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Table of Contents Series 220/221 Instruction Manual
Customer Notice
Unless you have specifically ordered Sierra’s optional O2 cleaning, this flow meter
may not be fit for oxygen service. Sierra Instruments, Inc., is not liable for any
damage or personal injury, whatsoever, resulting from the use of Sierra Instruments standard mass flow meters for oxygen gas. You are responsible for cleaning the mass flow meter to the degree required for your oxygen flow application.
Innova-Flo™ is a trademark of Sierra Instruments, Inc. Other product and company names
listed in this manual are trademarks or trade names of their respective manufacturers.
Revision B. Added CE required wiring information. Improved insertion graphics. Added information on: wafer-style installation, adjusting meter orientation, remote sensor wiring and
component field replacement procedures.
Revision C. Changed to new style 220 body and adapter. Removed 4-20 A/D counts from
calibration menu. Various minor updates.
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Series 220/221 Instruction Manual Table of Contents
3-1. Flow Meter Display/Keypad................................................... 3-1
List of Tables
2-1. Minimum Stud Bolt Lengths for Wafer-Style Meters ............2-3
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Series 220/221 Instruction Manual Table of Contents
Warnings and Cautions
Agency approval for hazardous location installations varies between flow meter models.
Consult the factory for specific flow meter approvals before any hazardous location installation. For explosion proof installations, you must use solid metal conduit and follow
NFPA (or your local code) approved wiring methods.
Hot tapping must be performed by a trained professional. U.S. regulations often require a
hot tap permit. The manufacturer of the hot tap equipment and/or the contractor performing the hot tap is responsible for providing proof of such a permit.
All flow meter connections, isolation valves and fittings for cold/hot tapping must have the
same or higher pressure rating as the main pipeline.
For Series 221 insertion flow meter installations, an insertion tool must be used for any
installation where a flow meter is inserted under pressure greater than 50 psig.
To avoid serious injury, DO NOT loosen a compression fitting under pressure.
All wiring procedures must be performed with the power Off.
Before attempting any flow meter repair, verify that the line is de-pressurized.
Always remove main power before disassembling any part of the mass flow meter.
Calibration must be performed by qualified personnel. Sierra Instruments, Inc., strongly recommends that you return your flow meter to the factory for calibration.
In order to achieve accurate and repeatable performance, the flow meter must be installed with the specified minimum length of straight pipe upstream and downstream of
the flow meter’s sensor head.
When using toxic or corrosive gases, purge the line with inert gas for a minimum of four
hours at full gas flow before installing the flow meter.
Wafer-style flow meter gaskets must be carefully aligned to ensure accurate flow measurement.
For Series 221 insertion flow meter installations, the sensor alignment pointer must point
downstream in the direction of flow.
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Table of Contents Series 220/221 Instruction Manual
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Series 220/221 Instruction Manual Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
Innova-Flo™ Vortex Flow Meters
The Sierra Instruments’ Series 220 In-Line and the Series 221 Insertion
Innova-Flo™ Vortex Flow Meters provide a reliable solution for process
flow measurement. From a single entry point in the pipeline, Innova-Flo
meters offer precise measurements of mass or volumetric flow. The velocity sensor reduces the effects of pipeline vibration by incorporating a
unique piezoelectric element that senses the vortex frequency. To extend
rangeability at the low end of flow, the meter’s smart electronics calculates the Reynolds number (Re) based on constant values of fluid density
and viscosity stored in memory and automatically corrects for any nonlinearity down to Re = 5,000.
Innova-Flo digital electronics allows reconfiguration for most gases, liquids and steam. The instrument is loop powered (12 to 36 VDC) with
two output signals. The pulse output signal is proportional to volumetric
flow rate; the analog linear 4-20 mA signal offers your choice of volumetric flow rate or mass flow rate. The mass flow rate is based on a constant value for fluid density stored in the instrument’s memory. The local
keypad/display provides instantaneous flow rate in engineering units or
totalized flow.
The Sierra Series 220 and 221 Innova-Flo Meters simple installation
combines with an easy-to-use interface that provides quick set up, long
term reliability and accurate flow measurement over a wide range of
flows and conditions.
Using This Manual
This manual provides the information needed to install and operate the
Series 220 In-Line and Series 221 Insertion Innova-Flo Vortex Flow Meters. The four chapters of this manual cover these areas:
• Chapter 1 includes the introduction and product description
• Chapter 2 provides information needed for installation
• Chapter 3 describes system operation and programming
• Chapter 4 covers troubleshooting and repair
The product specifications are found in Appendix A. Appendix B contains a glossary of terms.
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Chapter 1 Introduction Series 220/221 Instruction Manual
Note and Safety Information
We use note, caution and warning statements throughout this book to
draw your attention to important information.
This statement appears with
information that is important to
protect people and equipment
from damage. Pay very close
attention to all warnings that
apply to your application.
This statement appears with
information that is important
for protecting your equipment
and performance. Read and
follow all cautions that apply
to your application.
Receipt of System Components
When receiving a Sierra flow meter, carefully check the outside packing
carton for damage incurred in shipment. If the carton is damaged, notify
the local carrier and submit a report to the factory or distributor. Remove
the packing slip and check that all ordered components are present. Make
sure any spare parts or accessories are not discarded with the packing
material. Do not return any equipment to the factory without first contacting Sierra Customer Service.
Technical Assistance
If you encounter a problem with your flow meter, review the configuration information for each step of the installation, operation and set up procedures. Verify that your settings and adjustments are consistent with factory recommendations. Refer to Chapter 4, Troubleshooting, for specific
information and recommendations.
If the problem persists after following the troubleshooting procedures
outlined in Chapter 4, contact Sierra Instruments, Technical Support at
(800) 866-0200 or (831) 373-0200 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PST.
When calling Technical Support, have the following information on
• the flow range, serial number and Sierra order number (all
marked on the meter nameplate)
• the problem you are encountering and any corrective action
• application information (gas, pressure, temperature and piping configuration)
This statement appears with a
short message to alert you to
an important detail.
1-2 IM-22-C
Series 220/221 Instruction Manual Chapter 1 Introduction
How the Innova-Flo Vortex Flow Meter Operates
Figure 1-1. Series 220 In-Line Vortex Flow Meter
Sierra Series 220 and 221 Innova-Flo™ Vortex Flow Meters use a unique
velocity sensor head to monitor volumetric flow rate. The built-in flow
computer calculates mass flow rate based on a constant value of fluid
density stored in the instrument’s memory. To measure fluid velocity,
the flow meter incorporates a bluff body (shedder bar) in the flow
stream, and the velocity sensor measures the frequency of vortices created by the shedder bar. The velocity sensor head is located downstream
of the shedder bar within the flow body.
Velocity Measurement
IM-22-C 1-3
The Innova-Flo vortex velocity sensor is a patented mechanical design
that minimizes the effects of pipeline vibration and pump noise, both of
which are common error sources in flow measurement with vortex flow
meters. The velocity measurement is based on the well-known Von Karman vortex shedding phenomenon. Vortices are shed from a shedder bar,
and the vortex velocity sensor located downstream of the shedder bar
senses the passage of these vortices. This method of velocity measurement
has many advantages including inherent linearity, high turndown, reliability and simplicity.
Chapter 1 Introduction Series 220/221 Instruction Manual
Vortex Shedding Frequency
Von Karman vortices form downstream of a shedder bar into two distinct
wakes. The vortices of one wake rotate clockwise while those of the
other wake rotate counterclockwise. Vortices generate one at a time, alternating from the left side to the right side of the shedder bar. Vortices
interact with their surrounding space by over-powering every other
nearby swirl on the verge of development. Close to the shedder bar, the
distance (or wave length) between vortices is always constant and measurable. Therefore, the volume encompassed by each vortex remains constant, as shown below. By sensing the number of vortices passing by the
velocity sensor, the Innova-Flo
Vortex Flow Meter computes the total
fluid volume.
Velocity sensor
Vortex shedder bar
wave length
Figure 1-2. Measurement Principle of Vortex Flow Meters
Vortex Frequency Sensing
The velocity sensor incorporates a piezoelectric element that senses the
vortex frequency. This element detects the alternating lift forces produced by the Von Karman vortices flowing downstream of the vortex
shedder bar. The alternating electric charge generated by the piezoelectric element is processed by the transmitter’s electronic circuit to obtain
the vortex shedding frequency. The piezoelectric element is highly sensitive and operates over a wide range of flows, pressures and temperatures.
1-4 IM-22-C
Series 220/221 Instruction Manual Chapter 1 Introduction
Flow Velocity Range
To ensure trouble-free operation, vortex flow meters must be correctly
sized so that the flow velocity range through the meter lies within the
measurable velocity range (with acceptable pressure drop) and the linear
The measurable range is defined by the minimum and maximum velocity
using the following table.
Vmax 300 ft/s 30 ft/s
Vmax 91 m/s 9.1 m/s
1 ft/s
0.3 m/s
The pressure drop for series 221 insertion meters is negligible. The pressure drop for series 220 in-line meters is defined as:
∆P = .00024 ρ V
∆P = .000011 ρ V
English units (∆P in psi, ρ in lb/ft3, V in ft/sec)
Metric units (∆P in bar, ρ in kg/m3, V in m/sec)
The linear range is defined by the Reynolds number. The Reynolds number is the ratio of the inertial forces to the viscous forces in a flowing
fluid and is defined as:
Re =
ρ V D
Re = Reynolds Number
ρ = mass density of the fluid being measured
V = velocity of the fluid being measured
D = internal diameter of the flow channel
µ = viscosity of the fluid being measured
The Strouhal number is the other dimensionless number that quantifies the
vortex phenomenon. The Strouhal number is defined as:
St = Strouhal Number
f = frequency of vortex shedding
d = shedder bar width
V = fluid velocity
IM-22-C 1-5
St =
f d
Chapter 1 Introduction Series 220/221 Instruction Manual
As shown below, Innova-Flo™ Vortex Flow Meters exhibit a constant
Strouhal number across a large range of Reynolds numbers, indicating a
consistent linear output over a wide range of flows and fluid types. Below this linear range, the intelligent electronics in Innova-Flo automatically corrects for the variation in the Strouhal number. Innova-Flo’s
smart electronics correct for this non-linearity by calculating the Reynolds number based on constant values of the fluid’s density and viscosity stored in the instrument’s memory. Innova-Flo Vortex Flow Meters
automatically correct down to a Reynolds number of 5,000.
Corrected range
Linear range
Strouhal Number, St
Reynolds Number, Re
Figure 1-3. Reynolds Number Range for the Innova-Flo Meter
1-6 IM-22-C
Series 220/221 Instruction Manual Chapter 1 Introduction
Flow Meter Configurations
Innova-Flo™ Vortex Flow Meters are available in two configurations:
• Series 220 in-line flow meter (replaces a section of the pipeline)
• Series 221 insertion flow meter (requires a “cold” tap or a “hot” tap
into an existing pipeline)
Both the in-line and insertion configurations are similar in that they both
use identical electronics and have similar sensor heads. Besides installation differences, the main difference between an in-line flow meter and
an insertion flow meter is their method of measurement.
For an in-line vortex flow meter, the shedder bar is located across the entire diameter of the flow body. Thus, the entire pipeline flow is included
in the vortex formation and measurement. The sensing head, which directly measures velocity is located just downstream of the shedder bar.
An insertion vortex flow meter has its sensing head at the end of a 0.750
inch diameter tubular stem. The stem is inserted into the pipe until the
sensing head is properly located in the pipe’s cross section. The sensing
head fits through any entry port with an 1.875 inch minimum internal diameter.
The sensing head of an insertion vortex flow meter directly monitors the
velocity at a point in the cross-sectional area of a pipe, duct, or stack (referred to as “channels”). The velocity at a point in the pipe varies as a function of the Reynolds number. The insertion vortex flow meter computes the
Reynolds number based on constant values of the fluid’s density and viscosity stored in its memory and then computes the total flow rate in the
channel. The output signal of insertion meters is the total flow rate in the
channel. The accuracy of the total flow rate computation depends on adherence to the piping installation requirements given in Chapter 2. If adherence to those guidelines cannot be met, contact the factory for specific
installation advice.
IM-22-C 1-7
Flow Meter Electronics
Innova-Flo electronics are available mounted directly to the flow body,
or remotely mounted. The electronics housing may be used indoors or
outdoors, including wet environments. The instrument requires 4-20 mA
loop power (12 to 36 VDC). One analog output signal is available for
your choice of volumetric flow rate or mass flow rate. A pulse output is
available for totalization.
Chapter 1 Introduction Series 220/221 Instruction Manual
The meter includes a local 2 x 16 character LCD display housed within
the enclosure. Local operation and reconfiguration is accomplished using
six push buttons. For hazardous locations, the six push buttons can be
operated through the sealed enclosure using a hand-held magnet, thereby
not compromising the integrity of the hazardous location certification.
The electronics include nonvolatile memory that stores all configuration
information. The memory allows the flow meter to function immediately
upon power up, or after an interruption in power.
1-8 IM-22-C
Series 220/221 Instruction Manual Chapter 2 Installation
Consult the flow meter name-
plate for specific flow meter
approvals before any hazard-
ous location installation.
Chapter 2 Installation
Installation Overview
Innova-Flo™ meter installations are simple and straightforward. Both the Series 220 In-Line and Series 221 Insertion type flow meter installations are
covered in this chapter. After reviewing the installation requirements given
below, see page 2-3 for Series 220 installation instructions. See page 2-6 for
Series 221 installation instructions. Wiring instructions begin on page 2-19.
Flow Meter Installation Requirements
Before installing the flow meter, verify the installation site allows for these
1. Line pressure and temperature will not exceed the flow meter
2. The location meets the required minimum number of pipe diameters upstream and downstream of the sensor head as illustrated Figure 2-1.
3. Safe and convenient access with adequate overhead clearance
for maintenance purposes.
4. Verify that the cable entry into the instrument meets the specific
standard required for hazardous area installations.
5. For remote installations, verify the supplied cable length is suf-
ficient to connect the flow meter sensor to the remote electronics.
Also, before installation check your flow system for anomalies such as:
• leaks
• valves or restrictions in the flow path that could create disturbances in
the flow profile that might cause unexpected flow rate indications
IM-22-C 2-1
Chapter 2 Installation Series 220/221 Instruction Manual
Unobstructed Flow Requirements
Select an installation site that will minimize possible distortion in the flow
profile. Valves, elbows, control valves and other piping components may
cause flow disturbances. Check your specific piping condition against the examples shown below. In order to achieve accurate and repeatable performance install the flow meter using the recommended number of straight run
pipe diameters upstream and downstream of the sensor.
Note: For liquid applications in vertical pipes, avoid installing with flow in
the downward direction because the pipe may not be full at all points.
Choose to install the meter with flow in the upward direction if possible.
Flow meter
Flow conditioner
(if used)
Example 1.
One 90° elbow before meter
Flow meter
Example 4.
Reduction before meter
Example 2.
Two 90° elbows before meter in one plane
Flow meter
Flow conditioner
(if used)
Example 5.
Expansion before meter
Flow meter
Flow conditioner
(if used)
Example 3.
Two 90° elbows before meter out of plane (if three
90° bends present, double recommended length)
Flow meter
Flow conditioner
(if used)
Example 6.
Regulator or valve partially closed before meter
(If valve is always wide open, base length
requirements on fitting directly preceding it)
Flow meter
Flow conditioner (if used)
Minimum Required
Upstream Diameters
No Flow
With Flow Conditioner
Example A A C C´ B B
1 10 D N/A N/A N/A 5 D 5 D
2 15 D 10 D 5 D 5 D 5 D 5 D
3 25 D 10 D 5 D 5 D 10 D 5 D
4 10 D 10 D 5 D 5 D 5 D 5 D
5 20 D 10 D 5 D 5 D 5 D 5 D
6 25 D 10 D 5 D 5 D 10 D 5 D
D = Internal diameter of channel. N/A = Not applicable
Minimum Required
Downstream Diameters
No Flow
With Flow
Figure 2-1. Recommended Pipe Length Requirements for Installation, Series 220 and 221
2-2 IM-22-C
Series 220/221 Instruction Manual Chapter 2 Installation
Series 220 In-Line Flow Meter Installation
Install the Series 220 In-Line Flow Meter between two conventional pipe
flanges as shown in Figures 2-3 and 2-4. Table 2-1 provides the recommended minimum stud bolt lengths for wafer-style meter body size and different flange ratings.
The meter inside diameter is equal to the same size nominal pipe ID in
schedule 80. For example, a 2” meter has an ID of 1.939” (2” schedule 80).
Do not install the meter in a pipe with an inside diameter smaller than
the inside diameter of the meter. For schedule 160 and higher pipe, a spe-
cial meter is required. Consult the factory before purchasing the meter.
Series 220 Meters require customer-supplied gaskets. When selecting gasket
material make sure that it is compatible with the process fluid and pressure
ratings of the specific installation. Verify that the inside diameter of the gasket is larger than the inside diameter of the flow meter and adjacent piping. If
the gasket material extends into the flow stream, it will disturb the flow and
cause inaccurate measurements.
Flange Bolt Specifications
Stud Bolt Lengths for Each Flange Rating (inches)
Line Size Class 150 Class 300 Class 600
1 inch 6.00 7.00 7.50
1.5 inch 6.25 8.50 9.00
2 inch 8.50 8.75 9.50
3 inch 9.00 10.00 10.50
4 inch 9.50 10.75 12.25
Table 2-1. Minimum Recommended Stud Bolt Lengths for Wafer Meters
The required bolt load for sealing the gasket joint is affected by several application-dependent factors, therefore the required torque for each application
may be different. Refer to the ASME Pressure Vessel Code guidelines for
bolt tightening standards.
Figure 2-2. Flange Bolt Torquing Sequence
IM-22-C 2-3
Chapter 2 Installation Series 220/221 Instruction Manual
Wafer-Style Flow Meter Installation
Install the wafer-style meter between two conventional pipe flanges of the
same nominal size as the flow meter. If the process fluid is a liquid, make
sure the meter is located where the pipe is always full. This may require locating the meter at a low point in the piping system. Note: Vortex flow meters are not suitable for two-phase flows (i.e., liquid and gas mixtures). For
horizontal pipelines having a process temperature above 300° F, mount the
meter at a 45 or 90-degree angle to avoid overheating the electronics enclosure. To adjust the viewing angle of the enclosure or display/keypad, see
page 2-17.
When using toxic or cor-
rosive gases, purge the
line with inert gas for a
minimum of four hours
at full gas flow before
installing the flow meter.
Figure 2-3. Wafer-Style Flow Meter Installation
When installing the meter make sure the section marked “inlet” is positioned upstream of the outlet, facing the flow. This ensures that the sensor head is positioned downstream of the vortex shedder bar and is correctly aligned to the flow.
Installing the meter opposite this direction will result in completely inaccurate
flow measurement. To install the meter:
1. Turn off the flow of process gas, liquid or steam. Verify that the line is
not pressurized. Confirm that the installation site meets the required
minimum upstream and downstream pipe diameters.
2. Insert the studs for the bottom side of the meter body between the pipe
flanges. Place the wafer-style meter body between the flanges with the end
stamped “inlet” facing flow. Center the meter body inside the diameter
with respect to the inside diameter of the adjoining piping.
3. Position the gasket material between the mating surfaces. Make sure both
gaskets are smooth and even with no gasket material extending into the
flow profile. Obstructions in the pipeline will disturb the flow and cause
inaccurate measurements.
4. Place the remaining studs between the pipe flanges. Tighten the nuts in the
sequence shown in Figure 2-2. Check for leaks after tightening the flange
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