Meters and Energy Cost Allocation
The web server reads out wireless or wired M-bus devices over Ethernet or the
Internet using a browser.
-bus web server
Power and connect up to 20 M-bus devices directly to the web server
M-bus network: Extend with up to six level converters, each with up to 60 M-bus
devices and/or
Extend with up to 23 RF converters, each with up to 500 wireless devices
System formation with up to 250 logical M-bus devices and 2,500 wireless devices
Local reading with PC/browser over Ethernet
Remote reading with PC/browser over the Internet
Synco IC-Cloud integration
Data logging and evaluation of all connected M-bus devices
State and alarm message logging of connected devices
Periodic email transmission for data reports
Periodic transmission of data reports to a FTP server
Email transmission on events and alarms
Consumption data, trend data, and alarm management on the cloud
Management of multiple web servers on a common Synco IC account

The M-bus web server reads devices connected directly to the web server, devices
connected to the web server via level converters as well as devices connected to the web
server via RF converters.
Web server can be used:
● Alone with up to 20 directly connected, wired M-bus devices
● As a master on an M-bus network with up to six connected level converters, each with up
to 60 M-bus devices and/or
● As a master on an M-bus network with up to 23 RF converters, each with up to 500 RF
The web server can read out up to 2,500 wireless devices and up to 250 wired devices. It
records the data from the connected M-bus devices, can evaluate the data, and sends email
notifications on events and alarms.
The device storage can save data for a period of max. 10 years (data is read once a day).
A PC/Internet browser reads the data and log files either locally over Ethernet or from
anywhere over the Internet. In addition, the report files can be periodically transmitted with
device data to an email recipient or to an FTP server.
In the event a password for web server access via an Internet browser is lost, it can no
longer be reset or requested. The web server must be replaced.
An email can be sent on events and alarms.
The web server can be integrated in the Synco IC-Cloud. This permits the periodic upload of
invoicing and trend data as well as alarm messages to the cloud per customized settings as
well as distributing the information to the corresponding customers via email.
The web server has three digital inputs and two digital outputs. The change of state to inputs
or outputs are recorded in the event log and/or per email depending on the configuration.
Both outputs can be manually switched via web operation.
Web server is protected against short circuits and surges.

M-bus web server with wired M-bus devices
M-bus web server with level converter
M-bus web server for reading wireless devices
The web server can be used in various ways:
The web server reads up to 20 directly connected devices
(20 unit M-bus loads).
The web server is equipped with additional level converters to extend the system by up to
250 devices (250 M-bus loads).
The web server is operated as the master. Up to 20 M-bus devices can be directly
The level converters are connected as slaves to the web server. Up to 60 M-bus devices can
be connected to each level converter.
Up to six level converters can be connected to the web server.
Web server as master
Level converter as slave
The web server is equipped with additional RF converters to extend the system up to 2,500
wireless devices. The communication between the web server and RF converters takes
place over a mesh RF protocol (backbone network).
A minimum of one M-bus web server and one RF converter is required to read out wireless
devices. The backbone RF network can consist of a maximum of 23 RF converters.
Communication between the RF converters and wireless devices takes place over the
wireless M-bus protocol. The RF converter saves the consumption data from the devices in
its environment, while forwarding the data to other RF converters, up to the web server (the
other RF converters act as repeaters here).

The web server can read up to 250 wired and 2,500 wireless devices.
Web server as master
Level converter as slave
The RF converter as participant on the backbone mesh network and connected to the wireless devices
A PC/Internet browser reads the data on all operating modes either locally over Ethernet or
from anywhere over the Internet using a PC/Internet browser.

Web server integration in Synco IC
Android / iOS /
Web browser
Synco IC
incl. File
Operating elements and display
The web server activation key is entered on the Synco IC-Portal to register the web server
on the cloud. The activation key is available both via web browser as well as on the web
server display.
After registration, invoicing and trend data as well as alarm messages can be periodically
uploaded per settings and distributed to various users.
The Synco IC-Portal is located at: https://www.siemens-syncoic.com/
Operating elements