Siemens TC65 User Manual

TC65 JAVA User's Guide
Siemens Cellular Engine
Version: 05 DocID: TC65 JAVA User's Guide_V05
JAVA™ Users Guide
Strictly confidential / Released
Document Name:
Version: Date: DocId: Status:
TC65 JAVA User's Guide
September 26, 2005
TC65 JAVA User's Guide_V05
Strictly confidential / Released
General Notes
Product is deemed accepted by recipient and is provided without interface to recipient’s products. The documentation and/or product are provided for testing, evaluation, integration and information purposes. The documentation and/or product are provided on an “as is” basis only and may contain deficiencies or inadequacies. The documentation and/or product are provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Siemens further disclaims all warranties, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of third-party rights. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the product and documentation remains with recipient. This product is not intended for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where a malfunction of the product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Applications incorporating the described product must be designed to be in accordance with the technical specifications provided in these guidelines. Failure to comply with any of the required procedures can result in malfunctions or serious discrepancies in results. Furthermore, all safety instructions regarding the use of mobile technical systems, including GSM products, which also apply to cellular phones must be followed. Siemens or its suppliers shall, regardless of any legal theory upon which the claim is based, not be liable for any consequential, incidental, direct, indirect, punitive or other damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information or data, or other pecuniary loss) arising out the use of or inability to use the documentation and/or product, even if Siemens has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The foregoing limitations of liability shall not apply in case of mandatory liability, e.g. under the German Product Liability Act, in case of intent, gross negligence, injury of life, body or health, or breach of a condition which goes to the root of the contract. However, claims for damages arising from a breach of a condition, which goes to the root of the contract, shall be limited to the foreseeable damage, which is intrinsic to the contract, unless caused by intent or gross negligence or based on liability for injury of life, body or health. The above provision does not imply a change on the burden of proof to the detriment of the recipient. Subject to change without notice at any time. The interpretation of this general note shall be governed and construed according to German law without reference to any other substantive law.
Transmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of this document as well as utilization of its contents and communication thereof to others without express authorization are prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for payment of damages. All rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design patent are reserved.
Copyright © Siemens AG 2005
Trademark notices
MS Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Java™ Borland® JBuilder® is a registered trademark of Borland Software Corporation
and Sun™ Java Studio Mobility 6 2004Q3 are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems Inc.
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Table of Contents
1 Preamble........................................................................................................................8
2 Overview........................................................................................................................9
2.1 Related Documents...............................................................................................9
2.2 Terms and Abbreviations.....................................................................................10
3 Installation...................................................................................................................11
3.1 System Requirements .........................................................................................11
3.2 Installation CD .....................................................................................................11
3.2.1 Components...........................................................................................12 Module Exchange Suite ....................................................................12 WTK ..................................................................................................12 SDK and Java Studio........................................................................12
3.3 Siemens Mobility Toolkit Installation....................................................................13
3.3.1 Installing the Standard Development Toolkit .........................................13
3.3.2 Installing the SMTK Environment...........................................................13
3.3.3 Installing Sun Java Studio Mobility 6 .....................................................14
3.3.4 Installing Eclipse 3.0..............................................................................14
3.3.5 Installing Borland JBuilder X and 2005..................................................14
3.3.6 Installing Module Exchange Suite (MES)...............................................14
3.4 SMTK Uninstall....................................................................................................15
3.5 Upgrades.............................................................................................................15
4 Software Platform .......................................................................................................16
4.1 Software Architecture ..........................................................................................16
4.2 Interfaces.............................................................................................................17
4.2.1 ASC0 - Serial Device.............................................................................17
4.2.2 General Purpose I/O..............................................................................17
4.2.3 DAC/ADC...............................................................................................17
4.2.4 ASC1......................................................................................................17
4.2.5 Digital Audio Interface (DAI) ..................................................................17
4.2.6 I2C/SPI...................................................................................................17
4.2.7 JVM Interfaces.......................................................................................18 IP Networking....................................................................................18 Media ................................................................................................18 Other Interfaces ................................................................................18
4.3 Data Flow of a Java Application Running on the Module....................................19
4.4 Handling Interfaces and Data Service Resources...............................................20
4.4.1 Module States........................................................................................20 State 1: Default – No Java Running..................................................21 State 2: No Java Running, General Purpose I/O and I2C.................21 State 3: No Java Running, General Purpose I/O and SPI.................21 State 4: Default – Java Application Active.........................................21 State 5: Java Application Active, General Purpose I/O and I2C .......22 State 6: Java Application Active, General Purpose I/O and SPI.......22
4.4.2 Module State Transitions.......................................................................23
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5 Maintenance ................................................................................................................24
5.1 IP Service ............................................................................................................24
5.2 Power Saving.......................................................................................................25
5.3 Charging..............................................................................................................25
5.4 Airplane Mode......................................................................................................26
5.5 Alarm ...................................................................................................................26
5.6 Shutdown.............................................................................................................26
5.6.1 Automatic Shutdown..............................................................................26
5.6.2 Manual Shutdown..................................................................................27
5.6.3 Restart after Switch Off..........................................................................27
5.7 Special AT Command Set for Java Applications .................................................27
5.7.1 Switching from Data Mode to Command Mode.....................................27
5.7.2 Mode Indication after MIDlet Startup .....................................................27
5.7.3 Long Responses....................................................................................27
5.7.4 Configuration of Serial Interface ............................................................28
5.7.5 Java Commands....................................................................................28
5.8 Restrictions..........................................................................................................28
5.8.1 Flash File System ..................................................................................28
5.8.2 Memory..................................................................................................28
5.9 Performance........................................................................................................29
5.9.1 Java .......................................................................................................29
5.9.2 Pin I/O....................................................................................................30
5.9.3 Data Rates on RS-232 API....................................................................30 Plain Serial Interface.........................................................................31 Voice Call in Parallel .........................................................................31 Scenarios with GPRS Connection.....................................................32 Upload...............................................................................................32 Download ..........................................................................................33
6 MIDlets .........................................................................................................................34
6.1 MIDlet Documentation.........................................................................................34
6.2 MIDlet Life Cycle..................................................................................................34
6.3 Hello World MIDlet...............................................................................................36
7 File Transfer to Module...............................................................................................37
7.1 Module Exchange Suite.......................................................................................37
7.1.1 Windows Based.....................................................................................37
7.1.2 Command Line Based ...........................................................................37
7.2 Over the Air Provisioning.....................................................................................38
7.3 Security Issues ....................................................................................................38
7.3.1 Module Exchange Suite.........................................................................38
7.3.2 OTAP.....................................................................................................38
8 Over The Air Provisioning (OTAP) ............................................................................39
8.1 Introduction to OTAP...........................................................................................39
8.2 OTAP Overview...................................................................................................39
8.3 OTAP Parameters ...............................................................................................40
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8.4 Short Message Format........................................................................................41
8.5 Java File Format..................................................................................................42
8.6 Procedures ..........................................................................................................43
8.6.1 Install/Update.........................................................................................43
8.6.2 Delete.....................................................................................................44
8.7 Time Out Values and Result Codes ....................................................................45
8.8 Tips and Tricks for OTAP ....................................................................................45
8.9 OTAP Tracer........................................................................................................46
8.10 Security................................................................................................................46
8.11 How To ................................................................................................................47
9 Compile and Run a Program without a Java IDE.....................................................48
9.1 Build Results........................................................................................................48
9.2 Compile................................................................................................................49
9.3 Run on the Module with Manual Start..................................................................49
9.4 Run on the Module with Autostart........................................................................49
9.4.1 Switch on Autostart................................................................................50
9.4.2 Switch off Autostart................................................................................50
10 Debug Environment....................................................................................................51
10.1 Data Flow of a Java Application in the Debug Environment................................51
10.2 Emulator ..............................................................................................................52
10.3 Java IDE..............................................................................................................53
10.3.1 Sun Java Studio Mobility 6 2004Q3.......................................................54 Switching emulators..........................................................................55 Projects .............................................................................................56 Templates .........................................................................................57 Examples...........................................................................................57 Compile and run................................................................................57
10.3.2 Borland JBuilder X.................................................................................58 Examples...........................................................................................59
10.3.3 Borland JBuilder 2005............................................................................61 Examples...........................................................................................62
10.3.4 Eclipse 3.0 .............................................................................................62 Integration .........................................................................................62 Switching Emulators..........................................................................64 Example ............................................................................................65 Compile and debug...........................................................................67
10.4 Breakpoints..........................................................................................................68
11 Java Security...............................................................................................................69
11.1 Secure Data Transfer ..........................................................................................70
11.1.1 Create a Secure Data Transfer Environment Step by Step...................72
11.2 Execution Control ................................................................................................73
11.2.1 Change to Secured Mode Concept........................................................74
11.2.2 Concept for the Signing the Java MIDlet ...............................................75
11.3 Application and Data Protection ..........................................................................76
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11.4 Structure and Description of the Java Security Commands ................................76
11.4.1 Structure of the Java Security Commands ............................................77
11.4.2 Build Java Security Command...............................................................78
11.4.3 Send Java Security Command to the Module........................................79
11.5 Create a Java Security Environment Step by Step..............................................80
11.5.1 Create Key store....................................................................................80
11.5.2 Export X.509 Root Certificate ................................................................80
11.5.3 Create Java Security Commands..........................................................80
11.5.4 Sign a MIDlet .........................................................................................81
11.6 Attention...............................................................................................................81
12 Java Tutorial................................................................................................................82
12.1 Using the AT Command API................................................................................82
12.1.1 Class ATCommand................................................................................82 Instantiation with or without CSD Support.........................................82 Sending an AT Command to the Device, the send() Method............83 Data Connections..............................................................................83 Synchronization.................................................................................85
12.1.2 ATCommandResponseListener Interface..............................................85 Non-blocking ATCommand.send() Method.......................................85
12.1.3 ATCommandListener Interface..............................................................86 ATEvents...........................................................................................86 Implementation..................................................................................86 Registering a Listener with an ATCommand Instance......................87
12.2 Programming the MIDlet......................................................................................88
12.2.1 Threads..................................................................................................88
12.2.2 Example.................................................................................................88
13 Differences from the TC45 .........................................................................................90
Figure 1: Overview...................................................................................................................9
Figure 2: Interface Configuration............................................................................................18
Figure 3: Data flow of a Java application running on the module...........................................19
Figure 4: Module State 1........................................................................................................21
Figure 5: Module State 2........................................................................................................21
Figure 6: Module State 3........................................................................................................21
Figure 7: Module State 4........................................................................................................21
Figure 8: Module State 5........................................................................................................22
Figure 9: Module State 6........................................................................................................22
Figure 10: Module State Transition Diagram..........................................................................23
Figure 11: Test case for measuring Java command execution throughput............................29
Figure 12: Test case for measuring Java MIDlet performance and handling pin-IO..............30
Figure 13: Scenario for testing data rates on ASC1...............................................................31
Figure 14: Scenario for testing data rates on ASC1 with a voice call in parallel....................31
Figure 15: Scenario for testing data rates on ASC1 with GPRS data upload ........................32
Figure 16: Scenario for testing data rates on ASC1 with GPRS data download....................33
Figure 17: OTAP Overview ....................................................................................................39
Figure 18: OTAP: Install/Update Information Flow.................................................................43
Figure 19: OTAP: Delete Information Flow ............................................................................44
Figure 20: Data flow of a Java application in the debug environment....................................51
Figure 21: Sun Java Studio Mobility 6 - The installed emulators ...........................................54
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Figure 22: Sun Java Studio Mobility 6 - Switching Emulators................................................55
Figure 23: Sun Java Studio Mobility 6 - Project Manager.....................................................56
Figure 24: Sun Java Studio Mobility 6 - Selecting a template...............................................57
Figure 25: JBuilderX – JDK settings.......................................................................................58
Figure 26: JBuilderX – Siemens Library.................................................................................58
Figure 27: JBuilderX – Sample Projects.................................................................................59
Figure 28: JBuilderX – Starting the debugging session .........................................................60
Figure 29: JBuilder2005 – JDK settings.................................................................................61
Figure 30: JBuilderX – Siemens Library.................................................................................61
Figure 31: JBuilder2005 – Sample Projects...........................................................................62
Figure 32: Eclipse – Plug-in installation .................................................................................63
Figure 33: Eclipse – Plug-in installation, restart.....................................................................63
Figure 34: Eclipse – IMP-NG component...............................................................................64
Figure 35: Eclipse – J2ME platform .......................................................................................64
Figure 36: Eclipse – Project import ........................................................................................65
Figure 37: Eclipse - Example .................................................................................................66
Figure 38: Eclipse – Create package.....................................................................................67
Figure 39: Eclipse - Configuration..........................................................................................68
Figure 40: Mode 1 - Java Security not activated....................................................................70
Figure 41: Mode 2 - Java Security activated (server certificate = certificate into module).....71
Figure 42: Mode 2 - Java Security activated (server certificate and self signed root certificate
in module form a chain)...................................................................................................71
Figure 43: Switch to Security Mode........................................................................................74
Figure 44: Prepare MIDlet for Secured Mode ........................................................................75
Figure 45: Build Java Security Command..............................................................................78
Table 1: Download data rate with different number of timeslots, CS2 ...................................32
Table 2: Download data rate with different number of timeslots, CS4 ...................................32
Table 3: Download data rate with different number of timeslots, CS2 ...................................33
Table 4: Download data rate with different number of timeslots, CS4 ...................................33
Table 5: A typical sequence of MIDlet execution ...................................................................35
Table 6: Parameters and keywords........................................................................................40
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1 Preamble
This document is also valid for the TC65 Terminal with the main exception that the terminal does not feature the USB, ASC1, DAC and DAI interface. For other exceptions and differences please see [3] and [4].
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2 Overview
The TC65 module features an ultra-low profile and low-power consumption for data (CSD and GPRS), voice, SMS and fax. Java technology and several peripheral interfaces on the module allow you to easily integrate your application.
This document explains how to work with the TC65 module, the installation CD and the tools provided on the installation CD.
Old solution: The customer app lication was distributed across 2 µC, external µC and internal µC on the module
Customer SW
Customer A pp lication
Figure 1: Overview
New solution: The customer application exists only on the m odule
Customer SW
Cu stomer App lic ation
2.1 Related Documents
In addition to the Java Docs for the development API (see Chapter 4), the following documents are included with the SMTK:
[1] Multiplexer Installation Guide [2] DSB75 Support Box - Evaluation Kit for Siemens Cellular Engines [3] TC65 AT Command Set [4] TC65 Hardware Interface Description [5] Java doc \wtk\doc\html\index.html [6] IMP-NG, JSR228, Standard [7] Application Note 24: Application Developer’s Guide
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2.2 Terms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description
API Application Program Interface ASC Asynchronous Serial Controller CLDC Connected Limited Device Configuration CSD Circuit-Switched Data DAI Digital Audio Interface DCD Data Carrier Detect DSR Data Set Ready GPIO General Purpose I/O GPRS General Packet Radio Service GPS Global Positioning System HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
I/O Input/Output IDE Integrated Development Environment IP Internet Protocol J2ME™ Java 2 Mobile Edition J2SE™ Java 2 Standard Edition JAD Java Application Description JAR Java Archive JDK Java Development Kit JVM Java Virtual Machine LED Light Emitting Diode ME Mobile Engine MIDP Mobile Information Device Protocol OTA Over The Air OTAP Over The Air Provisioning of Java Applications PDP Packet Data Protocol PDU Protocol Data Unit SDK Standard Development Kit SMS Short Message Service SMTK Siemens Mobile Toolkit TCP Transfer Control Protocol URC Unsolicited Result Code URL Universal Resource Locator VBS Visual Basic Script WTK Wireless Toolkit
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3 Installation
3.1 System Requirements
The Siemens Mobility Toolkit (SMTK) TC65 requires that you have:
1. Windows 2000 or Windows XP installed
2. 40Mbytes free disk space for SMTK
3. Administration privileges
4. Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.4. To install the JDK version 1.4.2_07 provided, follow
the instructions in Section 3.3.1.
If a Java IDE such as Sun Java Studio Mobility 6 2004Q3, Eclipse 3.0.1, Eclipse 3.0.2, JBuilder X or 2005 is installed, it can be integrated into the SMTK environment during the installation of the SMTK. To install one of the IDEs, follow the installation instructions in Section 3.3.3 and Section 3.3.4 respectively.
3.2 Installation CD
The Siemens Mobility Toolkit TC65 Installation CD includes:
Module Exchange Suite
EclipseME plugin
- various tools doc
- html
- java docs for APIs lib
- src
- various examples
Java SDK
Sun Java Studio Mobility 6
DSB75_HW_Description.pdf TC65_AT_Command_Set.pdf TC65_HW_Description.pdf TC65T_HW_Description.pdf TC65_ReleaseNote.pdf
TC65_Java_UserGuide.pdf (this document)
Some of the content can only be accessed after the installation.
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3.2.1 Components Module Exchange Suite
The Module Exchange Suite allows the developer to access the Flash file system on the cellular engine from the development environment over a serial interface. File transfers from PC to module are greatly facilitated by this suite. WTK
wtk is the directory where all the necessary components for TC65 Java application creation and debugging are stored. SDK and Java Studio
This is software provided by SUN to support Java application development.
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3.3 Siemens Mobility Toolkit Installation

The SMTK comes with an installation CD. The installation program automatically installs the necessary components and IDE integrations. Software can be uninstalled and updated with the install program. The next sections cover the installation and removal of the SMTK and the installation of the SDK and the supported IDEs.

3.3.1 Installing the Standard Development Toolkit

1. The JDK version 1.4.2_07 is provided on the TC65 SMTK installation disk in the
subdirectory “JDK 1.4”. To begin the installation, start the j2sdk-1_4_2_07-windows-i586­p.exe and follow the instructions of the JDK setup procedure. If there is no JDK installed on the target machine the installation of the provided JDK will be offered automatically during the SMTK installation process.
2. Once the toolkit has been installed, the environment variable “path” can be altered to
comfortably use the JDK tools. This is not necessary for using the Siemens SMTK.
3. Open the Control Panel.
a) Open System. b) Click on Advanced. c) Click on the Environment Variables button. d) Choose path from the list of system variables. e) Append the path for the bin directory of the newly installed SDK to the list of
directories for the path variable.

3.3.2 Installing the SMTK Environment

Before you start the installation please make sure all applications, especially the IDEs are closed.
1. Insert CD, start setup.exe. When the dialog box appears simply press the “Next” button to
continue the procedure.
2. You will be asked to read the license agreement. If you accept the agreement, press
“Yes” to continue with the installation.
3. A file including special information about the installation and use of the SMTK is shown.
Press “Next” to continue.
4. You will be asked to enter the path name where Eclipse 3.0.1 or 3.0.2 is installed.
Please type in the folder where Eclipse with the ME plugin is installed and press “Next”. If you have not installed Eclipse or do not want to integrate the SMTK into Eclipse, please press “Next” without typing in a selected folder.
5. The installation software checks for the Java SDK. If there is no SDK on the system the
installation procedure now offers to install the provided JDK. If this step is refused, the setup process will not continue because a properly installed JDK is mandatory for using the SMTK environment.
6. At this point, the installation software checks for a Java IDE to be integrated with the
SMTK. A Java IDE is not necessary to use the TC65 SMTK. The IDE installation can be done at any time even if the TC65 SMTK is already installed. To integrate the SMTK into the Java IDE run the SMTK setup program in maintenance mode again. However, you can continue the setup procedure and install the IDE installation later or cancel the setup program at this stage and restart it after installing one of the supported Java IDEs. In case you wish to install a Java IDE please follow the instructions below and in Section
3.3.3. If no installed IDE is found the TC65 SMTK offers to install SUN Java Studio Mobility 6 2004Q3. Alternatively, you can install the SUN IDE by following the instructions in Section 3.3.3.
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7. If the SDK and one or more Java IDEs are found, you will be asked to choose which IDE
you want integrated into the TC65 development environment. Once an IDE has been found and selected, press "Next" to continue. Ensure that your Java IDE is closed.
8. Select the folder where the TC65 SMTK will be installed. A folder will be suggested to
you but you may browse to select a different one.
9. Choose the path that TC65 will appear under in the Start Menu.
10. A brief summary of all entries made is shown. Press “Next” to continue.
11. A dialog box will inform you that the Module Exchange Suite (MES) will be installed in the
next step. Please press “OK”. A separate setup wizard for the Module Exchange Suite will be opened. Please follow the setup wizard’s instructions.
12. After step 11, all necessary files will be copied from the CD into the target folder.
13. This is the final step. Again, a listing of all installed components appears. Please press
“Finish” to end the installation

3.3.3 Installing Sun Java Studio Mobility 6

1. Sun Java Studio Mobility 6 is provided on the TC65 SMTK installation disk in the
subdirectory “SJSM6”. To begin installation, start jstudio_M04q3-win-ml.exe and follow the Sun Studio setup procedure instructions.
2. On the first use of Sun™ Studio 6 after installation, you will be prompted to specify a
personal Java folder. Each user may have their own Java folder. Note: The integration of the SMTK into Sun™ Studio 6 is only possible if the personal
user folder is set. It can only be rolled back by the user who installed the SMTK. If all users use the same Java folder, any user may roll back the integration.

3.3.4 Installing Eclipse 3.0

Eclipse can be freely downloaded from In order to use Eclipse with the TC65 the EclipseME plug-in is also needed. It can be downloaded from
currently recommend that this version be used.
. A customized version of this plug-in also comes with TC65 SMTK. It is

3.3.5 Installing Borland JBuilder X and 2005

Borland JBuilder can be purchased from Note: The installation path name of JBuilder should not include space characters. There are also 30 days trial versions available on the website. Installation instructions can be
found on the web page.

3.3.6 Installing Module Exchange Suite (MES)

The Module Exchange Suite (MES) is installed during the SMTK installation. If you would like to install the Module Exchange Suite separately, repair or remove it, please use the Module Exchange Suite (MES) setup.exe, which is located on the TC65 SMTK installation disk in the subdirectory “MES”.
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3.4 SMTK Uninstall
The TC65 SMTK install package comes with an uninstall facility. The entire SMTK or parts of the package can be removed. To start the uninstall facility, open the Control Panel, select Add/Remove Programs, select TC65 Software Development Kit and follow the instructions.
The Module Exchange Suite (MES) is not uninstalled automatically with the SMTK. If you would like to uninstall the Module Exchange Suite (MES) as well, please run the MES uninstall facility. To run the uninstall program, open the Control Panel, select Add/Remove Programs, select Siemens Module Exchange Suite (MES) and follow the instructions.
3.5 Upgrades
The SMTK can be modified, repaired or removed by running the setup program on the Installation CD.
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4 Software Platform
In this chapter, we discuss the software architecture of the SMTK and the interfaces to it.
4.1 Software Architecture
The SMTK enables a customer to develop a Java application on a PC and have it be executable on the TC65 module. The application is then loaded onto the module. The platform is comprised of:
the Java™ 2 Micro Edition (J2ME™), which forms the base of the architecture.
The J2ME™ is provided by SUN Microsystems, designed for embedded systems and has a small memory footprint. TC65 uses:
CLDC 1.1 HI, the connected limited device configuration hot spot implementation. IMP-NG, the information module profile 2
MIDP 2.0 but without the lcdui package.
generation, this is for the most part identical to
. It is specifically
Additional Java virtual machine interfaces:
AT Command API File I/O API
The data flow through these interfaces is shown in Figure 3 and Figure 20.
Memory space for Java programs:
Flash File System: around 1700k RAM: around 400k
Application code and data share the space in the flash file system and in RAM.
Additional accessible periphery for Java applications
A maximum of ten digital I/O pins usable, for example, as:
Output: status LEDs
Input: Emergency Button
One I2C/SPI Interface.
One Digital Analog Converter and two Analog Digital Converters.
Serial interface (RS-232 API): This standard serial interface could be used, for
example, with an external GPS device or a current meter. For detailed information see chapter 4.2.
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4.2 Interfaces

4.2.1 ASC0 - Serial Device

ASC0, an Asynchronous Serial Controller, is a 9-wire serial interface. It is described in the Hardware Interface Description [4]. Without a running Java application the module can be controlled by sending AT commands over ASC0. Furthermore, ASC0 is designed for transferring files from the development PC to the module and for controlling the module with AT commands. When a Java application is started, ASC0 can be used as an RS-232 port. Refer to the Java doc [5] for details.

4.2.2 General Purpose I/O

There are ten I/O pins that can be configured for general purpose I/O. When the TC65 starts up, all 10 pins are set, by default, to a high-impedance state for use as input. One pin can be configured as a pulse counter. All lines can be accessed under Java by AT commands. See [3] and [4] for information on configuring the pins.
4.2.3 DAC/ADC
There are two analogue input lines and one analogue output line. They are accessed by AT commands. See [3] and [4] for details.
4.2.4 ASC1
ASC1 is the second serial interface on the module. This is a 4-pin interface (RX, TX, RTS, CTS). It can be used as a second AT interface when a Java application is not running or by a running Java application as System.out.

4.2.5 Digital Audio Interface (DAI)

The TC65 has a seven-line serial interface with one input data clock line and input/output data and frame lines to support the DAI. Refer to the AT Command Set [3] and Hardware Interface Description [4] documents for more information.
4.2.6 I2C/SPI
There is a 4 line serial interface which can be used as I2C or SPI interface. It is described in the Hardware Interface Description [4]. The at^sspi at command configures and drives this interface. For details see [4].
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4.2.7 JVM Interfaces
IMP-NG File API AT Command API
Connected Limit e d Device Configuration (CLDC)
Figure 2: Interface Configuration
J2ME, CLDC and MIDP were implemented by SUN. IMP-NG is a stripped down version of MIDP 2.0 prepared by Siemens and does not include the graphical interface LCDUI. Siemens developed the File I/O API and the AT command API. Documentation for J2ME and CLDC can be found at in …/ Java doc [5].
. Documentation for the other APIs is found IP Networking
IMP-NG provides access to TCP/IP similarly to MIDP 2.0. Because the used network connection, CSD or GPRS, is fully transparent to the Java
interface, the CSD and GPRS parameters must be defined separately either by the AT command at^sjnet [3] or by parameters given to the connector open method, see Java doc [5]. Media
TC65 does not support the media package. See Java doc [5]. Other Interfaces
TC65 supports neither the PushRegistry interfaces and mechanisms nor any URL schemes for the PlatformRequest method. See Java doc [5].
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4.3 Data Flow of a Java Application Running on the Module

AT Parser
system.out ASC1
Flash File
AT Command
File I/O API
Figure 3: Data flow of a Java application running on the module.
The diagram shows the data flow of a Java application running on the module. The data flow of a Java application running in the debug environment can be found in Figure 20.
The compiled Java applications are stored as JAR files in the Flash File System of module. When the application is started, the JVM interprets the JAR file and calls the interfaces to the module environment.
The module environment consists of the:
Flash File System: available memory for Java applications
TCP/IP: module internal TCP/IP stack
GPIO: general purpose I/O
DAI: Digital Audio Interface
ASC0: Asynchronous serial interface 0
ASC1: Asynchronous serial interface 1
I2C: I2C bus interface
SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface
DAC: digital analog converter
ADC: analog digital converter
AT parser: accessible AT parser
The Java environment on the module consists of the:
JVM: Java Virtual Machine
AT command API: Java API to AT parser
File API: Java API to Flash File System
IMP-NG: Java API to TCP/IP and ASC0
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4.4 Handling Interfaces and Data Service Resources

To develop Java applications the developer must know which resources, data services and hardware access are available.
There are three AT parsers available
There is hardware access over
- two serial interfaces: ASC1 (System.out only) and ASC0 (fully accessible).
- general purpose I/O. To configure the hardware access, please refer to the AT Command Set [3] and the Hardware Interface Description [4].
- All restrictions of combinations are described in section 4.4.1.
A Java application has:
- three instances of the AT command class, one with CSD and two without, each of which would, in turn, be attached to one of the three AT parsers.
- one instance of access to a serial interface, ASC0, through the RS-232 API.
- System.out over the serial interface, ASC1, for debugging.
4.4.1 Module States
The module can exist in the following six states in relation to a Java application, the serial interfaces, GPIO and I2C/SPI. commands referenced. A state transition diagram is shown in
Figure 10.
This section shows how Java applications must share AT parsers, GPIO pins and I2C/SPI resources. DAC, ADC and DAI are not discussed here. The USB interface is an alternative to ASC1. When the USB is plugged in, the ASC1 interface is deactivated.
Color legend for the following figures
See the AT Command Set [3] for information about any AT
Default configuration of module
Default configuration when Java
application is started
configured by AT Command
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This is the default state. The Java application is inactive and there is an AT interface with CSD on ASC0 as well as ASC1. All HW interface pins are configured as inputs.
AT parser with CSD
AT parser with CSD
10 GPIO, I2C/SPI pins
Figure 4: Module State 1 State 2: No Java Running, General Purpose I/O and I2C
The Java application is inactive. There is an AT parser with CSD on ASC0 as well as ASC1. Up to ten I/0 pins are used as general purpose I/O plus a I2C interface. The pins are configured by at^scpin or at^sspi (refer to AT Command Set [3]).
AT parser w ith C SD
AT parser w ith C SD
ASC 1 or USB I2C
up to 10 GPIO pins
Figure 5: Module State 2 State 3: No Java Running, General Purpose I/O and SPI
The Java application is inactive and there is an AT interface with CSD on ASC0 as well as ASC1. There is an SPI interface as well at ten I/0 pins that can be used for general purpose I/O. The pins are configured with at^scpin or at^sspi (refer to AT Command Set [3]).
AT parser with CSD
AT parser with CSD
up to 10 GPIOs SPIASC 1 or USB
Figure 6: Module State 3 State 4: Default – Java Application Active
The Java application is active and ASC1 is used as System.out and the Java instance of the RS-232 serial interface is connected to ASC0. Java instances of AT commands are connected to the available AT parsers. The Java application is activated with at^sjra (refer to AT Command Set [3]) or autostart.
Java access to serial
interface (CommConnection)
AT parser with CSD
Java AT command API
with CSD
AT parser
without CSD
Java AT com m an d AP I
without CSD
AT parser
without CSD
Java AT command A PI
without CSD
Figure 7: Module State 4
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Strictly confidential / Released State 5: Java Application Active, General Purpose I/O and I2C
The Java application is active, ASC1 is used as System.out and the Java instance of the RS­232 serial interface is connected to ASC0. The Java application is activated with at^sjra. The I/O pins are configured with at^scpin or at^sspi. Refer to the AT Command Set [3] for AT command details.
Java access to serial
interface (Com m C onnection)
AT parser 0
w ith C SD
Java AT comm and AP I
w ith C SD
AT parser
w itho u t CSD
Java AT comm and AP I
w itho u t CSD
AT parser
without CSD
Java AT command API
without CSD
up to 10 GPIO pins:
I2C :
Figure 8: Module State 5 State 6: Java Application Active, General Purpose I/O and SPI
The Java application is running, ASC0 is used as System.out and the Java instance of the RS-232 serial interface is connected to ASC1. The Java application is activated with at^sjra (refer to the AT Command Set [3]).
Java access to serial
interface (CommConnection)
AT parser 0
with CSD
Java AT command API
with CSD
Figure 9: Module State 6
AT parser
without CSD
Java AT comm and API
without CSD
AT parser
witho u t CSD
Java AT command AP I
witho u t CSD
up to 10 GPIO pins SPI
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4.4.2 Module State Transitions

switch on
no Java autostart Java autostart
start java: at^sjra
State 1: Default, no Java
appl. running
destroy java application
State 4: Default,
Java active
close SPI
open SPI
close I2C
State 2: no Java appl.
State 3: no Java appl.
open I2C
running, using I2C
running, using SPI
start java:
Java application
destroy java application
start java: at^sjra
open I2C
State 5: Java active,
State 6: Java active,
using I2C
using SPI
close I2C
close SPI
open SPI
Figure 10: Module State Transition Diagram
Note: No AT parser is available over serial interface ASC0 or ASC1 while a Java application is running on the module. System.out is available on ASC1 for debugging while a Java application is running.
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5 Maintenance
The basic maintenance features of the TC65 are described below. Explicit details of these functions and modes can be found in the AT Command Set [3] and the Hardware Interface Description [4].
5.1 IP Service
Apart from the standard Java IP networking interfaces (UDPDatagramConnection, SocketConnection, ...) the TC65 also supports a set of Internet Services via AT command. There are some correlations between the Java and the AT IP Services.
1. the connection profile 0 is also used by Java: when Java starts up a networking connection it tries to set and activate connection profile 0 with the parameters configured by at^sjnet or in the method.
2. Java tries to (re-)use an active Internet Service profile: if using connection profile 0 fails, because e.g. this (or another) connection profile is already used by the Internet Services, Java networking also uses this, already active, profile.
3. deactivation of the connection profile happens when all applications are “finished”: Java has its networking idle time, the Internet Services have the inactTO.
So that means that Java networking and AT Internet Services can be used in parallel but care has to be taken about configuring and activation of the connection profile. In the simplest case use connection profile 0 for the Internet Services and set the parameters to the same values as the Java networking parameters. This way it makes no difference whether the connection is activated by the Internet Services or Java.
There are some aspects which have to be kept in mind for all IP Services (Java and AT command):
when an open TCP connection is cut (e.g. the other side dies/is switched off) it takes around 10 minutes during which retransmissions are send, until the situation is detected as an error (in Java an exception is thrown).
the number of IP services used in parallel should be kept small. An active IP service uses up resources and may deteriorate the overall performance.
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5.2 Power Saving
The module supports several power saving modes which can be configured by the AT command at+cfun [3]. Power saving affects the Java application in two ways. First, it limits access to the serial interface (RS-232-API) and the GPIO pins. Second, power saving efficiency is directly influenced by the way a Java application is programmed.
Java hardware access limitations:
In NON-CYCLIC SLEEP mode (cfun=0) the serial interface cannot be accessed while in CYCLIC SLEEP mode (CFUN=7 or 9) the serial interface can be used with hardware flow control (CTS/RTS).
In all SLEEP modes the GPIO polling frequency is reduced so that only signal changes which are less than 0.2Hz can be detected properly. Furthermore, the signal must be constant for at least 2.12s to detect any changes. For further details refer to [4].
Java power saving efficiency:
As long as any Java thread is active, power consumption cannot be reduced, regardless whether any SLEEP mode has been activated or not. A Java application designed to be power efficient should not have any unnecessarily active threads (e.g. no busy loops).
5.3 Charging
Please refer to [3] and [4] for general information about charging. Charging can be monitored by the running Java application. The JVM is active in Charge mode and in Charge-Only mode if autostart is activated. Only a limited number of AT commands are available when the module is in Charge-Only mode. A Java application must be able to handle the Charge-Only mode and reset the module to reinstate the normal mode. See [4] for information about the Charge-Only mode.
The Charge-Only mode is indicated by URC “^SYSSTART CHARGE-ONLY MODE”. Note: When a Java application is started in Charge-Only mode only AT Command APIs
without CSD are available. The mode-indicating URC is created after issuing the very first AT command on any opened channel. To read the URC it is necessary to register a listener (see [5]) on this AT command API instance before passing the first AT command.
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5.4 Airplane Mode
The main characteristic of this mode is that the RF is switched off and therefore only a limited set of AT commands is available. The mode can be entered or left using the appropriate at^scfg command. This AT command can also be used to configure the airplane mode as the standard startup mode, see [4]. The JVM is started when autostart is enabled. A Java application must be able to handle this mode. The airplane mode is indicated by URC “SYSSTART AIRPLANE MODE”. Since the radio is off all classes related to networking connections, e.g. SocketConnection, UDPDatagramConnection, SocketServerConnection, HTTPConnection, will throw an exception when accessed.
5.5 Alarm
The ALARM can be set with the at+cala AT command. Please refer to the AT Command Set [3] and Hardware Interface Description [4] for more information. One can set an alarm, switch off the module with at^smso, and have the module restart at the time set with at+cala. When the alarm triggers the module restarts in a limited functionality mode, the “airplane mode”. Only a limited number of AT commands are available in this mode, although the JVM is started when autostart is enabled. A Java application must be able to handle this mode and reset the module to reinstate the normal mode. The mode of a module started by an alarm is indicated by the URC “^SYSSTART AIRPLANE MODE”.
Note: For detailed information which functionality is available in this mode see [4]. The mode indicating URC is created after issuing the very first AT command on any opened channel.
5.6 Shutdown
If an unexpected shutdown occurs, data scheduled to be written will get lost due to a buffered write access to the flash file system. The best and safest approach to powering down the module is to issue the AT^SMSO command. This procedure lets the engine log off from the network and allows the software to enter a secure state and save all data. Further details can be found in [4].

5.6.1 Automatic Shutdown

The module is switched off automatically in different situations:
under- or overtemperature
under- or overvoltage
The shutdown will happen without a warning notification unless the appropriate URC has been activated. If the URCs are enabled, the module will deliver an alert before switching off. To activate the URCs for temperature conditions use the at^sctm command; to activate the voltage condition URCs use the at^sbc command. It is recommended that these URCs be activated so that the module can be shut by the application with at^smso after setting an alarm, see Section 5.5. The commands are described in the AT Command Set [3], while a description of the shutdown procedure can be found in [4].
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5.6.2 Manual Shutdown
The module can be switched off manually with the AT command, at^smso or when using the TC65 terminal by pressing the ignition key for a period of time (see [4]). In these cases the midlets destroyApp method is called and the application has 5s time to clean up and call the notifydestroy method. After the 5s the VM is shut down.

5.6.3 Restart after Switch Off

When the module is switched off without setting an alarm time (see the AT Command Set [3]), e.g. after a power failure, external hardware must restart the module with the Ignition line (IGT). The Hardware Interface Description [4] explains how to handle a switched off situation.

5.7 Special AT Command Set for Java Applications

For the full AT command set refer to [3]. There are differences in the behaviour AT commands issued from a Java application in comparison to AT commands issued over a serial interface.

5.7.1 Switching from Data Mode to Command Mode

Cancellation of the data flow with “+++” is not available in Java applications, see [3] for details. To break the data flow use breakConnection(). Refer to \wtk\doc\index.html [5].

5.7.2 Mode Indication after MIDlet Startup

After starting a module without autobauding on, the startup state is indicated over the serial interface. Similarly, after MIDlet startup the module sends its startup state (^SYSSTART, ^SYSSTART ALARM MODE etc.) to the MIDlet. This is done via a URC to the AT Command API instance which executes the very first AT Command from within Java. To read this URC it is necessary to register a listener (see [5]) on this AT Command API instance before passing the first AT Command.
5.7.3 Long Responses
The AT Command API can handle responses of AT commands up to a length of 1024 bytes. Some AT commands have responses longer than 1024 bytes, for these responses the Java application will receive an Exception.
Existing workarounds:
Instead of listing the whole phone book, read the entries one by one
Instead of listing the entire short message memory, again list message after message
Similarly, read the provider list piecewise
Periods of monitoring commands have to be handled by Java, e.g. at^moni, at^smong.
These AT commands have to be used without parameters, e.g. for at^moni the periods must be implemented in Java.
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