Siemeca™ AMR
Network Node
The WT…16… network node is used to receive and handle the data transmitted
by consumption meters of the Siemeca™ AMR system. In small plants, one network node suffices as a data collector. In larger plants, or when consumption
data shall be read out from a remote location, an M-bus interface for connection
to an OZW10 M-bus central unit or a Siemeca™ gateway is required. The
WTT16… network node is battery-powered, the mains-powered WTX16… version
is available for special applications.
The WT…16… network node is a component of the Siemeca™ system. It has been
designed for use in buildings to create a radio network for receiving and storing the
data transmitted by the consumption meters installed in the building. Communication
between several network nodes is via radio also so that no wiring is required. All measured values acquired by the consumption meters are continuously exchanged within
the network, which means that every network node stores the current consumption
values, the values read out at the end of the month, and the set day values of all metering devices on the network. Owing to this operating principle, all network data can be
read out at any of the nodes, or a Siemeca™ gateway for remote data transmission can
be used with any of the nodes. The field of use of the Siemeca™ AMR system is described in data sheet N2870.
Building Technologies
HVAC Products

Network node versions
• Reception and storage of the data transmitted by the Siemeca™ AMR consumption
• Automatic creation of a network with up to 12 WT…16 (with a maximum of 500 consumption meters)
• Passing on all relevant consumption values to all WT…16 on the network
• Communication via the Siemeca™ gateway
• Communication with the OZW10 M-bus central unit
The WT…16… network node is a component of the Siemeca™ system and has been
designed for exclusive use with that system.
It is available in a number of versions for different applications:
Application Battery-powered Mains-powered
With RS-232 interface for local data readout
WTT16.232 WTX16.232
Network nodes with integrated gateway are used for the remote readout of Siemeca™
AMR networks. They are described in data sheet N2878.
Technical design
Basic design
All network nodes with integrated gateway can be used along with any other network
node. The maximum number of 12 network nodes in one system must not be exceeded.
The network nodes with gateway and integrated M-Bus master (WTX16.GSM and
WTX16.IP) are able to read M-Bus meters according to EN1434/3.
The network node consists of the following subassemblies:
power supply:
mains supply WTX16..
battery WTT16...
Receiver and transmitter are used for receiving consumption data and forwarding
them to other network nodes of the network.
The memory stores the consumption data. It
is protected against temporary power drops
(e.g. mains power failure or replacement of
the main battery) by a backup battery. The
network can be read locally via the M-Bus
interface. The network nodes WT…16.232
transceiver for
Siemeca™ network
memory for
500 meters
have an additional RS232 interface for rea-
backup battery
dout purposes.
WTT16… nodes are battery-operated, while WTX16… require a mains power supply
AC 100 V…230 V.
The network node consists of 2 major sections: The base and the housing with the
electronics. It is thus possible to mount the base prior to commissioning, enabling the
electrical installer to connect the WTX16 to the mains network. At the time of commissioning, the electronics section is snapped on and the electrical connections are made.
Building Technologies Network Node WTT16…, WTX16… CE1N2874en
HVAC Products 14.07.2005

Electronics section
The housing with the electronics is identical for all types of network nodes. It contains
the network controls:
Wall-mounted section
1 2 3 4
1 Connector for M-bus service connection
2 Connector for enhancements
3 Screw terminal for the fixed M-bus connection
4 Connector for power supply DC 3,6 V
5 Connector for backup battery Indication of mains supply
6 Operating mode button (red)
7 Button for switching the display (blue)
8 Reset button (recessed)
9 Display
10 Connector (not for the user)
11 Firmware memory (covered up)
The wall-mounted section of the network nodes WTT16… contains only the main battery.
The wall-mounted section of the network nodes WTX16 and WTX16.232 contains the
power pack and possibly an additional RS232 interface.
1 Mains connection L and N
2 Preinstalled mains cable (no flexible power cable!)
3 Extra insulation (shrink sleeve)
4 Connector for power supply DC 3,6 V
5 Screw terminal for the fixed M-bus connection
6 Connector for M-bus service connection
7 Indication of mains supply
Building Technologies Network Node WTT16…, WTX16… CE1N2874en
HVAC Products 14.07.2005