Q: What’s the procedure of changing the stitching disc?
A: The procedure to change the stitchin disc is where the material is no longer threaded through the needle, then placing the needle position lever to the center, unscrewing the knurled the nut, removing the disc from the shaft, and placing a new disc on the shaft will allow for a new disc to be attached.
Q: This SINGER Automatic 306K machine is capable of using a twin needle without an attachable decorative needle, more like a decorative twin needle; is it correct?
A: Correct, the SINGER Automatic 306K allows for the use of twin needles without attachments for decorative work.
Q: Which type of fabric does this machine not support sewing onto?
A: This particular machine is suitable for both thin and heavy fabrics, meaning it is quite versatile.
Q: When seconds switch over to tension adjustment for a stitch, does the machine have different tensions set depending on the fabric used?
A: Yes indeed, it does, it has an adjustable tension device installed which can be set around with depending on the type of fabric being used.
Q: Looking for the best result, does the manual of the machine include a graph calculating the size of needles according to the type of thread and fabric used?
A: Yes, the manual has a graphic supplied as an aid in thread and needle size selection to optimize stitching.