (without wind gusts): > 25m/s – Height of the feet or the profile rail: > 100mm
5 Mounting
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☐ When mounting with profile rails, an attachment or fixation by loading is required. When
mounting with profile rail, SMA Solar Technology AG recommends to bolt the profile rail e.g.
to the profile of the module frame or to attach a sheet metal (which can be weighted with
stones or with sandbags) at the profile rails. This will ensure that the inverter is fixed.
Figure 4: Attachment of the inverters (examples)
Recommended Clearances:
If you maintain the recommended clearances, adequate heat dissipation will be ensured. Thus, you will prevent power reduction due to excessive temperature.
☐ Maintain the recommended clearances to roof edges, skylights, walls as well as to other
inverters or objects. This ensures that the DC load-break switch on the inverter can be operated
easily and the LED signals can be read without difficulty. ☐ For possible service deployments, SMA Solar Technology AG recommends ensuring sufficient
clearance from walls, other inverters or objects on all four sides of the inverter enclosure. Non-
fulfillment of these criteria may restrict servicing. ☐ If multiple inverters are mounted in areas with high ambient temperatures, increase the
clearances between the inverters and ensure sufficient fresh-air supply.
5 Mounting
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1000 (39.37)1000 (39.37)
900 (35.43)900 (35.43)
1000 (39.37)
100 (3.94)
Figure 5: Recommended clearances(Dimensions in mm)
Permitted and prohibited mounting positions:
☐ The inverter must only be mounted in one of the permitted positions. This will ensure that no
moisture can penetrate the inverter. ☐ The inverter should be mounted in such a way that the LED signals can be read without
Figure 6: Permitted and prohibited mounting positions
5.2 Mounting the Inverter
Risk of injury when lifting the inverter, or if it is dropped
The inverter weighs 84kg. You risk injury if you lift the inverter incorrectly or if it is dropped while being transported or mounted.
• Carry and lift the inverter upright with the help of several people. For this purpose, take hold of the carrying handles on the inverter. Always take hold of the two carrying handles mounted both on each side.
• Take into account the center of gravity of the inverter. The center of gravity is on the side of the AC connection unit.
5 Mounting
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1. Tighten every foot with two M8x40 hexagon screws and two washers on the two external taps (M8x14) on the underside of the inverter (torque: 16Nm).
2. Screw all four transport handles as far as they will go into the taps on the right- and left-hand side until they lie flush with the enclosure. When doing so, ensure that the transport handles are screwed into the taps so that they are perfectly straight. If the transport handles are not screwed in straight, this can make it more difficult or even impossible to unscrew them later on and can damage the taps to the extent that transport handles can no longer be screwed into them.
3. Insert a screwdriver into the holes in the transport handle and turn the screwdriver through 90°. This ensures that the transport handles are securely tightened.
4. Remove the inverter from the Euro pallet and position the inverter at the installation location.
5. Make sure that the inverter is stable.
5 Mounting
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6. Remove all four transport handles from the taps. If necessary, insert a screwdriver into the holes on the transport handle and use the screwdriver to remove the transport handle.
6 Electrical Connection
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6 Electrical Connection
6.1 Safety during Electrical Connection
Danger to life due to high voltages of the PV array
When exposed to light, the PV array generates dangerous DC voltage, which is present in the DC conductors and the live components of the inverter. Touching the DC conductors or the live components can lead to lethal electric shocks. If you disconnect the DC connectors from the inverter under load, an electric arc may occur leading to electric shock and burns.
• Do not touch non-insulated cable ends.
• Do not touch the DC conductors.
• Do not touch any live components of the inverter.
• Have the inverter mounted, installed and commissioned only by qualified persons with the appropriate skills.
• If an error occurs, have it rectified by qualified persons only.
• Prior to performing any work on the inverter, disconnect it from all voltage sources as described in this document.
Damage to the enclosure seal in subfreezing conditions
If you open the product when temperatures are below freezing, the enclosure seals can be damaged. Moisture can penetrate the product then.
• Only open the product if the ambient temperature is not below -5°C.
• If a layer of ice has formed on the enclosure seal when temperatures are below freezing, remove it prior to opening the product (e.g. by melting the ice with warm air). Observe the applicable safety regulations.
Damage to the inverter due to electrostatic discharge
Touching electronic components can cause damage to or destroy the inverter through electrostatic discharge.
• Ground yourself before touching any component.
6 Electrical Connection
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6.2 Overview of the Connection Area
Figure 7: Connection areas of the inverters' AC Connection Unit and DC Connection Unit
Position Designation
A Slots for AC surge protection devices B Terminal blocks for AC connection C Bridge between N and enclosure D Grounding terminal for grounding conductor connection E Enclosure opening for cable gland M63 F Enclosure opening for additional cable G Cable glands for network cables and, if needed, for the connection ca-
bles of the AntennaExtensionKit or other data cables H Positive and negative connectors for DC connection I Slots for DC surge protection devices J Communication assembly
6.3 AC Connection
6.3.1 Requirements for the AC Connection
Cable requirements:
☐ The conductors must be made of aluminum or copper. ☐ External diameter: 35mm to 48mm ☐ Conductor cross-section: 35mm² to 120mm² ☐ Insulation stripping length: 30mm
6 Electrical Connection
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☐ Sheath stripping length: 290mm ☐ The cable must be dimensioned in accordance with the local and national directives for the
dimensioning of cables. The requirements for the minimum wire size derive from these directives. Examples of factors influencing cable dimensioning are: nominal AC current, type of cable, routing method, cable bundling, ambient temperature and maximum desired line losses (for calculation of line losses, see the design software "SunnyDesign" from software version2.0 at
Overview of the required length of the conductor inside the AC connection unit
Figure 8: Interior view of the AC connection unit with dimensions for the conductors (Dimensions in mm)
Load-break switch and cable protection:
Damage to the inverter due to the use of screw-type fuses as load-break switches
Screw-type fuses (e.g. DIAZED fuse or NEOZED fuse) are not load-break switches.
• Do not use screw-type fuses as load-break switches.
• Use a load-break switch or circuit breaker as a load disconnection unit (for information and design examples, see the Technical Information "Circuit Breaker" at
☐ In PV systems with multiple inverters, protect each inverter with a separate three-phase circuit
breaker. Make sure to observe the maximum permissible fuse protection (see Section14 "Technical Data", page96). This will prevent residual voltage being present at the corresponding cable after disconnection.
☐ Loads installed between the inverter and the circuit breaker must be fused separately.
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SMA Solar Technology AG
Operating manual STP50-40-BE-en-12 27
Residual-current monitoring unit:
☐ If an external residual-current device is required, install a typeB residual-current device that
trips at a residual current of 500mA or higher (for details on selecting a residual-current device, see the Technical Information ""Criteria for Selecting a Residual-Current Device"" at Residual-current devices with a tripping threshold <500mA can be used. The tripping threshold of 300mA must not be undershot.
☐ If a residual-current device with a tripping threshold <500mA is used, you must set the
tripping threshold of the residual-current device in the inverter (see Section9.6, page63).
Overvoltage category:
The inverter can be used in grids of overvoltage categoryIII or lower in accordance with IEC60664-1. That means that the inverter can be permanently connected to the grid-connection point of a building. In case of installations with long outdoor cabling routes, additional measures to reduce overvoltage categoryIV to overvoltage categoryIII are required (see the Technical Information "Overvoltage Protection" at
6.3.2 Connecting the Inverter to the Utility Grid
☐ The connection requirements of the grid operator must be met. ☐ The grid voltage must be within the permissible range. The exact operating range of the
inverter is specified in the operating parameters.
1. Disconnect the circuit breaker from all three line conductors and secure against reconnection.
2. Ensure that the DC load-break switch is in the O position and is secured against reconnection.
3. If the enclosure lid of the AC Connection Unit is mounted, remove all ten screws of the enclosure lid using a Torx screwdriver (TX25) and remove the enclosure lid towards the front.
4. Remove the adhesive tape from the enclosure opening for the AC connection.
5. Insert the cable gland M63 into the opening and screw the counter nut on from the inside.
6 Electrical Connection
SMA Solar Technology AG
Operating manualSTP50-40-BE-en-1228
6. Thread the AC cable through the cable gland into the AC Connection Unit. If necessary, slightly loosen the swivel nut of the cable gland.
7. Dismantle the AC cable.
8. Strip off the insulation of L1, L2, L3, N and PE by 30mm.
9. Connect the grounding conductor to the ground terminal. Use a Torx screwdriver (TX25) to slightly loosen one of the screws with which the clip and connection plate are connected to the ground connection and to completely remove the other screw. Then place the grounding conductor onto the connection plate, route the clip via the grounding conductor and tighten both screws with a Torx screwdriver (TX25) (torque: 6Nm).
10. Ensure that the conductor is on the connection plate.
11. Connect L1, L2, L3 and, if necessary, N to the terminals according to the label. To do so, position each conductor as far as they will go into the corresponding terminal and tighten the screw of the terminal using a Allen key (AF8) (20Nm torque for a conductor cross-section of 35mm² to 95mm²; 30Nm torque for a cable cross-section of 120mm²).
Danger to life due to electric shock
The inverter is delivered with a bridge between N and the enclosure as standard. The bridge is absolutely essential if the connection to a utility grid is established without a neutral conductor.
If the utility grid is connected with a neutral conductor, the bridge must always be removed.
• When N is present and connected to the corresponding terminal, remove the bridge installed as standard between N and the enclosure ( ).
13. Ensure that the correct conductors are assigned to all the terminals.
14. Make sure that all conductors are securely in place.
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SMA Solar Technology AG
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6.4 DC Connection
6.4.1 Requirements for the DC Connection
Requirements for the PV modules per input:
☐ All PV modules must be of the same type. ☐ All PV modules must be aligned and tilted identically. ☐ On the coldest day based on statistical records, the open-circuit voltage of the PV array must
never exceed the maximum input voltage of the inverter. ☐ The same number of series-connected PV modules must be connected to each string. ☐ The maximum input current per string must be maintained and must not exceed the through-
fault current of the DC connectors (see Section14 "Technical Data", page96). ☐ The thresholds for the input voltage and the input current of the inverter must be adhered to
(see Section14 "Technical Data", page96). ☐ The positive connection cables of the PV modules must be equipped with positive DC
connectors (see Section6.4.2, page29). ☐ The negative connection cables of the PV modules must be equipped with the negative DC
connectors (see Section6.4.2, page29).
Use of Y adapters for parallel connection of strings
The Y adapters must not be used to interrupt the DC circuit.
• Do not use the Y adapters in the immediate vicinity of the inverter. The adapters must not be visible or freely accessible.
• In order to interrupt the DC circuit, always disconnect the inverter as described in this document (see Section10, page69).
6.4.2 Assembling the DC Connectors
For connection to the inverter, all PV module connection cables must be fitted with the DC connectors provided. Assemble the DC connectors as described in the following. Be sure to observe the correct polarity. The DC connectors are marked with the symbols "+" and "−".
Figure 9: Negative (A) and positive (B) DC connectors
Cable requirements:
☐ Cable type: PV1-F, UL-ZKLA, USE2 ☐ External diameter: 5mmto8mm ☐ Conductor cross-section: 2.5mm²to6mm²
6 Electrical Connection
SMA Solar Technology AG
Operating manualSTP50-40-BE-en-1230
☐ Qty single wires: minimum7 ☐ Nominal voltage: minimum 1000V ☐ Using bootlace ferrules is not allowed.
Danger to life due to high voltages on the DC conductors
When exposed to sunlight, the PV array generates dangerous DC voltage which is present in the DC conductors. Touching the DC conductors can lead to lethal electric shocks.
• Ensure that the inverter is disconnected from all voltage sources.
• Do not touch non-insulated cable ends.
• Do not touch the DC conductors.
Destruction of the inverter due to overvoltage
If the open-circuit voltage of the PV modules exceeds the maximum input voltage of the inverter, the inverter can be destroyed due to overvoltage.
• If the open-circuit voltage of the PV modules exceeds the maximum input voltage of the inverter, do not connect any strings to the inverter and check the design of the PV system.
1. Strip 12mm of the cable insulation.
2. Insert the stripped cable into the DC connector up to the stop. When doing so, ensure that the stripped cable and the DC connector are of the same polarity.
3. Press the clamping bracket down until it audibly snaps into place.
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