SINGER WHA-1 User Manual

Your sewing machine is the product of mony years of research and developmer.t in the field of house
design, yet its moving and wearing parts, such as needles, bobbins, bobbin cases hooks, etc., are
standard and interchangeable with parts immediately available at
sewing machine stores the world over.
This precision sewing head, simpli fied and many labor saving extras, is the result of our constant effort,
and each machine is built the most
exacting specifications under our
rigid quality control program.
The furniture and attachments are made by affiliated factories under
our main factory while complete units are assembled and recheck
ed by our specialists in our factory
Use standard 15 x 1-needles available at any sewing ma chine store.
Fig. 1
To replace the needle, raise the needle bar to its highest point by turning the balance wheel (Rg. 3) TOWARD YOU by hand. Loosen the needle clamp screw (A) on the right hand side and the needle
damp will open, allowing the old needle
to fall out.
Remove the old needle and slide the new needle up (FLAT SIDE TOWARD THE BALANCE WHEEL) as far as it will go, when the needle hits the stop it is in position correctly. Now fasten the
needle clamp securely. For best results change needles frequently.
needles and thread
Never use a bent needle, nor one with a
blunt point, since this causes imperfect stitches and may cause the needle to break. Unless the needle is in CLEAR
be out of time, and skipped or imperfect stitches will result and needles may break. The size of the needle should conform
to the size of the thread and both should
be suitable to the material. Use a needle sufficiently large to permit the thread to pass freely through the eye. In general
sewing, use the same size thread in the bobbin as is used on top.
, Fig. 2
In the following operations the needle must always be above the surface of the machine.
Raise the needle by turning the balance wheel TOWARD
YOU by hand.
Open the window for removing bobbin case
located in the left side of the Oil Re ceptacle. With left thumb and forefinger open the latch (A) and hold securely as you
withdraw the bobbin case from around the holder post (D).
On releasing the latch and turning the bobbin case downward, the bobbin case
drop out.
After winding a fresh bobbin and threading the bobbin case (see pagas 8, 9, 10 and
11), hold the case latch with left thumb and forefinger, (as explained above) to prevent the bobbin from falling out. Keeping protruding finger (B) topside to
ward the delivery eye (C), press the bobbin case around the holder post until the finger (B) enters the delivery eye and
the latch mechanism catches the groove near the end of the stud. This operation is easy NEVER FORCE IT. Three or four inches of the thread hanging free from the bobbin case will be brought up
through the needle plate stitch hole as shown on page 12.
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
NOTE: This machine uses standard 15
class bobbins available at all sewing stores. The bobbin can be wound while machine is in operation by not releasing the stop motion knob as de scribed in below paragraph. Therefore needle and bobbin winder will operate at the same time.
Holding the balance wheel with the left hand,
turn the stop motion knob toward you. This will permit tne balance wheel to turn freely while the needle bar remains motionless. Place a spool of thread on the spool (A).
Pass the thread through the tension disc (B) at right corner of the base of the machine. Now wind the end of the thread around an
empyt bobbin seven or eight times and place the threaded bobbin on the spindle ‘(C) of t^’e bobbin winder. Press the bobbin into the spindle with the left hand, making sure
that the PIN on the spindle fits into the SLOT in the bobbin. Push the bobbin winder lever (D) down until the small rubber wheel
presses against the hub of the balance wheel and the clasp (E} falls between the sides of the bobbin, holding it in position. Turn the balance wheel toward you and proceed to operate the rheostat control, as in sewing, when the bobbin is full, it will release auto matically and stop turning. Break off the
thread and detach the bobbin from the spindle.
Hold balance wheel firmly with left hand and with right hand turn the stop motion knob away from you until the machine is tight and the needle bar moves with the turning of
the balance wheel.
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