SimpleTech STI-FAX/14.4V, STI-FAX33.6, STI-FAX/33.6SJ User Manual

User Guide
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33.6 C
User Guide
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Limited Product Warranty
Simple Technology, Inc. (“STI”), warrants that this product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship during the warranty period, and will perform according to product documentation. This warranty is expressly limited to product repair or replacement, at the sole discretion of STI.
Except for the express warranty expressed above, STI grants no other warranty. All implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly disclaimed and are not applicable to the product. This warranty is contingent upon proper use of the product in the application for which it is intended and does not cover any product that was modified or subjected to unusual physical or electrical stress.
STI’s maximum liability for breach of, or resulting from, this warranty will be limited to an amount not exceeding the original product purchase price. In no event will STI be liable to any party for any special, consequential, or incidental damages, or for damages for personal injury or property damage.
The defective product must be returned to original place of purchase with valid proof of purchase. State and local laws may apply.
Modem PC Cards Product Warranty Period: 5 Years
© Copyright 1996 Simple Technology Inc., all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form, by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without expressed written consent of STI.
Document Part Number 61600-00003-002
Specifications subject to change without notice. Simple Technology Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, STI reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of STI to notify any person of such revision.
SimpleJack is a trademark and Simple Technology is a registered trademark of Simple Technology, Inc. Products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
SimpleJack patent pending.
User Guide
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1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 4
The 33.6 Communicator with SimpleJack
and 33.6 Communicator ...................................................................... 4
The 14.4 Communicator ...................................................................... 5
Using the Guides .................................................................................. 6
Installation Requirements ..................................................................... 7
Unpacking the Card ............................................................................. 8
Technical Support ................................................................................ 8
2 Describing the Kit ................................................................................. 9
The Hardware ...................................................................................... 9
The Software ...................................................................................... 13
Specifications ..................................................................................... 15
3 Installing the Card .............................................................................. 18
Checking for Card and Socket Services
(Windows 3.x Only) ........................................................................... 18
Plugging in the Card ........................................................................... 19
Attaching the Cables .......................................................................... 21
Installing the Communications Software ............................................. 24
Optional Cellphone Driver Installation
(Windows 3.x and Windows 95 Only) ................................................24
4 Using the Card .................................................................................... 25
Inserting or Removing the Card .......................................................... 25
About Call Waiting ............................................................................. 27
AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes .................................... 27
Protecting the Card ............................................................................ 29
A Troubleshooting .................................................................................. 30
Windows 95 ....................................................................................... 30
Windows 3.1x .................................................................................... 30
B FCC and DOC Compliance .................................................................. 31
C Cellular Data Communication Technology License .............................. 32
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1. Introduction
This is a User Guide for the Simple Technology® 33.6 Communicator with SimpleJack™, 33.6 Communicator and 14.4 Communicator PC Cards. Refer to the appropriate that follows for an introduction to the features of your new PC Card.
The 33.6 Communicator with SimpleJack and 33.6 Communicator
The 33.6 Communicator with SimpleJack and the 33.6 Communicator are modem PC Cards that feature 33.6 Kbps data transfer, 14.4 Kbps fax, cellular-ready and voice capabilities. In addition, the 33.6 Communicator with SimpleJack features a built-in foldaway phone jack permitting maximum portability. The 33.6 Communicator connects to the phone line via a line access cable.
These PC Cards allow you to fax and to send and receive data. With computers that have a microphone and speakers, the voice capabilities of the PC Cards allow you to use your computer as an answering machine with voice-mail. With the line access cable (optional for the 33.6 Communi- cator with SimpleJack), you may use a compatible handset in case your computer does not have a microphone and speakers.
Also, the PC Cards are cellular ready, featuring Microcom® MNP10 EC™ error correction and compression. The 33.6 Communicator with SimpleJack features Celeritas® TX-CEL™ transmit spectral shaping. These features ensure fast and reliable data and fax transmission over harsh cellular conditions. For use with Microsoft® Windows™␣ 3.x and Windows 95, optional cellphone cables and drivers for most cellphones are available from your Simple Technology dealer.
The PC Cards work with PCMCIA Release 2.1 (or higher) Type II specifications, standard on most laptop and notebook computers. The PC Cards work with the Card and Socket Services already installed with Microsoft® Windows™ NT, Windows 95 and Apple® MacOS™ System 7.
The PCMCIA standard facilitates hardware installation—just plug the card into your computer socket. For Windows 3.x, Windows 95, IBM
OS/2® Warp and MacOS System 7 the card features Plug n’ Play. This allows you to install the card with your operating system already running.
The credit-card size and Plug n’ Play installation of the card make it ideal for transferring the modem between computers. This allows you to buy one modem for use with several computers.
The cards feature Digital Line Guard. This protects the card against high­current digital phone lines commonly found in hotels and offices.
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The cards are flash upgradeable for fast and easy feature enhancements should technology change in the future. The flash upgrade utility is included in the optional cellular cable kit to load cellphone drivers into the flash. The utility may also be obtained by contacting Simple Technology.
Also included with the cards are communications software for either Windows␣ 3.x (when used with Microsoft MS-DOS® 5.0 or later) and Windows 95, or MacOS System 7. Currently, software for MacOS System 7 does not support the cellular and voice features on the cards. For OS/2 Warp or Windows NT, use the cards with your favorite communications software compatible to OS/2 Warp or Windows NT. Communications software provides a user interface for the modem. Packaged with the card is an installation sheet for the communications software.
The 14.4 Communicator
The 14.4 Communicator is a modem PC Card that features 14.4 Kbps data transfer, 14.4 Kbs fax, cellular-ready and voice capabilities.
The PC Card allows you to send and receive data and fax. For PC compatibles, the PC Card is cellular ready, featuring MNP10 EC. With an optional cellphone cable, you can use the data, fax, and voice features of the card with a cellular phone. The voice capabilities of the card allow you to use your computer as an answering machine.
The PC Card works with PCMCIA Release 2.1 (or higher) Type II specifications, standard on most laptop and notebook computers. The PC Card works with the Card and Socket Services already installed with Windows NT and Windows 95.
The PCMCIA standard facilitates hardware installation—just plug the card into your computer socket. For Windows 3.x, Windows 95, and OS/2 Warp, the card features Plug n’ Play. This allows you to install the card with your operating system already running.
The credit-card size and easy installation of the card makes it ideal for carrying the modem between computers. This allows you to buy one modem for use with several computers.
Also included with the card is communications software for Windows
3.x (when used with Microsoft MS-DOS 5.0 or later) and Windows 95. For OS/2 Warp or Windows NT, use the card with your favorite com­munications software compatible to OS/2 Warp or Windows NT. Communications software provides a user interface for the modem. Packaged with the card is an installation sheet for the communications software provided with the card.
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Using the Guides
Read the rest of this chapter for information about the Installation Requirements, Unpacking the Card and Technical Support. Then, read
the chapters as follows:
1. Refer to Chapter 2 for an overview description of the kit components.
2. Refer to Chapter 3 for instructions on installing the card.
3. Refer to Chapter 4 for further information on using the card, e.g., inserting and removing the card.
4. Refer to the installation sheet for the communications software provided or refer to the guide provided with your favorite compatible communications software for instructions on installation and start-up of the communications software.
5. With kits for PC compatibles, refer to the TEXT.WRI file on the Modem Install Diskette for information on the modem AT commands and S-Registers. The file may be opened and printed with the Write accessory in Windows 3.x, Windows NT or OS/2 Warp. For Windows 95, the text may be opened and printed with the WordPad accessory. With kits for Apple MacOS System 7, refer to the TEXT.PDF file on the diskettes included with the kit. The file may be open and printed with an Acrobat reader. (You may obtain an Acrobat reader from the Adobe website at
6. With kits for PC compatibles, refer to Connecting the STI Modem to Cell Phones flyer for information on obtaining a cable for your cellphone.
7. Refer to Appendix A for troubleshooting information for PC compatible installations.
7. Refer to Appendix B for FCC and DOC compliance notices.
8. Refer to Appendix C for information on the cellular data communication technology license.
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Installation Requirements
The following are the minimum requirements for installing the card:
• A computer with the following features:
- An available PC Card Type II socket
- A hard disk drive
- A 3.5-inch floppy disk drive
- For PC compatibles, microphone and speakers if you wish to use the voice capabilities of the modem (the line access cable—optional for the 33.6 Communicator with SimpleJack—permits the use of some handsets for computers without a microphone and speakers)
• With kits for PC compatibles, one of the following operating sys­tems:
- MS-DOS 5.0 or higher, Windows 3.x and Card and Socket Services compatible to PCMCIA Release 2.1 or higher
- Windows 95
- Windows NT with your favorite Windows NT compatible communications software
- OS/2 Warp with your favorite OS/2 Warp compatible commu­nications software
• With kits for Apple computers, you need MacOS System 7 or higher
• An available phone line or with kits for PC compatibles, a cellphone (Cellphone cable and driver for use with Windows 3.x and Windows 95 are optional —refer to flyer included with the card for ordering information)
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Unpacking the Card
The following items are included with your kit:
33.6 Communicator with SimpleJack, 33.6 Communicator or
14.4 Communicator
• User Guide (this document)
• Simple Installation Instructions
• Connecting the STI Modem to Cell Phones flyer (kits for PC compatibles only)
• Communications Software (two diskettes)
• Communications Software Installation Sheet
• Diskette (contains the .INF file and TEXT.WRI for PC compatible kits and TEXT.PDF for MacOS System 7 kits)
If any item is missing or damaged, contact your dealer immediately.
Technical Support
If you experience any difficulties with the installation of the card or have any questions regarding the card, contact Simple Technology Technical Support at the following :
• Tel: 714-476-1180
1-800-367-7330 (US and Canada only)
• Fax: 714-476-1209
• EMail:
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2. Describing the Kit
This chapter describes the kit in the following sections:
• The Hardware
• The Software
• Specifications
The Hardware
Refer to the figures and the descriptions to become familiar with the hardware:
The PC Card (see Figures 2-1, 2-2 and 2-3). The Type II PC Card contains a connector for a PC Card socket and a connection for a line access cable (optional for the 33.6 Communicator with SimpleJack). In addition, the 33.6 Communicator with SimpleJack features a built-in foldaway jack and an auxiliary connector for the SimpleJack in case there is no room to open the SimpleJack when the PC Card is installed. To use the cellular features, attach the optional cellphone cable to the line access cable connector. The credit-card size PC Cards are encased in an ultrasonically welded steel package. The PC Cards are keyed and will install only in the proper orientation.
Auxiliary Connector for
Connector for Optional Cellphone Cable or Optional Line Access Cable
Identification of Card (33.6 Communicator
with SimpleJack)
Connector for PC Card Socket
Figure 2-1. 33.6 Communicator with SimpleJack
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Connector for PC Card Socket
Connector for Line Access Cable
Identification of Card (33.6 Communicator)
Figure 2-2. 33.6 Communicator
Figure 2-3. 14.4 Communicator
Connector for PC Card Socket
Connector for Line Access Cable
Identification of Card (14.4 Communicator)
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