Sigma LBA-708, LBA-710, LBA-712, LBA-500PC, LBA-700 User Manual

Version 4.xx
Laser Beam Analyzer
Models LBA-300/400/500PC
Models LBA-700/708/710/712/714PC
For Windows® 2000 and Windows® XP Pro
Spiricon, Inc.
60 W 1000 N
Logan, Utah 84321
Phone 435-753-3729
Fax 435-753-5231
E-mail, Sales:
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© Copyright 2005, Spiricon Inc., All rights reserved.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10
Spiricon Inc. reserves the right to make improvements and changes to the product described in this manual at any time and without notice. While Spiricon Inc. has taken every precaution in the preparation of this product Spiricon Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions that might cause or contribute to a loss of data.
Spiricon Inc. makes no guarantee that any one brand or model of Personal Computer will be compatible with any or all of the capabilities in the LBA-PC application software or hardware, either now or in the future.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
Table of Contents
OPERATOR’S MANUAL __________________ 1
Version 4.xx ____________________________________________ 1 Laser Beam Analyzer __________________________________ 1
Models LBA-300/400/500PC_____________________________ 1 Models LBA-700/708/710/712/714PC __________________ 1
For Windows® 2000 and Windows® XP Pro ____________________ 1
© Copyright 2005, Spiricon Inc., All rights reserved. __________________ 1 NOTICE 2 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION ___________________________________ 11
1.1 General Information ______________________________________________ 11
1.2 System Requirements_____________________________________________ 11
1.3 Optional Equipment ______________________________________________ 12
1.4 Specifications ___________________________________________________ 13
1.5 Safety Considerations _____________________________________________ 14
1.5.1 Optical Radiation Hazards ____________________________________________ 14
1.5.2 Electrical Hazards __________________________________________________ 14
Chapter 2 EQUIPMENT SETUP ________________________________ 15
2.1 Equipment Setup ________________________________________________ 15
2.1.1 Step 1 Installation of the Frame Grabber Board ________________________ 15
2.1.2 Step 2 Camera Connections ________________________________________ 18 Analog Cameras_______________________________________________________ 19 Digital Cameras _______________________________________________________ 19
2.1.3 Step 3 LBA-PC Software Installation __________________________________ 19
2.1.4 Step 4 Start LBA-PC _______________________________________________ 20
2.1.5 Step 5 Configure Camera Type ______________________________________ 21
2.1.6 Step 6 Collect Data _______________________________________________ 21
2.1.7 Step 7 Sample Configurations _______________________________________ 21
2.2 Error Messages __________________________________________________ 22
2.3 Optional Equipment ______________________________________________ 24
2.4 Connections_____________________________________________________ 24
2.4.1 Camera Power _____________________________________________________ 25
2.4.2 Shutter Controls Signals _____________________________________________ 25
2.4.3 Trigger Out _______________________________________________________ 26
2.4.4 Pass/Fail Out ______________________________________________________ 26
2.4.5 Trigger In ________________________________________________________ 26
2.4.6 Video In __________________________________________________________ 26
2.5 Camera Control Cables ____________________________________________ 26
2.6 Special Setup for Pyrocam I Operation _______________________________ 27
2.6.1 Pyrocam I with Non-Digital LBA-PC’s ___________________________________ 27
LBA-300/400/500/708/710/712/714PC w/o digital camera option ______________________ 27 Pyrocam I Setup Requirements: __________________________________________ 27 Setup requirements for LBA-PC with pyrocam cameras: _______________________ 28
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10
3 Image synchronization considerations _____________________________________ 29
Some Restrictions apply when interfaced to a Pyrocam I ______________________ 28
2.6.2 Pyrocam I with Digital LBA-PC’s _______________________________________ 29 Pyrocam I setup requirements:___________________________________________ 29 LBA-500/7XXPC-D Setup requirements: ____________________________________ 30 Image Synchronization Considerations _____________________________________ 31
Chapter 3 MENUS AND DIALOG BOXES _________________________ 32
3.1 File. . . Drop Down Menu Selections _________________________________ 32
3.1.1 File | Load. . . _____________________________________________________ 32
.lb3/4/5/7 Files _____________________________________________________________ 32
.lba Files ____________________________________________________________________ 32 .lbb Files ____________________________________________________________________ 32 .lbc Files ____________________________________________________________________ 32 Load Frame Dialog Box _________________________________________________ 33 Special Frame Numbers_________________________________________________ 34 Drag and Drop Data Frame Loading _______________________________________ 34
3.1.2 File | Save As… ____________________________________________________ 34 Save As … Dialog Box __________________________________________________ 35
3.1.3 Export Image… to a disk file__________________________________________ 35 Export Image… dialog box ______________________________________________ 36
3.1.4 Save Config… to a file _______________________________________________ 37
3.1.5 Restore Config… from a file __________________________________________ 37
3.1.6 Set Reference, copy the current to the reference frame ____________________ 37
3.1.7 Generate Gain _____________________________________________________ 38 How to generate gain __________________________________________________ 38 What is Gain Correction?________________________________________________ 38 What Disables Gain Correction? __________________________________________ 38
3.1.8 File | Load Gain… __________________________________________________ 39
3.1.9 File | Save Gain As… ________________________________________________ 39
3.1.10 Gain Off/On _________________________________________________ 39
3.1.11 File | Logging... ______________________________________________ 39 Beginning and Terminating Logging _______________________________________ 40 Data, Results & Export Logging, dialog box _________________________________ 40 Logging Method_______________________________________________________ 41 Pass/Fail Filter ________________________________________________________ 42
3.1.12 Implications of Combining Logging, Statistics, Post Processing and Block Capture 42 Combinations using Logging, Statistics and Block Mode _______________________ 43 Combinations using Logging, Statistics and Post Processing. ___________________ 43
3.1.13 File | Print… _____________________________________________________ 44
3.1.14 File | Print Setup...________________________________________________ 45
3.1.15 File | Exit _______________________________________________________ 45
3.1.16 File | Save FROG as… __________________________________________ 45 Save FROG as…Dialog Box ______________________________________________ 46 FROG Data Orientation _________________________________________________ 47 FROG Data Collection Tips ______________________________________________ 47
3.2 Options... Drop Down Menu Selections _______________________________ 49
3.2.1 Hide/Show; Capture, Display, Aperture Toolbar __________________________ 49
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
3.2.2 Aperture... display and define apertures ________________________________ 49 Aperture Shapes ______________________________________________________ 49 How to create a Drawn Aperture _________________________________________ 50 Drag and Drop Apertures _______________________________________________ 50 Using Auto Apertures___________________________________________________ 51 Display Beam Width ___________________________________________________ 51
3.2.3 Camera... selection and display resolution _______________________________ 52 Camera type selection. _________________________________________________ 52 Creating a new Camera Type ____________________________________________ 52 Resolution and Frame Size ______________________________________________ 53 Frame Buffer Size _____________________________________________________ 54 Am I using Virtual Memory yet? __________________________________________ 55 Sync Source __________________________________________________________ 55 Pixel Scale, Pixel Units__________________________________________________ 56 Gamma Correction_____________________________________________________ 56 Lens ________________________________________________________________ 57 Special Camera Settings ________________________________________________ 57
3.2.4 Capture... define acquisition method and processing ______________________ 57 Capture _____________________________________________________________ 58 Capture Interval_______________________________________________________ 60 Camera _____________________________________________________________ 60 Trigger ______________________________________________________________ 62 Processing ___________________________________________________________ 64 Frame Summing __________________________________________________ 65 Frame Average ___________________________________________________ 65 Gain Correction ___________________________________________________ 65 Reference Subtraction ______________________________________________ 65 Convolution __________________________________________________________ 66
3.2.5 Capture Toolbar... design the toolbar contents ___________________________ 66 Logging _________________________________________________________ 67 Print ____________________________________________________________ 67 Write Protect _____________________________________________________ 67
3.2.6 Computation... Energy calibration select results items _____________________ 67 Energy of Beam _______________________________________________________ 67 Energy Calibration Procedure ____________________________________________ 68 Quantitative display, on/off______________________________________________ 68 Beam Width Method ___________________________________________________ 69 Elliptical _____________________________________________________________ 71 Gauss Fit ____________________________________________________________ 71 Top Hat _____________________________________________________________ 71 Divergence___________________________________________________________ 72 Histogram ___________________________________________________________ 73 Statistics_____________________________________________________________ 74
3.2.7 Beam Display... define the beam display ________________________________ 75 Beam View _______________________________________________________ 76 Cursors______________________________________________________________ 76
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5 Origin Location________________________________________________________ 77 Beam Colors__________________________________________________________ 78 Z Axis Scale __________________________________________________________ 78 Beam Display _________________________________________________________ 79 Set Reference Source __________________________________________________ 80 Display Thresholds_____________________________________________________ 81 Color Bar ________________________________________________________ 81 Copy Image to Clipboard ___________________________________________ 82 Copy Image to Wallpaper ___________________________________________ 82 2D Only Beam Display Items_____________________________________________ 82 3D only______________________________________________________________ 83
Cursor Orientation _____________________________________________________ 76
3.2.8 Beam Display Toolbar _______________________________________________ 85
3.2.9 Beam Stability _____________________________________________________ 85 Main Controls_________________________________________________________ 86 Strip Chart Controls ____________________________________________________ 87 Peak/Centroid Scatter Plot and Histogram __________________________________ 89
3.2.10 Create Palette… __________________________________________________ 94 Saving the Palette _____________________________________________________ 96 Save Colors __________________________________________________________ 96 Load Colors __________________________________________________________ 97 Clearing Colors________________________________________________________ 97
3.2.11 Password Lockout ________________________________________________ 98
3.3 Pass/Fail... Drop Down Menu Selections ______________________________ 98
3.3.1 Pass/Fail... enable and define its operation ______________________________ 98 PASS or FAIL results ___________________________________________________ 99 Pass/Fail Units ________________________________________________________ 99 Pass/Fail dialog boxes __________________________________________________ 99
3.3.2 Quantitative Pass/Fail _______________________________________________ 99 Min Fluence __________________________________________________________ 99 Centroid ____________________________________________________________ 100
3.3.3 Elliptical Pass/Fail _________________________________________________ 100 Orientation__________________________________________________________ 100
3.3.4 Gauss Pass/Fail ___________________________________________________ 100
3.3.5 Top Hat Pass/Fail _________________________________________________ 100 Top Hat Fluence _____________________________________________________ 101 Divergence Pass/Fail __________________________________________________ 101
3.4 Window... Drop Down Menu Selections ______________________________ 101
3.4.1 Tile_____________________________________________________________ 102
3.5 Start!/Stop!... A Toggle Menu Action Item____________________________ 102
3.6 Ultracal! Menu Action Item________________________________________ 102
3.6.1 How to Ultracal! __________________________________________________ 102
3.6.2 What Disables Ultracal! _____________________________________________ 103
3.7 AutoExposure!… Menu Action Item _________________________________ 103
3.7.1 AutoExposure! Operation ___________________________________________ 103
3.7.2 AutoExposure Interacts with Ultracal __________________________________ 103
Chapter 4 DISPLAY WINDOWS ______________________________ 106
4.1 Main Window __________________________________________________ 106
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
4.2 The Beam Display Window________________________________________ 106
4.2.1 Frame Comment __________________________________________________ 107
4.2.2 Shortcuts ________________________________________________________ 109
4.3 The Results Display Window ______________________________________ 109
4.3.1 Shortcuts ________________________________________________________ 110
4.4 The Pan/Zoom Display Window ____________________________________ 111
4.4.1 Hardware Zooming ________________________________________________ 111 Analog Camera Zooming _______________________________________________ 112 Digital Camera Zooming _______________________________________________ 113
4.4.2 Soft Zooming_____________________________________________________ 113
4.4.3 Panning _________________________________________________________ 113
4.4.4 Zooming and Panning Constraints ____________________________________ 114
4.5 The Tilt/Rotate Display Window ____________________________________ 114
4.6 The Histogram Display Window ____________________________________ 115
4.7 Shortcuts using the Mouse ________________________________________ 116
4.7.1 Shortcut to the Computations Dialog Box ______________________________ 116
4.7.2 Shortcut to the Beam Display Dialog Box _______________________________ 116
4.7.3 Shortcut to the Capture Toolbar Dialog Box_____________________________ 116
4.7.4 Shortcut to the Capture Dialog Box ___________________________________ 116
4.7.5 Shortcut to the Beam Display Toolbar Dialog Box ________________________ 116
4.7.6 Shortcut to the Beam Display Dialog Box _______________________________ 116
4.7.7 Shortcut to the Aperture Dialog Box___________________________________ 116
5.1 Triggering the LBA-PC ___________________________________________ 118
5.1.1 A Note to Pulse Laser Users _________________________________________ 118
5.1.2 Trigger Type CW __________________________________________________ 119 Interlaced Cameras ___________________________________________________ 119 Non-interlaced Cameras _______________________________________________ 119
5.1.3 Type Trigger Out__________________________________________________ 119 Trigger Interval ______________________________________________________ 119 Trigger Delay ________________________________________________________ 120 CCD Frame Transfer Camera, Interlaced __________________________________ 120 CCD Interline and Full Frame Transfer Camera, Interlaced ____________________ 120 CMOS Camera, Interlaced ______________________________________________ 120 Tube Camera, Interlaced_______________________________________________ 120 CCD Frame and Interline Transfer Cameras, Non-interlaced (Progressive scan) ___ 121 CMOS, CID Line Transfer and Tube Cameras, Non-Interlaced (Progressive scan) __ 121
5.1.4 Type Trigger In ___________________________________________________ 121 CCD Frame Transfer Camera, Interlaced __________________________________ 121 CCD Interline and Full Frame Transfer Camera, Interlaced ____________________ 121 CCD Frame and Interline Transfer Cameras, Non-Interlaced (Progressive scan) ___ 121
5.1.5 Type Video Trigger ________________________________________________ 121 CCD Frame and Interline Transfer Cameras, Interlaced_______________________ 122
5.2 Capture Methods and Rate Control _________________________________ 122
5.2.1 Programming the Capture Interval ____________________________________ 122 With Trigger Type set to CW____________________________________________ 122 With Trigger Type set to Trigger Out _____________________________________ 123 Trigger Type set to Video Trigger with the LBA firing the laser_________________ 123 Trigger Type set to Video Trigger without the LBA firing the laser ______________ 123
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5.3 Integration Control ______________________________________________ 123
5.3.1 Integration Operation ______________________________________________ 124
5.4 Digital Camera Operations ________________________________________ 124
5.4.1 Digital Camera Control _____________________________________________ 124 Digital Camera Binning Effects __________________________________________ 124 Digital Camera ROI Formating __________________________________________ 125 Digital Camera Exposure Controls________________________________________ 125 Digital Camera Triggering ______________________________________________ 125 Digital Camera Gain and Black Level Control _______________________________ 126
Chapter 6 COMPUTATIONS _________________________________ 128
6.1 Computational Accuracy __________________________________________ 128
6.2 Numerical Formats ______________________________________________ 128
6.3 Beam Presentation Affects Results__________________________________ 129
6.4 Manual Background Energy Nulling _________________________________ 129
6.4.1 What is Ultracal! __________________________________________________ 129
6.5 Clip Level______________________________________________________ 130
6.6 Total Energy ___________________________________________________ 130
6.7 Percent in Aperture______________________________________________ 131
6.8 Peak and Min __________________________________________________ 131
6.9 Peak Location __________________________________________________ 131
6.10 Centroid Location______________________________________________ 131
6.11 Beam Widths and Diameters _____________________________________ 132
6.11.1 D4-Sigma Method _______________________________________________ 132
6.11.2 Knife Edge Method_______________________________________________ 133
6.11.3 Percent of Energy Method _________________________________________ 134
6.11.4 Percent of Peak Method___________________________________________ 134
6.12 Elliptical beam ________________________________________________ 134
6.13 Gauss Fit ____________________________________________________ 135
6.14 Whole Beam fit equations _______________________________________ 136
6.15 X/Y or Major/Minor line fit equations ______________________________ 136
6.16 Deviation of Fit________________________________________________ 137
6.17 Correlation of Fit ______________________________________________ 137
6.18 Top Hat _____________________________________________________ 138
6.18.1 Top Hat Mean and Standard Deviation _______________________________ 139
6.18.2 Top Hat Minimum and Maximum intensities ___________________________ 139
6.19 Top Hat Factor ________________________________________________ 139
6.20 Effective Area and Effective Diameter______________________________ 141
6.21 Far-Field Divergence Angle computations___________________________ 141
6.21.1 The Focal Length Method _________________________________________ 141
6.21.2 The Far-Field Method_____________________________________________ 142
6.22 Histogram____________________________________________________ 142
6.23 Statistics_____________________________________________________ 143
6.24 Frame Averaging ______________________________________________ 144
6.25 Frame Summing_______________________________________________ 144
6.26 Gamma Correction _____________________________________________ 145
6.27 Convolution __________________________________________________ 146
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Chapter 7 DIGITAL CAMERA OPTION__________________________ 148
7.1 Digital Camera Option____________________________________________ 148
7.2 I/O Connections ________________________________________________ 148
7.3 Digital Camera Advanced Timing Setup ______________________________ 152
7.3.1 Transfer Mode ____________________________________________________ 152
7.3.2 Scan Mode_______________________________________________________ 152
7.3.3 Vertical Start _____________________________________________________ 152
7.3.4 Vertical Size ______________________________________________________ 153
7.3.5 Horizontal Start ___________________________________________________ 153
7.3.6 Horizontal Size____________________________________________________ 153
7.4 Digital Camera and Ultracal Operation_______________________________ 154
Chapter 8 REMOTE OPERATION ______________________________ 156
8.1 Remote Operation_______________________________________________ 156
8.2 How to Disable Remote Operation __________________________________ 156
Chapter 9 ACTIVE X _______________________________________ 158
9.1 Introduction ___________________________________________________ 158
9.2 Using ActiveX __________________________________________________ 158
9.2.1 Microsoft Excel ___________________________________________________ 158
9.2.2 Visual Basic (Visual Studio)__________________________________________ 159
9.2.3 LabVIEW ________________________________________________________ 160
9.3 Properties, Methods, and Events ___________________________________ 160
9.3.1 Properties _______________________________________________________ 161 AppInfo ____________________________________________________________ 161 Running ____________________________________________________________ 161 OperationComplete ___________________________________________________ 161 OperationError_______________________________________________________ 162 NewFrame, HoldNewFrame_____________________________________________ 162 FrameData, FrameWidth, FrameHeight ___________________________________ 162 PixelHScale, PixelVScale _______________________________________________ 162 FrameMonth, FrameDay, FrameYear _____________________________________ 162 FrameHour, FrameMinute, FrameSecond, FrameMilliseconds __________________ 162 CursorX, CursorY, CursorZ______________________________________________ 162 CrosshairX, CrosshairY, CrosshairZ _______________________________________ 163 CursorDelta _________________________________________________________ 163 EnergyOfBeam_______________________________________________________ 163 Bitmap _____________________________________________________________ 163 FrameNumber _______________________________________________________ 163 Results _____________________________________________________________ 164 Quantitative Results __________________________________________________ 164 Elliptical Results______________________________________________________ 165 Gauss Fit Results _____________________________________________________ 165 Top Hat Results ______________________________________________________ 166 Divergence Results ___________________________________________________ 167 Statistics Results _____________________________________________________ 167 Pass/Fail Results _____________________________________________________ 168
9.3.2 Methods_________________________________________________________ 169 LoadConfig__________________________________________________________ 169 Open ______________________________________________________________ 169 OpenIndex __________________________________________________________ 170 Start _______________________________________________________________ 170
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9 Ultracal_____________________________________________________________ 170 Auto Exposure _______________________________________________________ 171
Stop _______________________________________________________________ 170
9.3.3 Events __________________________________________________________ 171 OnNewFrame________________________________________________________ 171 OnOperationComplete _________________________________________________ 172
9.4 DCOM ________________________________________________________ 172
9.4.1 Remote Access ___________________________________________________ 173 Server (LBA-PC) Computer _____________________________________________ 173 Client (Application) Computer ___________________________________________ 174
9.4.2 If you have a problem______________________________________________ 175
Chapter 10 REMOTE GPIB OPERATION _________________________ 177
10.1 Introduction __________________________________________________ 177
10.2 Hardware and Software Requirements _____________________________ 177
10.3 Remote GPIB Setup ____________________________________________ 177
10.4 Command Formats and Responses ________________________________ 179
10.4.1 IEEE 488.1 Command Support _____________________________________ 179
10.4.2 IEEE 488.2 Common Commands____________________________________ 180
10.4.3 LBA-PC Command and Data Formats ________________________________ 180
10.4.4 Establishing Remote Control _______________________________________ 181
10.5 Configuration Commands _______________________________________ 182
10.5.1 Restore and Save Configuration Files ________________________________ 182 LDC - Restore Config… ________________________________________________ 182 SDC - Save Config… __________________________________________________ 182
10.5.2 Configuration Commands _________________________________________ 183
10.6 Transfer Commands____________________________________________ 186
10.6.1 Transferring Raw Data____________________________________________ 186 RCC?, RCR? - Read Cursor Transfer ______________________________________ 187 RDD? - Read Frame Transfer ___________________________________________ 189
10.6.2 Transferring Data Files ___________________________________________ 190 FRM? - Download Data Frame __________________________________________ 191 FRM - Upload Data Frame______________________________________________ 192 LDD - Read Data File__________________________________________________ 193 SDD - Save Data File __________________________________________________ 194 RDR? - Read Results __________________________________________________ 195 LOG - Logging _______________________________________________________ 197 FST? - Transferring Status Information ___________________________________ 198
10.6.3 PFS? - Pass/Fail Status _____________________________________________ 200
10.7 COORDINATE SYSTEMS ________________________________________ 200
10.7.1 Spatial Coordinates ______________________________________________ 200
10.7.2 Pan/Zoom Window Detector Coordinates _____________________________ 201 DIS - Set Manual Origin Location ________________________________________ 202 PAN - Set Capture Window Location______________________________________ 202
10.7.3 Frame Coordinates _______________________________________________ 204
10.7.4 Beam Window World Coordinates ___________________________________ 205
10.8 ERROR MESSAGES_____________________________________________ 206
10.9 SERVICE REQUEST ____________________________________________ 209
10.9.1 Service Request Response_________________________________________ 209
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
1.1 General Information
The Spiricon, Laser Beam Analyzer, Models LBA-300/400/500/700/708/710/712/714PC, is a low cost, PC based product for use in modern Pentium generation personal computers with high performance PCI bus architecture. It provides all the essential features needed for laser beam analysis. Some of these features are:
High-speed high-resolution false color beam intensity profile displays in both 2D and 3D.
Operates in Windows 2000, XP Professional, or higher operating systems.
Numerical beam profile analysis employing advanced patented calibration algorithms.
User selectable choices for making beam width measurement, including Second Moment
Pass/fail testing available on most measured parameters.
Both Whole beam and Linear Gaussian fits to beam data.
Top Hat measurements based on the beam profile or a user defined area or line.
Signal-to-noise ratio improvement through averaging and background subtraction.
Frame summing for cumulative effect analysis.
Statistical Analysis of all measured parameters.
Beam Stability analysis.
Histogram display and results.
Post processing capabilities.
Both Drawn and Auto Aperturing for isolating beam data.
Both Results and Data logging capabilities.
Flexible printing options for hard copy generation.
Two Divergence measurement techniques.
1.2 System Requirements
A complete LBA-PC system consists of the following equipment:
1. The Spiricon LBA-PC frame grabber card, with software.
2. A CCD style camera, or a Spiricon Pyrocam III pyroelectric camera.
3. A Pentium style or compatible PC with:
a) High speed PCI bus, one slot available.
b) A Pentium
c) Graphics accelerator card (support for 1024 x 768 minimum).
or Pentium Pro® or equivalent processor based motherboard.
d) At least 256 MB of main memory, 512 MB recommended.
e) At least 15 MB of hard disk space available. Much more (>1 GB) if you want to log data files.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10
f) A high resolution color monitor.
g) Windows
2000 or Windows® XP Professional operating system with at least 64MB of main
h) A CD-ROM Drive.
i) A PC compatible mouse & keyboard.
Pentium and Pentium Pro are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
Windows 2000 and Windows XP Pro are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Notice: PC operating system, component and hardware manufactures are constantly revising their products. Therefore Spiricon, Inc. makes no guarantee that any one brand or model of Personal Computer will be compatible with any or all of the features contained in the LBA-PC application, either now or in the future.
1.3 Optional Equipment
1. Four-camera adapter, allows you to choose between 1 of 4 connected analog cameras or automatically cycle between them.
2. Digital Camera adapter, allows you to interface the output from an RS-422 or LVDS digital camera.
3. A printer with appropriate Windows compatible drivers.
4. LBS-100, BA-VIS, -NIR, or -BB Laser Beam Attenuator.
Most laser beam energy will need to be attenuated before applying it to the camera sensor. Attenuation requirements vary greatly depending upon application. Spiricon offers optional equipment for beam attenuation. Consult your Spiricon Representative or call Spiricon's Sales Department for further information.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
1.4 Specifications
Operating Temperature: 0 °C to +50 °C
Storage Temperature: -55 °C to +75 °C
Humidity: 95% non-condensing
PCI bus loading: +5 Vdc @ 350 mA., +3.3Vdc @ 50mA. +12 Vdc @ 140 mA.* (w/o camera)
-12 Vdc @ 110 mA.
Power consumption: 4.75 watts (w/o camera)
*Total PCI load on +12 Vdc w/camera not to exceed 500 mA.
Net: Approximately 0.23 kg (0.5 lb.)
Shipping: Approximately 1.4 kg (3 lb.)
Video Input: 75 ohm Termination, ±5 volts dc max
Trigger Input: edge sensitive (positive or negative), max input +12 Vdc, lower
threshold 1.1Vdc, upper threshold 2.5 Vdc, minimum pulse width 10µs.
Trigger Output: +5 or +12 Vdc (positive or negative), pulse width 700µs +/- 70µs.
Video Gain Adjust .8 to 1.4 w/ LBA-7XX; .8 to ~5 w/LBA-300/400/500 Pass/Fail Output +5 or +12 Vdc positive pulse, 250ms
Shutter Control Outputs TTL positive logic
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1.5 Safety Considerations
While the LBA-PC does not present the operator with any safety hazards, this instrument however is intended for use with laser systems. Therefore, the operator should be protected from any hazards that the laser system may present. The greatest hazards associated with laser systems are damage to the eyes and skin due to laser radiation.

1.5.1 Optical Radiation Hazards

With almost any camera used with the LBA-PC, the optical radiation at the camera sensor is low enough to be considered relatively harmless. However, usage of this instrument may require the operator to work in the optical path itself where exposure to hazards may be sufficient to warrant the use of protective equipment.
Unless the laser’s optical path is enclosed, at least to the point where the beam is attenuated for use with the camera system, the operator should be protected against accidental exposure. Exposure to personnel other than the operator must also be considered. Exposure hazards include reflected radiation as well as the direct beam. When working with an unenclosed beam path, it is advisable to do so with the laser not operating, or operating at reduced power levels. Whenever there is risk of dangerous exposure, protective eye shields and clothing should be used.
1.5.2 Electrical Hazards
The LBA-PC utilizes only low voltages, derived from the PCI bus in the host PC computer, therefore it posses no risk of electrical shock.
When installing or removing the LBA-PC frame grabber card, the power to the computer should always be disconnected.
The computer should always be operated with its covers in place and in accordance with its manufacture’s recommendations.
Your computer should always be operated with a properly grounded AC power cord.
If your camera has its own power supply, then follow its manufacture’s operating procedures for safe operation.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
2.1 Equipment Setup
This chapter describes how to get started using your LBA-PC. Follow these steps:
Step 1) Install your LBA-PC frame grabber card into your PC.
Step 2) Hook up your camera.
Step 3) Turn on the system and setup your windows environment.
Step 4) Launch the LBA-PC windows application.
Step 5) Configure the LBA-PC for your camera type.
Step 6) Begin collecting data from your camera.
Step 7) Other Configurations
Note: If you purchased your LBA-PC from Spiricon with a computer system and installation, then steps 1, 3, and 5 will have been done for you, and you can skip those steps.

2.1.1 Step 1 Installation of the Frame Grabber Board

This installation procedure applies to the following Spiricon products:
LBA-400PC (-D)
LBA-500PC (-D)
Electrostatic Discharge can result in permanent damage
to electronic equipment. Always ground yourself by
touching the system cabinet before beginning the
following procedure. We strongly recommend using an
antistatic wrist strap attached to earth ground.
To install your LBA-PC frame grabber card, disconnect the AC power from your computer. Remove the cover from your computer as described in your computers technical manual. Locate your PCI bus slots. Most PC’s will have either 3 or 4 PCI slots. Select an unused PCI slot and remove the rear filler bracket associated with that slot. (See figure below)
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10
Note: If you purchased the optional 4 camera adapter, or the optional digital adapter then make sure that the slot immediately to the left (viewed from the front of your PC) of the above PCI slot is also empty, and remove its rear filler bracket also.
Figure 1
Carefully plug your LBA-PC frame grabber card into the PCI slot. Make sure that it is fully seated in the PCI connector. Secure the end bracket with the screw that held in the filler plate. (See figure below)
Figure 2
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
The optional adapters use the rear panel opening, but do not plug into any of the PC expansion slots. Rather it is provided with a short ribbon cable that plugs into the frame grabber card. (See figures below) Slide the adapter into the rear opening and plug its cable into the frame grabber card. Secure the adapter bracket to the rear panel with the screw that held in the filler plate.
Four Camera Option
Figure 3
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10
Digital Camera Option
Figure 4
Replace the cover of your computer. Restore the AC power to your computer.
Note: The location of the connectors may vary depending upon which frame grabber model is being installed. The older LBA-400/500 series has a slightly different arrangement but the concept remains the same.

2.1.2 Step 2 Camera Connections

If you purchased a Pyrocam III to use with LBA-PC, disregard this section and refer to your Pyrocam III Installation Guide. To use LBA-PC with your Pyrocam III you must launch LBA-PC from the Pyrocam III Control Console.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
18 Analog Cameras
Connect the video out from your camera to the BNC connector on the LBA-PC frame grabber card. This is the camera 1 input channel. If you have the 4-camera adapter option, then camera 2’s input is at the top, 3 in the middle, and 4 at the bottom of the adapter bracket assembly.
If you purchased your camera from Spiricon, you may have been provided with a Camera Control Cable. This cable will usually provide power to your camera, and also control signals for your camera’s electronic shutter (if it has one). Plug this cable between the appropriate 9-pin connector on the frame grabber card, and into your camera. If you have the 4-camera adapter, the additional cameras will need to be powered from an external power supply.
Your camera may also be supplied with a separate power supply. If so, connect it according to the instructions provided with the camera. Digital Cameras
Connect the digital output from your camera to the SCSI-2 type connector on the digital camera adapter provided with the LBA-PC frame grabber card. If you purchased your camera from Spiricon, you may have been provided with a Camera Control Cable. The cable will provide the digital data connection to your camera, and may control signals for your camera’s electronic shutter (if it has one).
Your camera may also be supplied with a separate power supply. Connect it according to the instructions provided with the camera. Digital cameras may require additional software to control the camera. Check with the camera manufacture and follow their instructions.

2.1.3 Step 3 LBA-PC Software Installation

After the frame grabber is physically installed in the computers PCI slot, and the PC is rebooted, windows may tell you that it has found new hardware and ask you to install its driver. If this occurs exit out of the found new hardware wizard without installing a driver and instead allow the LBA-PC installation application to load the necessary files and drivers. After the installation application has run, the hardware should be installed properly and you will not see the found new hardware wizard. If problems do occur during the installation and the drivers are not properly installed, windows will launch the new hardware wizard after the installation. If this situation should occur, tell the wizard to search automatically for the necessary drivers, finish the wizard and reboot.
Here are two ways to install LBA-PC in Windows XP; the second method will also work for Windows
2000. Choose only one of the following:
First Method (Windows XP):
Step 1) Start Windows.
Step 2) Close all other Windows applications.
Step 3) Place the Spiricon CD into your CD-ROM drive.
Step 4) Windows XP will open a dialog that asks: “What do you want Windows to do?”
Step 5) Click “Open folder to view files”! Windows will open a folder in the CD’s root directory
showing folders for each of the shipped Spiricon applications.
Step 6) Double click the “LBA-PC” folder to open it.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10
Step 7) Double click the file in the LBA-PC folder named “Setup.exe” to launch the install. (The
windows file extensions, for this folder, must be set to viewable to see the “exe” extension.)
Step 8) Follow the instructions in the installation dialogs.
Step 9) Reboot when installation is complete.
Step 10) LBA-PC should now be installed.
Second Method (Windows 2000 or XP):
Step 11) Start Windows.
Step 12) Close all other Windows applications.
Step 13) Place the CD in the CD-ROM drive
Step 14) Click Cancel when Windows asks you, “What do you want to do?
Step 15) From the Taskbar, click on Start, and then Run…
Step 16) In the Open line type: R:\LBA-PC\setup.exe and press <Enter> (Where “R” is the letter
of your CD-ROM drive).
Step 17) Follow the directions given in the installation dialogs.
Step 18) Reboot when installation is complete.
Step 19) LBA-PC should now be installed.
Note: After the installation is completed, The install dialogs will ask you if you want to restart windows, you must answer yes to allow windows to restart and load the drivers, otherwise LBAPC will not function properly.
Note: Be sure to look at the LBA-PC ReadMe.txt file, before starting the LBA-PC application. This will bring you up to date with any last minute information regarding the current version of the program.
The following Windows display settings may need adjustment to accommodate the LBA-PC Application. Use Control Panel, Display, and Settings tab to make these adjustments:
Screen resolution should be set for a minimum display size of 1024x768, bigger is better.
Color Quality should be set to a minimum of 256 colors.

2.1.4 Step 4 Start LBA-PC

It’s recommended that you read portions of this operator’s manual to become familiar with the operation and capabilities of the LBA-PC. The operator’s manual may be found on the installation disk in PDF format. The PDF may also be found on the Spiricon web site at, just following the LBA-PC product links. To start the Laser Beam Analyzer application go to windows taskbar and select:
Start, Programs>, Spiricon>, LBA-PC>, LBA-PC.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC

2.1.5 Step 5 Configure Camera Type

You should now have the LBA-PC application window on your monitor. The default configuration is for a basic CW laser setup. This will allow you to verify that your camera and hardware are operating correctly. If you received any error or warning messages while starting the LBA-PC application, refer to the Error Messages section in this chapter before proceeding.
Before you can begin to collect data from your camera you must select the correct camera type. To do this click Options, Camera..., and then click on the Camera drop down arrow. Select the camera type that matches (or most closely matches) your specific camera, then click on OK.
To save this setup configuration... Click File, then Save Config...; enter a file name for this configuration, then click OK. This file name has now become your new default configuration file. This default will remain, from one program startup to the next, until you save or restore a new configuration file; at which time, the last loaded or saved configuration becomes the default.

2.1.6 Step 6 Collect Data

Click the Start! menu item to begin collecting data from the camera. The frame display window should immediately start changing colors corresponding to the intensity of the light reaching the camera sensor, and the beam profile displays should change from a flat line in proportion to the light intensity at the cursors.
If the room light is bright enough and/or the camera is sensitive enough, the frame display window may be entirely white as the horizontal and vertical profile displays move upward and to the right, respectively. If this is the case, reduce the amount of light reaching the camera sensor by shading it with your hand. You should be able to obtain the entire range of colors shown on the color bar along the right side of the display window. If you are using a camera with a lens, you should be able to obtain a recognizable image by adjusting the lens f-stop and focus.

2.1.7 Step 7 Sample Configurations

You are probably now ready to try looking at a laser, and to go exploring the many operating options of the LBA-PC.
Before you expose your camera to your laser beam, make sure that the power/energy of your laser is well below the damage threshold
of your camera’s photo imager. You may also need to attenuate
your beam to bring it into a range that will prevent your camera’s
imager from saturating.
To help you get started, we have created a set of configuration files that you can restore. These configuration files will adapt the LBA for a variety of basic operating modes.
However, these configuration files do not know which particular camera you are using. Therefore you must select the appropriate camera to complete your setup. To select a camera, you will have to repeat the procedure in Step 5.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10
The factory-supplied configuration files are write protected, so that you cannot accidentally lose or overwrite them. Each of these file names begin with a ~ (tilde), for easy identification. Some examples of these files are:
~lbapc.cfg The original default configuration.
~cw_basc.cfg A CW laser setup w/ basic results.
~cw_gaus.cfg A CW laser setup w/ Gauss Fit results.
~cw_hist.cfg A CW laser setup w/ Histogram display.
~cw_fram.cfg A CW laser setup w/ 8 frame averaging.
~cw_elip.cfg A CW laser setup w/ elliptical results.
~vt_toph.cfg Video trigger mode for a pulsed laser w/ Top Hat results enabled.
~to5gaus.cfg A Trigger Output at 5 Hz to fire a pulsed laser w/ Gauss Fit results.
~PYROCAM.cfg For use with Pyrocam I’s w/o digital camera option.
~PYRODIG.cfg For use with Pyrocam I’s w/ digital camera option.
2.2 Error Messages
The explanations of the following error messages assume that you are Windows savvy. If you find that after reading an error message’s meaning, you still do not know what to do, then contact Spiricon’s Service department for assistance.
You may encounter the following error messages:
LBA-PC device driver not found.
LBA-PC set to Off-Line mode
This error usually indicates that your LBA-PC frame grabber is either not installed or is not working. If the frame grabber card is not detected by Windows then the device driver will not be loaded when the system starts. This error may also indicate that the device driver was not properly installed. To determine the cause, do the following:
Windows 2000
Click on… Start, Settings, Control Panel.
Or for Windows XP
Click on… Start, Control Panel.
Then for Both
Double click on the System icon.
Select the Hardware tab.
Click on the Device Manager button.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
Click on the Sound, video and game controllers listing.
If the LBA-PC frame grabber was detected, and the device driver was not loaded you will see a
category called Unknown in the edit box listing of the Device Manager. If this occurs, double click on the Unknown icon. You should see an entry called PCI Card. This indicates that the device driver was not properly installed. To correct this problem, re-install the LBA-PC software.
If you did not see the Unknown icon, then Windows did not detect the LBA-PC frame grabber
card. Check to see that your frame grabber card is properly installed. Sometimes PCI card slots are defective, so you might also try another slot if all else seems to be in order.
If this device driver is not found, the LBA-PC program will complete loading, but the software will be forced to the Off-Line mode. This means you can only view files and perform Post Processing of data from and/or to data files.
Device Drive vX.XX detected.
LBA-PC requires vY.YY.
LBA-PC set to Off-Line mode.
If your current device driver version does not match the current LBA-PC version you will get this message. This may occur if you have upgraded your LBA-PC application, but continue to use an old device driver. Normally this should not happen, as the installation will install a new device driver version with each upgrade. The LBA-PC application program will complete loading, but the software will be forced to the Off-Line mode. This means you can only view files and perform Post Processing of data from and/or to data files.
Unable to load LCA program file.
File Not Found.
This message will precede the following error message if the lcaXXX.exo file is not found or is not in the same path as the LBA-PC application.
LBA-PC frame grabber
detected, but cannot initialized.
LBA-PC set to Off-Line mode.
The LBA-PC frame grabber contains a programmable LCA device. If this device fails to program during application initialization, the above error message will occur. Contact the Spiricon Service Department for assistance. The LBA-PC application program will complete loading, but the software will be forced to the Off-Line mode. This means you can only view files and perform Post Processing of data from and/or to data files.
Not Enough Memory for Frame Capture.
LBA-PC set to Off-Line mode.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10
The device driver was unable to allocate enough memory in order to capture video frames. This may occur the first time you boot the computer after installing the Frame Grabber card. Try rebooting the computer. If the error continues to occur you will need to add memory to the computer. LBA-PC requires a minimum 256 MB of main memory, 512 MB is recommended. If the error occurs after adding memory then contact the Spiricon Service Department.
Frame Grabber not found.
LBA-PC set to Off-Line mode.
Your LBA-PC frame grabber card is either not installed, or not working. The LBA-PC application program will complete loading, but the software will be forced to the Off-Line mode. This means you can only view files and perform Post Processing of data from and/or to data files. Check to see that your Frame Grabber card is properly installed. Contact the Spiricon Service Department for further assistance.
Not a valid LBA-PC data file.
You are attempting to load a file that is not in a format that the LBA-PC can recognize. See loadable file types.
2.3 Optional Equipment
Optional equipment can include the following items:
License: Multi-user site software license
Adapter: 4 Camera adapter
Digital Camera adapter
Camera: Selected camera, specify type
Interface cable
BNC cable
Camera manual (if supplied by camera manufacturer)
Camera power supply (if supplied by camera manufacturer)
Computer: PC compatible, Pentium or equivalent
Attenuator: Model LBS-100, BA-VIS, -NIR, or -BB beam attenuator
2.4 Connections
This topic describes the Camera Control (upper, 9 pin D-sub, female) and Trigger I/O (lower, 9 pin D­sub male) connectors on the LBA-PC rear panel. The schematic shown below describes the circuits on these connectors. See the Specifications section for the respective drive limits of these signals.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
2.4.1 Camera Power
If your camera is a low power CCD style that runs on +12Vdc, then it may be powered from connector J1 (J3 on LBA-3/4/500 frame grabbers) pin 6 (+12Vdc) and pin 5 (gnd).
Caution: Do not attempt to power more than ONE camera from the LBA-PC.

2.4.2 Shutter Controls Signals

The electronic shutter control signals are provided on as SHUT1, SHUT2, and SHUT3. These are TTL level drive outputs. The Logic is positive true. The shutter settings are listed in the 8 lines of the Shutter drop down edit control found in the main menu Options > Camera > Advanced dialog box. The labeling of the shutter lines can be user modified to match the settings of a particular camera. The line locations however, always correspond to the following TTL output drive levels:
Shutter Line
Edit control
Top line 1 0 0 0
2 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 4 0 1 1 5 1 0 0 6 1 0 1 7 1 1 0
Bottom line 8 1 1 1
(J1 pin 3)
(J3 on 3/4/500)
(J1 pin 7)
(J3 on 3/4/500)
(J1 pin 2)
(J3 on 3/4/500)
Frame Grabber Pin-out
Figure 5
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10
2.4.3 Trigger Out

Connector J2 (J5 on LBA-3/4/500 frame grabbers) pin 3 is the Trigger Out signal. This signal is factory set to output +5Vdc pulses. You can change this signal to +12Vdc level pulses by moving Jumper E1 (E4 on LBA-3/4/500 frame grabbers) to bridge pins 2-3.

Note: Jumper E1 (E4) controls the output signal level for both Trigger Out and Pass/Fail Out. Jumper position 1-2 yields a +5Vdc level; position 2-3 yields a +12Vdc level.
2.4.4 Pass/Fail Out

Connector J5 (J2 on LBA-7XX frame grabbers) pin 1 is the Pass/Fail Out signal. This signal is factory set to output +5Vdc pulses. You can change this signal to +12Vdc level pulses by moving Jumper E1(E4) to bridge pins 2-3. To enable this signal and select its mode of operation see the Pass/Fail menu topic.

Note: Jumper E1 (E4) controls the output signal level for both Trigger Out and Pass/Fail Out. Jumper position 1-2 yields a +5Vdc level; position 2-3 yields a +12Vdc level
2.4.5 Trigger In

Connector J2 (J5 on LBA-3/4/500 frame grabbers) pin 2 is where you apply the Trigger In signal. This input must be only a positive voltage with respect to ground. But you can pulse it with either a high going or a low going pulse. You can program the Trigger In Polarity to respond to either a positive (rising) or negative (falling) edge of this input signal.

2.4.6 Video In
The BNC connector (not shown above) is where you input either RS-170 or CCIR formatted black and white video. The video input is terminated into 75 ohms. This is Camera input number 1. If you have purchased the 4 camera option, three additional BNC connectors are provided on a separate bracket assembly. These BNC connectors provide inputs for cameras number 2, 3 and 4 (top to bottom).
2.5 Camera Control Cables
Many cameras shipped by Spiricon will be supplied with a Camera Control Cable. Connect this cable between the camera and connector J1, (J3 on LBA-3/4/500 frame grabbers) the upper 9-pin D-sub female. This cable will usually provide power to the camera, as well as permit the LBA-PC to control a camera’s electronic shutter, if it has one. Cameras that derive power from a source other than the LBA­PC will not usually be supplied with this cable.
If you are using the 4-camera option, any additional cameras must be powered from an external source. To provide control of the shutter of any additional cameras, a special cable must be made that connects all of the shutter inputs of the cameras in parallel. If you plan on using the automatic camera sequencing you may also need a special cable to synchronize (genloc) the cameras.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
2.6 Special Setup for Pyrocam I Operation
You must use special setups if you want to successfully interface your Pyrocam I with a Model LBA-PC frame grabber system. It is strongly recommended that you first become familiar with the operating characteristics of both your Pyrocam I and LBA-PC before attempting to operate them together.
To operate your Pyrocam I with a model LBA-300PC or a LBA-400/500/708/710/712/714PC without a digital camera option, see section 2.12.1.
To operate your Pyrocam I with model LBA-500PC-D or a model LBA-7XXPC-D, with the digital camera option, see section 2.12.2.

2.6.1 Pyrocam I with Non-Digital LBA-PC’s

LBA-300/400/500/708/710/712/714PC w/o digital camera option Pyrocam I Setup Requirements: Configure Video Output
The Pyrocam must be configured to output monochrome video in CCIR format. To do this, Dip Switch number 6 must be in the ON position. See Chapter 6 and Appendix A-6 in your Pyrocam Operator’s Manual for details. Configure Gain and Vertical Scale
Do not operate the Pyrocam I with the Gain switch set in the 10 position or with the
Vertical Scale set in the Auto or Manual x8 positions. Use only the 1 or 3 Gain setting and Manual x1, x2 or x4 settings. The LBA will not be able to Ultracal in the gain equals 10 or
scale x8 setting positions, and the Ultracal will not remain valid if the Pyrocam is in the Auto scale mode.
Note: You will need to temporarily attach your Pyrocam to either a VGA or a monochrome monitor to observe the Vertical Scale settings. Configure MONO/DIG/VGA switch to MONO position. Install Video Cable
Connect the Pyrocam’s Video Output BNC to the Video Input BNC on the LBA-PC.
All other operating requirements for the Pyrocam I are still applicable, and must be set up correctly. Don’t forget to periodically calibrate your Pyrocam.
Hint: First set up your Pyrocam to operate in one of its stand-alone configurations, and then connect it to the LBA­PC only after you’re sure that it is operating satisfactorily with your laser.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10
27 Setup requirements for LBA-PC with pyrocam cameras:
Two files are provided for configuring the LBA to a Pyrocam I. They are ~PYROCAM.CFG and ~PYROCAM.CAM. Setting up the Pyrocam Configuration.
Go to File. . . Restore Config. . . and set the configuration to ~PYROCAM.CFG. Setting the camera type to Pyrocam
Go to Options. . . Camera dialog box and set the Camera selection to ~PYROCAM.CAM. This may already have happened when you did the previous step.
The ~PYROCAM.CAM file is absolutely required for correct operation with your Pyrocam. The ~PYROCAM.CFG configuration is a good starting point configuration.
You will undoubtedly need to make changes to your configuration to suit your application. Do so, and then save off your new configurations into new <filename>.cfg config files. Remember the ~PYROCAM files are read only; so don’t try to use those file names. Some Restrictions apply when interfaced to a Pyrocam I Frame resolution restrictions
While you are not restricted from setting your frame Resolution to 512x480x1, it is not a good idea. Keep your Resolution setting set to 128x120x4. Remember the Pyrocam creates a 124x124 sized image, so setting higher resolutions only wastes memory and slows down operations. Zooming restrictions
In keeping with the above, do not use Hardware zooming. Only use Soft zooming, i.e. double-right-mouse click in the Zoom window. Restricted pixel regions
Because of the image size difference between the LBA and the Pyrocam I, as noted above, the LBA will clip off 4 rows from the Pyrocam; two on top, and two on the bottom. Also the LBA will have 4 dark columns; two on the left edge, and two along the right. Scale and resolution restrictions
Note also that the Pixel Scale setting is set to 25mm, not 100mm, which is the actual pixel scale of the Pyrocam I. This is because the image output by the Pyrocam in CCIR mode is 4 times over scanned in both the x and y directions. Thus the LBA’s 1x resolution comes out to be 1/4th the 4x resolution. Keep this in mind if you plan to change the scaling because of placing the beam altering optics in the beam path.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
28 Camera settings restrictions
Under no circumstances, make any changes to the Advanced. . . Camera settings for the Pyrocam I. Image synchronization considerations
The Pyrocam I’s CCIR video output is always producing video images at the rate of 25 frames per second. Furthermore, it only changes output image after acquiring and processing a new image. Thus the rate of a new output beam image is a function of many variables, including Pulse or Chop rates, image processing time, and results computational times.
If you are using a Pulsed laser with your Pyrocam I, the Pyrocam will continue to output the image of the last laser pulse that it receives. As a result, your LBA will continue to collect data frames that are multiples of the last pulse received by the Pyrocam. To relieve this, you may want to set up a Trigger input to the LBA. This will cause, at the most, only one image to be acquired for each Laser Pulse. This can be a tricky situation since the Pyrocam does take a little time to process each image, and that time will vary somewhat from image to image. Also, if your laser is triggered faster than the Pyrocam can acquire and update its CCIR display, it will skip pulses. Thus the LBA can still end up acquiring multiples of some of the processed pulses. You can also try the solution described below for the Chopped-operating mode.
The exact same type of problem occurs in Chopped mode. The chop frequencies must be either 24Hz or 48Hz. Thus, the CCIR image can never be updating as fast as the chopper is triggering the Pyrocam. Consequently, the CCIR output is always creating multiple frames of the same beam profile. In this case, you may want to set the LBA’s Capture interval to a value that will eliminate or reduce multiple frame captures.

2.6.2 Pyrocam I with Digital LBA-PC’s

LBA-500/7XXPC-D w/ Digital Camera Option Pyrocam I setup requirements:
To use this interface method, your LBA-500/7XXPC must be equipped with the digital camera option (-D), and your Pyrocam I must be of a later design that has digital output capability. Early versions of the Pyrocam were not equipped with digital outputs. If your Pyrocam I does not have a 50 pin connector on its rear cover it can not be interfaced as a digital camera. However, you can still interface it by using the analog method described in the LBA-300PC interface topic. Alternately, you can contact Spiricon’s service department and arrange to have your Pyrocam I upgraded with digital camera output capability.
NOTICE: When interfacing with a Pyrocam I, DO NOT USE THE ULTRACAL! Feature of the LBA-PC. Rather, it is ESSENTIAL that you periodically re-calibrate the Pyrocam I. Calibrating the Pyrocam I is the only calibration that should be used with this type of interface.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10
29 Set video switch
The Pyrocam must be set to output digital video. This is accomplished by setting the MONO/DIG/VGA switch to the LBA position. See Chapter 6 in your Pyrocam Operator’s Manual. Connect cable
Connect the Pyrocam’s digital output to the digital input connector of the LBA-500PC. A special interface cable is required to make this connection. If you ordered your Pyrocam I, LBA-PC and LBA-Digital Option together as a system, then a cable was supplied. Pyrocam settings
With the Pyrocam set to the DIG mode, the Vertical Scale setting has no effect on the output. However, the Gain switch is still operating and can be set to any position. All other operating requirements for the Pyrocam I are still applicable, and must be set up correctly. Don’t forget to periodically Calibrate your Pyrocam.
Hint: First set up your Pyrocam to operate in one of its stand-alone configurations, and then connect it to the LBA­PC only after you’re sure that it is operating satisfactorily with your laser. LBA-500/7XXPC-D Setup requirements:
Two files are provided for configuring the LBA-PC digital interface to a Pyrocam I. They are ~PYRODIG.CFG and ~PYRODIG.CAM. Set the Pyrocam configuration
Go to file. . . Restore Config. . . and set the configuration to ~PYRODIG.CFG. Set the camera options
Go to Options. . . Camera dialog box and set the Camera selection to ~PYRODIG.CAM. This may already have happened when you did the previous step.
The ~PYRODIG.CAM file is absolutely required for correct operation with your Pyrocam. The ~PYRODIG.CFG configuration is a good starting point configuration.
You will undoubtedly need to make changes to your configuration to suit your application. Do so, and then save off your new configurations into new <filename>.cfg config file. Remember the ~PYRODIG files are read only, so don’t try to use those file names.
Under no circumstances make any changes to the Advanced… Camera settings for the Pyrocam I.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
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