The TP170 A, TP170 B, OP170 B equipment manual is part of the SIMATIC HMI
documentation. It provides operation, installation, configuration and maintenance
personnel with information concerning installation, functionality, operation and
technical design of the SIMATIC operating units TP170 A, TP170 B and OP170 B.
An overview of the entire SIMATIC HMI documentation is provided in Appendix E.
Organization of the manual
The manual is organized into the following chapters:
1-2Overview of the features and functional scope of the unit
3-7Commissioning and operation
8Recipes for TP170 B and OP170 B
9System settings
10 - 13Mechanical and electrical installation, unit description, retrofitting of
options as well as maintenance and upkeep.
14Informationen on updating the operating system.
Appendix S Technical Data
S Interface Assignments
S System Messages
S ESD Guidelines
S SIMATIC HMI Documentation
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
The following cionventions are used throughout this manual:
Motor offText in the operating unit display is presented in this
TagSymbolic names representing tag values on the screen are
ScreensFunctions available for selection are presented in this italic
ESCThe names of keys and buttons are displayed in a different
The various releases of this manual correspond to the following versions of the
ProTool CS configuration software:
typewriter font.
presented in this italic typewriter font.
EditionCommentProTool Version
12/99First release of the TP170 A equipment
From V5.2
07/00Extensions to the TP170 B and OP170 B
From V5.2 + SP2
The following names are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG:
S ProToolR
S ProTool/LiteR
S ProTool/ProR
S SIMATIC Multi PanelR
S SIMATIC Multifunctional PlatformR
S MP 270R
S ProAgentR
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
Other support
In the case of technical queries, please contact the Siemens representatives in the
subsidiaries and branches responsible for your area.
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
Low-end units
The Touch Panels TP170 A and TP170 B, and Operator Panel OP170 B represent
products in the new series of low-end operating units. The units in this series are
based on the innovative standard WindowsR CE operating system. They complete
the SIMATIC HMI product range in the low-end sector. The TP170 A is a low-price
initial unit which can operate with all SIMATIC S7 CPUs. The TP170 B and
OP170 B fulfill all sophisticated functional requirements.
This new product series enables self-created graphics, digital photos and scanned
screens to be integrated in a project. Bars and trend curve diagrams can still be
used to graphically display temperature progressions, for example.
The units are equipped with an interface for MPI and PROFIBUS-DP. This
interface is also used for downloading configurations. The unit memories are
designed for small to medium-size configurations.
Here is a short selection of common features:
S Automatic transfer detection for downloading configurations
S Password protection
S Input/Output fields to display and modify process parameters
S Configurable buttons and function keys (OP170 B) to control input/output and
data bits
S Bars for the graphical dsplay of dynamic values
S Standard library for graphics and buttons can be used under ProTool CS
S Graphics can be configured to label buttons or as format-filling background
S Fixed text for labeling buttons, process screens or process values in any
character size
Additional features with TP170 B and OP170 B:
S Print functions
S Trends
S Scheduler
S Recipe management
S Backing up recipe data and configurations on optional memory cards (CF card)
A complete overview of the functional range of the units is provided Chapter 2.
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
Area of use of the units
The units have been conceived for easy machine operation and monitoring. They
provide a realistic graphical representation of the machine or system to be
monitored. Their area of use include implementation in machine and apparatus
construction as well as in the packing and electronics industry.
The high degree of protection (IP65 on the front side) and non-implementation of
moving storage media, such as hard disks and floppy disks, ensure the operating
units are also suitable for use in rough industrial environments and directly on site
on the respective machine.
Installation locations for the units include:
S Panels
S Consoles
As a result of their minimum installation depth, the units are particularly suited for
operation near the machine.
Easy to operate and observe
The units enable operating statuses, current process values and errors concerning
a connected PLC to be graphically displayed and the relevant machine or system
to be easily monitored and operated. Display and operation of the units can be
adapted optimally for the respective process requirements by using the
configuration software ProT ool CS.
S control and monitor the process by means of the menu system. Setpoint values
or control element settings, for instance, can be modified by entering values or
activating configured function keys;
S display processes, machines and systems on full-graphic, dynamic screens;
S display and edit messages and, for example, process tags in output fields, and
to visualize bars or status display;
S to intervene directly in processes via the Touch Screen (TP170 A, TP170 B) or
using the integrated keyboard (OP170 B).
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
Configuring using ProTool/Pro CS, ProTool and ProTool/Lite
Graphics, texts and operating and display elements which need to be represented
on the operating units must first be created on a configuration computer (PC or
PU) using the configuration software SIMATIC ProTool/Pro CS, ProTool or
ProTool/Lite. The configuration computer must be connected to the operating unit
in order to download the project to the operating unit (refer to “Configuration
phase” in Figure 1-1).
Once the project has been successfully downloaded, connect the operating unit to
the PLC. The operating unit can then communicate with the PLC and respond
according to the information configured for running the program in the PLC (refer to
“Process control phase” in Figure 1-1).
Configuration phase
TP170 A / TP170 B / OP170 B
Process running phase
Figure 1-1Configuration and process running phase
Create project data
Save project data
Test project
Simulate project
Download project data
Connected to PLC
The units can be configured, as required, using the configuration software
ProTool/Pro CS, ProTool or ProTool/Lite. Throughout this manual, the term
ProTool CS (CS: Configuration System) is used to represent all three software
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
Overview of units
TP170 A, TP170 B
TP170 ATP170 BOP170 B
ProcessorType32 bit RISC
MemoryMemory for configuration256 kByte512 kByte
SoftwareOperating systemMicrosoftRWindowsR CE
Ser. interface 1Physics1 ´ RS232 (9-pin)
S7 connectionMPI/PROFIBUS-DP
Max. baud rate1.5 MB12 MB
Ser. interface 2–RS232
DisplayActive screen area (W ´ H) in
Resolution (pixels)320 ´ 240
Colors4BlueMode 4BlueMode
Operating elementsTouch Screen✔–
Matrix keyboard–✔
Function keys with configurable
Those usable as softkeys–14
Labeling the function keys–System-
Special featuresS External memory extension:
-- Slot for CF card
OP170 B
1 ´ RS422/RS485
211 ´ 158 (6’’)
16 colors
(18 with
specific with
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
Further information
Detailed information on the technical data of the operating units is provided in
Appendix A of this manual.
Detailed descriptions of the creation of projects for the operating unit and
configuration software functions are provided in the ProT ool ConfiguringWindows-based Systems user’s guide and in the online help for ProTool CS.
Connection of the operating unit to the PLC is described in the Communication forWindows-based Systems user’s manual.
Any new information which could not be taken into account for printing in the
guides is provided in the Readme.wri file on the ProTool CD.
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
The table below summarizes the functional scope of the operating units. The values specified
are the maximum values which can be managed by the units. The values are limited by the size
of the memory used.
FunctionTP170 ATP170 BOP170 B
Event messagesNumber100400
DisplayMessage viewMessage line, message window/
message page, message view
View all queued
Message length per line70 characters
Process values in
message text
Edit messages–✔
Alarm messagesNumber–400
Type of display–first/last, selectable
View all queued
Message viewMessage page/Message view
message page/
message view
–In message page/message view
Message line/
Message length per line–70 characters
Process values in
message text
Acknowledge individual
alarm messages
Acknowledge several
alarm messages
simultaneously (group
Edit messages–✔
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
–16 acknowledgment groups
FunctionTP170 ATP170 BOP170 B
ALARM_SDisplay S7 messages–✔
Message loggingOutput to printer–✔
Volatile message
Message acquisitionTime of occurrenceDate/Time
Capacity–128 message events
View event/alarm
Message events
queued simultaneously
Message eventsArrived,
Fields per screen2050
Tags per screen2050
Complex elements per
Print (hardcopy)–✔✔
Screen objects
Arrived, departed, acknowledged
S Graphics✔✔✔
S Tex t✔✔✔
S Output field✔✔✔
S Input field✔✔✔
S Symbolic output field–✔✔
S Selection field–✔✔
S Date/Time–✔✔
S Graphics list–✔✔
S Vector graphic–✔✔
S Button–✔✔
S Status button✔✔✔
S Switches–✔✔
S Hidden button–✔✔
S Trend graphic–✔✔
S Bar✔✔✔
S Message view–✔✔
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
OP170 BTP170 BTP170 AFunction
ScreensScreen objects
S Simple message
S Password list–✔✔
S Recipe view–✔✔
Operator guidance
S Dynamic attributes–✔✔
S Call/Hide objects–✔✔
S Help text–✔✔
S TAB sequence––✔
S Icons for softkeys––✔
S LEDs in function
Fixed window–✔✔
Limit value monitoringInputs/outputs✔✔✔
Conversion functionsInputs/outputs–✔✔
Help textLines/characters–7/357/35
For messages–✔✔
For screens–✔✔
For screen objects
S Input field–✔✔
S Selection field–✔✔
S Button––✔
S Status button––✔
S Switches––✔
S Hidden button––✔
Graphic objectsNumber2050
Text elementsNumber1001000
Print functionsHardcopy of screen
Direct message logging–✔✔
Password protectionNumber of passwords150
Password level–10 (0..9)
Data records per recipe–50
Entries per recipe–60
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
OP170 BTP170 BTP170 AFunction
Online language
Screen settingsContrast✔✔✔
SchedulerTrigger functions
CommunicationSIMATIC S5
Number of languages13
cylically or once
S AS511
S MPI✔✔✔
Connection to PLCs from other manufacturers
Allen Bradley
(PLC-5, SLC 500)
S DH485
LG (Lucky Goldstar)
S Modbus
Mitsubishi FX–✔✔
Telemecanique TSX
S Adjust
S Uni-Telway
1) Total number for event and alarm messages
2) Limited by storage medium
3) With SIMATIC S7
4) With adapter
5) Via external module
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
In this chapter
This chapter provides information on:
S starting up the operating unit for the first time (Page 3-3)
S restarting the operating unit (Page 3-4)
S options for download mode (Page 3-6)
S testing the project on the operating unit (Page 3-10)
S downloading the project back from the TP170 B and OP170 B (Page 3-12)
S backup/restore the internal Flash memory using the TP170 B and
OP170 B (Page 3-14)
Operating the operating units in the start-up phase
TP170 A:
Select the required object in the Start menu (Figure 3-1) and Configuration menu
(Figure 3-4) by touching the relevant button.
TP170 B:
Select the required object in the Start menu (Figure 3-2) and Configuration menu
(Figure 3-5) by touching the relevant button.
OP170 B:
Proceed as follows to operate the Start menu (Figure 3-3) and Configuration menu
(Figure 3-5)::
1Select the object to be operated (button, check box or input field) using
the Tabulator key.
The object currently selected is marked by a border or a different color.
2S Buttons/Check boxes:
Press the Enter key in order to trigger the marked button or
activate/deactivate the marked check box.
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
Further information on operating the units is provided in the following chapters:
S General Operation:
S Operating Special Screen Objects:
TP170 A, TP170 B: Chapter 4
OP170 B: Chapter5
TP170 A: Chapter 6
TP170 B, OP170 B: Chapter7
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
3.1Initial Startup
When the operating unit is started up for the first time, no project has been loaded
on it. In order to download the necessary project data and the runtime software
from the configuration computer to the operating unit, proceed as follows,
observing the sequence:
1Depending on the settings in the Configuration menu (Figure 3-4 or 3-5), connect
the interface IF1A or IF2 (serial)
configuration computer using an appropriate standard cable.
2Switch on the power supply for the operating unit.
Since no project has been loaded on the operating unit up to this point, it
automatically switches to Download mode. The operating unit displays the
message Connecting to host until it receives data from the configuration
computer or the button Cancel is pressed.
If the message Connecting to host does not appear, it is probable that the
options for download mode have been incorrectly set (refer to the note on
Page 3-8).
3If data should be downloaded via an MPI connection, set the following
parameters on the configuration computer:
S OP address: 1
S Transmission rate: 187.5 k Baud
Start downloading the project on the configuration computer. Further settings
necessary on the configuration computer for the download operation are
provided in the ProTool Configuring Windows-based Systems user’s guide.
The configuration computer checks the connection to the operating unit. If the
connection is not available or defective, the corresponding error message
If downloading from the configuration computer is terminated as a result of a
compatibility conflict, please continue as described in Chapter 14.
If the connection is correct, the project data is downloaded to the operating unit.
Following successful downloading, the operating unit restarts and displays the
start screen of the project that has just been loaded.
or IF1B (MPI) of the operating unit to the
1) TP170 A:IF1A
TP170 B, OP170 B: IF2
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
During recommissioning, a project already loaded on the operating unit is replaced
by another. In this case, the project data is downloaded from the configuration
computer to the operating unit.
The following options are available to switch the operating unit to Download mode:
S Start downloading manually during the operating unit start-up phase.
S Start downloading automatically while the operating unit is in operation.
S Start downloading via a correspondingly configured operating element while the
operating unit is in operation (refer to Page 9-7).
Start downloading manually during the operating unit start-up phase
1Connect interface IF1A or IF2 (serial)1), or IF1B (MPI), on the operating unit to
the configuration computer using an appropriate standard cable.
2Switch on the power supply for the operating unit.
3If necessary, check the interface settings in the Configuration menu (Figure 3-4
or 3-5) and adapt them as required.
4During the operating unit start-up phase, the menu illustrated in Figure 3-1, 3-2
or 3-3 appears briefly. Press the Download button to set the operating unit to
Download mode before the start-up routine is completed.
The operating unit continues to display the message Connecting to host
until it receives data from the configuration computer or the Cancel button is
If the message Connecting to host does not appear, it is probable that the
options for download mode have been incorrectly set (refer to the note on
Page 3-8).
5If downloading should be performed via an MPI connection, set the OP address
and transmission rate valid for the operating unit on the configuration computer
(refer to the note on Page 3-5).
Start downloading the project on the configuration computer.
The configuration computer checks the connection to the operating unit. If the
connection is not available or defective, the configuration computer issues the
corresponding error message.
If downloading from the configuration computer is terminated as a result of a
compatibility conflict, please continue as described in Chapter 14.
If the connection is correct, the new project is downloaded to the operating unit.
Following successful downloading, the operating unit restarts and displays the
start screen of the projects that has just been loaded.
1) TP170 A:IF1A
TP170 B, OP170 B: IF2
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
Start downloading automatically when the operating unit is in operation
The operating unit can be switched automatically to Download mode from normal
operation as soon as downloading is started on the connected configuration
computer. This option is especially recommended for the test phase of a new
project because the transfer is performed without intervention on the operating
unit. A condition for this is that the following settings have been defined in the
Configuration (TP170 A: Figures 3-4, TP170 B and OP170 B: Figure 3-5):
MPI connection:
S Option MPI Transfer Enable is activated
S Option MPI Transfer Remote Control is activated
Serial connection:
S Option Serial Transfer Enable is activated
S Option Serial Transfer Remote Control is activated
A detailed description of the settings possible in the Configuration menu is
provided on Page 3-8.
Note on MPI transfer
The bus parameters (e.g. MPI address, baud rate etc.) are read out of the project
currently loaded on the operating unit.
Only use these parameters when downloading a new project, even if different
parameters are configured for the new project because the new parameters only
take effect after downloading has been completed successfully.
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
3.3Options for Download Mode
The following options can be set for download mode:
S Automatic switching to download mode from normal operation when data
transfer is initiated from the connected configuration computer
S Download mode can be restricted to a specific connection type so that
downloading can only occur either via a serial connection or an MPI connection
Call in Configuration menu
The options for Download mode can only be set when the operating unit is in its
start-up phase. During the start-up phase, the Start menu appears briefly
(TP170 A: Figure 3-1, TP170 B: Figure 3-2, OP170 B: Figure 3-3). Press the
Config button to call in the Configuration menu (TP170 A: Figures 3-4, TP170 B
and OP170 B: Figure 3-5).
Figure 3-1TP170 A Start menu
Figure 3-2TP170 B Start menu
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
Figure 3-3OP170 B Start menu
Information on the buttons Backup and Restore (TP170 B and OP170 B) is
available in Chapter 3.6.
Figure 3-4TP170 A Configuration menu
Figure 3-5TP170 B and OP170 B Configuration menu
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
Download mode settings
Setting the download options in the Configuration menu has the following effects:
S Option MPI Transfer Enable:
If this option is deactivated, the operating unit Download mode does not permit
data transfer via an MPI connection. Activate the option to enable connection
S Option MPI Transfer Remote Control:
This option is only available if the option MPI Transfer Enable is activated.
When this option is active, the operating unit automatically switches from
normal operation to Download mode in the case of an MPI transfer from the
configuration computer.
S Option Serial Transfer Enable:
If this option is deactivated, the operating unit does not permit data transfer via
a serial interface (refer to the note below).
S Option Serial Transfer Remote Control:
This option is only available if the option Serial Transfer Enable is activated.
When this option is active, the operating unit automatically switches from
normal operation to Download mode in the case of a serial transfer from the
configuration computer.
Press the OK button to confirm the settings currently defined for the download
options. The Configuration menu is closed and the Start menu appears.
Press the Cancel button to close the Configuration menu and access the Start
menu. Any modifications made to the settings are rejected.
The group “MPI Transfer” displays both bus parameters “MPI address” and “Baud
Rate”. These parameters are valid for the project currently loaded on the operating
When the option Remote Control is active, ensure that the operating unit is not
inadvertently switched to download mode from the configuration computer when in
normal operation.
If the options MPI Transfer Enable and Serial Transfer Enable are deactivated, it is
not possible to download a project from the configuration computer to the
operating unit.
TP170 A, TP 170 B, OP170 B Equipment Manual
Release 07/00
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