Simrad ES120-7F - DATASHEET REV C, ES 120-7F, KSV-110553 Datasheet

Simrad ES 120-7F
120 kHz Split-beam transducer
(855-164135 Rev.C)
The ES120-7F is a split-beam transducer with 76 piezo-ceramic elements distributed over four quad­rants. The unit may also be used as a single-beam transducer. This is accomplished by coupling (in par­allel) the four quadrants into two sets and connecting the resulting pair in series. The specications below are valid when the transducer is wired as a sin­gle-beam unit. The unit has a streamlined housing for hull and towed foil mounting.
Order number
Technical specications
Resonant frequency....................................... 120 kHz
Beamwidth, circular.....................................7 deg ±1
D........................................................... 650 ±20%
DI=10logD .............................................28 ±1 dB
Equivalent two-way beam angle:
Ψ.......................................0.009 ± 20% steradain
10 logΨ.............................................. -20.5 ±1 dB
Side lobes..........................................less than -15 dB
Back radiation ...................................less than -35 dB
Angle sensitivity:
Phase angle/angle to target................................21
Nominal...................................................60 ohms
Max. variation in |Z| .........................45 - 80 ohms
Max variation in phase angle .........................±30 deg
Transmitting response.............................179.5 dB ±2
re 1µPa per V
Receiving sensitivity, open circuit ........ -180.5 dB ±2
re 1V per µPa
Electroacoustic efciency ......................... 0.70 ±0.20
Maximum pulse power input .........................1000 W
Maximum continous power input ......................10 W
Maximum transducer depth ............................. 150 m
Cable length ....................................................... 20 m
Cable diameter ............................................. 10.6 mm
Weight without cable .......................................6.6 kg
Manufact urer:
Simrad AS
Strandpr omenaden 50
P.O.Box 111
N-3191 Hor ten
Telephone: +47 33 03 40 00