Simrad PI DEPTH - MANUAL 2, PI REMOTE - REV A, PI Remote/DEPTH Instruction Manual

Instruction manual
Simrad PI Remote/Depth
Sensor for depth and spread measurements
Simrad PI Remote/Depth
Instruction manual
This document gives you the necessary information for mounting, charging and maintaining the PI Remote/Depth sensor. It also explains how to set up the PI44 andPI54ca
tch monitoring systems to receive and display the information provided by the sensor.
19 November 2007
Document history
Document number: 316870 / ISBN-10: 82-8066-096-8 / ISBN-13: 978-82-8066-096-1 Rev.A
19 November 2007 First release.
©2007 Kongsberg Maritime AS
The information contained in this document remains the sole property of Kongsberg Maritime AS. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, and the info r mation contained within it is not to be communicated to a third party, without the prior written consent of Kongsberg Maritime AS. The document, or any part of it, may not be translated to any other language without the written approval from Kongsberg M aritime AS.
Kongsberg Maritime AS endeavours to ensure that all information in this docum ent is correct and fairly stated, but does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.
The equipment to which this manual applies must only be used for the purpose for which it wa
s designed. Improper use or maintena nce may cause damage to the equipment and/or injury to personnel. The user mu st be familiar with the contents of the appropriate manuals before attempting to install, operate or work on the equipment. Kongsberg Maritime AS disclaims any responsibility for damage or injury caused by improper installation, use or maintenance of the equipment.
If you require maintenance on your Simrad equipment, contact your local dealer. You can also contact Simrad using the following address:s
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Instruction manual
Table of contents
INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 5
Purpose and applications..........................................................................................5
Main parts identication...........................................................................................6
Information on the sensor label................................................................................7
INSTALLATION ................................................................. 8
Sensor installation ....................................................................................................8
Adapter installation ..................................................................................................8
Installation principles ...............................................................................................9
CONFIGURATION ............................................................ 10
Basic conguration.................................................................................................10
Conguration of the PI32.......................................................................................10
Conguration of the PI44 and PI54........................................................................11
Adding a Spread/Depth sensor ...............................................................................13
About sensor conguration ....................................................................................14
Default communication channelsand updaterates.........................................14
Changing a communication channel ............................................................. 15
Changing the update rate ............................................................................. 15
PI Congurator ........................................................................................... 16
DISPLAY PRESENTATIONS.............................................. 17
Numerical presentation...........................................................................................17
Graphical presentation on PI32 ..............................................................................17
Graphical presentation on PI44 and PI54...............................................................19
Depth marker line.......................................................................................20
Spread marker line ...................................................................................... 21
CHARGING AND MAINTENANCE ...................................... 23
PI Remote/Depth maintenance...............................................................................23
PI Remote/Depth charging .....................................................................................24
How to use the Simrad PI Charger.........................................................................25
Daily operation........................................................................................... 25
Indicators................................................................................................... 26
Automatic conguration.............................................................................. 27
How to use the Simrad PI MaxiCharger.................................................................28
Daily operation........................................................................................... 28
Indicators................................................................................................... 29
316870/A 3
Simrad PI Remote/Depth
Efcient shery with trawl and purse seine assumes professional and adequate instrumentation on the gear. Simrad has provided professional instruments for sh nding for more than sixty years. This user manual described installation, use and maintenance of the PI Remote/Depth sensor when put to use with the PI catch monitoring systems.
Purpose and applications
The purpose of the PI Remote/Depth sensor is to achieve accurate measurements of both the water depth and the distance between the two trawl doors. In order to measure the distance, it must be installed in a pair with a PI Spread or PI Spread/Depth sensor.
Figure 1 The PI Remote/Depth sensor application
(A) The Spread sensor is mou
nted in a special adapter on the
port trawl door. (B) The Remote/Depth se
nsor is mounted in a special adapter on
the starboard trawl do
(C) The Spread sensor c
ommunicates the distance between the
trawl doors to the PI s
ystem on the vessel.
(D) The Remote/Dep
th sensor communicates the current depth of
the trawl door to t
he PI system on the vessel.
(E) Using the tran
sverse communication link, the two sensors
measure the phys
ical distance between the trawl doors.
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Simrad PI Remote/Depth
The PI Remote/Depth thus contains both a pressure sensor to measure the water depth, and a transducer to communicate with the PI Spread sensor. The sensor in the PI Spread sensor will then measure the distance between the trawl doors. The results from these measurements are transmitted by acoustic signals to the PI catch monitoring system mounted on the vessel.
Each Spread sensor can be congured to communicate with one of two Remote/Depth sensors; Remote 1 or Remote 2. Label the Spread sensor accordingly, and ensure that you only use the sensors in the correct pairs.
The PI Remote/Depth has been developed to be used on both bottom and pelagic trawls. The sensor is installed on the starboard trawl door using an adapter.
Main parts identication
Figure 2 PI Remote/Depth sensor
(A) Negative charging and fastening lug (B) Positive charging and fastening lug (C) Communication link to the vessel (D) Transverse communication link (E) Spread and Remote set identication (F) Water switch with sacricial bolt (G) Sensor identication label
6 316870/A
Information on the sensor label
The sensor label provides the following information.
Figure 3 The PI Remote/Depth sensor label
(A) Channel identication. You must write down the channel currently used by the sensor to communicate with the PI system. The green background colour on the label is chosen to remind you that the sensor is mounted on the starboard trawl door.
(B) This information identies the sensor type. Three types are available:
• PI-RD300: PI Remote/Depth for maximum depth 300 m
• PI-RD600: PI Remote/Depth for maximum depth 600 m
• PI-RD1000: PI Remote/Depth for maximum depth 1000 m (C) Order number. (D) Opening for the water to access the pressure sensor. (E) Water switch. This is a sacricial bolt. Check it from time to
time to make sure that it has not worn out. (F) The sensor’s serial number.
316870/A 7
Simrad PI Remote/Depth
The PI Remote/Depth sensor is mounted on the starboard trawl door using a special adapter. From this position, it will communicate with a Spread or a Spread/Depth sensor on the port trawl door, and with the hydrophone beneath the vessel.
Sensor installation
The PI Remote/Depth sensor and the Spread or Spread/Depth sensors must be mounted in dedicated adapters on each trawl door. These adapters must be installed beforehand. Detailed information on how to install the adapters are provided with the installation kit.
The PI Remote/Depth sensor is mounted on the s
tarboard door, while the PI Spread (or PI Spread/Depth) sensor is mounted on the p
ort door.
It is essential that there is a clear line of sight between the two transverse communication “eyes” (one on each sensor). It is also important that both the PI Spread ( or Spread/Depth) and the PI Remote/Depth sensors have a clear line of sight to the hydrophone on the vessel.
The two rubber inserts provided at the bottom of each sensor adapter must not be replaced with any other types or designs. It is essential that these inserts provide a secure cradle for the sensors, but they must also allow for free water circulation to allow the sensor’s water switch to engage. Also, the design of the inserts allows sand and mud to ow out when the trawl doors are pulled up from the water.
Adapter installation
The installation of the sensor adapter is described in the dedicated instruction manual provided with the adapter. The document can also be downloaded from w
The adapter used to install the PI Remote/Depth sensor is not the same as the adapter used for the standard PI Remote sensor. The PI Remote/Depth sensor uses the same physical housing as the PI Spread and PI Spread/Depth sensors, but it must be mounted “upside down” to establish free view between the two transducers used for the transverse communication.
8 316870/A
Installation principles
Observe the installation principles in the illustration.
Figure 4 Installation principles
(A) The PI Spread (or Spread/Depth) sensor is mounted in a special adapter on the p
ort door.
(B) The PI Remote/Depth sensor is mounted in a special adapter on the s
tarboard door.
(C) Communication link between the PI Spread (or Spread/Depth) sensor and the PI hydrophone.
(D) Communication link between the PI Remote/Depth sensor and the PI hydrophone.
(E) Communication link between the two sensors. (F) Angle of attack.
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