Siemens TP507RX4 User Manual

19 20
Table of contents
General information ...........................8
Intended use......................................8
Restriction on user group...................8
Safety information ..............................9
Environmental protection and
saving energy .................................12
Disposing of packaging ...................12
Tips for saving energy......................12
Installation and connection ............12
Scope of supply...............................12
Installing and connecting the ap-
Familiarising yourself with your
appliance ........................................13
Appliance ........................................13
Display ............................................13
Drinks overview..............................14
Before using for the first time.........15
Perform the initial start-up ................15
Fill the water tank.............................15
Fill coffee bean container.................15
Setting the language........................16
Setting the water hardness...............16
Connecting Home Connect..............16
General information .........................17
Basic operation ..............................17
Switching the appliance on and
Dispensing drinks ............................17
Dispensing a coffee drink made
from fresh beans .............................18
Dispensing a coffee drink made
from ground coffee ..........................18
Dispensing drinks with milk..............19
Dispensing coffee drink with milk.....19
Dispensing special drinks ................19
Dispensing milk froth .......................19
Dispensing hot water .......................20
Drink settings...................................20
Water filter .......................................21
Childproof lock...............................22
Activating the childproof lock ...........22
Deactivating the childproof lock .......22
Cup heater1.....................................22
HomeConnect ...............................23
Connecting appliance to WLAN home network (Wi-Fi) with WPS
function ...........................................23
Connecting appliance to WLAN home network (Wi-Fi) without WPS
function ...........................................24
Connecting appliance to Home
Connect app....................................24
Remote start....................................24
HomeConnect settings ...................25
Remote diagnostics .........................25
Software update...............................26
Data protection ................................26
Declaration of Conformity.................26
Basic settings.................................27
Overview of the basic settings .........27
Changing the basic settings.............28
Cleaning and servicing...................28
Dishwasher-safe components ..........28
Cleaning agent ................................28
Cleaning the appliance ....................29
Cleaning the drip tray and coffee
dregs container ...............................29
Cleaning the ground coffee com-
partment ..........................................30
Depending on the appliance specifications
Cleaning the milk system .................30
Cleaning brewing unit ......................31
Service programmes........................31
Troubleshooting .............................35
Information on display panel ............35
Malfunctions ....................................37
Problem with results ........................38
Transportation, storage and dis-
Activate frost protection ...................41
Disposing of old appliance ..............41
Customer Service ...........................41
Product number (E-Nr.) and pro-
duction number (FD)........................42
Warranty conditions .........................42
Technical specifications.................42
en Safety
Please read the safety information to ensure that you use the ap­pliance safely.
General information
You can find general information about this instruction manual here. ¡ Read this instruction manual carefully. Only this will ensure you
use the appliance safely and efficiently.
¡ This manual is intended for the user of the appliance. ¡ Follow the safety instructions and warnings. ¡ Keep the instruction manual and the product information safe
for future reference or for the next owner.
¡ Check the appliance after unpacking it. Do not connect the ap-
pliance if it has been damaged in transit.
Intended use
Please read the information on intended use to ensure you use the appliance correctly and safely. Only use this appliance:
¡ As specified in this instruction manual. ¡ for preparing hot drinks. ¡ In private households and in enclosed spaces in a domestic en-
¡ Up to an altitude of max. 2000m above sea level.
Disconnect the appliance from the power supply when: ¡ cleaning the appliance.
Restriction on user group
Avoid risks to children and vulnerable persons.
Familiarising yourself with your appliance en
2. Place the appliance on a level, wa-
ter-resistant surface that is capable of bearing its weight.
3. Using the mains plug, connect the
appliance to an earthed socket that has been correctly installed.
Familiarising yourself with your appliance
Familiarise yourself with the parts of your appliance.
You can find an overview of the parts of your appliance here.
Note:Individual details and colours may differ, depending on the appliance model.
Water tank
Cover for water tank
Cup heater
Aroma lid
Bean container
Ground coffee compartment
Control panel
Milk system
Outlet system
Depending on the appliance specifications
Brewing chamber door
Rating plate
Drip tray
Depending on the appliance specifications
Here you can find an overview of the symbols on your appliance. Press the symbols to make a selection, start the dispensing process or make/adjust a setting.
Symbol Explanation
Switch appliance on/off Open menu/leave menu
Note:The menu buttons are only visible when the menu is open.
Navigate upwards in the menu Navigate downwards in the menu Confirm/save in the menu Go back in the menu WLAN Dispense two cups Select coffee strength Adjusting the amount Start/stop
The display shows the selected drinks, settings and setting options, as well as messages about the appliance’s oper­ating status. The display shows additional informa­tion and action steps. The information is hidden after a short period, or by pressing a button. The action steps are hidden when they have been com­pleted.
Accessories en
Only use original accessories. These have been made especially for your appli­ance. Here, you can find an overview of your appliance's accessories.
Accessories Retail Customer Service
Cleaning tablets TZ80001N 00311807 Descaling tablets TZ80002N 00576693 Water filter TZ70003 00575491 Water filter pack of 3 TZ70033 ­Microfibre cloth - 00460770 Care set TZ80004 00576330
Before using for the first time
Configure the basic settings. Clean the appliance and individual parts.
Perform the initial start-up
After connecting the appliance to the power supply, you must configure the settings for its initial start-up. The auto­matic display for the language selec­tion, water hardness selection and con­nection to Home Connect only appears when the appliance is switched on for the first time.
Fill the water tank
Fill the water tank each day with fresh, cold, non-carbonated water.
1. Open the lid.
2. Remove the water tank using the re-
cessed grip.
3. Rinse the water tank.
4. If there is a water filter, insert the wa-
ter filter. →"Insert water filter", Page22
5. Fill the water tank up to the "max"
6. Insert the water tank into the holder,
keeping it upright.
7. Close the lid.
Fill coffee bean container
Unsuitable beans can block up the grinder.
Only use pure, roasted bean mixes that are suitable for use in fully auto­matic coffee or espresso machines.
Do not use glazed coffee beans.
Do not use caramelised coffee beans.
Do not use coffee beans that have been treated with additives contain­ing sugar.
Do not add ground coffee.
1. Open the lid.
2. Fill with the coffee beans.
The appliance will adjust to the cof­fee beans with the next dispensing process.
3. Close the lid.
en Before using for the first time
Tip:To keep the coffee beans at their
best, store them in a sealed container in a cool place. You can keep the coffee beans in the bean container for a number of days without them losing their aroma.
Setting the language
1. Press to switch the appliance on.
a The display will show the language
that is preset.
2. Press or until the display
shows the desired language.
3. Press ⁠.
Tip:You can change the language at
any time. →"Overview of the basic settings",
Setting the water hardness
It is important to set the water hardness correctly, so that the appliance indic­ates in good time that it needs descal­ing. You can use the enclosed test strip to determine the water hardness, or ask your local water company.
1. Briefly dip the test strip in fresh tap
2. Allow the water to drip off the test
a The test strip will indicate the water
hardness after 1minute.
3. If a water softening system is in-
stalled in your house, select "Soften­ing system".
4. Press or until the display
shows the desired water hardness. The table shows the allocation of the
levels to the different degrees of wa­ter hardness:
Level German de-
grees in °dH
Total hard­ness in (mmol/l)
1 1-7 0.18 - 1.25 2 8-14 1.42 - 2.49 3 15-21 2.67 - 3.74
Factory setting (may vary according to
22-30 3.92 - 5.34
5. Press ⁠.
6. Check whether the bean container
has been filled.
7. Press ⁠.
a The appliance now rinses itself. a When the symbols for drink selection
and the buttons light up on the oper­ating panel, the appliance is ready for use.
Tip:You can change the water hard­ness at any time. →"Overview of the basic settings",
Connecting Home Connect
You can now connect your appliance with the WLAN home network.
1. Use or to select "Install now?
Press OK" and press ⁠. If you want to connect the appliance
to the WLAN home network later on, use or to select "Install later? Press ←" and press ⁠.
2. Read section "Home Connect" and
proceed accordingly. →"HomeConnect ", Page23
Tip:You can connect the appliance to a mobile device or disconnect it at any time. →"Overview of Home Connect set-
tings", Page25
en Basic operation
¡ You can directly select the drink you
want using the quick-selection but­tons. The display shows you the drink and the current settings.
¡ Your appliance has other drinks be-
sides the ones that you can obtain via the quick-selection buttons. →"Dispensing special drinks",
¡ You can adapt your drink to your
personal taste. →"Drink settings", Page20
¡ If you do not change any settings for
approx.5seconds, the appliance will exit settings mode. The settings will be automatically saved.
¡ With a number of settings your cof-
fee is prepared in several steps. Wait until the process is fully com­pleted.
Dispensing a coffee drink made from fresh beans
1. Place your pre-warmed cup under
the outlet system.
2. Press the drinks symbol for a coffee
drink without milk.
a The display will show the drink and
your current settings. →"Drink settings", Page20
3. Change the settings where neces-
Use to adjust the amount.
→"Adjusting the amount", Page21
Use to adjust the coffee
strength. →"Adjusting the coffee strength",
4. Press ⁠.
The coffee beans are freshly ground for each brewing process.
a The coffee is brewed and then dis-
pensed into the cup.
¡ You can press to stop the dis-
pensing process prematurely.
¡ Find out how to make coffee drinks
with milk. →"Dispensing drinks with milk",
Dispensing a coffee drink made from ground coffee
The ground coffee compartment can become blocked.
Do not use coffee beans.
Do not use instant coffee.
Use a soft brush to gently direct the ground coffee residue into the shaft.
When using ground coffee, the following selections are not available:
¡ Two cups at once ¡ Coffee strength ¡ "doubleshot"
1. Place your pre-warmed cup under
the outlet system.
2. Press the symbol for your desired
3. Press repeatedly until the display
shows "Gr. coffee".
4. Open the ground coffee compart-
5. Add a maximum of 2 level tea-
spoons of ground coffee, max. 12g.
6. Close the ground coffee compart-
7. Press ⁠.
a The coffee is brewed and then dis-
pensed into the cup.
¡ You can press to stop the dis-
pensing process prematurely.
¡ If you would like another drink with
ground coffee, repeat the process.
Allow the hot cup heater to cool down before touching it.
¡ You can activate and deactivate the
cup heater in the basic settings. →"Overview of the basic settings",
¡ Place the cups with their base on
the cup heater to heat the cups per­fectly.
This appliance is network-capable. Connecting your appliance to a mobile device lets you control its functions via the HomeConnect app, adjust its basic settings and monitor its operating status. HomeConnect services are not avail­able in every country. The availability of the HomeConnect function depends on the availability of HomeConnect services in your country. You can find information about this at: www.home­ To be able to use HomeConnect, you must first set up the connection to the WLAN home network (Wi-Fi1) and to the HomeConnect app. There are various ways to connect to your home network, depending on the features of your appliance:
¡ →"Connecting appliance to WLAN
home network (Wi-Fi) with WPS func­tion", Page23
¡ →"Connecting appliance to WLAN
home network (Wi-Fi) without WPS function", Page24
The HomeConnect app will guide you through the entire login process. Follow the instructions in the HomeConnect app to configure the settings.
HomeConnect  en
¡ Please consult the HomeConnect
documents supplied.
¡ Please also follow the instructions in
the HomeConnect app.
¡ Please note the safety precautions in
this instruction manual and make sure that they are also observed when operating the appliance via the HomeConnect app. →"Safety", Page8
¡ Operating the appliance on the ap-
pliance itself always takes priority. During this time it is not possible to operate the appliance using the HomeConnect app.
Connecting appliance to WLAN home network (Wi-Fi) with WPS function
Using your router's WPS function is the simplest way of connecting the appli­ance to your home network.
Requirement:Your router has a WPS button. You will find information about this in the manual for your router.
1. Press ⁠.
2. Use or to select "Home Con-
nect" and press .
3. Use or to select "Switch on
Wi-Fi" and press .
4. Use or to select "Connect"
and press .
5. Use or to select "autoCon-
nect" and press .
a The appliance starts the connection
6. Press the WPS button on the router
within the next 2 minutes.
a If "Network connection successful."
is shown on the display, the connec­tion process is complete.
Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance.
HomeConnect  en
4. Use or to select "Remote
start on" and press .
a The display shows "Legal dis-
5. Read the text right through and
press ⁠.
a The display shows "On".
6. To deactivate remote start, press
"Remote start" and again.
7. Use or to select "Remote
start off" and press .
a The appliance saves the settings.
HomeConnect settings
Adapt HomeConnect to your needs. You can find the HomeConnect set­tings in the basic settings for your ap­pliance. Which settings the display shows will depend on whether HomeConnect has been set up and whether the appliance is connected to your home network.
Overview of Home Connect settings
Here you can find an overview of "Home Connect" settings and network settings.
Basic setting Selection Description
Wi-Fi On
Appliance info - Display network and appliance information Connect to network Connect manually
Connect automatically
Disconnect from net­work
Connect to app - Connect the appliance to "Home Connect" or addi-
Remote start Switch on remote start
Software update - Select available software update and execute.
- Note:You cannot operate your appliance via the
Switch off remote start
Switch off the wireless module with prolonged ab­sence or to save energy.
Note:In networked standby mode, your appliance requires a maximum of 2W.
Reconnect the appliance to your home network.
"Home Connect" app without a network connection.
tional "Home Connect" accounts. Switch remote start on the appliance on and off.
Note:With the "Home Connect" app only switch-off is possible.
Remote diagnostics
Customer Service can use Remote Dia­gnostics to access your appliance if you contact them, have your appliance connected to the HomeConnect server and if Remote Diagnostics is available in the country in which you are using the appliance.
Tip:For further information and details about the availability of Remote Dia­gnostics in your country, please visit the service/support section of your local website:
en HomeConnect
Software update
You can use this function to update the software of your appliance, e.g. for op­timisation, troubleshooting or safety-rel­evant updating. The "Home Connect" app informs you about available software updates.
Running software update
¡ The appliance is connected to your
home network and your mobile device.
¡ The app and the display indicate that
a software update is available.
1. Start the software update now or
later on.
2. Wait until the display shows "Soft-
ware update successful".
Data protection
Please see the information on data pro­tection. The first time your appliance is registered on a home network connected to the Internet, your appliance will transmit the following types of data to the HomeConnect server (initial registration): ¡ Unique appliance identification (con-
sisting of appliance codes as well as the MAC address of the Wi-Fi com­munication module installed).
¡ Security certificate of the Wi-Fi com-
munication module (to ensure a se­cure data connection).
¡ The current software and hardware
version of your appliance.
¡ Status of any previous reset to fact-
ory settings.
This initial registration prepares the HomeConnect functions for use and is only required when you want to use the HomeConnect functions for the first time.
Note:Please note that the HomeCon­nect functions can only be utilised with the HomeConnect app. Information on data protection can be retrieved in the HomeConnect app.
Declaration of Conformity
BSH Hausgeräte GmbH hereby de­clares that the appliance with Home Connect functionality meets the essen­tial requirements and other relevant provisions of the Directive 2014/53/ EU. A detailed RED Declaration of Con­formity can be found online at among the additional documents on the product page for your appliance.
2.4GHz band: 100mW max. 5GHz band: 100mW max.
5GHz WLAN (Wi-Fi): For indoor use only.
Basic settings en
Basic settings
You can configure your appliance to meet your needs and call up additional func­tions.
Overview of the basic settings
Setting Selection Description
Cleaning and care Milk system
Descale Clean calc'nClean
Cup warmer
Cup warmer off
Cup warmer on
Water filter New filter
No filter
Coffee temp. normal
high max.
Languages See options on the appliance. Set menu language.
Autom. switch-off See options on the appliance. Set how long the appliance
Water hardness 1 (soft)
2 (medium) 3 (hard) 4 (very hard)
Water-softening system
Key tones Key tones on
Key tones off
Factory settings Full reset?
Continue: OK Cancel: ←
Depending on the appliance specifications
Factory setting (may vary according to model)
Start service programme.
→"Service programmes", Page31
Switch cup heater on or off.
→"Cup heater", Page22
Set use of the water filter.
Set the temperature for coffee drinks.
Note:The setting is effective for all preparation types.
Changes are immediately dis­played.
should wait after preparing the last drink before automatically switching itself off.
Set the appliance to the local wa­ter hardness.
→"Setting the water hardness", Page16
Switch the button tones on or off.
Restore settings to the factory settings.
Note:All individual settings will be deleted and reset to the fact­ory settings.
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