Simrad ES 120-7F
120 kHz Split-beam transducer
(855-164135 Rev.C)
The ES120-7F is a split-beam transducer with 76
piezo-ceramic elements distributed over four quadrants. The unit may also be used as a single-beam
transducer. This is accomplished by coupling (in parallel) the four quadrants into two sets and connecting
the resulting pair in series. The specications below
are valid when the transducer is wired as a single-beam unit. The unit has a streamlined housing
for hull and towed foil mounting.
Order number
Technical specications
Resonant frequency....................................... 120 kHz
Beamwidth, circular.....................................7 deg ±1
D........................................................... 650 ±20%
DI=10logD .............................................28 ±1 dB
Equivalent two-way beam angle:
Ψ.......................................0.009 ± 20% steradain
10 logΨ.............................................. -20.5 ±1 dB
Side lobes..........................................less than -15 dB
Back radiation ...................................less than -35 dB
Angle sensitivity:
Phase angle/angle to target................................21
Nominal...................................................60 ohms
Max. variation in |Z| .........................45 - 80 ohms
Max variation in phase angle .........................±30 deg
Transmitting response.............................179.5 dB ±2
re 1µPa per V
Receiving sensitivity, open circuit ........ -180.5 dB ±2
re 1V per µPa
Electroacoustic efciency ......................... 0.70 ±0.20
Maximum pulse power input .........................1000 W
Maximum continous power input ......................10 W
Maximum transducer depth ............................. 150 m
Cable length ....................................................... 20 m
Cable diameter ............................................. 10.6 mm
Weight without cable .......................................6.6 kg