Siemens Time Clock Module B3 User Manual

Automation and Drives - SCE
Training Document for Comprehensive Automation
Control Engineering with STEP 7
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Issued: 02/2008 Control Engineering with STEP 7
Automation and Drives - SCE
This document has been written by Siemens AG for training purposes for the project entitled "Siemens Automation Cooperates with Education (SCE)". Siemens AG accepts no responsibility for the correctness of the contents.
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We would like to thank the following: Michael Dziallas Engineering, the teachers at vocational schools, and all others who helped to prepare this document.
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Issued: 02/2008 Control Engineering with STEP 7
Automation and Drives - SCE
Table of Contents
1. Preface 5
2. Fundamentals of Control Engineering 7
2.2 Components of a Control Loop 8
2.3. Characteristics 11
2.4 Step Function for Examining Controlled Systems 12
2.5. Self-Regulating Processes 13
2.5.1. Proportional Controlled System without Time Delay 13
2.5.2. Proportional Controlled System with a Time Delay 14
2.5.3 Proportional Controlled System with Two Time Delays 15
2.6 Controlled Systems without Inherent Regulation 17
2.7 Types of Controllers 18
2.7.1 Two Position Controllers 18
2.7.2 Three Position Controllers 20
2.7.3 Basic Types of Continuous Controllers 21
2.8 Objectives for Controller Adjustment 27
2.9 Digital Controllers 29
3. Discontinuous Action Controller as Two Position Controller 31
3.1 Function and Problem Description 31
3.2 Possible Solution for the PLC Program: 34
4. Controller Block (S)FB41 "CONT_C" as Software PID Controller in STEP 7 37
4.1 Task Definition for PID Standard Controller 37
4.2 (S) FB 41 “CONT_C“ 39
4.3 Exercise Example 40
5. Setting Controlled Systems 54
5.1 General 54
5.2 Setting the PI-Controller according to Ziegler-Nichols 55
5.3 Setting the PID Controller according to Chien, Hrones and Reswick 55
5.4 Exercise Example 57
6. Appendix 60
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The following symbols provide a guide through this B3 module:
Exercise Example
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In terms of its contents, Module B3 is part of the teaching unit entitled "Additional Functions of STEP 7 Programming'.
Basics of STEP 7 Programming
2 to 3 days Module A
Additional Functions of STEP 7 Programming
2 to 3 days Module B
Plant Simulation with SIMIT SCE
1 to 2 days Module G
Programming Languages
2 to 3 days Module C
Industrial Field Bus Systems
2 to 3 days Module D
Process Visualization
2 to 3 days Module F
Frequency Converter at SIMATIC S7
2 to 3 da
s Module H
IT Communication with SIMATIC S7
2 to 3 days Module E
Learning Objective:
In module B3, the reader learns the following: how a PID controller is integrated into a STEP7 program, how it is wired to analog process variables, and how it is started. The following steps are discussed:
Program example for a two position controller
Calling a PID controller in a STEP 7 program
Wiring the PID controller to analog process variables
Setting the controller parameters at the PID controller
Prerequisites: To successfully work through Module B3, the following knowledge is assumed:
Knowledge in handling Windows
Fundamentals of PLC programming with STEP 7 (for example, Module A3 – 'Startup’
PLC Programming with STEP 7)
Analog Value Processing with STEP 7 (for example, Module B2 – Analog Value Processing)
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Hardware and software required
1 PC, operating system Windows 2000 Professional starting with SP4/XP Professional starting
with SP1/Server 2003 with 600MHz and 512RAM, free hard disk storage 650 to 900 MB, MS Internet Explorer 6.0
2 Software STEP7 V 5.4 3 MPI interface for the PC (for example, PC adapter USB) 4 PLC SIMATIC S7-300 with at least one analog input/output module to which, at one analog
value input, a potentiometer or another analog signal transmitter is connected. In addition, an analog value display has to be connected to at least one analog output. Sample configuration:
- Power supply: PS 307 2A
- CPU: CPU 314C-2DP
5 Controlled System 6 Connection lines for connecting the controlled system to analog inputs and outputs of the
1 PC
2 STEP 7
3 PC Adapter USB
4 S7-300 with
CPU 314C-2DP
6 Connection Lines
5 Controlled System
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2.1 Tasks of Control Engineering

"Closed loop control is a process where the value of a variable is established and maintained continuously through intervention based on measurements of this variable. This creates a sequence that takes place in a controlled loop -the closed loop- because the process is executed based on measurements of a variable that is in turn influenced by itself.“ The variable to be controlled is measured continuously and compared with another specified variable of the same kind. Depending on the result of this comparison, the control process adjusts the variable to be controlled to the specified variable.
Diagram of a Control System
Setpoint Temperature
Comparing Element
Controllg. Element
Measuring Device
Final Ctrl. Elem. + System
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2.2 Components of a Control Loop

Below, the basic terminology of control engineering is explained in detail. First, an overview shown in the diagram below:
Comparing Element
Controlling Element
Final Control Element
Controlled System
Measuring Device
1. The Controlled Variable x
It is the actual “objective“ of the control process: the variable that is to be influenced or kept constant is the purpose of the entire system. In our example, that would be the room temperature. The momentary value of the controlled variable existing at a certain time is called "actual value“ at that point in time.
2. The Feedback Variable r
In a control loop, the controlled variable is constantly checked in order to be able to respond to unintended changes. The measured variable proportional to the controlled variable is called feedback variable. In the example "furnace“, it would correspond to the measured circuit voltage of the inside thermometer.
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4. The Disturbance Variable z
The disturbance variable is the variable that unintentionally influences the controlled variable, and moves it from the current setpoint value. A fixed setpoint control is necessary, for example, because a disturbance variable exists. For the heating system considered here, this would be the outside temperature, for example, or any other variable that changes the room temperature from its ideal value.
5. The Setpoint Value w
The setpoint value at a point in time is the value that the controlling variable should ideally have at that time. It should be noted that the setpoint value can change continuously under certain circumstances if there is a slave value control. The measured value that the measuring device used would establish if the controlled variable would have exactly the setpoint value is the instantaneous value of the reference variable. In the example, the setpoint value would be the room temperature desired at that time.
6. The Comparing Element
This is the point where the current measured value of the controlled variable and the instantaneous value of the reference variable are compared. In most cases, both variables are measured circuit voltages. The difference of both variables is the “control deviation“ e. It is passed on to the controlling element, and evaluated there (see below).
7. The Controlling Element
The controlling element is the actual center piece of a control system. It evaluates the system deviation -that is, the information about whether, how and to what extent the controlled variable deviates from the current setpoint- as input information, and derives from this the
“Controller output variable“ Y
which, ultimately, influences the controlled variable. The controller
output variable would be, in the example of the heating system, the voltage for the mixer motor. The manner in which the controlling element determines the controller output variable from the system deviation is the main criterion of the control system. Part II discusses this topic in greater detail.
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8. The Actuator
The actuator is the “executing organ“, so to speak, of the control system. In the form of the controller output variable, the controlling element provides the actuator with information as to how the controlled variable is to be influenced, and implements it into a change of the “manipulated variable“. In our example, the actuator would be the mixer motor. Depending on the voltage supplied by the controlling element (that is, the controller output variable), it influences the position of the mixer (which here represents the manipulated variable).
9. The Controlling Element
This is the element of the control loop that influences the controlled variable (more or less directly), depending on the manipulated variable Y. In the example, this would be the combination consisting of the mixer, the furnace lines, and the heater. The mixer motor (actuator) sets the mixer (the manipulated variable). By means of the water temperature, the room temperature is influenced.
10. The Controlled System
The controlled system is the plant where the variable to be controlled is located; in the example of the radiator, the living space.
11. Dead Time
Dead time refers to the time that passes, starting with a change of the controller output variable until a measurable reaction by the controlled system. In our example, it would be the time between a change of the voltage for the mixer motor, and the measurable change in room temperature caused by this.
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2.3. Characteristics

Controlled systems in which a new constant output value sets itself after a certain time has passed are called 'self-regulating process’. The relationship of the output variables to the input variables in the steady state results in a characteristic.
In the environment of an operating point, the characteristic is replaced with a tangent. In the environment of an operating point, the problem is treated as a linear problem. The zero point of the variables x(t), y(t) and z(t) refers to the operating point A: : x = X – Xo y = Y - Yo z = Z - Zo
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2.4 Step Function for Examining Controlled Systems

To examine the behavior of controlled systems, controllers and control loops, a uniform function is used for the input signal: the step function. Depending on whether a control loop element or the entire control loop is examined, the step function can be assigned to the following: the controlled variable x(t), the manipulated variable y(t), the reference variable w(t) or the disturbance variable z(t). For that reason, the input signal, the step function, is often designated as xe(t), and the output signal as xa(t).
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2.5. Self-Regulating Processes

2.5.1. Proportional Controlled System without Time Delay The controlled system is called P-system for short.

Abrupt change of the input variable for
Controlled Variable/
ulated Variable
Proportional coefficient for a manipulated variable change
Controlled Variable/ Disturbance Variable
Range: Control Range:
Proportional value for a disturbance variable change
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2.5.2. Proportional Controlled System with a Time Delay

The controlled system is called P-T1 system for short.
Differential equation for a general input signal
Solution of the differential equation for a step function at the input (step response)
Time constant
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2.5.3 Proportional Controlled System with Two Time Delays

The controlled system is called P-T2 system for short.
Figure: Jump Response of the P-T2 system
Tu: Delay time Tg: Transition time
The system consists of the reaction-free series connection of two P-T1 systems that have the time constants TS1 and TS2.
Controllability of P-Tn systems:
Easy to control
Can still be controlled
Difficult to control
With the rising ratio Tu/Tg, controlling the system becomes more and more difficult.
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2.5.4 Proportional Controlled System with n Time Delays
The controlled system is called P-Tn system for short. The time response is described with a differential equation of the nth degree. The characteristic of the step response is similar to that of the P-T2 system. The time response is described through Tu and Tg. Substitute: The controlled system with many delays can be approximately substituted with the series connection of a P-T1 system with a dead time system. The following applies: Tt » Tu and TS » Tg.
Substitute step response for the P-Tn system
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2.6 Controlled Systems without Inherent Regulation

The controlled variable continues to grow after a fault, without aiming for the high range value.
Example: Level Control In the case of a container with a drain whose inflow volume stream and outflow volume stream are the same, a constant level is the result. If the flow rate of the inflow or the outflow changes, the liquid level rises or falls. The larger the difference between inflow and outflow, the faster does the level change. The example shows that in practice, the integral action usually has limits. The controlled variable rises or fills up only so long until it has reached a limit that is contingent on the system: the container overflows or empties, the pressure reaches the plant maximum or minimum, etc.. The figure shows the trend of an I-system when there is an abrupt change of the input variable, as well as the block diagram derived from it.
Block Diagram
If the step function at the input changes into any function xe(t), the following happens:
integrating controlled system
integral coefficient of the controlled system
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2.7 Types of Controllers

2.7.1 Two Position Controllers

The essential feature of two position controllers consists of their knowing only two modes: “On“ and “Off“ -which makes them the simplest type of controller. Two-position controllers are used primarily when adhering to a setpoint exactly is less important than to keep the control system as simple as possible; or, when the actuator or the final control element does not allow for a continuous control system. The heating system mentioned several times above is -with a control loop having a room thermometer and a mixer- a continuous control system. To keep the water temperature in the boiler loop constant, typically a two position controller is used since it can, on the one hand, fluctuate by a few degrees, and on the other hand it is clearly simpler to switch the burner on and off than to do an exact dosing of fuel to be added.
Since theoretically -to adhere to the setpoint exactly- it would be necessary to switch a system on and off infinitely fast, the two position controller has a so-called “hysteresis“. It represents a kind of “environment“ around the setpoint within which the actual value may fluctuate. That means, we specify a minimum value that is lower than the setpoint, and a maximum value that is a little higher than the setpoint. Only if the actual value exceeds the maximum value or drops below the minimum value does the control system react. In most cases, the minimum and the maximum value are distanced from the setpoint equally; that is, the hysteresis generates a symmetrical environment around the set point. In the case of the boiler water temperature, the burner would be switched on, for example, when the water temperature drops below the specified setpoint by more than a certain value. The burner continues to run until a certain value that is above the setpoint is exceeded. Only then will the burner be switched off. Another typical example is cooling. Usually, a cooler also does not support a continuous control system, but only knows the states “On“ and “Off“. It is switched on when the actual temperature exceeds the setpoint temperature by a few degrees, and is switched off when the actual temperature is a few degrees too low. It is therefore typical for the two position controller to periodically fluctuate around the setpoint whose amplitude is roughly that of the hysteresis. The selection of the hysteresis depends on how exactly the setpoint has to be adhered to. If we select a large hysteresis, the actual value can deviate more considerably from the setpoint. If we select a smaller one, the setpoint is adhered to more exactly, but the system would have to switch more frequently. This again has its disadvantages, such as a higher wear of the switching devices, and the actuator or the final control element.
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The diagram below shows a two position controller:
Controlled Variable
Switch-Off Value
Switch-On Value
Manipulated Variable Time
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2.7.2 Three Position Controllers

The three position controllers represent the second important class of discrete controllers. The difference regarding the two position controllers consists in the following: The controller output can handle three different values: positive influence, no influence, and negative influence of the controlled variable. An example is control by means of a valve that can be adjusted electrically but that itself can only be completely open or completely closed. Let’s take, for example, water level control. As soon as the water level exceeds a maximum value, the valve motor is triggered with a positive direction of rotation, and the valve is opened. The control system remains inactive -that is, the motor is idle­until the water level drops below a minimum value. When this is the case, the motor is triggered into the negative direction of rotation, and the valve is closed. Thus the actuator knows three states: rotating valve motor with positive direction of rotation, idle motor, and rotating motor in negative direction of rotation.
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