Skf GVP-S-026-1 User Manual

Grease injection lubrication system
Installation and operation manual
Version 01 Date of issue March 2016 Publication number 951-130-453-S026-1 Languages EN Country/Countries ...
This manual – containing installation, op­eration and maintenance instructions com­plies with EC-Machinery Directive 2006/42/ EC and is an integral part of the described lubrication system. It must be kept for future use.
This manual – containing installation, op­eration and maintenance instructions was created in accordance with the valid stan­dards and regulations on documentation.
This documentation is protected by copy­right. All rights reserved. The photomechan­ical reproduction, copying, and distribution of this documentation or parts thereof by means of processes such as data processing, data carriers, and data networks is strictly prohibited without the express permission of SKF.
Subject to editorial or technical modifications.
English translation of the original manual in French.
For all technical questions, please contact:
SKF France Lubrication Business Unit 204, bld Charles de Gaulle B.P. 239 37540 St-Cyr-sur-Loire FRANCE Tel. +33 (0) 247 405 300 Fax +33 (0) 247 405 353
Or an SKF Service Centre, the addresses of which are given on our website:
Information concerning the EC Declaration of Incorporation ..................2
General ............................................................3
1 Safety instructions .................................................4
1.1 Intended use ...................................................4
1.2 Authorized personnel .............................................4
1.3 Danger relating to electric current ...................................4
1.4 Danger relating to system pressure ..................................4
1.5 Warranty ......................................................5
2. Lubricants ........................................................5
2.1 General .......................................................5
2.2 Selection of lubricants ............................................5
2.4 Lubricants and the environment .....................................6
2.5 Danger relating to lubricants .......................................6
2.3 Approved lubricants ..............................................6
3 Construction and operation ..........................................7
3.1 Construction ....................................................7
3.2 Function .......................................................9
4 Installation instructions ............................................12
4.1 Positioning and installation ........................................12
4.2 Mechanical adjustments ..........................................13
4.2 Pneumatic connection ...........................................15
4.3 Hydraulic connection ............................................15
4.4 Electric connection ..............................................16
4.5 Proximity switch ................................................16
5 Transport, delivery and storage ......................................18
5.1 Transport .....................................................18
5.2 Delivery ......................................................18
5.3 Storage ......................................................18
6 Commissioning ...................................................19
6.1 General ......................................................19
6.2 Commissioning .................................................19
6.3 Modification of the injector metered volume ...........................20
6.4.2 Lubrication system bleeding .....................................22
7 Shutdown ........................................................23
7.1 Temporary shutdown ............................................23
7.2 Permanent shutdown ............................................23
8. Maintenance .....................................................24
9. Failures .........................................................25
10 Spare parts .....................................................26
11 Technical data ...................................................28
Information concerning the EC Declaration of Incorporation
Guillaume Amilien R&D Manager SKF France Lubrication Business Unit
EC Declaration of Incorporation
in accordance with EC-Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, Appendix II Part B
The manufacturer SKF France, 204, Bld Charles de Gaulle, B.P. 239 – 37540 St-Cyr-sur-Loire – FRANCE, declares herewith the conformity of the partly completed machine
Designation: Grease injection lubrication system for chains Type: GVP No.: GVP-S-026-1G, GVP-S-026-1D Year of construction: see ID plate
with the following essential health and safety requirements of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC when released on the market.
1.1.2 · 1.13 · 1.3.2 · 1.3.4 · 1.5.1 · 1.5.6· 1.5.8 · 1.5.9 · 1.6.1 · 1.7.1 · 1.7.3 · 1.7.4
The relevant technical documentation is compiled in accordance with part B of Annex VII of this Directive. We undertake to transmit in elec­tronic format the relevant technical documentation in response to a reasoned request by the competent national authorities. The person empowered to draw up the declaration is the technical standards manager. See the manufacturer's address.
Furthermore the followings directives and (harmonized) standards have been applied. 2011/65/CE RoHS II 2014/30/EU Electromagnetic compatibility | Industry
Standard Issue Standard Issue Standard Issue Standard Issue NF EN ISO 12100 12-2010 NF EN 50581 01-2013 NF EN 61000-6-1 03-2007 NF EN 61000-6-4 03-2007 NF EN 809+A1 12-2009 NF EN 60947-5-1 09-2004 NF EN 61000-6-2 01-2006 NF EN 61000-6-3 03-2007 NF EN 60204-1 09-2006
The partly completed machine must not be put into service until the final machinery into which it is to be incorporated has been declared in conformity with the provisions of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and other relevant Directives.
St Cyr-sur-Loire, April 3rd, 2015
Gérard Gaudin Production unit manager SKF France Lubrication Business Unit
Meaning of symbols and corresponding information
In this manual, the symbols and safety wordings shown on this page are intended to communicate a particular risk to persons, material assets, or the environment.
All safety instructions must be respected by person exposed to these risks. The safety instructions must be communicated to all other persons. Instructions attached directly to the equipment, such as
• rotational direction arrows
• fluid connection labels, etc.
must be respected and remain perfectly legible.
It is essential to read these instructions thoroughly and to respect the safety instructions given.
Table 1
Hazard symbols
Symbol Standard Meaning
DIN 4844-2 W000 General hazard
DIN 4844-2 W008 Voltage
DIN 4844-2 W026 Hot surface
DIN 4844-2 W028 Slippery floor
DIN 4844-2 W027 Risk of hand injury
DIN 4844-2 W55 Risk of pollution
These instructions must be read and understood by all
persons who are involved with the installation, operation, maintenance, and repair of the product. These instructions must be kept close to the equipment for future reference.
Note that these installation instructions is an integral part of the product. It must be handed over to the new operator of the product if the product is sold.
In addition to the information provided in the installation instructions, all generally applicable regulations on acci-
dent prevention and the environment must be observed.
All products from SKF may be used only for their intended purpose as described in this brochure and in any
Working on products that have not been disconnected from the power supply can cause serious injury or death to per­sons. Installation, maintenance, and repair work may only be carried out by qualified experts on products that have been dis­connected from the power supply. The supply voltage must be turned off before any product components are opened.
Centralized lubrication systems are under pressure when they are being operated. Such systems must therefore be de­pressurized before starting installation, maintenance, or repair work and before making any changes to the system.
The described product was manufactured in accordance with all generally acknowledged regulations pertaining to technology, occu­pational safety, and accident prevention. However, dangers that can cause physical injury to persons or damage to other material assets might still occur during the use of the product.
1 Safety instructions
1.1 Intended use
1.4 Danger relating to system pressure
The product is designed for the lubrication of moving conveyor chains. Other use or use beyond this purpose is considered unintended.
Products of SKF must not be used in conjunction with fluids, group I (hazardous fluids), according to the definition of article 2 paragraph 2 of the Directive 67/548/EC dtd. 27th June, 1967; and are not approved for application with such fluids.
None of the products manufactured by SKF can be used in con­junction with gases, liquefied gases, pressurized gases in solution and fluids with a vapor pressure exceeding normal atmospheric pressure (1013 mbar) by more than 0,5 bar at their maximum per­missible temperature.
Unless otherwise noted, products of SKF must not be used in conjunction with explosive atmospheres according to the ATEX-Di­rective 2014/34/UE.
1.2 Authorized personnel
The products described in the installation instructions may only be installed, operated, maintained, and repaired by qualified experts. Qualified experts are persons who have been trained, instructed, and familiarized with the end product into which the described prod­uct is installed.
These persons are considered capable of such tasks due to their education, training, and experience with valid standards, conditions, accident prevention regulations in effect, and installation conditions. They should be able to carry out the required tasks and to recognize – and thus avoid – any dangers that might otherwise occur.
A definition of what constitutes a qualified person and who are unqualified persons are stipulated in DIN VDE 0105 and IEC 364.
1.3 Danger relating to electric current
The electrical connection for the described product may only be es­tablished by qualified, instructed persons who have been authorized by the operator or owner to carry out this task. If the product is im­properly connected, substantial material or personal damage my be the consequence.
All SKF products must only be used for their intended purpose and in accordance with the specifications of the
installation instructions for the product in question.
You must observe the machinery manufacturer's infor­mation on the lubricants to be used in the machinery.
The manufacturer of the bearing or machinery to be lu­bricated will specify the lubricant requirements for each point to be lubricated. You must make sure that the required quantity of lubricant is provided to the relevant lubricating point. If a lubri­cating point is insufficiently lubricated, the bearing may become damaged or jammed.
2. Lubricants
2.1 General
The intended use of this product is for the centralized lubrication/lu­brication of bearings and wear points with lubricants. All physical limitations of use stipulated in the documentation of the product such as the owner’s manual, technical drawings and catalogs must be observed.
Hazardous materials of any kind, especially the materials classi­fied as hazardous by European Community Directive EC 67/548/ EEC, Article 2, Par. 2, may only be used to fill SKF centralized lubri­cation systems and components and delivered and/or distributed with the same after consulting with and receiving written approval from SKF.
All products manufactured by SKF are not approved for use in conjunction with gases, liquefied gases, pressurized gases in solu­tion and fluids with a vapor pressure exceeding normal atmospheric pressure (1013 mbar) by more than 0,5 bar at their maximum per­missible temperature.
Should there be a need to use the product to convey media other than lubricants or hazardous substances, this must be discussed with SKF first and the company must give express written permission.
In the opinion of SKF, lubricants constitute a design element that must be considered when selecting components and designing cen­tralized lubrication systems. The lubrication properties of the lubri­cants in question must be considered.
2.2 Selection of lubricants
1.5 Warranty
The instructions do not contain any information on the warranty. This can be found in the General Conditions of Sales, which are available at:
Only lubricants that have been approved by SKF for use with the product may be used. Unsuitable lubricants can cause product malfunctions and damage to property.
Different lubricants must not be mixed together. Doing so can cause damage and require extensive cleaning of the prod­ucts/centralized lubrication system. To prevent confusion, we recommend that you attach information indicating the lubricant to be used on the lubricant reservoir.
The described product can be operated with lubricants that comply with the specifications in the technical data.
Note that some lubricants may have properties that lie within the permitted limit values and yet not be suitable for use in centralized lubrication systems for other reasons. For example, some synthetic lubricants are not compatible with elastomers.
Lubricants can contaminate the ground and watercours­es. Lubricants must be used and disposed of in compliance with the rules. Instructions and local regulations must be observed when handling lubricants.
Centralized lubrication systems must be absolutely leak­free. Leaking centralized lubrication systems can cause a slip hazard. When performing installation, maintenance, and repairs test the centralized lubrication system for leaks. Leaky parts of the centralized lubrication system or components of the lubrica­tion equipment have to be sealed immediately.
Leaking centralized lubrication systems or components of the lubri­cation equipment are a source of danger in relation to slip hazard and the risk of injury. These dangers can cause physical injury to persons or damage to other material assets.
Refer to safety precautions in the lubricant manufacturer's mate-
rial safety data sheet.
Lubricants are hazardous substance. It is essential to respect any safety instructions given in the lubricant safety data sheet. You can ask the manufacturer of the lubricant for the material safety data sheet.
2.4 Lubricants and the environment
Note that lubricants are harmful to the environment and flammable; their transportation, storage, and processing are subject to special precautionary measures. For specifications on transportation, stor­age, processing, and dangers to the use and the environment for the lubricant, refer to the material safety data sheet provided by or avail­able from the lubricant manufacturer. You can ask the manufacturer of the lubricant for the material safety data sheet.
2.5 Danger relating to lubricants
2.3 Approved lubricants
If required, SKF can help customers to select suitable components for the conveyance of the selected lubricant
and to plan and design their centralized lubrication system.
While the machinery/bearing manufacturer usually specifies lubri­cants, it is the owner/operator (or maintenance person) who must finally select the appropriate lubricant, with the help of the lubricant supplier. When selecting a lubricant, the type of bearing/wear point, the stresses and strains to be expected during operation, and antici­pated ambient conditions must be taken into account. All financial/ economic aspects must also be considered.
If you have further questions, you can contact SKF.
We can test lubricants in our own laboratory to establish their suitability for conveyance (e.g. 'oil separation' behavior) in centralized lubrication systems.
You can request an overview of lubricant tests offered by SKF from our Service Center.
Fig. 1
GVP unit
8 9
Legend fig. 1 1 Air inlet 2 Lubricant inlet 3 Carriage return cylinder 4 Stop cylinder 5 Capstan 6 Injector 7 Analog pressure sensor (for VisioLub*) 8 Injector cylinder 9 Lubricant treatment unit (pressure gauge,
pressure regulator)
10 Injector carriage 11 Pneumatic unit (pressure gauge, pressure reg-
ulator, filter)
12 Limit switch (safety)
According to the model and the control unit of the GVP system
3 Construction and operation
3.1 Construction
A GVP grease injection lubrication system includes all the mechanical, hydraulic, pneu­matic and electrical components required to lubricate moving conveyor chains.
Different components can be
used on the GVP system. Their position can also differ. The main func­tions are the same. They might be also some slight dimension differences. For further information, please refer to the technical documentation delivered with the GVP system or contact the SKF Service Center.
115 30
Ø8 (×6)
M8 (x4)
M8 (x4)
Fig. 2
GVP-S-026-1G dimensions
chain movement direction
chain movement direction
+ 22 hidden pages