Simrad RS86, RS87 User Manual

Simrad RS86 & RS87
VHF Radio Systems
The technical data, information and illustrations contained in this publication were to the best of our knowledge correct at the time of going to print. We reserve the right to change specifications, equipment, installation, and maintenance instructions without notice as part of our policy of continuous development and improvement. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmit­ted in any form, electronic or otherwise, without prior permission from Simrad Ltd.
No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions in the publication, although every care has been taken to make it as complete and accurate as possible.
© 2005 Simrad Ltd
Instruction Manual
1.1 Introduction ........................................................................... 9
1.1.1 About this manual ........................................................ 9
1.2 The Simrad integrated system ............................................... 10
1.3 Licensing ............................................................................... 11
1.4 Radio Frequency exposure guidelines ................................... 11
1.5 MMSI number ....................................................................... 12
1.6 ATIS number .......................................................................... 12
1.7 Group ID MMSI .................................................................... 12
2.1 General notes ......................................................................... 13
2.2 Switching on & Second Country mode ................................. 13
2.3 Changing channels ................................................................ 14
2.3.1 Additional channels ...................................................... 15
2.4 Volume adjustment ................................................................ 16
2.5 Squelch adjustment ................................................................ 16
2.6 Dual Watch ............................................................................ 16
2.7 Tri-Watch ............................................................................... 17
2.8 All Scan mode ....................................................................... 18
2.8.1 Dynamic All Scan inhibit ............................................ 18
2.9 Memory Scan mode ............................................................... 19
2.9.1 Dynamic Memory Scan delete .................................... 19
2.10 Adjusting backlighting ........................................................ 20
2.11 Handset/fistmike off cradle .................................................. 20
3.1 Scanning ................................................................................ 21
3.1.1 All Scan inhibit ............................................................ 21
3.1.2 All Scan reset ............................................................... 22
3.1.3 All Scan show .............................................................. 22
3.1.4 Memory Scan select ..................................................... 23
3.1.5 Memory Scan clear ...................................................... 23
3.1.6 Memory Scan show ..................................................... 24
3.1.7 Scan dwell time ............................................................ 24
3.2 Numbers ................................................................................ 25
3.2.1 Ship’s MMSI ................................................................ 25
3.2.2 ATIS number ................................................................ 26
3.2.3 Group MMSI ................................................................ 27
3.3 VHF Items ............................................................................. 28
3.3.1 User channel ................................................................ 28
3.3.2 Position view ................................................................ 29
3.3.3 Last used channel ......................................................... 29
3.3.4 Interrupt Intercom ........................................................ 30
3.3.5 Auxiliary audio ............................................................ 30
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3.3.6 Speaker settings ........................................................... 31
3.3.7 SimNet Management ................................................... 32 Data sources ........................................................... 32 Lighting banks ....................................................... 33 Device instance ...................................................... 34 System instance ...................................................... 35
3.3.8 Lighting modes ............................................................ 36
4.1 General .................................................................................. 37
4.2 Making a call ......................................................................... 37
4.2.1 Individual routine call .................................................. 37
4.2.2 Public correspondence call .......................................... 38
4.2.3 All Ships Safety call .................................................... 40
4.2.4 All Ships Urgency call ................................................. 40
4.2.5 Group call .................................................................... 41
4.2.6 Distress Alert call ......................................................... 41
4.3 Receiving a call ..................................................................... 43
4.3.1 Individual routine call .................................................. 43
4.3.2 Public correspondence call .......................................... 44
4.3.3 All Ships Safety call .................................................... 45
4.3.4 All Ships Urgency call ................................................. 45
4.3.5 Group call .................................................................... 46
4.3.6 Distress Alert call ......................................................... 47
4.3.7 Distress Alert acknowledgment ................................... 48
4.3.8 Distress relay call ......................................................... 49
4.4 Viewing the call log ............................................................... 50
4.5 Position over 4 hours old ....................................................... 51
5.1 Switching between directories ............................................... 52
5.2 Viewing a directory ............................................................... 52
5.3 Entering a number ................................................................. 53
5.4 Editing a number ................................................................... 54
6.1 Selecting Weather Watch ....................................................... 55
6.1.1 Weather Watch Alert .................................................... 55
6.2 Security mode (voice scrambler) ........................................... 56
6.3 Losing nav data ..................................................................... 56
6.3.1 Losing SimNet data ..................................................... 56
6.3.2 Losing NMEA data ...................................................... 56
6.4 Editing Latitude, Longitude and UTC .................................. 57
6.5 Toggling between Lat/Lon and UTC views .......................... 58
6.6 Intercom ................................................................................. 59
6.6.1 Making an intercom call .............................................. 59
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6.6.2 Receiving an intercom call .......................................... 60
6.7 Loudhailer/Foghorn ............................................................... 61
6.7.1 Loudhailer .................................................................... 61
6.7.2 Foghorn ........................................................................ 62
6.8 Station speaker mute ............................................................. 63
6.9 iDSC ...................................................................................... 63
7.1 Physical installation ............................................................... 64
7.1.1 Transceiver installation ................................................ 64
7.1.2 Control panel installation (RS86) ................................ 65
7.1.3 Handset installation (RS87) ......................................... 66
7.1.4 Station speaker installation .......................................... 67
7.2 Electronic installation ............................................................ 67
7.2.1 Control stations ............................................................ 68
7.2.2 Loudspeakers ............................................................... 69
7.2.3 Intercoms ...................................................................... 69
7.2.4 Loudhailers/Foghorns .................................................. 70
7.2.5 Remote foghorn button ................................................ 70
7.2.6 Auxiliary audio input ................................................... 71
7.2.7 NMEA0183 input ........................................................ 71
7.2.8 iDSC output ................................................................. 72
7.2.9 SimNet ........................................................................ 72
7.2.10 Summary of connections ........................................... 73
7.2.11 Cable strain relief ....................................................... 74
7.3 Antenna installation ............................................................... 74
7.4 Electrical interference suppression ........................................ 76
8.1 Operating procedures ............................................................. 77
8.1.1 Sending a Distress Alert .............................................. 77
8.1.2 Acknowledging and relaying a Distress Alert ............. 77
8.1.3 Canceling a Distress Alert ........................................... 78
8.1.4 Alerting all vessels within range .................................. 78
8.1.5 Calling a coast station .................................................. 78
8.1.6 Making an intership call .............................................. 78
8.2 Compatible NMEA sentences ............................................... 79
8.3 Transmission range ................................................................ 79
8.4 Channel frequencies .............................................................. 80
8.5 Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 81
8.6 Optional accessories .............................................................. 82
8.7 Technical specification .......................................................... 83
8.8 Dimensions ............................................................................ 83
8.9 Declaration of Conformity .................................................... 84
8.10 Service & warranty .............................................................. 85
Instruction Manual
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1.1 Introduction
The RS86/RS87 is a modular VHF radio and Class D DSC (Digital Selective Calling) radiotelephone systems using a fully featured telephone-style handset (RS87) or a slimline control panel (RS86) to access and control all functions. Both support the latest GMDSS requirements for non-SOLAS vessels from the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and will enable you to make digitally selected calls that are quicker and simpler to make than traditional voice calls using channel 16. Should a distress situation occur, with the RS86/RS87 you can quickly raise an alert, indicating your identity, your position, and auto­matically establish distress communication on the emergency voice channel.
The RS80 transceiver is robustly constructed using a pressure die-cast aluminum case for effective heat dissipation, ensuring maximum transmission performance even after many hours’ constant use.
Thank you for choosing Simrad!
If you are pleased with your VHF, we hope you will be interest­ed in our range of marine electronic equipment, which is manu­factured to the same high standards as the RS86/RS87. Please contact your nearest Simrad Agent for a catalog showing our in­creasing range of high-tech navigational instruments, GPS, Auto­pilots, Radar, Echosounders, Chartplotters, and VHF radio sets.
Simrad operate a policy of continuous development and reserve the right to alter and improve the specification of their products without notice.
1.1.1 About this manual
This manual applies to both the RS86 fixed-panel and RS87 handset models of the RS80 system radio series.
Although most functions are identical, there are some differ­ences in the user interface due to the different control layout:
Control of: RS86 RS87 Menu options C
HANNEL knob VOL & VOL keys
Volume levels V
OLUME knob VOL & VOL keys
Squelch levels S
QUELCH knob SQ key
Note RS86 Users – For VOL & VOL (RS87) read CHANNEL rotary
control, unless otherwise stated.
RS87 handset
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1.2 The Simrad integrated system
The standard RS86/RS87 radiotelephone can support up to two stations with full intercom facility, geographical position input via SimNet or NMEA 0183, and iDSC integration with Simrad Chartplotters, which enables the plotters to display DSC call information.
With the addition of an expansion board, the system can support an additional two stations, two intercom speakers, and forward and aft foghorn/loudhailer speakers in addition to the standard functions.
Additional stations can either be another RS87-type telephone handset, or an RS86 fixed-panel display with a passive telephone handset or fistmike, allowing great flexibility in installations (Fig 1.1).
Fig 1.1 - RS86/RS87 system options
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1.3 Licensing
Note Prior to use please check the national licensing requirements
for operators.
In the UK license applications and queries should be made to the following authority:
Ship Radio Licencing Radio Licencing Centre The Post Office PO Box 1495 Bristol BS99 3QS Website:
A set may only be operated by or under the supervision of the holder of a Marine Radio Operator’s Certificate of Competence and Authority to Operate. This is awarded on completion of the Marine Short Range Certificate course administered by the Royal Yachting Association:
Royal Yachting Association RYA House Ensign Way Hamble Southampton SO31 4YA Website: Tel. 0845 345 0400
Holders of the Restricted Certificate of Competence in Radio­telephony (which covers MF/HF SSB, etc.) do not need a sepa­rate VHF certificate.
In all other countries, please contact your regional authority for information.
1.4 Radio Frequency exposure guidelines
Note North American Users – To meet FCC (Federal Communica-
tions Commission) rules on Radio Frequency exposure, it is rec­ommended that the VHF antenna is mounted at least 3 m (10 ft) away from any area accessible to any personnel on board. If this distance is achieved by vertical separation, the antenna must be at least 5 m (16.5 ft) above deck. This guideline applies only to antennas not exceeding 9dBi gain.
Warning Failure to observe these recommendations may
expose those within the MPE (maximum permit­ted exposure) radius of 3 m (10 ft) to RF absorp­tion levels that exceed the FCC safe limits.
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1.5 MMSI number
At the time of issue of your vessel’s radio license an MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity) number must be requested. This is a nine-digit number which must be permanently entered into the RS86/RS87 when the radio is first set up, otherwise the DSC functions cannot be accessed.
Note If the boat or the RS86/RS87 are subsequently sold, the radio
should be returned to an authorized Simrad agent for the MMSI number to be erased and the new owner’s MMSI number entered.
An MMSI number will only be issued to licensed and certified users. Please enquire with your local licensing authority for full details.
Refer to section 3.2.1 on how to enter the vessel’s MMSI number.
1.6 ATIS number
Some countries require an ATIS number (e.g. Benelux and the Rhine/Danube waterways); however, this option will only ap­pear on ATIS-equipped radios.
Refer to section 3.2.2 for information on how to enter an ATIS number.
1.7 Group ID MMSI
For boats that are part of a flotilla, racing fleet, or other group, a Group ID MMSI number can also be entered, which will allow DSC communication within the group.
Note Contact your local authority for rules regarding Group MMSI
allocation. In some countries, where ATIS is in use, Group MMSI numbers may not be permitted.
Refer to section 3.2.3 on how to enter a Group MMSI number.
Instruction Manual
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2.1 General notes
Although it has many advanced features, the RS86/RS87 has been designed to be as simple and intuitive to operate as possible.
The SHIFT key is used to access the secondary functions printed above each key – press and release SHIFT, then press the appro­priate key. These secondary functions are shown in this manual in brackets, e.g. (G
Note The SHIFT key will automatically time out of Shift mode after 2
seconds if another key is not pressed.
At any time, pressing O
N/C will cancel the current operation.
The lowest occupied port is the master controller – any opera­tions initiated on this handset will therefore override all other stations.
Note In order for other users to be able to operate the radio, it is
imperative that the handset is replaced in the cradle after use.
2.2 Switching on & Second Country mode
To turn the radio on, press the ON/C key. The display will show the handset software issue number for 2 seconds, then the sta­tion number and software issue number for the transceiver unit for 2 seconds.
As a default, the radio switches on tuned to the priority channel (normally 16). If Last used channel mode has been set (see sec- tion 3.3.3), the radio will switch on tuned to the previously used channel. The radio also stores the previous volume and squelch settings and will use these on start-up.
In countries where it is permitted, the RS86/RS87 can operate on a secondary set of channels, such as the USA channels.
To select the secondary channel table, press S
HIFT followed by
OK. The display will show the channel set selected for 2 seconds
before reverting to the default display.
Note Channels available will depend on programming. Please enquire
with your national licensing authority for details of permitted channel sets in your own country (cf. sections 2.3.1 and 8.4).
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2.3 Changing channels
To select a channel, enter the channel number using the numer­ic keypad (Fig 2.1).
Fig 2.1 - Selecting a channel
If the channel is invalid, the display will show “INVALID CHANNEL” and then revert to the previous channel.
The priority channel (normally 16) can be selected by pressing 16, which will also set the radio to 25W transmit power.
The preselected User channel can be directly selected by press­ing the U
SER key. The display will show “U” next to the chan-
nel number to indicate that it is the User channel (Fig 2.2).
U 23
The default setting for the User channel is 16.
Refer to section 3.3.1 for details on setting the User channel.
Fig 2.2 - User channel selected
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2.3.1 Additional channels
In addition to the standard international channels, the RS86/87 can also be programmed with regional auxiliary channels, such as the Marina channels M and M2 in the UK, the USA Weather channels, and the Fishing or Leisure channels in Scandinavia.
To display the channel sets available, press S
HIFT followed by
1W (C
). Multiple pressing of the 1W key, while still in
Shift mode, will scroll through the available channel sets (Fig 2.3).
When the required channel set is displayed, enter the channel number using the numeric keypad, e.g. “2” for M2 (Fig 2.4).
Fig 2.3 - Selecting auxiliary channel sets
(sets must be available to be displayed)
Fig 2.4 - Selecting auxiliary channel number
The only exception to this is when selecting UK Marina chan­nel M, which has no number associated with it. Simply select­ing the Marina channel set will automatically select it.
Note If no numeric keys are pressed within 2 seconds, the radio will
revert to the previous working channel (except for Marina channel M as noted above).
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2.4 Volume adjustment
To adjust the volume, press the VOL and VOL keys (rotate the V
OLUME control) to increase or decrease the setting, respec-
tively. Press and hold a VOL key to increase/decrease the setting rapidly. The volume setting can be between 1 and 24 (loud).
2.5 Squelch adjustment
To adjust the squelch setting, press the SQ key (rotate the S
QUELCH control) to enter squelch adjustment mode. The
squelch setting can be between 0 (open) and 10.
On the RS87 only: use the V
OL and VOL keys to increase
or decrease the squelch, respectively. Press and hold a V
OL key
to increase/decrease the setting rapidly.
Note Squelch mode will automatically time out after 2 seconds, un-
less another key is pressed. Squelch mode can also be canceled by pressing the O
N/C key.
2.6 Dual Watch
Dual Watch allows the radio to scan between the selected work­ing channel and the watch channel (the priority channel, nor­mally 16).
To enter Dual Watch, select the required working channel, then press S
HIFT and 3 (DW) within 2 seconds.
If Dual Watch is selected while the handset/fistmike is off cra­dle, the display will show “PLACE BACK ON CRADLE”. If the handset/fistmike is replaced within 10 seconds of selecting Dual Watch, it will automatically initiate Dual Watch.
The display will show “D/W” – the large digits on the display indicate the working channel, with the watch channel shown below in small digits (Fig 2.5).
Fig 2.5 - Dual Watch mode
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If the radio detects a signal on the watch channel, it will lock onto this and the large digits will change to show the watch channel.
Note All other stations will also show the Dual Watch display.
Note Normal VHF functions will not be available when in Dual Watch
mode. To exit Dual Watch, press 16 or O
N/C, or lift the handset/
fistmike from the cradle.
2.7 Tri-Watch
Tri-Watch allows the radio to scan between the selected work­ing channel, the User channel, and the watch channel.
Note Tri-Watch cannot be selected if the User channel is set to Ch16.
To enter Tri-Watch, select the required working channel, press
HIFT, and then press and hold 3 (DW) for 2 seconds.
If Tri-Watch is selected while the handset/fistmike is off the cra­dle, the display will show “PLACE BACK ON CRADLE”. If the handset/fistmike is replaced within 10 seconds of selecting Tri-Watch, it will automatically initiate Tri-Watch.
The display will show “T/W” – the large digits on the display indicate the working channel, with the User channel and watch channel shown below in small digits (Fig 2.6).
Press & hold
Fig 2.6 - Tri-Watch mode
If the radio detects a signal on the User or watch channel, it will lock onto this and the large digits will change to show the relevant channel.
Note All other stations will also show the Tri-Watch display.
Note Normal VHF functions will not be available when in Tri-Watch
mode. To exit Tri-Watch, press 16 or O
N/C, or lift the handset/
fistmike from the cradle.
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If the radio locks onto a busy channel, pressing OK will manu­ally continue the scan. All Scan will otherwise automatically restart when the channel becomes clear.
Note All other stations will also show the All Scan display.
Note While in Scan mode, normal VHF functions are not available.
To exit All Scan, press 16 or O
N/C, or lift the handset from the
2.8.1 Dynamic All Scan inhibit
If the radio is constantly locking onto a busy channel during scanning, this channel can be excluded from the scan by press­ing SHIFT then 1 while locked on that channel.
The display will show “CHANNEL INHIBITED” and the chan­nel will no longer be included in the scan cycle.
The channel can be reinstated using the menu option de­scribed in section 3.1.2.
2.8 All Scan mode
The scan function cycles the RS86/RS87 sequentially through each enabled channel, pausing when a signal is detected.
Press S
HIFT followed by 1 (SCAN ALL) to enter All Scan mode.
If All Scan is selected while the handset/fistmike is off cradle, the display will show “PLACE BACK ON CRADLE”. This function will be canceled, if the handset/fistmike is not returned to the cradle within 10 seconds.
The display will now show “SCAN ALL”. If the radio detects a signal, it will lock onto this and the large digits will change to show the relevant channel number (Fig 2.7).
Fig 2.7 - All Scan mode
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2.9 Memory Scan mode
Memory Scan gives the option of scanning a preprogrammed set of channels specified by the user (see sections 3.1.4 and
Press S
HIFT then 2 (SCAN M) to enter Memory Scan mode.
If Memory Scan is selected while the handset/fistmike is off cradle, the display will show “PLACE BACK ON CRADLE”. If the handset/fistmike is replaced within 10 seconds of select­ing Memory Scan, it will automatically initiate Memory Scan.
The display will now show “SCAN M”. If the radio detects a signal, it will lock onto this and the large digits will change to show the relevant channel (Fig 2.8).
Fig 2.8 - Memory Scan mode
If the radio locks onto a busy channel, pressing OKwill manu­ally continue the scan. Memory Scan will otherwise automati­cally restart when the channel becomes clear.
Note If only one channel has been entered into the memory, then ini-
tiating Memory Scan will retune the RS86/RS87 to the stored channel.
Note All other stations will also show the Memory Scan display.
Note While in Memory Scan mode, normal VHF functions are not
available. To exit Memory Scan, press 16 or O
N/C, or lift the
handset from the cradle.
2.9.1 Dynamic Memory Scan delete
If the radio is constantly locking onto a busy channel during scanning, this channel can be removed from the Memory Scan by pressing S
HIFT then 2 while locked on that channel.
The display will show “CHANNEL DELETED” and the chan­nel will no longer be included in the scan cycle.
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2.10 Adjusting backlighting
The display and keypad are backlit – to set the backlighting level, press S
followed by C
) to enter back-
lighting mode.
Use the V
OL and VOL keys to adjust the backlighting level
from off through to level 5.
Press O
or O
N/C to exit the backlighting mode at the selected
Note Backlighting levels will only affect this particular station.
2.11 Handset/fistmike off cradle
When a handset/fistmike is lifted off its cradle, all other stations will show “OCCUPIED” on the display (Fig 2.9). This means that these stations are locked out until the handset/fistmike is returned to the cradle – unless the station is being called on intercom by another station.
Note The handset plugged into the lowest numbered port is the de-
signated master unit. Lifting the master handset will override all other stations, even if it is displaying “OCCUPIED”. All other stations will now display “OCCUPIED” in return and be locked out.
Fig 2.9 - Station 2 handset is in use
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Menu mode is used to adjust the various settings of the radio, such as channels inhibited from scan, MMSI number program­ming, and User channel selection.
To enter Menu mode, press S
HIFT followed by 9 (MENU).
Use the the V
OL and VOL keys to scroll through the various
menu options:
• Scanning (section 3.1) Options related to the various scanning functions such as channel inhibit, Memory Scan select, and scan dwell time.
• Numbers (section 3.2) Entering of ID numbers such as MMSI, Group MMSI, and ATIS number (if applicable in country of use).
• VHF Items (section 3.3) Miscellaneous options such as selection of User channel, last used channel, Interrupt Intercom, and speaker settings.
To select an option, press O
K. To return to normal radio opera-
tion, press O
Note Entering Menu mode will inhibit the operation of the radio. Exit
Menu mode before returning the handset/fistmike to the cradle to permit normal operation.
3.1 Scanning
Once the Scanning menu option has been selected (see intro­duction to section 3), use the VOL and VOL keys to scroll
through the menu options:
• All Scan inhibit (section 3.1.1)
• All Scan reset (section 3.1.2)
• All Scan show (section 3.1.3)
• Memory Scan select (section 3.1.4)
• Memory Scan clear (section 3.1.5)
• Memory Scan show (section 3.1.6)
• Scan dwell time (section 3.1.7)
To select an option, press O
. To return to the main menu, press
3.1.1 All Scan inhibit
If the radio is constantly locking onto a busy channel when scan­ning, this channel can be inhibited from the scan cycle.
Use the VOL or VOL key to select another Scanning menu option, or press O
N/C to return to the main menu.
3.1.3 All Scan show
This function displays all inhibited channels. From the Scan­ning menu (section 3.1) select “ALL SCAN SHOW” and press
K. The display will then change to “SHOWING CHANNELS”
and display all inhibited channels in sequence.
E04819 Issue 1.0
From the Scanning menu (section 3.1) select “ALL SCAN IN­HIBIT” and press O
K. Enter the relevant channel number using
the numeric keypad. The display will show the channel number and its status – “ALL SCAN” for enabled, or “ALL SCAN IN­HIBITED” for inhibited channels (Fig 3.1).
Press OK to change the channel’s inhibit status – i.e. if it is en­abled, pressing O
K will inhibit it, and vice versa. If the channel
is inhibited, it will no longer be included in the All Scan cycle. Enabling the channel will re-select it.
Additional channels can be inhibited/enabled by entering the channel number and repeating the above procedure.
To exit, press the V
OL or VOL key to select another Scan-
ning menu option, or press O
N/C to return to the main menu.
3.1.2 All Scan reset
This function will reset all inhibited channels. From the Scan­ning menu (section 3.1) select “ALL SCAN RESET” and press
OK– the display will show “CHANNELS RESET” (Fig 3.2).
Fig 3.1 - Selected channel inhibited from scan
Fig 3.2 - All inhibited channels reset
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Press OK to change the channel’s Memory Scan status – i.e. if it is not selected, pressing OK will add it to the Memory Scan cycle, and vice versa.
Additional channels can be added/removed by entering the channel number and repeating the above procedure.
Press the V
OL or VOL key to select another Scanning menu
option, or press O
N/C to return to the main menu.
Note North American users – Only one Weather channel can be en-
tered into the Memory Scan; if another one is selected, it will override the existing channel. The Weather channel is not scan­ned as part of the Memory Scan sequence, it is used by the Weather Watch function (see section 6.1).
3.1.5 Memory Scan clear
Memory Scan clear will reset all channels previously selected for Memory Scan, so that a new set can be selected.
Press the V
OL or VOL key to select another Scanning menu
option, or press O
N/C to return to the main menu.
3.1.4 Memory Scan select
This function selects the channels to be used in the Memory Scan cycle (see section 2.9).
From the Scanning menu (section 3.1) select “MEMORY SCAN SELECT” and press O
K. Enter the relevant channel number
using the numeric keypad. The display will show the channel number and its memory status – “MEM SCAN” if it is not cur­rently selected for Memory Scan, or “MEM SCAN ENABLED” if it is already selected (Fig 3.3).
Fig 3.3 - Selecting a channel for Memory Scan
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From the Scanning menu (section 3.1) select “MEMORY SCAN CLEAR” and press O
K – the display will show “CHANNELS
CLEARED” (Fig 3.4).
Fig 3.4 - All inhibited channels reset
Press the VOL or VOL key to select another Scanning menu option, or O
N/C to return to the main menu.
3.1.6 Memory Scan show
This function displays all channels selected for Memory Scan. From the Scanning menu (section 3.1) select “MEMORY SCAN SHOW” and press O
K. The display will change to “SHOWING
CHANNELS” and display all the channels selected for Memo­ry Scan in sequence.
Press the V
OL or VOL key to select another Scanning menu
option, or press O
N/C to return to the main menu.
3.1.7 Scan dwell time
This function is used to select the amount of time the RS86/ RS87 remains on a channel after it has locked onto it during scanning (All Scan or Memory Scan) and the signal is lost.
From the Scanning menu (section 3.1) select “SCAN DWELL TIME” and press O
K. The display will show “SCAN DWELL
TIME XX”, where “XX” is the current dwell time in seconds (Fig 3.5).
Fig 3.5 - Scan dwell time
The default time is 0, meaning that the scan will continue as soon as the signal is lost. There are 11 levels from 0–10 sec­onds – use the numeric keys to enter the scan dwell time and press OK, the display will show “DWELL TIME XX SECONDS”.
Press the V
OL or VOL key to select another Scanning menu
option, or O
N/C to return to the main menu.
Instruction Manual
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3.2 Numbers
The Numbers menu is used for entering ID numbers such as MMSI, Group MMSI, and ATIS (if applicable in country of use).
Once the Numbers menu option has been selected (see introduc-
tion to section 3), use the V
OL and VOL keys to scroll
through the menu options:
• Ship’s MMSI (section 3.2.1)
• ATIS number (section 3.2.2)
• Group MMSI (section 3.2.3)
Note The ATIS number option will only be shown if the radio is ATIS-
enabled. This feature is only available for sets used in Benelux and the Rhine/Danube waterways.
To select an option, press O
To return to the main menu, press O
3.2.1 Ship’s MMSI
This function will display the boat’s MMSI number if it has al­ready been entered, or will allow the MMSI to be entered if the radio is being used for the first time (see also section 1.5).
From the Numbers menu (section 3.2) select “SHIPS MMSI” and press O
K – the display will show “SHIPS MMSI” and the
MMSI number (unless the number has not been entered yet, in which case it will show “– – –”; Fig 3.6).
Fig 3.6 - Entering the MMSI number
Caution The MMSI number can only be entered once and can-
not be edited by the user. Should it become necessary to change the MMSI (for example, if the radio is being moved to another boat), the radio must be sent to an authorized Simrad service agent for reprogramming.
E04819 Issue 1.0
To enter the MMSI number press OK again. The display will show “ENTER MMSI” and the first dash in the number will start flashing to indicate that entry can begin.
Enter the nine-digit MMSI number using the numeric keypad and press O
K. The radio will then ask that the MMSI is re-
entered to confirm. If the two numbers do not match, the MMSI will need to be re-entered and re-confirmed.
Use the C
and MSGkeys to move the cursor to correct any errors. The cursor position is indicated by the number flash­ing. Enter a new number to overwrite an incorrect number.
Note The MMSI number will not be accepted, unless all nine digits
have been entered.
Use the V
OL / VOL keys to select another Numbers menu
option, or press O
N/C to return to the main menu.
3.2.2 ATIS number
Note This section applies only to radios used in countries where the
ATIS system is in operation (i.e. Benelux and the Rhine/Danube waterways). This option will only appear on ATIS-equipped ra­dios (see also section 1.6).
From the Numbers menu (section 3.2) select “ATIS NO” – the display will show “ATIS NO” and the ATIS number (unless the number has not been entered yet, in which case it will show “– – –”).
Caution The ATIS number can only be entered once and cannot
be edited by the user. If it is necessary to change the ATIS number, the radio must be sent to an authorized Simrad service agent for reprogramming.
To enter the ATIS number press OKagain. The display will show “ENTER ATIS” and the first dash in the number will start flash­ing to indicate that entry can begin.
Enter the nine-digit ATIS number using the numeric keypad and press O
K. The radio will then ask that the number is re-entered
to confirm. If the two numbers do not match, the number will need to be re-entered and re-confirmed.
Use the C
and MSGkeys to move the cursor to correct any errors. The cursor position is indicated by the number flash­ing. Enter a new number to overwrite an incorrect number.
Instruction Manual
E04819 Issue 1.0
Note The ATIS number will not be accepted, unless all nine digits have
been entered (the prefix 9 is automatically inserted by the radio).
Press the V
OL or VOL key to select another Numbers menu
option, or O
N/C to return to the main menu.
3.2.3 Group MMSI
For boats that are part of a flotilla, racing/fishing fleet, or other group, a Group ID MMSI number can also be entered and used to contact other boats in the same fleet (see section 1.7).
Note The Group MMSI number may be allocated on a temporary ba-
sis by the local administration, for this reason the number can be changed by the user.
From the Numbers menu (section 3.2) select “GROUP MMSI” – the display will show “GROUP MMSI” and the Group MMSI number (unless the number has not been entered yet, in which case it will show “0 – – –”).
To enter the Group MMSI number press O
K again. The display
will show “ENTER MMSI” and the first dash in the number will start flashing to indicate that entry can begin. The first digit of a Group MMSI is always 0, and this is preselected by the radio. Enter the remaining eight digits using the numeric key­pad, then press O
(Fig 3.7).
GROUP MMS II 0436 1 ----
Use the CALLand MSGkeys to move the cursor to correct any errors. The cursor position is indicated by the number flashing. Enter a new number to overwrite an incorrect number.
Note The number will not be accepted, unless all eight digits have
been entered.
Press the V
OL or VOL key to select another Numbers menu
option, or O
N/C to return to the main menu.
Fig 3.7 - Entering a Group MMSI number
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