Silverline Lever Hoist User Manual [en, de, es, it]

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Lever Hoist
6 Ton
Lever Hoist Palan à levier à chaîne Hebelzug
Polipasto de palanca de cadena Paranco a leva Rateltakel
Lever Hoist
English .................. 4
Français ................ 8
Deutsch ................. 12
6 Ton
Español ................. 16
Italiano .................. 20
Nederlands ............ 24
Description of Symbols
The rating plate on your tool may show symbols. These represent important information about the product or instructions on its use
Wear hearing protection Wear eye protection Wear breathing protection Wear head protection
Wear hand protection
Read instruction manual
Conforms to relevant legislation and safety standards
Load capacity: ............................................ 6000kg
Pull to lift rated load: .................................. 39kg
Standard lifting height: ............................... 1.5m
Load chain diameter: .................................. 10mm
Hook opening: ............................................ 47mm
Weight: ....................................................... 25kg
As part of our ongoing product development, specifications of
Silverline products may alter without notice.
General Safety
Carefully read and understand this manual and any label attached to the tool before use. Keep these instructions with the product for future reference. Ensure all persons who use this product are fully acquainted with this manual.
Even when used as prescribed it is not possible to eliminate all residual risk factors. Use with caution. If you are at all unsure of the correct and safe manner in which to use this tool, do not attempt to use it.
Keep guards in position
• Where guards exist keep them in position, in good working order, correctly adjusted and aligned. Never attempt to use a tool if any of the supplied guards are missing. If any guards are damaged, replace before use
Remove adjusting keys
• Where adjusting keys exist, ensure they are removed prior to using the tool. Always check to see that keys and adjusting devices are removed from the tool before use
Clean the work area
• Accidents can occur where benches and work areas are cluttered or dirty. Keep floors clear and avoid working where the floor is slippery. If working outdoors, be aware of all potential slip and trip hazards before using this tool
Trained, competent persons
• This tool should be used by trained, competent persons only
Children and pets
• Keep children and pets at a safe distance from the work area. Lock tools away where children cannot gain access
Use the correct tool
• Do not force or attempt to use a tool for a purpose for which it was not designed. This tool is not intended for industrial use
Wear suitable clothing and footwear
• Do not wear loose fitting clothing, neckties, jewellery, or other items which may become caught. Wear non-slip footwear or, where appropriate, footwear with protective toe caps. Long hair should be covered or tied back
Keep your balance
• Do not over-reach. Keep proper footing at all times and do not use tools when standing on an unstable surface
• The use of any attachment or accessory, other than those mentioned in this manual, could be dangerous and result in damage or injury, and may invalidate your warranty
Never stand on your tool
• Standing on your tool or its stand could cause serious injury if the tool is tipped or collapses. Do not store materials above or close to the tool in such a way that a person might stand on the tool to reach the stored items
Secure work
• Where possible, always secure work. If appropriate, use a clamp or vice so that both hands are free to operate the tool
Check for damaged or missing parts
• Before each use, check if any part of the tool is damaged or missing. Carefully check that it will operate properly and perform its intended function. Check alignment of moving parts for binding. Any guard or other part that is damaged should be immediately repaired or replaced by an authorised service centre. DO NOT USE IF DEFECTIVE
Lever Hoist456998
Lifting Tool Safety
Inspect the equipment
• Before use, always check the condition of the equipment, paying particular attention to cables, locking mechanisms, and hydraulic fittings. Cables should be free from kinks and should not show any evidence of fraying or cutting. Locking mechanisms should work freely and should be clean of excessive dirt or grease. Hydraulic fittings should be in good condition and free from leaks
• Any additional supports should be capable of taking the full weight of the object to be lifted, along with some additional capacity as a precautionary measure
• All safety devices (including automatic) should be tested before use
• Check that the hooks are sound. If a hook has more than a 10° twist out
of true, or has an excessive throat opening, it should be replaced
• Check all hook safety latches are not damaged or bent and completely seal the hook openings
• If any part of the lifting equipment is found to be damaged or worn, it must be repaired with genuine replacement parts at an authorised service centre before the equipment is used
• Lifting equipment should be inspected by a qualified person at least once each year and the results of the inspection recorded in an inspection book for future reference
• Never allow oil or grease to come into contact with the brake
• Do not modify any lifting equipment. Any attempt to tamper with this
equipment will invalidate its guarantee and could result in serious injury to yourself or others around you
Locating the lever hoist
• Locate the lever hoist in a suitable, well-lit work area
• Keep work area clean and tidy and free from unrelated materials
• Never use a lever hoist in wet, explosive or corrosive environments
Attaching a load
• Any load must only be attached / supported by the proper lifting points
• Winches/jacks should not be used in conjunction with any other lifting
• The load must always be free to lift. If the load is caught, or restricted during lifting, overloading of the lifting equipment will result
• Before attaching a load, ensure that it is stable, and will remain stable throughout the lifting process
• Never wrap the chain around a load, or use the load chain as a sling
Danger area
• Whenever an object is being lifted, the areas directly below and around the area should be considered highly dangerous. Do not reach into, or enter, this area until the object is supported
• Lifting equipment must be operated from a position where the operator is not at risk from a falling load (i.e. outside of the danger area)
• Protective headgear (e.g. hardhat) and protective footwear, should be worn by the operator, and any person near to the danger area
• Never use a lever hoist or any other overhead lifting equipment for lifting persons
During a lift
• The operator should have constant eye contact with the load. If it is impractical for the operator to have constant eye contact, then the danger area should be sealed off, and additional persons with full view of the operating area must be used to relay instructions to the operator
• Lifting equipment must only be operated by persons who are clearly familiar with the operating instructions
• Do not change from lifting to lowering rapidly. Allow the load to come to a complete stop before changing direction
• If the lifting equipment is unable to raise a load, stop immediately. The lift load capacity has been exceeded
• When lowering a load, make allowance for the fact that a load will usually run on for a few centimetres after the mechanism has been stopped
• Lifting equipment must never be used for any purpose other than vertical lifts
• Do not lift an object to a greater height than is absolutely necessary
• Never leave the load suspended in the air unattended
• If you are in any way unsure about the safe method of using this
equipment, do not use
Product Familiarisation
1 Mounting Hook 2 Drum 3 Brake Wheel 4 Direction Control 5 Hand Lever 6 Load Hook 7 Safety Bar 8 Load Chain
Unpacking Your Tool
• Carefully unpack and inspect your tool. Fully familiarise yourself with all its features and functions
• Ensure that all parts of the tool are present and in good condition. If any parts are missing or damaged, have such parts replaced before attempting to use this tool
Operating Instructions
• Do not use the lever hoist outside the ambient temperature range of
-10°C to +50°C
• Ensure the lever hoist is suspended from a structure capable of supporting a load of at least 1½ x the safe working load of the hoist, and that the Mounting Hook (1) is fully engaged with the safety bar closed
Free chaining
In this mode you can pull the chain through the hoist in either direction by hand. Useful for quick attachment of the load
• With no load on the hoist, set the Direction Control (4) to NEUTRAL
• Rotate the Brake Wheel (3) anti-clockwise to disengage the brake
• The chain can be pulled freely through the hoist in either direction
Attach the load
• Centre the load on the Load Hook (6) correctly, at the centre of its gravity
- Never load the hook in front of the safety latch (A)
- Never load the hook tip (B)
- Never load the hook off the centre line (C)
- Never load the hook sideways (D)
• Ensure hook Safety Bar (7) is closed
To lift the load
• With the load attached correctly, rotate the brake wheel clockwise to engage the brake
• Set the Direction Control (4) to UP
• Ratchet or rotate the Hand Lever (5) clockwise using a steady, even
• The chain will lift the load
To lower the load
• Rotate the brake wheel clockwise to engage the brake
• Set the Direction Control (4) to DOWN
• Ratchet or rotate the Hand Lever (5) anti-clockwise using a steady, even
• The chain will lower the load
Never release the brake with a load attached. Always ensure the load is supported before you change direction. Never put the Direction control in NEUTRAL with a load attached.
Maintenance and Storage
• Clean lever hoist and lubricate all parts with grease after each use
• Carry out a visual inspection every time the lever hoist is used and listen
for any unusual sounds during operation.
• Store in a dry place
• Never disassemble the lever hoist
• Keep the friction surfaces clean and clear
• Inspect the hooks and brake mechanism before every use
Figure 1
Figure 2
456998 Lever Hoist
Silverline Tools Guarantee
This Silverline product comes with a forever guarantee
Register this product at within 30 days of purchase in order to qualify for the forever guarantee. Guarantee period begins according to the date of purchase on your sales receipt.
Registering your purchase
Registration is made at by selecting the Guarantee Registration button. You will need to enter:-
• Your personal details
• Details of the product and purchase information
Once this information is entered your guarantee certificate will be created in PDF format for you to print out and keep with your purchase.
Terms & Conditions
Guarantee period becomes effective from the date of retail purchase as detailed on your sales receipt.
If this product develops a fault within 30 days of purchase, return it to the stockist where it was purchased, with your receipt, stating details of the fault. You will receive a replacement or refund.
If this product develops a fault after the 30 day period, return it to:
Silverline Tools Service Centre PO Box 2988 Yeovil BA21 1WU, UK
The guarantee claim must be submitted during the guarantee period. You must provide the original sales receipt indicating the purchase date,
your name, address and place of purchase before any work can be carried out.
You must provide precise details of the fault requiring correction. Claims made within the guarantee period will be verified by Silverline Tools
to establish if the deficiencies are related to material or manufacturing of the product.
Carriage will not be refunded. Items for return must be in a suitably clean and safe state for repair, and should be packaged carefully to prevent damage or injury during transportation. We may reject unsuitable or unsafe deliveries.
All work will be carried out by Silverline Tools or its authorized repair agents.
The repair or replacement of the product will not extend the period of guarantee
Defects recognised by us as being covered by the guarantee shall be corrected by means of repair of the tool, free of charge (excluding carriage charges) or by replacement with a tool in perfect working order.
Retained tools, or parts, for which a replacement has been issued, will become the property of Silverline Tools.
EC Declaration of Conformity
The undersigned: Mr Darrell Morris
as authorised by: Silverline Tools
Declares that the
Name/ model: Lever Hoist
Type/ serial no: 245051
Conforms to the following Directives:
• Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
• EN13157+A1:2009
The repair or replacement of your product under guarantee provides benefits which are additional to and do not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.
What is covered:
The repair of the product, if it can be verified to the satisfaction of Silverline Tools that the deficiencies were due to faulty materials or workmanship within the guarantee period.
If any part is no longer available or out of manufacture, Silverline Tools will replace it with a functional replacement part.
Use of this product in the EU.
What is not covered:
Silverline Tools does not guarantee repairs required as a result of: Normal wear and tear caused by use in accordance with the operating
instructions eg blades, brushes, belts, bulbs, batteries etc. The replacement of any provided accessories drill bits, blades, sanding
sheets, cutting discs and other related items. Accidental damage, faults caused by negligent use or care, misuse,
neglect, careless operation or handling of the product. Use of the product for anything other than normal domestic purposes. Change or modification of the product in any way. Use of parts and accessories which are not genuine Silverline Tools
components. Faulty installation (except installed by Silverline Tools). Repairs or alterations carried out by parties other than Silverline Tools or its
authorized repair agents. Claims other than the right to correction of faults on the tool named in
these guarantee conditions are not covered by the guarantee.
The technical documentation is kept by: Silverline Tools
Notified body: TUV Rheinland
Place of declaration: Nuremberg, Germany
Date: 11/11/11
Signed by:
Name and address of Manufacturer or Authorised representative:
Silverline Tools, Boundary Way, Lufton Trading Estate, Yeovil, Somerset,
BA22 8HZ United Kingdom
Description des symboles
La plaque signalétique figurant sur votre outil peut présenter des symboles. Ces symboles constituent des informations importantes relatives au produit ou des instructions concernant son utilisation.
Port de protection auditive Port de lunettes de sécurité Port de masques respiratoires Port du casque
Port de gants
Lire le manuel d’instructions
Conforme à la réglementation et aux normes de sécurité pertinentes
Caractéristiques techniques
Capacité nominale : ...........................................6000 kg
Effort sur levier pour lever la charge nominale : 39 kg
Hauteur de levage normalisée : ......................... 1,5 m
Diamètre de la chaîne de charge : ..................... 10 mm
Ouverture du crochet : .......................................47 mm
Poids : ...............................................................25 kg
Du fait de l’évolution constante de notre développement produits, les
caractéristiques techniques des produits Silverline peuvent changer
sans notification préalable.
Consignes générales de sûreté
Lisez attentivement ce manuel ainsi que toute étiquette apposée sur l’outil et assurez-vous d’en comprendre le sens avant utilisation. Rangez ces consignes avec l’outil, pour référence ultérieure. Assurez-vous que toute personne venant à utiliser cet outil ait attentivement pris connaissance de ce manuel.
Sachez qu’utiliser un outil conformément aux prescriptions ne garantit pas l’élimination de tous les facteurs de risque. Procédez avec prudence. N’utilisez pas cet outil si vous avez des doutes quant à la manière sûre et correcte de procéder.
Gardez les éléments de protection en place
• Gardez les éléments de protection en place, en bon état de fonctionnement, correctement ajustés et alignés. N’utilisez jamais un outil si l’un des éléments de protection fournis est manquant. Si l’un des éléments de protection est endommagé, remplacez-le avant toute utilisation.
Retirez les clés de réglage
• Assurez-vous que les clés et autres dispositifs de réglage aient été retirés de l’outil avant utilisation.
Nettoyez la zone de travail
• Des établis et zones de travail encombrés ou sales sont sources d’accidents ; de même, le sol doit être dégagé et il est recommandé d’éviter de travailler sur un sol glissant. En cas de travail à l’extérieur, appréciez les risques de faux pas ou de chute avant d’utiliser l’outil.
Personnes compétentes
• Ce produit doit être utilisé par des personnes compétentes ou ayant reçu une formation adéquate.
Enfants et animaux
• Maintenez une distance de sécurité entre les enfants ou les animaux et votre zone de travail. Rangez les outils dans un lieu sûr fermé à clé, hors de portée des enfants.
Utilisation correcte de l’outil
• Ne tentez pas d’utiliser un outil à des fins pour lesquelles il n’est pas conçu. Cet outil n’est pas conçu pour un usage industriel.
Port de vêtements et de chaussures adaptés
• Ne portez pas de vêtements amples, cravate, bijoux ou autres éléments susceptibles d’être happés. Au besoin, portez des chaussures antidérapantes ou équipées d’une coque de protection des orteils. Les cheveux longs doivent être couverts ou noués vers l’arrière.
Conservez l’équilibre
• Ne tentez pas de travailler dans des endroits hors de portée, gardez un bon appui en permanence, n’utilisez pas d’outil lorsque vous êtes sur une surface instable.
• L’utilisation de tout équipement ou accessoires différant de ceux mentionnés dans ce manuel peut être dangereuse, entraîner des dommages matériels ou des blessures et annulera votre garantie.
Ne vous tenez pas sur l’outil
• En vous appuyant ou en montant sur l’outil ou sur son support, vous encourez des blessures graves s’il venait à basculer ou à s’affaisser. Veillez à na pas ranger de matériel au-dessus ou à proximité de l’outil et de telle sorte qu’il faille s’appuyer sur l’outil ou sur son support pour atteindre ce matériel.
Immobilisez la pièce à travailler
• Dans la mesure du possible, immobilisez la pièce sur laquelle vous travaillez. Si cela est possible, utilisez un étau ou un serre-joint de manière à disposer des deux mains pour manier l’outil.
Assurez-vous qu’aucune pièce ne soit endommagée ou manquante
• Avant chaque utilisation, assurez-vous qu’aucune pièce ne soit manquante ou endommagée ; assurez-vous également du fonctionnement correct et de la bonne marche des fonctions voulues. Vérifiez l’alignement des pièces mobiles et l’absence de grippage. Toute protection et autre pièce endommagées doivent être immédiatement réparées ou remplacées par un centre de service agréé. N’UTILISEZ
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