Sport parachuting is a hazardous activity that can
result in injury or death.
Parachutes sometimes malfunction, even when they
are properly designed, built assembled, packed
maintained and used. The results of such
malfunctions are sometimes serious injury or death
The US Parachute Association estimates that there
are about 35,000 skydivers in the U.S., and these
jumpers made approximately 2.2 million jumps in
2001. The Association reported 35 skydiving
fatalities that year, meaning the probabilityof dying
on a skydive is approximately 1 in 64,000. It also
seems that the more experienced a skydiver is, the
less likely he or she is to be killed while jumping.
Because of the unavoidable danger associated with
the use of this parachute system, the manufacturer
makes no warranty, either expressed or implied. The
rig is sold with all its faults and without any warranty
of fitness for any purpose. Manufacturer also
disclaims any liability in tort for damages, direct or
consequential, including personal injuries, resulting
from a malfunction or from a defect in design,
material, workmanship, or manufacturing whether
caused by negligence on the part of the
manufacturer or otherwise.
By using this rig, or allowing it to be used by others,
the buyer waives any liability for personal injuries
or other damages arising from such use.
If the buyer declines to waiver liability on the part of
the manufacturer, buyer may obtain a full refund of
the purchase price by returning the parachute
system, before it is used, to manufacturer within 30
days from the date of original purchase with a letter
stating why it was returned.
Experts estimate that hundreds of people are also
injured. Some of these deaths and injuries are the
result of equipment malfunctions.
If you use your Vector Tandem System, or if you
allow someone else to use it, you are acknowledging
sport parachuting’s risks and accepting the fact that
the Vector or its components may malfunction.
If you are not willing to accept the risks of sport
parachuting, or if you aren’t willing to accept the
possibility that your Vector Tandem System or its
components may malfunction or perhaps cause you
to be injured or killed, then you may return your
Vector Tandem System for a full refund
beforeitisused. Details on how to do this are printed
Read this information carefully and understand
it completely. Any jump that utilizes the Tandem
Vector System is considered a “tandem jump’:
Using this system outside the student/ Tan-dem
lnstructor training environments considered a
violation of federal law (FAA exemp&on No. 4943)
Examples of violations: demonstration jumps;
stunt jumps; intentional water jumps; night
jumps; jumping with any student less than 18
years of age; any tandem jump that takes place
off of a designated drop zone. (These restrictions
do not apply to military Tandem applications).
Neon and fluorescent colored fabrics and tapes fade
rapidly. Color brilliance may be lost within a year of
manufacture. The Relative Workshop assumes no
respon-sibility for this condition.
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Warning & Table of Contents11301 - 00.00.0000
Section 1 - The Sigma Tandem System
Chapter 1 - New Features .......................................................................................................... X
Chapter 2 - Applicant & Course Information .................................................................................... X
Section 2 - Equipment
Chapter 1 - Description ............................................................................................................. X
Chapter 2 - Operation .............................................................................................................. X
Chapter 3 - Packing the Reserve with Skyhook ................................................................................. X
Chapter 4 - Packing & Closing Main Container .................................................................................. X
Section 3 - Instructor Techniques
Chapter 1 - Preparation............................................................................................................. X
Chapter 2 - In Aircraft & Exits ...................................................................................................... X
Chapter 3 - Freefall & Drogue Fall ................................................................................................. X
Chapter 4 - Canopy Control ........................................................................................................ X
Section 4 - Malfunctions & Emergencies
Chapter 1 - Reserve Procedures ................................................................................................... X
Chapter 2 - Aircraft Emergencies & Student Refusal ........................................................................... X
Chapter 3 - Freefall .................................................................................................................. X
Chapter 4 - Canopy Control ........................................................................................................ X
Section 5 - Student Techniques
Chapter 1 - Student Skills for First Jump ......................................................................................... X
Chapter 2 - Other Activities ........................................................................................................ X
Section 6 - Appendix
Sigma Tandem “Pin Check” ........................................................................................................ X
Replacing the Drogue Ripcord System........................................................................................... X
Installing a New Sigma Drogue Kill Line ......................................................................................... X
Tandem Water Landing Procedures .............................................................................................. X
Tandem Fatality Reports ........................................................................................................... X
Test for Sigma Endorsement ...................................................................................................... X
Line Trim Charts ..................................................................................................................... X
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The Sigma Tandem System represents a giant leap forward in safety, comfort, and convenience. Unlike other tandem
systems, where the drogue was simply “added on” to existing container system designs, the Sigma Tandem System
was designed “from the ground up” as a drogue deployed tandem rig. It utilizes a drogue attachment system that is
integral with the main container closing system. That is to say, they are one in the same. When you close the main
container, you also attach the drogue. There is no 3-Ring to hook up and no pouch to close. When the main container
opens, the drogue is released. One cannot happen without the other. Once the main container is closed, the drogue
is then stowed exactly like a bottom-of-container hand-deploy pilot chute. Except, on this system, snagging the main
bridle will not cause an accidental container opening.
On all other tandem container systems, the main container closing and the drogue attachment are two separate
systems, at two different locations. While not unreasonably dangerous, such container systems have inherent
problems. They are complex and time consuming to pack, and this complexity sets up the possibility of multiple
packing errors. But by far the most important problem is, that these systems allow the possibility of the main
container accidentally opening, while the drogue is still attached. Since 1989, this scenario has killed 9 tandem pairs.
It is the leading single cause of tandem fatalities, accounting for almost one third of the total. By combining the
container closing and drogue attachment systems, the new Tandem Sigma eliminates this deadly malfunction.
And because the drogue is attached at the center of the main container, instead or either above or below it, as on
other tandem systems, the tandem pair’s body position during drogue fall is not too head high or head low, but
much closer to the normal face-to-earth freefall position of a solo jumper. This makes the Sigma Tandem System a
more realistic training aid for future skydivers.
At the heart of this system is a specially designed 5-inch diameter disk with a 1-inch flanged “chimney” at its center,
through which the drogue bridle passes. This disk is connected to the bridle, about 3 feet from the deployment bag,
with a locking pin, which passes through the chimney and a loop on the bridle.
To close the main container, and anchor the drogue, you simply place the main bag in the container, and the disk on
top of the bag. You then pass the closing loop, which starts on the bottom flap, through custom D-rings on the other
three flaps, and then through a grommet back on the bottom flap, in a circular fashion, drawing the flaps snugly
around the disk chimney, thus capturing the disk under the four container flaps. The flanged chimney keeps the disk
centered in place and allows the drogue bridle to exit the container. The closing loop is secured with an eyeleted
metal pin through which two lengths of 1000 lb. Spectra line are looped and then secured a few inches below the final
grommet to form a pulley. The other end of each Spectra ripcord passes through its own metal housing, one to the
right, and the other to the left. Each drogue release ripcord is atached to a spherical ripcord handle by a loopthrough-loop connection, making ripcord replacement in the field quick and easy, without any tools. The system is
durable and fail-safe, in that total failure of one ripcord would not affect the function of the other.
A single 13-inch piece of bungee cord passes through both housings and elastically connects the
handles to each other. This holds them firmly against the end of each housing, and causes each
handle to recoil back into place after being pulled, or accidentally snagged. This means the handles
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Section 1: The Sigma Tandem System • Chapter 1 - New Features11301 - 00.00.0000
will always be where you expect them to be. There is no more stowing of loose handles after
opening, and no more looking for handles at packing time. For further security, each ripcord handle
is countersunk, so that it snugly slides 3/8 of an inch over the end of its housing. Each ripcord has
3 inches of slack built in, so that it takes a 5- inch pull, on either handle, to release the drogue.
The system also incorporates a special “safety pin” on the drogue bridle, which locks the main container pin in place
until the drogue is deployed. On all other systems, if you snag a drogue release ripcord moving around the aircraft,
or on exit, or if you accidentally pull the wrong handle after exit, you end up with a main canopy as soon as you throw
your drogue. The unique safety pin prevents this scenario.
In tandem, the force exerted by the deployed drogue at terminal velocity is roughly equal to half of the suspended
weight. This force, transferred through the disk, is shared (divided) equally by the four main container flaps. Because
both ends of the container closing loop are attached to the same (bottom) flap, the closing pin end of the loop only
receives half of the force exerted on the bottom flap, or one-eighth of the total force exerted by the drogue. So, if the
drogue deployed above a 400 pound tandem pair exerts a force of 200 pounds on the disk, then the container closing
pin receives one-eight, or 25 pounds of force. A stainless steel pin, moving through a Spectra loop, over a stainless
steel grommet, has a mechanical advantage of about five to one. So a pull of 5 pounds is all that is necessary to move
the pin. But, the Spectra ripcords are set up as 2-1 pulleys, so theoretically a force of only 2½ pounds at the ripcord
handle should move the pin. However, tension from the bungee recoil system, plus eyelet and housing friction, add
about 7 pounds of resistance back into the equation, yielding a total pull force, at the handle, of about 10 pounds.
While the drogue canopy is essentially unchanged, the bridle and kill line have been redesigned. The 1¾ ” Kevlar outer
bridle extends past the disk all the way to the main deployment bag. The kill line is now 1,000 lb. Vectran/Spectra and
also terminates at the bag. Because the lower ends of both the bridle and the kill line end at the same place, it is
impossible to twist one independently of the other. This means no more time consuming untwisting of the kill line.
Because both bridles are now made of non-stretch materials, no “stop ring” is required on the inner bridle. This means
less wear, and that the kill line can be easily replaced in the field. And because both the bridle and the kill line share the
bag lift-off forces (On all other systems either the kill line or outer bridle takes it all alone) if either the bridle or the kill
line breaks, deployment still happens more or less normally, and you don’t lose your expensive drogue.
The Sigma Tandem main deployment bag has also been redesigned, eliminating the grommet at the top of the bag,
and replacing it with a continuous loop of tubular nylon. This prevents canopy damage caused by trapping canopy
fabric between the bag’s grommet and the canopy attachment point.
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(PATENT# 6,056,242)
The Sigma Tandem now integrates our proven “Collin’s Lanyard” System into the yoke for a totally hidden installation.
This system automatically releases the other main riser if the RSL-side main riser breaks, or releases
prematurely for any reason. This prevents a potentially fatal main/reserve entanglement. You can only get this
important safety system on a Vector.
Both the Tandem instructor and student harnesses feature our exclusive ½ ” thick “Wonderfoam” padding for a more
comfortable canopy ride.
The New Sigma student harness is designed to be far more comfortable, while at the same time offering more control
on exit, and forcing the student’s legs forward and upward under canopy. This means fewer students will get sick or
pass out under canopy. It also means fewer landing injuries, a greater return and progression rate, and a better
review of their tandem jump to friends, which in turn means more, and happier students.
Now you can view your reserve locking pin, and turn your Cypres on and off through clear windows, without opening
your reserve pin cover flap. The reserve pin window is made of Lexan, and simply slides into place for easy replacement
if it becomes badly scratched. The Cypres window is just above the reserve pin cover flap, so a pin check, and Cypres
condition check can be accomplished at a glance, even while you are wearing the rig.
Sigma Tandem Systems also share many features with our Vector III solo systems. Riser covers, and both main and
reserve pin cover flaps, incorporate tuck-tabs instead of Velcro. The main container side flaps wrap around the
bottom of the container to provide positive bridle protection. These systems set the industry standards for superior
pin and main bridle protection, as proven by years of field-testing and use.
1.It takes fewer steps, with fewer potential errors, to close the main container.
2.Accidentally snagging the drogue bridle will not open the container.
3.Out-of-sequence deployments are eliminated.
4.Its center-of-main-container drogue connection gives a more “natural” and comfortable drogue-fall position than
other Tandem systems.
5.The drogue release ripcords are automatically retracted after use, or accidental snagging, so that they are always
where they should be, cannot be lost, and don’t have to be stowed after pulling.
6.It has two redundant, fail-safe drogue release ripcords, one on the right, and one on the left.
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Section 1: The Sigma Tandem System • Chapter 1 - New Features11301 - 00.00.0000
7. The drogue release/container opening pin is “locked” until you throw the drogue, preventing
accidental highopenings.
8. No more time consuming untwisting of drogue kill line during packing. Kill lines can be easily
replaced in the field.
9. You still get a more or less normal deployment if the kill line breaks, and you don’t lose your
10.It’s improved deployment bag means less canopy damage.
11.It has an improved student harness, which means safer and more comfortable students,
and their positive word-of-mouth advertising will increase your tandem business.
12.The “Collin’s Lanyard,” and all its advantages, is available only on a Vector.
13.It has tuck-tab main, reserve, and riser covers.
14.Clear plastic windows make reserve pin checks and Cypres operation easier.
15.It has “Wonderfoam” padding throughout.
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Before an applicant may attend a tandem certification, the following criteria must be met:
1) Currently possess, or at one time been issued, a USPA Coach, a USPA static-line instructor, or USPA AFF jumpmaster
or instructor rating. (Or the foreign equivalent)
2) Have logged at least 500 ram-air jumps.
3) Hold a current FAA Class I, II or III medical certificate. (Or foreign equivalent)
4) Hold a current USPA D license. (Or foreign equivalent)
5) Be at least 18 years of age.
6) Three years in sport.
Note: Each candidate has the responsibility to inspect the credentials of the Tandem examiner. Certification paperwork,
filed by any examiner who is not a current Tandem Instructor, will be considered invalid by the Relative Workshop. BE
Each candidate is required to bring the following items to a Tandem certification course:
* USPA Expert license or foreign equivalent-valid
* Jumpmaster/instructor ratings
* FAA Medical certificate-valid
* Logbooks
* Jumpsuits (slow fall & fast fall)
* Wrist altimeter
* Goggles
* Notepad and pen
* Certification fee
In addition, it would be wise to bring along a fellow jumper who has at least 100 jumps experience to act as a Tandem
student during some of the certification jumps.
A. Paperwork Time: 20 Min.
Fill out the applicant data on the blue “Relative Workshop Tandem Instructor Rating Form” and the yellow “Tandem
Vector Training Logbook” with the required information.
B. Course Fee
Pay the required course fee to the examiner. This fee generally includes: Classroom/theory; ground-training; jump
costs for the examiner and staff; and the rental of the gear to be used during the certification. The course fee does not
include the candidates personal jumps or the cost of the experienced student who rides with the candidate during
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Section 1: The Sigma Tandem Systm • Chapter 2 - Applicant Information11301 - 00.00.0000
C. Classroom/Theory Time: 3-4 Hours
This portion of the course will run approximately four hours. The “Tandem Training Video” will be shown module by
module with continued discussion after each module.
D. Ground Training Time: 2-3 Hours
Ground training covers: Student harness fitting; gear check and donning the Tandem system; hooking up the
student; practice climb-outs, controlling the student’s movements; exits; throwing the drogue; drogue-fall maneuvers;
main canopy deployment; special features of the canopy’s toggle system; student canopy control training techniques;
landing procedures; and main canopy packing.
E. Certification Jumps
Each candidate will perform at least one solo jump with the Tandem system, or as many as necessary to become
comfortable with the operation of the system. A minimum of four jumps will then be performed from the Tandem
Instructor position. On at least one of these jumps, the candidate must ride in the student position, either with the
examiner or an appointed Tandem evaluator.
The record of each certification jump will be logged on the blue sheet and yellow logbook. The examiner will observe/
critique the packing of the main canopy, and issue the candidate instructions for the next jump. The examiner must
be present, on the DZ or in the air, during all certification jumps.
The number of certification jumps that must be made by each candidate during the course will depend entirely on the
performance level during the first five jumps. It is up to the examiner’s discretion as to whether the candidate should
make additional jumps to qualify. In some situations, the examiner may recommend that the candidate withdraw
from the course due to poor performance/skills or bad judgment, etc..
If the candidate is successful and has completed the certification course, the examiner will file the necessary paperwork
with the Relative Workshop. The candidate will retain the yellow logbook and continue to log future jumps until the
minimum 25 probation jumps have been completed.
The course examiner will inform the Relative Workshop of any candidate who fails to complete the course and the
reasons for the failure.
As outlined in the yellow “Tandem logbook,” the probation period will be in effect for a minimum of 25 jumps. The first
5 jumps are for certification. The remaining 20 jumps are divided into 3 sections, each with its own special guidelines.
Refer to the Tandem Vector Training Logbook for specific guidance.
The logbook, when complete, must be verified by a Tandem examiner or a Tandem rig owner. If the applicant is a
Tandem Vector owner, then he must submit to the Relative Workshop a video tape of at least 3 of the final 10
probationary jumps along with the training logbook.
The TM must send the logbook and license fee to the Relative Workshop, whereupon an official Tandem Instructor
license will be issued.
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In addition to yearly recertification, Tandem Instructors are expected to maintain currency during the yearly
recertification period.
A. If any currently rated Tandem Instructor has not made a Tandem jump in the preceding 90 days, he must make one
Tandem jump with an experienced jumper acting as a student before taking a student student. The experienced
jumper/ student must first be briefed on how to respond to Tandem emergencies.
B. If any currently rated Tandem Instructor has not made a Tandem jump within the last 180 days, he must complete
recurrent training before taking a student student.
C. If any Tandem Instructor during probation has not made a Tandem jump within the last 30 days he must make one
Tandem jump with an experienced student who has been briefed on how to respond.
Renewal Procedures: Tandem Instructor ratings must be renewed every year.
To apply for the renewal of your Tandem Instructor rating, you must have made at least 25 Tandem jumps within the
preceding 12 months, at least three of which have been made within the preceding 90 days.
If you have fulfilled the above requirement, you need only:
1) Have a Tandem Instructor Recertification form verified and signed by either a Relative Workshop Tandem Vector
owner or Relative Workshop Tandem Examiner, and
2) Send the endorsed form and the license fee to the Relative Workshop. As soon as the applicant has mailed the
renewal form and the check to the Relative Workshop, the rating is considered renewed; you do not have to wait for
the response by the company, though you are required to keep a copy of the form to prove your currency.
3) If a Tandem Instructor has a USPA Tandem Instructor Rating, it is not required that he renew with RWS as long as
he meets the requirements to maintain his USPA Rating.
If you have not fulfilled the above requirements, you must take recurrent training.
Recurrent Training consists of one solo drogue jump and one Tandem drogue jump with an experienced student.
During the Tandem drogue jump, the applicant must make a stable exit from at least 10,500 feet, with drogue
deployment within 10 seconds and opening by 4,500 feet. Applicant must demonstrate the ability to control heading
during drogue-fall by making at least two opposite 360-degree turns. Applicant must also perform dummy ripcord
pulls to both drogue release handles and the reserve ripcord. Landing must be stand-up (wind permitting) within 50
meters of the target.
These two jumps must be witnessed and signed off by a Relative Workshop Tandem rig owner or Relative Workshop
Tandem Instructor Examiner. (If you are an owner or an examiner, you can sign yourself off).
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Section 1: The Sigma Tandem Systm • Chapter 2 - Applicant Information11301 - 00.00.0000
Foreign tandem ratings alone are not valid in the United States of America. A Foreign National wishing to perform
tandem jumps in the USA must possess the original Relative workshop tandem rating. USPA also offers tandem
ratings in conjunction with tandem manufacturers.
11301 - 00.00.0000Section 1: The Sigma Tandem Systm • Chapter 2 - Applicant Information
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Cypres Inspection Window
Turn Cypres on or off through
clear window. Cypres condition
can be checked at a glance.
Reserve Pin
Inspection Window
Lexan window allows pin check
at a glance, without opening
reserve pin cover flap.
Primary Drogue
Release Handle
Left hand pull, located on
bottom of main container.
Blue golf ball.
Pull approximately 6” will
release drogue.
Right hand pull, located on
bottom of main container.
Plastic ball attached to top of
Auxiliary Reserve Ripcord/Integrated Lanyard
(Dual Purpose)
A. Auxiliary Reserve Ripcord: Right hand pull. Ball handle on reserve static
line next to 3-Ring on right hand side of rig. To be used if left hand is
incapacitated in any way, and unable to pull reserve ripcord. Ball must be
pulled straight up to release RSL connectoin and initiate reserve activation.
B. Integrated Lanyard: RSL can be used prior to landing in the event of high
ground winds.
No Crytal Ball
If the system has a Skyhook
installed there will be no Crystal
Top Student
Attachment Point
Two D-rings mounted
inverted under the large
harness ring on both sides of
the main lift web.
Cutaway Handle
Right hand pull. Soft pillow
handle (or loop-style handle)
attached firmly in an
outboard position on right
main lift web. Handle color is
Secondary Right Hand
Drogue Release Handle
Right hand pull. Orange golf
Reserve Ripcord
Left hand pull. Either a
webbing loop handle (or soft
pillow handle) attached firmly
to the left main lift web in an
outboard position. Handle
color is red.
Bottom Student
Attachment Point
Consists of two RW-8 rings
mounted sideways, threaded
through each diagonal on the
left and right sides.
Webbing is adjusted through a
pair of three bar adapters.
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The Sigma / Vector Student Harness is quite a departure from previous tandem student harnesses. It was designed,
with the help of a cardiologist, to safely contain the human body without cutting off normal blood flow. Disrupted
blood flow is why almost all students on older student harnesses were uncomfortable, and why some got sick or even
passed out.
A hip-hugging horizontal back and belt strap combination allows the main lift webs to be positioned, and held, more
toward the front of the upper body than on other designs. This prevents the “squeezing” of the upper body and the
inside of the upper legs which can cut off blood flow. It also automatically lifts the legs up and forward after opening,
putting them in a safer position for landing.
The Student Harness was designed to comfortably and safely fit a wide range of body sizes and types. To accomplish
this, it has thirteen (13) points of adjustment. This wide range of adjustment means that it is possible to give a
tandem student a truly comfortable experience on their tandem skydive. However, the harness must still be adjusted
securely to fit the student’s body to prevent them from falling out in extreme situations and unusual body positions.
While fitting this harness on a tandem student is not difficult, it is different from other harnesses you may have used
in the past. The most important point to consider is the security of the student. You must insure that all straps are
comfortably snug against the student’s body.
1.It takes fewer steps, with fewer potential errors, to close the main container.
2.Accidentally snagging the drogue bridle will not open the container.
3.Out-of-sequence deployments are eliminated.
4.Its center-of-main-container drogue connection gives a more “natural” and comfortable drogue-fall position than
other Tandem systems.
5.The drogue release ripcords are automatically retracted after use, or accidental snagging, so that they are always
where they should be, cannot be lost, and don’t have to be stowed after pulling.
6.It has two redundant, fail-safe drogue release ripcords, one on the right, and one on the left.
7.The drogue release/container opening pin is “locked” until you throw the drogue, preventing accidental high
8.No more time consuming untwisting of drogue kill line during packing. Kill lines can be easily replaced in the field.
9.You still get a more or less normal deployment if the kill line breaks, and you don’t lose your drogue.
1 0 . It’s improved deployment bag means less canopy damage.
1 1 . It has an improved student harness, which means safer and more comfortable students, and their positive word-
of-mouth advertising will increase your tandem business.
12. Skyhook RSL with intergrated Collin’s Lanyard.
1 3 . It has tuck-tab main, reserve, and riser covers.
1 4 . Clear plastic windows make reserve pin checks and Cypres operation easier.
1 5 . It has “Wonderfoam” padding throughout.
1. Handle – The 1-5/8in ball, connected to the apex of the drogue envelope, used to deploy the drogue.
2. Envelope – The fabric and mesh portion of the drogue. Its top is called the apex, its bottom the base.
3. Bridle – The doubled, 1¾ ”, 4,000 lb. Kevlar section that leads from the envelope to the deployment bag
connection loop.
4 . Safety Pin – A compound-curved pin connected to the bridle, designed to prevent accidental
main container openings.
5. Disk – A 5” aluminum disk, with a 1” flanged chimney.
5. 5 Disk Cover – Designed to protect disk..
6 . Disk Attachment Loop - A loop on the Kevlar drogue bridle to which the disk is attached with a stainless steel pin,
held in place with two flat head screws. A 3/32” hex drive is required to tighten or loosen screws. (inclosed)
7 . Drogue Bridle Loop – The loop at the end of the Kevlar drogue bridle, to which the deployment bag is attached.
8 . Bag Attachment Loop – A loop of tubular Nylon at the top of the main deployment bag where both the bridle and
kill line are attached by means of a #5 stainless rapid link.
Interior – Top Down
9 . Kill Line Attachment Bridle – A 9” length of 1” Nylon tape that serves as an attachment point for the kill line, and
limits the degree of collapse if a kill line is accidentally made too short.
1 0. Kill Line – A length of 1,000 lb. Vectran/Spectra line, with a 1” loop at each end, that runs inside the Kevlar drogue
bridle from the kill line attachment bridle to the rapid link at the bag attachment loop.
1 1. Drogue Set Limiter Tapes –Two pieces of 1” Nylon tape that run from the drogue apex to the drogue skirt. This
saves wear and tear on the drogue bridle and kill line by limiting the distance they slide on each other during
drogue collapse.
12 . Kill Line Guide Grommet – A “0” stainless steel grommet at the base of the drogue envelope which directs the kill
line into the Kevlar drogue bridle preventing wear. It also serves as an emergency stop for the kill line attachment
bridle if the kill line is accidentally made too short.
13 . Disk Attachment Pin – A threaded stainless steel rod, used to attach the disk to the bridle, using 2, 3/32” hex drive
The collapse sequence on the Sigma drogue is the same as on previous Vector drogues. The drogue partially collapses,
at a controlled rate during bag lift-off, yielding just the right amount of force for an orderly deployment. However, the
method of collapse is slightly different.
The drogue bridle and kill line now both end at the same place, a rapid link connected to the top of the deployment
bag. When the drogue is set (or cocked) during the packing sequence, the Kevlar drogue bridle below the disk is
“scrunched up”, effectively making the bridle shorter than the kill line. When the drogue is deployed, it can inflate
because the kill line is longer than the bridle. When a ripcord is pulled to end droguefall, the container opens and the
disk is released, allowing the “scrunched up” section of the bridle below the disk to extend to its full length, thus
making the bridle longer than the kill line. This inverts the drogue apex, collapsing the drogue.
Because both the drogue bridle and kill line are made of non-stretch materials, the drogue collapse sequence is
“stopped” automatically, at just the right point. No ring, slamming into a “stop ring” at high speed is needed, and the
bridle moves over the kill line for a much shorter distance than on the previous design. This means less friction is
generated, so everything lasts longer. And with no stop ring, the kill line is much less complicated and easier to
replace. Also, because both the drogue bridle and kill line end at the same place, it is impossible to twist one independent
of the other. This means no more time consuming untwisting of the kill line at pack time.
For this system to work correctly, a precise relationship between the length of the drogue bridle and the length of the
kill line must be maintained. To check this relationship:
Anchor the rapid link at the deployment bag end of the drogue bridle. Both the drogue bridle and kill line should be
connected to this link.
Extend the drogue bridle fully.
Put a finger on either side of the kill line guide grommet at the base of the drogue, and apply about 10 lbs. of tension
against the Kevlar bridle.
With the other hand apply the same tension on the kill line by pulling on the kill line attachment bridle or the drogue
handle. The larks head knot at the bottom of the kill line attachment bridle should be 1½ ” above the kill line guide
You can notice this relationship less formally each time you pick up your drogue after landing.
If this distance is more than 2” greater, the drogue may not fully collapse, yielding a higher snatch force, increased
chance of malfunction due to line dump, and increased chance of canopy damage. If you notice a kill line that is over2” too long, a simple overhand knot, tied within the finger-locked section of the kill line, at the deployment bag end, will
effectively shorten it almost 2”, and bring your drogue collapse system back into trim.
If this distance is more than 1” less, the larks head knot will impact the guide grommet at high speed, quickly causing
damage to both. However, in this instance, deployment, while slightly slower, will still happen more or less normally.
Drouge collapse is calibrated for average weight and fall rates, if you feel the drouge is collapsing to far with longer
than normal “trap door” you may Larkshead a PD Slink onto the bottom of the kill line to reduce the amount of
One ripcord handle is located at the bottom left corner of the main container, and the other on the right leg pad,
allowing the tandem instructor to release the drogue with either hand. The right handle is positioned on the tandem
instructor’s harness so as to simulate
a Bottom of Container (BOC) position
for the student. You don’t have to
hook it up to the student harness
before each jump. It is automatically
in the right position.
There are no “ripcord pockets” per say.
Each ripcord handle “plugs into” the
end of the housing, and is held in
position by a combination of friction,
and the pull of the bungee cord retract
(Cross section view of spandex for clarity)
(Housings, et., removed for detail)
Pulling either handle about 5” pulls the single
ripcord pin, opening the container and
releasing the drogue. Notice that each ripcord
is set up as a 2-1 pulley, so that a pull of 5
pounds at the handle translates into a pull of
10 lbs at the pin, resulting in easy pulls every
Once the drogue is released, as evidenced by
the “trap door effect,” you can simply let go
of the handle. It will automatically return to
its position on the end of the ripcord housing.
Although the housings are double clamped
into position under the drogue pouch for
maximum security and long life, excessive
pulling on the ripcord handles after drogue
release might eventually damage these
housing connections. You don’t have to baby
the system, but pull only as far as necessary
to release the drogue, and then let go of the
The advantages of this system are obvious. The spherical shape of the ripcord handles, and their
method of attachment, makes snagging highly unlikely. If dislodged, they automatically return to
position, so no more searching for “floating” ripcords. And the unique “Safety Pin,” connected to
the drogue bridle, makes it virtually impossible for a snagged ripcord handle to cause an accidental
container opening. And let’s not forget, you no longer have to waste time and effort stowing the
handles after opening, or searching for them at packing time.
Because this system is new (The first production rigs went into service Summer 2000), we don’t yet know how long the
recoil ripcord system will last under actual field conditions. Although bench tests show that the ripcord system can
last for over 1,000 jumps, you should inspect the whole system often for signs of wear.
Look for wear at the junction of the Spectra ripcords and the handles, and around the pin area. The Spectra is 1,000
lbs. strong, and the force required to pull the pin is less than 10 lbs. That’s over a 100 to 1 safety margin, so a small
amount of fraying should not be cause for alarm. Besides, the ripcord system is designed to be redundant. If one side
were to break or jam for any reason, the other side is still fully functional.
Also notice if the recoil system is doing its job properly. With the rig packed, each ripcord should snap back into place
when pulled a few inches and released. But please realize, if you pull and release each ripcord handle several times
before each jump, you will shorten the life of the system by a factor of three. Inspect, but don’t play with the system
incessantly if you want maximum life from your ripcords.
The Collins’ lanyard was designed to prevent a main-reserve entanglement, by releasing the left (non-RSL side) main
riser, in the event that the right (RSL side) main riser breaks or prematurely releases by itself, for any reason. On the
Sigma, it is integrated into the RSL with no external lanyard. This is accomplished by threading the left riser 3-ring
release cable through a loop in the reserve static line (RSL). As the right riser leaves, the RSL automatically pulls the
left cutaway cable as it pulls the reserve pin, yielding an almost simultanious breakaway and clean reserve deployment.
A standard RSL does one thing. It pulls the reserve ripcord pin automatically after a breakaway. The Skyhook RSL does
this, and then goes two steps further.
A. It automatically releases the Left (non-RSL) riser, if the right (RSL) riser releases prematurely for any reason (Collins.
Lanyard). (You wouldn.t want your reserve container opened with one riser still attached, would you?)
B. It then uses your departing main canopy as a super .pilot chute. to get your reserve to line stretch faster
than ever before. Breakaway, to canopy-out-of-bag times are between ½ and ¾ of a second, depending on the
size of your reserve canopy. This is up to three times faster than a pilot chute can do it alone.
If you have a main total malfunction, or your AAD fires, the Skyhook Lanyard automatically releases, and
therefore does nothing to hinder normal reserve deployment.