Sipromac DT-10 Operators Manual

1. Read, understand, and follow all instructions in the manual and on the machine before starting. Keep t his manual in a safe place for further and regular reference and for ordering replace ment parts.
2. Only allow responsible i ndividuals familiar with the instructions to operate the machine. Be sure to know controls and how to stop the machine quic k ly.
3. Never put your hands near moving parts
4. Only allow qualified individuals for the maint enance of your machine.
5. Remove all obstacles, which may interfere with the machine functions.
6. Clear the work area such as elect rical wires, buckets, knives etc.
7. Be sure that everyone else is c l ear of your work area before operat ing the machine.
8. Do not sit nor stand on the machine.
9. Always turn off the machine after your work is done. Never leave a r unning machine unattended.
10. Always disconnect and wait till the machine has cooled before attempting any maintenance.
11. Do not wear loose fitting clothes or jewellery as they may get caught in moving parts of the machine.
12. Always wear security shoes, to prevent injury caus ed by moving the machine or objects falling from the machine.
13. Work only in daylight or good artificial light.
14. Do not operate the machine whi le under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Section 1- Setting up the machine ........................................................................................ 4
1.1. Environmental requirements ....................................................................................... 4
1.2. Handling ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Connections ................................................................................................................ 4
1.3.1. Electric connections .............................................................................................. 4
1.3.2. Drain connections ................................................................................................. 4
1.3.3. Water connections ................................................................................................ 4
1.4. Machine power up ...................................................................................................... 5
1.4.1. Machine power up sequence ................................................................................ 5
Section 2- Troubleshooting ................................................................................................... 7
Section 3- Maintenance ........................................................................................................ 8
3.1. Reservoir cleaning ...................................................................................................... 8
3.2. Gear box Oil change ................................................................................................... 9
Section 4- Mechanical dr awing and parts list ...................................................................... 10
Section 5- Electrical dra wi ng and parts list ......................................................................... 11
Section 1- Setting up the machine
1.1. Environmental requirements
Requirements for the installation of a DT-10 machine are indi c ated below. Install the DT-10 machine in a location only thes e r equirements are satisfied to avoid possible malfunctioning.
Maximum ambient temperature is 35˚C with no freezing. (DT-10 mu st be distanced from heating generating devices and must be indoors.)
1.2. Handling
To move the DT-10, you must use the proper lift truck. Place the forks inside the DT-10 caster and try to use the maximum width available. The lift truck must be on the front of the DT-10. We don’t assume respons ibility for others handli ng method that can possibly damage the DT-10.
1.3. Connections
1.3.1. Electric connections
Electrical connection must be set according to the ID plate of the DT-10 and electrical schematic drawing found in section 5. E lectrical connections must be made by qualified personnel. This person must mak e sure t hat the electrical entries correspond to the proper voltage and amperage of the mac hine. An isolated device must be provided in the vicinity of the associated phase conductor terminals for connection of the mac hine to the external protective conductor to disconnect all power.
1.3.2. Drain connections
Connect the drain to the ½” NP T ball va lve.
1.3.3. Water connections
Connect the water inlet t o the ½” NPT ball valve.
1.4. Machine power up
1.4.1. Machine power up sequence
Make sure the lid cover is in vertical position.
Make sure all guard are proper ly close and be sure that everyone else is
clear of your work area.
Make sure that power is supplied to the DT-10 Electrical bo x b y t he external power source.
Press the POWER ON on the screen to activate the machine. If there i s no water in the machine, the LOW WATER message will appear on the screen.
Open the water filling valve and let the machine fill up with water until the desired quantity (the pr oduc t must be completely immersed in water). The heater will come on once the LOW WATER message disappears.
Close the lid to heat up water f as ter. You can use hot water to initially fill the DT-10. You will see the preheat page at this time. You can press SKIP PREHEAT at any time to start operate the machine.
To adjust the parameters, you can go to the PA RA M page from the main screen.
From this page, you can adjus t the Water temperature, the delay at the
down position and the delay at t he up pos i tion for the loading (continuous mode.
When the water temperature s et point is reached, you can st ar t to supply your DT-10 with some bags with your product in it. If the bags are not enough shrunk, increase t he bottom pause time or increase temperature, and try some other bags. Repeat this step until your bags are well shrunk. The recommended temperat ur e i s ar ound 90°C – 95°C.
In ONE CYCLE mode, the machine will do one complete cycle and then stop. You need to press the ST A R T/STOP button to do t he cycle. In CONTINOUS MODE mode, the mac hine will cycle by itself. You can stop the CONTINOUS movement by pressing the START/STO P button.
To stop the heating, press the POWER OFF button on the main s creen.
Section 2- Troubleshooting
If the DT-10 doesn’t heat t he water
o Check water level inside the DT-10. The LOW water message should not
o Check the temperature set point. o Check F1 fuse continuity. o Check the water level switch o peration. o Check the temperature sensor.
If the plateau movement doesn’t work
o Check F2 fuse continuity. o Check the limit switch function o Check the variable fr equency drive for errors
If the water reservoir does n’t fill
o Check water inlet ball valve
+ 14 hidden pages