Siemens TH 180, TH 182 D/N, TH 182 H/C Installation Instructions Manual

Installation Instructions
Retrostat Kits for POWERS™ CONTROLS
Retrostat Kit
TH 180, TH 182 D/N or H/C Thermostats
Document No. 129-179
October 4, 2017
Product Description
Retrostat Cover Kit 1 Thermostat * 1 Adapter frame 1 Bag assembly with installation hardware 1 Optional 1/2-inch Large, Exposed Set
Point Knob * Includes thermostat installation instructions.
Expected Installation Time
1 hour
Requir ed Tools
Calibration and cover screw wrench (192-632) or 1/16” Allen wrench and 1/8” open-end wrench
Medium flat-blade screwdriver
Small level
Accurate thermometer
Needle nose pliers
Product Numbers
(See Notes
1 and 2)
Day/ Night
Heat/ Cool
For Retrostat Kits with optional 1/2-inch large, exposed setpoint adjustment knob, order standard kit with “K” suffix.
Direct/ Reverse
180-410 180-413 180-910 180-913 182-500 182-501
182-627 182-630 182-632
180-937 182-503
180-420 180-423 180-920 180-923 182-506 182-507
182-633 182-634
Review all of these instructions before you begin installation.
Check job drawings for any site-specific information.
Verify the existing thermostat installation has its supply and return air lines connected properly.
Obtain the installation instructions provided with the thermostat in this Retrostat Kit. The document provides instructions for calibrating the thermostat.
Ensure that a supply of wall anchors and plastic ti es are availa ble.
Item Num ber 129-179+3, Rev. EA Page 1 of 4
Document No. 129-179 Installation Instructions October 4, 2017
Removing Existing Thermostat
1. Remove the existing thermostat from the wall.
2. Plug the supply (mai n) air line.
3. Place a piece of tape on the supply air l ine to identify it.
4. Remove the terminal head and the gasket from the fitting.
5. Clean the surface of the fitting, if required.
Installing New Thermostat
Figure 1 shows a typical thermostat installation. To connect directly to copper tubing, see Figures 2 and 3. To connect to the terminal head, see Figure 4. To convert the thermostat from a horizontal position to a
vertica l posit ion, s ee Figure 5.
1. C omplet e t he requir ed air lin e c onnecti ons as necessary. Secure all connections and install the plug-in adapters into the 5/32-inch (4 mm) plastic tube. Use the blue adapter for the supply air line. See Figure 1.
NOTE: Either polyet hylene (hard, black) or
polyurethane (soft, clear) tubing is recommended. The appropriate tubing depends on which is most compatible for the application.
2. Place the multi-slotted metal plate into the adapter frame, if required. Attach the multi-slotted plate to the terminal head or the wall using screws and slots shown in Figures 2 through 5.
3. Loos ely screw adapter base to the multi- slott ed plate.
4. Draw plastic tubing through the multi-slotted plate and the adapter base. Install the plug-in adapters on the wall plate.
5. Using mounting screws supplied with the thermostat chassis, install the wall plate on the adapter base as follows:
a. Gui de screw s thr ough th e slotted key holes on
the wall plate and partially insert them into the adapter base.
b. Orient the wall plate so that it is square and level. c. Tighten the mounting screws to secure the wall
plate in p l ace.
6. Moisten the thermostat supply and return ports to lubricate them. Carefully insert the thermostat ports into the terminal adapter O-rings on the wall plate.
7. Configure the cover per installation instructions provided and mount the cover over the thermostat.
NOTE: For applications that use the 1/2-inch large
set point adjustment knob, align the key hole in the cover over the shaft protruding from the thermostat whe n mounting the cov er (see Figure 1).
Use either the hex key end of the calibration and cover screw wrench or a 1/16” Allen wrenc h to ti ghten the two screws that secure the cover in place.
8. Place the optional 1/2-inch large set point adjustment knob on the shaft protruding through the cover. Use either the hex key end of the calibration and co ver screw wrench or a 1/16” Allen wrench to tighten the set screw on the knob.
1. In applications with a 1/2-inch large set point
adjustment knob, whenever you remove the thermostat cover, first remove the adjustment knob by loosening its set screw with either the hex key end of the calibration and cover screw wrench or a 1/16” Allen wrench.
2. To remove the thermostat from the wall plate, hold the
thermostat firmly at the top and bottom and start to pull the thermostat from the wall plate. At the same time, use a screwdriver to pry the wall plate latch arms away from the thermostat chassis and pull the thermostat away from the wall plate.
Frequent removal and installation of the th ermos tat can bend the latch arms beyond their operating positions. If this occurs, bend the latch arms back to their operating positions be fore mounting the thermostat.
The installation is complete.
Calibration, Adjustment, and Troubleshooting
See the installation instructions provided with the thermostat in this retrostat kit for the following procedures:
Thermometer Calibration
Changeover Point Adjustment
Limit Stop Adjustment
Sensitivity Adjustment
Thermostat Cooling/Heating Calibration
Technical Bulletin Document Number
TB 214 TH 192 Adapter Kits 155-231
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