Machine 145w303
145wl03, 145w203
and 145w303

To all whom it may cortcern:
The placing or renewal of the name “Singer” (Reg. U. S.
Pat. Off.) or any of the trade marks of The Singer Manu
facturing Company on any machine that has been repaired,
rebuilt, reconditioned, or altered in any way whatsoever
outside a Singer factory or an authorized Singer agency
is forbidden.
The successful operation of Singer machines can only be
assured if genuine Singer parts and needles are used. Sup
plies are available at all Singer Shops for the Manufacturing
Trade and mail orders will receive prompt attention.
Genuine Singer Needles should be used
These Needles and their Containers
Company’s Trade Mark “SIMANCO.” 1
in Singer Machines.
are marked with the
Needles in Containers marked
“For Singer Machines”
are not Singer made needles.
MACHINE 145W103 Is a two-needle lock stitch machine with compound
feed and hlgh-llft alternating pressers. It Is used for tents, awnings,
furniture upholstery, leather coats, automobile work, etc. It has a
high arm with a working space of 10 Inches at the right of the needle
bar. The machine Is furnished In gauges from 1/4 to 2-1/2 Inches.
MACHINE 145W203 Is a long-arm machine with working space of 20
Inches at the right of the needle bar and is used for stitching
tarpaulins, tents, automobile door panels and for similar large work.
Otherwise the machine Is the same as Machine 145W103.
MACHINE 145W303 Is the same as Machine 145W203 except that It has
an extra long arm with a working space of 30 Inches at the right of
the needle bar. Has hand wheel at front of machine for convenience
of operator.
The maximum speed recommended for these machines Is ISOO revolu
tions per minute, when permitted by the nature of the material being
sewn. The machines should be run slower than the maximum speed until
the parts which are In movable contact have become glazed by their
action on each other. When the machines are In operation, the balance
wheel should turn over toward the operator.
Need Ies
Needles for Machines of Class 145w are of Class and Variety 7x23
for cloth, and 7x21 for stitching cardboard and fibre door panels.
They are made In sizes 22, 23, 24, 25 and 27.
The size of the needle to be used should be determined by the
size of the thread which must pass freely through the eye of the needle.
If rough or uneven thread Is used, or If It passes with difficulty
through the eye of the needle, the successful use of the machine will
be Interfered with.
Orders for needles must specify the quantity required, the size
number, also the class and variety numbers separated by the letter x.
The following Is an example of an Intelligible order:
"100 No. 24, 7x23 Needles."
The best results will be obtained when using the needles furnished
by the Singer Sewing Machine Company.

Oiling the Mach ine
When the machines are received from the factory, they should be
thoroughly cleaned and oiled,
be oiled at least twice a day.
Fig. 2. Front View of Machine 145W103
Showing Oiling Points
Oil should be applied at each of the places designated by arrows
In Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 25.
When In continuous use, they should
Loosen the thumb screw In the upper end of the face plate, turn
the face plate upward and oil the wick and bearings which are thus
uncovered, then turn dcwn the face plate and tighten the thumb screw.
Fig. 3. Rear View of Machine
Showing Oiling Points and Adjustments
Fig. 4. End View of Machine Showing Oiling Points
Also Adjustments on the Machine
Apply a few drops of oil four times dally to the felt pad In the
side wall of each bobbin case as Illustrated In Fig. 10.
Fig. 5. Base of Machine Showing Oiling Points and Adjustments