Siemens VideoRec Service Instructions

Service Instructions
RA53- English
Replaces: RA53- 08.95
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Siemens AG TDRA 1 RA53-050.061.01 VideoRec Medizinische Technik Rev. 03 08.95
Table of Contents 0-1
1 General Remarks 1-1
General Remarks/Function Information 1-1 Required Aids/ Tools 1-2
2 Description of Assemblies 2-1
S-VHS Video Recorder (Sony) 2-1 SSI 22 VCR Interface 2-2 VSC 36 SHC Video Scan Converter, 50 or 60 Hz 2-3 Cabling Schematic 2-5
3 Troubleshooting 3-1 4 Repair 4-1
Replacing the Sony Video Recorder 4-1 Replacing the SSI22 VCR Inter face 4-2 Replacing the Video Scan Converter 4-4
5 Adjustment 5-1
General Remarks 5-1 Adjusting the Amplitude Parameters for
VCR Record Mode 5-2 Illustration of the Principle Used for Record Mode 5-2 With HICOR: Adjusting the Amplitudes and Size/Position Parameters for
VCR Playback (Upscan, H Norm). 5-4 With Multistar T.O.P: Adjusting the Amplitudes and Size/Position
Parameters for VCR Playback (Upscan, H Norm). 5-6 With Polytron / Digicor: Adjusting the Amplitudes and Size / Position
Parameters for VCR Playback (Upscan, H Norm). 5-8 Adjusting the Cosine Enhancer 5-10
6 Changes Versus the Previous Edition 6-1
Siemens AG TD RA 3 RA53-050.061.01 VideoRec Medizinische Technik Rev. 03 08.95
0-2 Table of Contents
Siemens AG TD RA 3 RA53-050.061.01 VideoRec Medizinische Technik Rev. 03 08.95

General Remarks 1-1

General Remarks 1

General Remarks/Function Information

The VideoRec is composed of:
S-VHS Recorder (SVO-9500MD(P) with built-in par allel interface. Scan Converter VSC 36 SHC 50/60. SSi22 VCR interface with cable set.
With the VideoRec, N or H video signals can be recorded on N-SVHS video
recorders (Sony).
With H video signals, a downscan selection t akes place automatically in the VSC 36
SHC scan converter.
Playback takes place via the upscan of the VSC 36 SHC on the H control room
monitor or on the control room and examinat ion room monitors.
The control of automatic exposure (ci ne/DCM fluoro can be jumpered) takes place
over the SSI22 VCR interface of the X-ra y system(M96, M96C, system distributor)
The SSI22 VCR interface is powered over the X-r ay system with 24V.
Automatic monitor switch-over by t he interface, and there is also an automat ic
switch-over to VCR playback in th e interface when there is playback of the S-VHS recorder. If radiation is triggered, the monitors are swi tched over to the X-ray system as a default setting.
NOTE: If cine is selected while the VCR i s in the playback mode, the video recorder
is switched immediately to record ! This means that any scene being played back will be written over!
Warning signal generator (in the SSI22 VCR interface),
- when the tape reaches the end
- when there is no video cassette inser ted
- when the VCR power is switched off
- when the VCR is operated manually durin g cine, a warning signal is soun ded.
Warning output over X4, Pin 6:
- can be switched on/off using a jumper, see paragraph entitled, Recording .
- at the end of the tape
- if no video cassette is in serted
- if the VCR power is switched off
- if the interface po wer is switched off
- if a manual control is made at t he VCR during automatic recording.
The power line voltage for the VideoRec i s 230V; except for 60 Hz the video recorder
must be connected to 120V.
For spare parts, see the Video Components Spare Parts List, RA53-050.081.01...
Note: when setting up the video reco rder, make sure there is good air circul ation
around it. The minimum space between the VCR and the sides of built-in consoles or other components must be at least 3 cm. If two video recorders are conf igured in a biplane system, to permit goo d heat dissipation, under no circumsta nces may they be closer than 3 cm to each other, i .e., they may not be placed next to each other in th e optinally available control console. However it is possible to place one on t op of the other. Pay attention to good air circul ation.
Siemens AG TD RA 3 RA53-050.061.01 VideoRec Medizinische Technik Rev. 03 08.95
1-2 General Remarks

Required Aids/Tools

Standard service tool kit, as def ined in ARTD, Part 3
Memory oscilloscope, as defined in ARTD, Part 3
Mavo monitor, as defined in ARTD, Part 3
Part No. 97 02 432 Y0526
Digital voltmeter, as defined in ARTD, Part 3
TV Dynamics Test
BNC connector, Part No. 30 06 590
Siemens AG TD RA 3 RA53-050.061.01 VideoRec Medizinische Technik Rev. 03 08.95

Description of Assemblies 2-1

Description of Assemblies 2

S-VHS Video Recorder (Sony)

Recording of N video signals on S-VHS tape s.
Playback of N-recorded S-VHS tapes.
Can be remotely controlled over a bui lt-in 34-pin interface.
IMPORTANT: Only the S-VHR recorder (Sony) s hipped with VideoRec has this interface!
The 60Hz model can be operated only at 120V!
Video input from SSI / XX3
Video output to SSI / XX4
34-Pin i nterface
75 Ohm terminal resistor *
Power connector socket
* Note: The terminal resistor for the loop-through output must be set to ON.
Siemens AG TD RA 3 RA53-050.061.01 VideoRec Medizinische Technik Rev. 03 08.95
2-2 Description of Assemblies

SSI 22 VCR Interface

LED display of power On.
2x optical video separation (re quired, because the video recorder may be operat ed
with a ground wire and ground loops mu st be avoided), for input and output of the video recorder.
Automatic control of record f unction of the video recorder, dependi ng on the X-ray
Control of monitor switch- over and of upscan function in the VSC 36 SHC with vi deo
recorder playback.
Starting with Serial No. 95391, a Cosi nus Enhancer (edge enhancement) for VCR
recording is int egrated.
Warning signal output to X4 Pin 6. Output “only“ with selection of record!
Monitored functions:
When no cassette is inserted. When the tape is at the end. When there is no power to the inte rface.
If the recorder is manually operated during an automatic recordi ng. Up to Serial No. 95334 the transis tor switches to ground! Starting with Serial No. 95334 or when us ing the repair/replacement proc edure, when there is a warning ground is sent out (via transistor) with OK + 24V over
2.7kOhm .
For jumpering of the different f unctions, see the section on Repair .
Video input from VSC 36 SHC X7
Video output to video recorder BAS IN
Video output to VSC 36 SHC X3
Video recorder 34-pin interface
Video input from video recorder BAS OUT
KVTR connector (M96 or M96C)
Power switch
Power line connector
Note: The spade connectors on the quick connectors above coax sockets XX1 and XX2 are used to connect the external
shielding of the triax cable. Connector X2 is not used.
Siemens AG TD RA 3 RA53-050.061.01 VideoRec Medizinische Technik Rev. 03 08.95
Description of Assemblies 2-3

VSC 36 SHC Video Scan Converter, 50 or 60 Hz

LED display of power ON.
NOTE: two different scanners are needed for 50 and 60 Hz video scan rates.
Automatic recognition of H-line video i nput signals and switch-over to downs can or
bypass with N video signals.
Adaptation of the different i nput signals to a 1V standard signal for t he video
recorder in the downscan mode.
Depending on the control by the video recor der or X-ray system
(via the SSI22 VCR interface):
Upscan mode for VCR playback. Monitor switch-over to X-ray syst em or VCR playback.
Adaptation of the 1V
for upscan.
video signals from the video recorder to HICOR monitors to
SSI 22 XX2
SSI 22 X3
Note: The spade connectors on the quick connectors above coax sockets XX1 and XX2 are used to connect the external
shielding of the triax cable. Connectors X1 and X10 are not used.
X4 X5
HICOR output “VCR“ or from Examination room Live monitor in DIGICOR systems
SSI 22 XX1
Control room monitor
HICOR output “Mon. 2“
HICOR output “Mon. 1“
Power switch
Power line connector
Examination room monitor
Siemens AG TD RA 3 RA53-050.061.01 VideoRec Medizinische Technik Rev. 03 08.95
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