Simrad H1000 User Manual

Use of solvent based or chemical cleaners on the displays will result in damage and invalidate the warranty
h1000 pilot
HB-1000I-02 English
An autopilot is a very useful navigational aid, but DOES NOT under any circumstance replace a human navigator.
Do not use automatic steering when:
In heavy traffic areas or in narrow waters
In poor visibility or extreme sea conditions
When in areas where use of an autopilot is prohibited by law
When using an autopilot:
Do not leave the helm unattended
Do not place any magnetic material or equipment near magnetic or fluxgate compass used in the autopilot system
Verify at regular intervals course and position of vessel
Always switch OFF the autopilot in due time to avoid hazardous situations
h1000 pilot
contents 1 h1000 pilot display 4
description 4 siting the pilot head 4 mounting procedure 5 panel mounting 5
h1000 compass unit 6
description 6 siting the compass unit 6 mounting procedure 6
rudder reference unit (rru) 7
description 7 key points when installing the rru 7
linear feedback unit 11 rudder drive options 12
ram drive unit 12 description 12 hydraulic linear drives 12
hydraulic ram drive dimensions (T0-12V) 14 hydraulic ram drive dimensions (T1-12V, T2-12V, T2-24V) 15 size 3 hydraulic ram drive dimensions, 24V 17 ram drive unit installation 19
key points on installation 19
layout of typical ram drive unit 20 ram mounted parallel to vessel’s centre-line 21
key points on installation 22 mounting a hydraulic linear ram on a vertical bulkhead 22 vertical bulkhead installation 23 splitting the ram drive unit 24 type 1 and type 2 units 24 type 3 units 24
hydraulic drive pumps 25
description 25 pump data 25 key points on installation 25
hydraulic drive pump dimensions 26
type 1 and 2 26 type 3 26
hydraulic drive pump installation 27
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contents contents
h1000 pilot
hydraulic drive pump installation examples 28
single station system example 28 dual station system example 28 dual station system with bypass example 29 dual station pressurised system example 29
advanced control processor unit (acp) 30
description 30 siting the acp 30 mounting procedure 30 cable and connection information 31 emc compliance 31 general wiring notes 31 all rudder drives – heavy duty power cables 32 linear drives – clutch/valve cables 32 acp unit terminal details 32 wire colour coding and abbreviations 32
wiring connections 33
clutch voltage selection 33 acp dip switch location 34 h1000 and alarm connections 35 hand-held, mob and joystick 36 hydraulic ram drive connections 37 ram solenoid wiring details 38 hydraulic pump connections 39 continuous drive connections 40 direct paddle input connection 41 linear feedback connection 42 non-b&g paddle connection 43 furuno ad10 heading connection 44
optional accessories 46 hand-held controller 46
description 46 siting the hand-held unit 46 mounting procedure 46
man overboard button (mob) 47
description 47 siting the man overboard alarm button 47 mounting procedure 47
acp joystick 48
description 48 siting the joystick 48 mounting procedure 48
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h1000 pilot
h1000 pilot calibration 49
pilot installation checklist 49 drive unit and steering system 49 linear hydraulic rams 49 size 3 ram installation checklist 49 hydraulic pumps 49 rotary drives 49 rudder reference unit installation 50 linear feedback unit installation 50 compass installation 50 electronics installation 50
speed calibration 51 calibrating the pilot 53 pilot calibration parameters 53
dockside calibration 53 selecting the boat type 54 setting the rudder end stops 54 setting the port rudder stop 54 setting the starboard rudder stop 54 selecting the rudder drive type 54 hardovertime 55 waterline length 55 magnetic dip angle 56 magnetic dip angle compensation chart 56 joystick control 56 seatrial calibration 57 compass calibration 58 engaging the h1000 pilot 61 setting the rudder midships position 61 boat lag 61 setting the boat lag value 62 boat lag value table 62 automatic rudder gain 62 checking the automatic rudder gain learning 62 manual rudder gain 63 rudder gain value table 63
trouble shooting 61
uncalibrated 61 no rudder position 61 no drive selected 62 no boat speed 62 no heading data 62 no nmea information 63 nmea data unstable 63 poor wind data 63 current trip limit 63 no pilot detected 63 pilot not steering a straight course 64
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description/installation h1000 pilot display
h1000 pilot
The h1000 pilot display is designed to be mounted above or below decks. The display head allows control of the pilot and by installing multiple display heads, gives control at any station. It can be connected to all other h1000 Instruments via the Fastnet and navigational system.
Caution: it is essential that the pilot is calibrated before operati on. Details are given in the calibration section of this manual.
In an integrated system, boat speed is supplied from the h1000 Speed/Depth Interface and wind speed and wind angle from the h1000 Wind Interface via Fastnet Compass and Wind modes. When a CND or NMEA position fixer is connected to the system, Navigate mode becomes available. NMEA data is connected to the Universal Interface and then broadcast across Fastnet
The display heads are supplied with a clip-in mounting bracket, which allows for easy installation. Access from behind is not necessary to secure the unit in place. However to prevent theft or if removal of the unit is not required, then locking studs and thumbnuts are supplied to allow for permanent fixing.
and used by the pilot.
connectors to provide an integrated autopilot
. These allow the pilot to operate in the
siting the pilot display head
h1000 instruments are designed for mounting above or below decks. Select a display site that is:
At a convenient position within easy reach and view of the helmsman.
On a smooth and flat surface.
At a safe distance of 100mm (4") from any compasses.
Protected from physical damage.
Accessible from behind for fitting locking studs if required.
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h1000 pilot
mounting procedure
panel mounting
Ensure that the display is installed on a flat surface, and there is sufficient room behind the panel to accommodate the fixings and connections. Using the template supplied, cut a hole in the panel in the desired position.
Fix the mounting bracket into the hole using the screws supplied.
: the sealing ring is fitted to the unit during manufacture, its purpose is to prevent moisture
penetration and reduce the effects of any vibration transmitted through the instrument panel. Press the Pilot Display firmly into the mounting bracket; an audible ‘clic k’ will indicate that the case
is correctly located. Secure the unit to the instrument panel by fitting the studs and thumbnuts supplied.
: To avoid damaging the casing, fixing studs must only be tightened ‘finger-tight’.
Mounting Bracket
Sealing Ring (Fitted at Manufacture)
Pilot Display Unit
Protective Cover
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description/installation h1000 compass unit
h1000 pilot
The h1000 compass is an electronic fluxgate for use with all h10 00 systems. The unit is housed in a sealed casing constructed of high impact plastic. It is therefore suitable for on or below deck mounting.
If installed in a vessel with a steel or reinforced concrete hull it may be necessary to install the compass unit outside the magnetic screening affect of the hull and super-structure.
Two Fastnet² connectors are provided at the base of the unit. These connectors allow connection to the rest of the system for the supply of power and data.
siting the compass unit
Mount the compass upright on a flat vertical bulkhead where it will be:
A safe distance from external magnetic interference:
3m (10ft) from VHF, RDF, loudspeakers, depth sounders, engines, or power cables carrying heavy current.
3m (10ft) from radar and SSB equipment.
Externally mounted on steel vessels.
Protected from physical damage.
Protected from water ingress (particularly bilge water).
Optimum positioning: as low as possible to minimise effect of pitching and rolling of boat.
mounting procedure
Secure the unit in the selected site using the non-magnetic self-tapping screws provided.
Route the Fastnet e.g. engine starter, trim-tabs, etc.
Secure cables in place with cable clips or tie-wraps.
Avoid bending the cable through a tight radius, especially near the connector as this may damage the wires inside the cable.
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cable to the rest of the system avoiding other cables carrying heavy currents,
h1000 pilot
rudder reference unit (rru)
The Rudder Reference Unit (rru) is a sealed, high specification potentiometer in a robust casing, providing rudder position information to the pilot computer unit. The operating arm is constructed from aluminium with three positions pre-drilled for the adjustable drag-link. The drag-link has ball-joints at each end which connect the unit operating arm to the tiller arm or steering quadrant. The unit base has four holes to allow for mounting. The unit is supplied with 10m (30ft) of 3-core screened cable.
key points when installing the rru
General consideration must be given to the steering system and its geometry before starting the
RRU installation. Many factors must be contemplated for a practical solution. The information given here is for guidance only, although where a maximum or a minimum value is given these must be adhered to.
Mount the rru on a flat surface next to the tiller arm or steering quadrant; construct a small
platform if necessary.
D o not lengthen the drag-link arm as this can transmit excessive vibration loads to the rru and
will invalidate the warranty.
The unit operating arm can be rotated through 360q; the mid-point of the potentiometer travel is
when the operating arm is opposite the cable entry point.
When the rudder is moved from hardover port to hardover starboard the rru arm should swing
through a minimum of 90q. This will ensure that there is sufficient voltage swing to the autopilot.
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h1000 pilot
rudder reference unit
Measure the voltage difference between the green and blue wires of the rru; there should be a
minimum of 1V d.c. change from hardover to hardover. Note: If there is less than a 1V d.c. change the pilot will not commission
After installation check full movement of the steering system ensuring that there is no fouling
between the steering gear, rru parts and drive unit.
Ensure that there is no backlash in the linkage between the rru and the st eering gear, otherwise
incorrect operation of the autopilot will occur.
The example shown overleaf is a plan view of a typical system with a tiller arm and quadrant. When viewed in elevation, the ram drive arm and rudder reference unit drag-link must not be more than ±9 from horizontal. Ideally, all components should be horizontally aligned as this prevents excessive stress during operation.
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h1000 pilot
rudder reference unit
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h1000 pilot
rudder reference unit
The RRU can be mounted in a variety of positions and orientations depending on the layout of the steering system.
If the maximum rudder angle is less than 90q then the position of the RRU or the drag-link must be adjusted so that the operating arm of the RRU swings through a minimum of 90.
1V minimum
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h1000 pilot
rudder reference unit
The rudder hardover angle should only be limited by th e rudder stop s, not the rru li nkage or pilo t drive unit. Check that when hardover, the rru arm and drag-link do not form a straight line. If this occurs the steering system could become damaged or jammed endangering the boat and crew. This fault can easily be rectified, by adjusting the position of the RRU.
linear feedback unit
Where installation of the conventional rudder reference unit is difficult or physically impossible, a linear feedback unit (SEN-RUD-LFB) can be used. The linear feedback unit comprises of a tube approximately 23mm (7/8 inch) in diameter and 300mm (12 inch) long. This assembly is attached to the top of the B&G Blue Ram Types T1 or T2. Each end of the linear feedback unit has a small rose-joint which is attached to corresponding pillars on the ram, the ros e-joints are retained using washers and spring clips.
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h1000 pilot
rudder drive options
Accurate performance of the yacht’s steering system is crucial to the safety of you and your crew. B&G always recommend that an Authorised B&G Dealer performs the installation of autopilot drive units.
In line with B&G’s policy of continuous product improvement, drive units are regularly updated. Installation data included with your drive unit will replace installation data contained in this manual. Before undertaking any shipwright work onboard the yacht, it is essential that the installation data in this manual be verified against your drive unit. If in doubt, consult your authorised B&G Dealer for technical assistance. B&G cannot accept liability for differences that may occur between the drive unit and this User Manual.
ram drive unit
A hydraulic pump driven from the dc electric supply combines a compact reversible pump and a hydraulic cylinder assembly for use on boats without hydraulic steering systems. Three sizes of ram drive units are available giving a wide range of thrust to suit all vessel types and sizes.
hydraulic linear drives
The Type 1 and Type 2 rams combine motor, pump and hydra ulic cyli nder as one unit, referred to as a n actuator. Type 3 rams are supplied split into a separate motor/pump unit, reservoir and hydraulic cylinder, connected by 1m (3ft) hoses. The Type 3 motor/pump unit can be mounted on a vertical bulkhead.
Note: Longer hoses for the Type 3 system are available, please contact your dealer.
Ram Drive Type RAM-T0-12V RAM-T1-12V
Motor Supply 12V dc 12V dc 12 or 24V dc 24V dc
Solenoid Valve
Peak Thrust 300 kg force
Peak Current 20A @ 12V 20A @ 12V 25A @ 12 or 24V 17A @ 24V
Rod Diameter 12mm
Tiller Arm for
70q Rudder
Torque Weight 5.8 kg
Helm to Helm
12V dc
1.25A (max)
(660 lbs force)
(0.472”) 178mm
545 Nm
(4823.65 lb.ins)
(12.7 lbs 6oz)
9.9 sec
(200kg force)
12V dc
1.25A (max)
680 kg force
(1496 lbs force)
16mm (0.623”) 214mm
1427 Nm
(12574 lb.ins)
7 kg
(15 lbs 6oz)
15.7 sec
13.4 sec
(200kg force)
RAM-T2-12V RAM-T2-24V
12 or 24V dc
1.25A (max)
680 kg force
(1496 lbs force)
16mm (0.623") 214mm
1427 Nm
(12566 lb.ins)
7 kg
(15 lbs 6oz)
11.9 sec
10.2 sec
(200kg force)
24V dc
0.8A (max)
1062 kg force
(2342 lbs force)
20mm (0.623") 257mm (10.16")
2688 Nm
(23780 lb.ins)
10.3 kg
(22lbs 11oz)
14.6 sec
12.6 sec
(200kg force)
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h1000 pilot
rudder drive options
The following tables indicate the tiller arm length required for the different types of drives. RAM T0 Hydraulic Linear Drive
½ Max. Rudder
RAM T1 and T2 Hydraulic Linear Drives
RAM-T1-12V RAM-T2-12V RAM-T2-24V
½ Max. Rudder
RAM T3 Split Hydraulic Linear Drive
RAM - T3-24V
½ Max. Rudder
429mm (16.9”)
Tiller Arm
178mm (7.0”)
575mm (22.6”)
Tiller Arm
214mm (8.4”)
755mm (29.7”)
Tiller Arm
257mm (10.2”)
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description/installation hydraulic ram drive dimensions (RAM-T0-12V)
Midstroke 429mm (16.9")
Stroke Length 203mm (8.0")
4 off Mounting Holes
9mm Dia. at 76mm Centres
h1000 pilot
76mm 66.7mm
12mm Dia. -0
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h1000 pilot
hydraulic ram drive dimensions (T1-12V, T2-12V, T2-24V)
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description/installation type 1 and 2 rose joint and am bolt detail
h1000 pilot
20 Ft.Ib
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h1000 pilot
size 3 hydraulic ram drive dimensions, 24V
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type 3 ram bolt detail
h1000 pilot
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h1000 pilot
ram drive unit installation
: General consideration must b e given to the steering system and its geometry before starting
the installation. Many factors must be contemplated for a practical solution; the information given here is for guidance only, although where a maximum or minimum value is given this must be adhered to. It is essential that the unit be installed in a fully functional steering system, with no backlash or stiffness when operating. Rectify any steering problems before installation of the ram drive unit or the autopilot will not function correctly.
key points on installation
Check that the steering gear is in good condition. Rectify any steering defects prior to installation of the ram.
The ram drive unit must be secured onto a flat, rigid base. It maybe necessary to construct a platform section for the mounting plate. For angled rudderstocks, an angled platform section will have to be constructed.
All setting-up and aligning of the ram drive unit with the steering system should be carried out with the rudder in the amidships position and the ram arm at the centre point of its travel.
The angle between the ram arm and the tiller arm should be as shown in the following diagrams.
The ram arm should ideally be at right angles to the rudderstock. The ball-joint on the end of the ram arm will allow a
of ±9qof vertical misalignment.
Caution: For Type 3 Ram Reservoir Installation, do not turn the black reservoir tap on or attempt to move the piston rod until all of the following are completed:
The base foot of the ram and pump has been bolted into position.
The reservoir has been fixed to a bulkhead above the ram and pump.
The sealed reservoir transit cap has been replaced by the breather cap supplied.
The reservoir has been filled with the oil supplied.
When the checks listed above have been verified, the reservoir tap can be switched to the ‘ allowing the oil to flow between the reservoir and the pipe. (Tap “ON” position is in-line with the pipe).
’ position
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description/installation layout of a typical ram drive unit
h1000 pilot
b=tillerarm length
a=half max rudder angle
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