We guarantee to the original purchaser the sew
ing head of this machine when used for normal
family use to be free from defects in material
and workmanship for a period of twenty years
from date of purchase. In the event that %vorking
parts prove to be defective in material or woi-kmanship, they will be replaced free of charge if
the machine is returned to the nearest Sears
or Simpsons-Sears retail or mail order store. In
returning to a mail order store, be sure and pack
securely. (Needles, belts, bobbins, shuttles, bulbs,
or parts which wear out from natural use are ex
cluded from the guarantee.)
We further guarantee all electrical equipment to
be free from defects for a period of one year from
date of purchase. • ‘
When referring to this guarantee or when writ
ing us about your machine, always mention the
model number.
We do not authorize any person or representative
to make any other guarantee or to assume for us
any liability in connection with the sale of this
sewing machine other than those contained here
in. Any agreements outside or contradictory to
the foregoing shall be void and of no effect.
For ready reference record the number of your
machine on this page.
Model No.
Cabinet Model No.
Head Serial No.
Date Delivered
is Lo provide you with complete directions for
operating this sewing machine. We are extremely
anxious that your investment in this machine re
turns the utmost in satisfactory service. Therefore
you arc urged to read this book carefully ami thor
oughly ill order to familiarize yourself with the
operation of this sowing machine, even though you
may be accustomed to using some other make.
To Install Sewing Machine Head
On Cabinet
Place the head on top of open cabinet and slide
iiead hinge lug holes (Fig. 2) over round shanks of
the two hinges attached to back of cut-out in top of
cabinet. Tip head back and tighten head hinge set
screws (Fig. 2) securely.
Pull bushing up on motor cord as near to the
motor as possible and slip motor cord into slot at
edge of bed plate and push bushing back into hole
in bed plate (see Fig. 9). Unwind the extension
cord inside the cabinet, plug into any base plug
outlet, and the machine is ready for operation.
If machine is treadle operated, merely place
leather belt around hand wheel drive pulley as of
course there is no motor or electrical connections.
A sewing machine, like every other piece of mach'
needs oiling to insure easy running and to prevent un
sary wear of the parts which bear upon each other.
Oil holes are provided in the arm of the machine for
which cannot be directly reached.
Depending on how frequently the machine is used d t»
mines the oiling requirements. Moderate use requires o \
occasional drop of oil at the points indicated on the"-n
trations shown. ®
To ofl the works underneath the bedplate, turn the 1
hack and apply oil to points as shown in Figure 2.
On automatic lift machines the thumb screw on the
late near the base of the arm must be taken out before
head can be turned back.
FigTir» 2
Cleaning Machine
IF THE MACHINE RUNS HARD it is due to lack
proper oiling of some bearings. Should the machine beco
rammed from long standing or poor oil, apply kerosene to
the bearings to remove the gum; then run the machine ti
Idly, wipe clean and OIL THOROUGHLY WITH GOi
SEWING MACHINE OIL before beginning to sew.
Occasionally place one drop of oil on tip of finger i
apply around outer rim of shuttle, race, and center
(C.P.) fig- 6-
Fisrur* 1
Be sure to use ONLY Eenmore Sewing Machine <
The Machine,
Upper Thread
(See Fig.
Your machine should h» •
proper position for thl.f- ®
by turning the hand !
(the top of the
from you) so that
up (5,.Fii 3) Tatit^ take.
est pomt., *ugh.
Place a spool of thread n
the spool pm on top^f
fhSnd Of the
thread in the left ®
tween the first fineer**
thumb, then use t^e
hand (first finger and thumbi
threat"^ "
Next, the thread should
pss under and in front of
hook one (1), then under aid
in back of hook two (2) “
Next, downward and hook
to bTck.°^"*
Next, pull the thread un
ward until it hooks into
spring eyelet No. 4.
Next, continue upward in
to the hole in the take-up
lever (5) from back to front
Next, downward and hook
thread into needle damn
thread guide 6 from back to
front. ,
Next, into the eye of needle
Figure 3 **i«vjA4*4c
(See enlarged view of tension assembly on page S)
from left to nght as you face
the machine.
To Wind a Bobbin
(See Figure S Page 6)
, = the bobbin on bobbin winder spindle as sho’
tht hand wheel with the left hand and turn the top
Hold tne towards you. This will release the sew
th® of the machine. Next, place a spool of thr<
„lechanis located on bed of machine directly be!
on wheel. Next, take the end of the thread and p
the n^ the tension plates on bobbin winder thread gui
it b®two , j upward into eye of guide, then run end
fhfea'd through hole “B” in bobbin.
ir„,rocrp the bobbin-winder pulley with the hand wheel
k" O' lever “C” downward. Hold end of thread until y
pushing „chine sufficiently to wind the thread around i
boDDin machine and bobbin winder will automatica
contin proper amount of thread is wound. '
^^'^'iTfter the bobbin is wound and removed; tighten
?he hand ^h'eel with your left hand.
several times: then break thread off at hole “B” a
. i k niit bv turning the top of it from you while holdi
‘ r>n non-electric machines proceed in the same mann
cept that power for operation is furnished by foot treat
TP *5
Enlarged view of tension assembly showing thread
ing of auxiliary spring, as described on page i.
nsoT* I
F1*u« t
Threading the Bobbin Case
Hold bobbin case with thumb and first finger of lef
hand, with tension tongue (4) upright. Then place fillei
bobbin in case, starting thread into slot (1). Continue pull
ing thread up to end of slot (2); then across to bottom o:
slot (8) and upward until thread comes out at top of tensioi
tongue (4). Leave about two inches of thread projecting.
Caution —Note carefully the way the bobbin case ii
threaded before removing bobbin or unthreading.
To Draw Up Lower Thread
While holding loosely in the left hand, the end of th
thread extending through eye of needle (three or fo„*
inches), turn the top of hand wheel from you (clockwUe\
with the right hand, until the needle goes all the way down
and comes hack up. The lower thread will form a loop over
the thread you are holding and come up through the needle
hole. Lead the ends of both threads back under the presser '
foot, keeping the upper thread in presser foot slot.
Remove Shuttle from the Shuttle Race
Flffur* 8
To Remove the Bobbin Case from Shuttle ’
Turn hand wheel (dock-
wise) until take-up (5^ pig
3) is at its highest point,
Then remove the hand hole
cover plate permitting you to
reach down to bobbin.
Clasp the bobbin case with
the thumb and first finger of
your left hand as shown in
Fig. 7. Then with the second
finger lift up on latch "X"
and the- bobbin case can be
readily removed.
Follow the same procedure
in replacing the bobbin case
in shuttle.
The hole in the center
spindle inside the bottom case
fits over the center pin of the
Usar« 1
shuttle, as shown in Fig. 6.
First remo ^ remove bobbin case as already ex
„move the hand hole cover plate and tip head
back on ite hi (clockwise) until the
plained. is just entering needle plate hole. Then .
point of the neM jp pig. g. This will release
press rear en readily removed
the shuttle ra the center pm m
from under p ^ readily removed WITH-
shuttlc (Cp/ '
To Replace the Shuttle
m ... the hand wheel untU the point of the needle a just
entering the v shuttle by the center pin
■f*®;a!h other in the outer edge of the shuttle, are
oppMite each o^her pips (dP). When properly
lined up. the ou imperative that the
°i®L.n^L*nrooerly placed in the race, and it must never be
^,°®^!Sttìe rS cover by slipping the fork at left side
thè SHARP point of shuttle will be almost directiy
fnto^ position. When the shuttle is in position re-
the needle plate hole. With the thumb and first
entering tM n ^. ... the shuttle by the center pm
SS p“» (H) b.ck .«r Llpk (G)
whiS will snap back to its holding position.
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