Line Differential Protection
with Distance Protection
V 4.70
Mounting and Commissioning3
Technical Data4
For safety purposes, please note instructions and warnings in the Preface.
Disclaimer of liability
We have checked the text of this manual against the hardware and
software described. However, deviations from the description
cannot be completely ruled out, so that no liability can be accepted
for any errors or omissions contained in the information given.
The information given in this document is reviewed regularly and
any necessary corrections will be included in subsequent editions.
Dissemination or reproduction of this document, or evaluation and
communication of its contents, is not authorized except where expressly permitted. Violations are liable for damages. All rights reserved, particularly for the purposes of patent application or trademark registration.
We appreciate any suggestions for improvement.
We reserve the right to make technical improvements without
Document Version V04.70.01
Release date 02.2011
Registered Trademarks
SIPROTEC, SINAUT, SICAM and DIGSI are registered trademarks
of Siemens AG. Other designations in this manual might be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes would infringe the rights of the owner.
This manual describes the functions, operation, installation, and commissioning of devices 7SD5. In particular,
one will find:
• Information regarding the configuration of the scope of the device and a description of the device functions
and settings → Chapter 2;
• Instructions for Installation and Commissioning → Chapter 3;
• Compilation of the Technical Data → Chapter 4;
• As well as a compilation of the most significant data for advanced users → Appendix A.
General information with regard to design, configuration, and operation of SIPROTEC 4 devices are set out in
the SIPROTEC 4 System Description /1/.
T arget Audience
Protection engineers, commissioning engineers, personnel concerned with adjustment, checking, and service
of selective protection equipment, automatic and control facilities, and personnel of electrical facilities and
power plants.
Applicability of this Manual
This manual applies to: SIPROTEC 4 Line Differential Protection with Distance Protection 7SD5; firmware
version V 4.70.
Indication of Conformity
This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European Communities on the
approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC
Council Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified
voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 2006/95 EC).
This conformity is proved by tests conducted by Siemens AG in accordance with the Council
Directives in agreement with the generic standards EN61000-6-2 and EN 61000-6-4 for the
EMC directive, and with the standard EN 60255-27 for the low-voltage directive.
The device has been designed and produced for industrial use.
The product conforms with the international standard of the series IEC 60255 and the German
standard VDE 0435.
SIPROTEC, 7SD5, Manual
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Additional St andardsIEEE Std C37.90 (see Chapter 4, Technical Data")
Additional Support
Should further information on the System SIPROTEC 4 be desired or should particular problems arise which
are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser's purpose, the matter should be referred to the local Siemens representative.
Our Customer Support Center provides a 24-hour service.
Phone: +49 (180) 524-7000
Fax: +49 (180) 524-2471
Training Courses
Enquiries regarding individual training courses should be addressed to our Training Center:
Siemens AG
Siemens Power Academy TD
Humboldt Street 59
90459 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 (911) 433-7005
Fax: +49 (911) 433-7929
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SIPROTEC, 7SD5, Manual
Safety Information
This manual does not constitute a complete index of all required safety measures for operation of the equipment (module, device), as special operational conditions may require additional measures. However, it comprises important information that should be noted for purposes of personal safety as well as avoiding material
damage. Information that is highlighted by means of a warning triangle and according to the degree of danger,
is illustrated as follows.
Danger indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial material damage will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage may result if proper precautions are
not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury or property damage may result if proper precautions are not taken. This
particularly applies to damage to or within the device itself and consequential damage thereof.
indicates information on the device, handling of the device, or the respective part of the instruction manual
which is important to be noted.
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Qualified Personnel
Commissioning and operation of the equipment (module, device) as set out in this manual may only be carried
out by qualified personnel. Qualified personnel in terms of the technical safety information as set out in this
manual are persons who are authorized to commission, activate, to ground and to designate devices, systems
and electrical circuits in accordance with the safety standards.
Use as prescribed
The operational equipment (device, module) may only be used for such applications as set out in the catalogue
and the technical description, and only in combination with third-party equipment recommended or approved
by Siemens.
The successful and safe operation of the device is dependent on proper handling, storage, installation, operation, and maintenance.
When operating an electrical equipment, certain parts of the device are inevitably subject to dangerous voltage.
Severe personal injury or property damage may result if the device is not handled properly.
Before any connections are made, the device must be grounded to the ground terminal.
All circuit components connected to the voltage supply may be subject to dangerous voltage.
Dangerous voltage may be present in the device even after the power supply voltage has been removed (capacitors can still be charged).
Operational equipment with open circuited current transformer circuits may not be operated.
The limit values as specified in this manual or in the operating instructions may not be exceeded. This aspect
must also be observed during testing and commissioning.
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SIPROTEC, 7SD5, Manual
T ypographic and Symbol Conventions
The following text formats are used when literal information from the device or to the device appear in the text
Parameter Names
Designators of configuration or function parameters which may appear word-for-word in the display of the
device or on the screen of a personal computer (with operation software DIGSI), are marked in bold letters in
monospace type style. The same applies to titles of menus.
Parameter addresses have the same character style as parameter names. Parameter addresses contain the
suffix A in the overview tables if the parameter can only be set in DIGSI via the option Display additional set-tings.
Parameter Options
Possible settings of text parameters, which may appear word-for-word in the display of the device or on the
screen of a personal computer (with operation software DIGSI), are additionally written in italics. The same
applies to the options of the menus.
Designators for information, which may be output by the relay or required from other devices or from the switch
gear, are marked in a monospace type style in quotation marks.
Deviations may be permitted in drawings and tables when the type of designator can be obviously derived from
the illustration.
The following symbols are used in drawings:
Device-internal logical input signal
Device-internal logical output signal
Internal input signal of an analog quantity
External binary input signal with number (binary input,
input indication)
External binary output signal with number
(example of a value indication)
External binary output signal with number (device indication) used as
input signal
Example of a parameter switch designated FUNCTION with address
1234 and the possible settings ON and OFF
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Besides these, graphical symbols are used in accordance with IEC 60617-12 and IEC 60617-13 or similar.
Some of the most frequently used are listed below:
Analog input values
AND-gate operation of input values
OR-gate operation of input values
Exclusive OR gate (antivalence): output is active, if only one of the
inputs is active
Coincidence gate: output is active, if both inputs are active or inactive
at the same time
Dynamic inputs (edge-triggered) above with positive, below with negative edge
Formation of one analog output signal from a number of analog input
Limit stage with setting address and parameter designator (name)
Timer (pickup delay T, example adjustable) with setting address and
parameter designator (name)
Timer (dropout delay T, example non-adjustable)
Dynamic triggered pulse timer T (monoflop)
Static memory (RS-flipflop) with setting input (S), resetting input (R),
output (Q) and inverted output (Q
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C53000-G1176-C169-5, Release date 02.2011
SIPROTEC, 7SD5, Manual
The Line Differential Protection with Distance Protection SIPROTEC 4 7SD5 is introduced in this chapter. You
are provided with an overview of the field of application, characteristics, and functional scope of the device
1.1Overall Operation22
1.2Application Scope25
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1.1 Overall Operation
1.1Overall Operation
The SIPROTEC 4 7SD5 line protection is equipped with a powerful microprocessor system. This provides fully
digital processing of all functions in the device, from the acquisition of the measured values to the output of
commands to the circuit breakers, as well as the exchange of measured data with the other ends of the protected area. Figure 1-1 shows the basic structure of the device.
Analog inputs
The measuring inputs (MI) transform the currents and voltages from the instrument transformers and match
them to the internal signal levels for processing in the device. The device has 4 current and 4 voltage inputs.
Three current inputs are provided for the input of the phase currents, a further input (I
the earth current (current transformer starpoint or separate earth current transformer), the earth current of a
parallel line (for parallel line compensation) or the starpoint current of a source transformer (for earth fault direction determination, restricted earth fault protection).
) can be used to measure
Figure 1-1Hardware structure of the line differential protection 7SD5
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One voltage input is provided for each phase-earth voltage. The connection of voltage transformers is not required for the differential protection, but for using the distance protection and other ancillary functions. A further
voltage input (U
nism and voltage check) or any other voltage U
to the IA input amplifier group.
The input amplifier group IA provides high-resistance termination for the input quantities. It contains filters that
are optimized with regard to bandwidth and processing speed.
The AD analog digital converter group contains analog/digital converters and memory chips for data transfer to
the microcomputer system.
Microcomputer system
Apart from processing the measured values, the microcomputer system µC also executes the actual protection
and control functions consisting of:
• Filtering and conditioning of the measured signals
• Continuous monitoring of the measured signals
• Monitoring of the pickup conditions of the individual protection functions
• Formation of the local differential protection values (phasor analysis and charge current computation) and
creation of the transmission protocol
• Decoding of the received transmission protocol, synchronisation of the differential protection values and
summing up of the differential currents and charge currents
• monitoring of the communication with the other devices of the line protection system
• Interrogation of threshold values and time sequences
• Processing of signals for the logic functions
• Decisions for trip and close commands
• Recording messages, fault data and fault values for analysis
• Operating system and related function management such as, e.g., data recording, real-time clock, communication, interfaces, etc.
1.1 Overall Operation
) can optionally be used to measure the displacement voltage, a busbar voltage (for synchro-
(for overvoltage protection). The analog values are transferred
The information is provided via output amplifier OA.
Binary Inputs and Outputs
The microcomputer system obtains external information through binary inputs such as remote resetting or
blocking commands for protection functions. The computer system obtains the information from the system (e.g
remote resetting) or the external equipment (e.g. blocking commands). Outputs include, in particular, trip commands to circuit breakers and signals for remote annunciation of important events and conditions.
Front Elements
LEDs and an LC display provide information on the function of the device and indicate events, states and measured values.
Integrated control and numeric keys in conjunction with the LCD facilitate local communication with the device.
Thus, all information of the device, e.g. configuration and setting parameters, operating and fault messages,
and measured values can be retrieved or changed (see also chapter 2 and SIPROTEC 4 System Description).
Devices with control functions also allow control of switchgear from the front panel.
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1.1 Overall Operation
Serial Interfaces
A personal computer running the DIGSI software can be connected to the serial operator interface (PC port)
on the front panel. This permits convenient operation of all functions of the device.
The serial service interface
suited for dedicated connection of the devices to the PC or for operation via a modem.
All device data can be transferred to a central master or main control system through the serial system
(SCADA) interface. This interface may be provided with various protocols and physical transmission modes to
suit the particular application.
A further port is provided for the time synchronisation
The operator or service interface allows the communication with the devices at all ends of the protected object
during commissioning, checking and also during operation using a standard browser via a communication
network This function is supported by a comprehensive „WEB Monitor“ which has been optimised especially
for the line protection system.
Protection data interfaces
The protection data interfaces are a particular case. Depending on the model, there are one or two protection
data interfaces available. Via these interfaces the measured value data of each end of the protected object is
transmitted to other ends; during this procedure measured values already received from another end may also
be added. Further information such as closing the local circuit breaker, pickup of the inrush restraint as well as
other external trip commands coupled via binary inputs or binary information can be transmitted to other ends
via the protection data interfaces.
Power Supply
These described functional units are supplied by a current supply PS with the necessary power in the different
voltage levels. Brief supply voltage dips which may occur on short circuits in the auxiliary voltage supply of the
devices are usually bridged by a capacitor (see also Technical Data, Chapter 4.1).
can also be used for communication with a PC using DIGSI. This is especially
of the internal clock via external synchronisation sources.
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SIPROTEC, 7SD5, Manual
1.2Application Scope
The SIPROTEC 4 7SD5 line protection is a protection relay that combines differential and distance protection.
A multi-end fault locator allows to precisely locate faults in two-end lines, even in case of unfavourable operating or fault conditions.
The combined line protection is a selective short-circuit protection for overhead lines and cables with singleand multi-ended infeeds in radial, ring or any type of meshed systems of any voltage level. Measuring data are
compared separately for each phase. The network neutral can be earthed, compensated or isolated.
The device incorporates the functions which are normally required for the protection of an overhead line feeder
and is therefore capable of universal application. It may also be applied as time graded back-up protection to
all types of comparison protection schemes used on lines, transformers, generators, motors and busbars of all
voltage levels.
The inrush current restraint also allows the application of the 7SD5 even if a power transformer is situated
within the protected zone (ordering option) whose starpoint(s) might also be isolated, earthed or provided with
a Petersen coil.
A major advantage of the differential protection principle is the instantaneous tripping in the event of a shortcircuit at any point within the entire protected zone. The current transformers limit the protected zone at the
ends towards the remaining system. This rigid limit is the reason why the differential protection scheme shows
such an ideal selectivity.
1.2 Application Scope
The line protection system requires a 7SD5 device as well as a set of current transformers at either end of the
protected zone.
Voltage transformers are required if protection functions requiring a voltage measurement (e.g. distance protection, fault locator) are used in addition to the differential protection. They are also needed for the acquisition
and display of measured values (voltages, power, power factor).
The devices located at the ends of the protected zone exchange measuring information via protection data interfaces using dedicated communication links (usually fibre optic cables) or a communication network, provided
that they operate with differential protection. The distance protection can exchange measuring information via
teleprotection functions with conventional connections (contacts), or transmit it through fast command channels
on the protection data interfaces (can be configured with DIGSI). Two type 7SD5 devices can be used for a
protected object with two ends: Cables, overhead line or both, even with transformer in the protected zone
(order variant). With type 7SD5 protected objects having 3 (three-terminal lines) or more ends can be protected
in addition to two-end lines, also with or without unit-connected transformer(s) (order variant). A maximum of 6
ends can be covered, which means that smaller busbar arrangements can also be protected. For each end a
7SD5*3 is used. If you set up a communication chain between more than two devices, 7SD5*2 can also be
used at the ends of the chain. For more information please refer to Section 2.2.1.
The protection data communication can be set up as a ring. This enables redundant operation in the event that
one communication line fails; the devices will automatically find the remaining healthy communication lines. But
even with two ends, the communication can be doubled to create redundancies.
Since fault-free data transmission is the prerequisite for the proper operation of the differential protection, it is
continuously monitored internally.
In the event of a communication failure, if there is no backup channel available, the devices can automatically
be switched to the second main protection function, i.e. distance protection, or to emergency operation using
an integrated time overcurrent protection, until communication is restored.
The communication can be used for transmitting further information. Apart from measured values, the transmission of binary commands or other information is also possible.
Alternatively the distance protection can be used as backup protection, just as the time overcurrent protection
can be used as backup time overcurrent protection, i.e. both operate independently and in parallel to the differential protection at each end.
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1.2 Application Scope
Protection functions
Generally speaking, two basic functions are available in the 7SD5 line protection relay, namely differential and
distance protection. One of the protection functions can be configured at a time as the main protection function
(Main1). As an alternative, differential protection can be selected as the main protection function, and distance
protection as backup protection (Main2).
Recognition of short-circuits in the protection zone is the basic function of the differential protection. Also highresistance faults with small currents can be recognized. Even complex multiphase faults are precisely detected,
as the measured values are evaluated separately for each phase. The protection system is restrained against
inrush currents of power transformers. When switching onto a fault at any point of a line, an undelayed trip
signal can be emitted.
The basic function of the distance protection is the recognition of the fault distance by distance measurement.
In particular for complex multiphase faults, the distance measurement is of a multi-circuit design. Different
pickup schemes enable a good adaptation to system conditions and user philosophy. The system starpoint can
be isolated, compensated or earthed (with or without earth current limiting). Application is possible on long,
high-loaded lines with or without serial compensation. The distance protection may be supplemented by teleprotection using various signal transmission schemes (for fast tripping on 100 % of the line length). In addition,
an earth fault protection (for high-resistance earth faults, order variant) is available, which may be directional,
non-directional and additionally with signal transmission. On lines with weak or no infeed at one line end, it is
possible to achieve fast tripping at both line ends by means of the signal transmission schemes. When switching onto a fault at any point of a line, an undelayed trip signal can be emitted.
The integrated time overcurrent protection can be configured as a permanent backup protection at all line ends,
or as a protection for emergency operation. Emergency operation is a state in which the differential protection
cannot operate, for example because of a communication failure, and in which no parallel distance protection
is available (e.g. because of a measuring voltage failure). The time overcurrent protection has three definite
time overcurrent stages and one inverse time stage; a number of characteristics according to various standards
is available for the inverse time stage.
Depending on the order variant, the short-circuit protection functions can also trip single-pole. They may cooperate with an integrated automatic reclosure function (optionally) with which single-pole, three-pole or singleand three-pole automatic reclosure as well as multi-shot automatic reclosure are possible on overhead lines.
Before reclosure after three-pole tripping, the validity of the reclosure can be checked by voltage and/or synchronism check by the device (can be ordered optionally). It is possible to connect an external automatic reclosure function and/or synchronism check as well as double protection with one or two automatic reclosure functions.
In addition to the short-circuit protection functions mentioned, other protection functions are possible. A thermal
overload protection has been integrated which protects in particular cables and power transformers from undue
overheating due to overload. Other possible functions are multi-stage overvoltage, undervoltage and frequency
protection, circuit breaker failure protection and protection against the effects of power swings (simultaneously
active as power swing blocking for the distance protection) and earth fault differential protection (ordering option). To rapidly locate the damage to the line after a short-circuit, a multi-end fault locator is integrated which
also may compensate the influence of parallel lines, and of the fault resistance when power is flowing in the line.
Control Functions
The device is equipped with control functions which operate, close and open, switchgear devices via control
keys, the system interface, binary inputs and a PC with DIGSI software. The status of the primary equipment
can be transmitted to the device via auxiliary contacts connected to binary inputs. The present status (or position) of the primary equipment can be displayed on the device, and used for interlocking or plausibility monitoring. The number of the devices to be switched is limited by the binary inputs and outputs available in the device
or the binary inputs and outputs allocated for the switch position feedbacks. Depending on the mode of operation, one binary input (single point indication) or two binary inputs (double point indication) can be used. The
capability of switching primary equipment can be restricted by appropriate settings for the switching authority
(remote or local), and by the operating mode (interlocked/non-interlocked, with or without password validation).
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Interlocking conditions for switching (e.g. switchgear interlocking) can be established using the integrated userdefined logic.
Indications and measured values; fault recording
The operational indications provide information about conditions in the power system and the device. Measurement quantities and values that are calculated can be displayed locally and communicated via the serial interfaces.
Device messages can be assigned to a number of LEDs on the front panel (programmable), can be externally
processed via output contacts (programmable), linked with user-definable logic functions and/or issued via
serial interfaces (see Communication below).
During a fault (system fault) important events and changes in conditions are saved in fault logs. Instantaneous
fault values are also saved in the device and may be analysed at a later time.
As a special feature the values are synchronized between the line terminals via the communication link.
Serial interfaces are available for the communication with operating, control and memory systems.
A 9-pin DSUB socket on the front panel is used for local communication with a personal computer. By means
of the SIPROTEC 4 operating software DIGSI, all operational and evaluation tasks can be executed via this
interface, such as specifying and modifying configuration parameters and settings, configuring userspecific logic functions, retrieving operational and fault messages and measured values, reading out and displaying fault recordings, inquiring device conditions and measured values, issuing control commands.
1.2 Application Scope
To establish an extensive communication with other digital operating, control and memory components the
device may be provided with further interfaces depending on the order variant.
The service interface
can be operated via the RS232 or RS485 interface and also allows communication via
modem. For this reason, remote operation is possible via PC and the DIGSI operating software, e.g. to operate
several devices via a central PC.
The system
interface is used for central communication between the device and a control center. It can be operated through the RS232, the RS485 or the FO port. Several standardized protocols are available for data
transmission. An EN 100 module allows integrating the devices into 100 MBit Ethernet communication networks of the process control and automation system, using IEC 61850 protocols. In parallel to the link with the
process control and automation system, this interface can also handle DIGSI communication and inter-relay
communication using GOOSE messaging.
Another interface is provided for the time synchronization
of the internal clock via external synchronization
sources (IRIG-B or DCF77).
Other interfaces provide for communication between the devices at the ends of the protected object. These
protection data interfaces
have been mentioned above in the protection functions.
The operator or service interface allows to operate the device remotely or locally using a standard browser. This
is possible during commissioning, checking and also during operation with the devices at all ends of the protected object via a communication network. For this purpose, a „WEB Monitor“ is provided, which has been
optimised specially for the differential protection system, but which has also been upgraded to meet the distance protection requirements.
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1.3 Characteristics
General Features
• Powerful 32-bit microprocessor system
• Complete digital processing of measured values and control, from the digitzing of the analog input values,
the processing and organization of the communication between devices up to the closing and tripping commands to the circuit breakers
• Complete galvanic separation and interference immunity of the internal processing circuits from the measurement, control, and power supply circuits by analog input transducers, binary inputs and outputs and the
DC/DC or AC/DC converters
• Suited for lines with up to 6 ends, even with transformers in the protected zone (order option)
• Simple device operation using the integrated operator panel or a connected personal computer with operator
• Storage of fault indications and instantaneous values for fault recording
Differential protection
• Differential protection for up to 6 ends with digital protection data transmission
• Protection for all types of short-circuits in systems with any neutral-point treatment conditioning
• Reliable differentiation between load and fault conditions also in high-resistant, current-weak faults by adaptive measuring procedures
• High sensitivity in case of weakly loaded system, extreme stability against load jumps and power swings
• Phase-selective measurement ensures that the pickup sensitivity is independent of the fault type
• Suited for transformers in the protected zone (order variant)
• Detection of high-resistance, weak-current faults due to high sensitivity of the protection functions
• Insensitive to inrush and charging currents – also for transformers in the protected zone – and to higherfrequency transient processes
• Charging current compensation; therefore increased pickup sensitivity
• High stability also for different current transformer saturation
• Adaptive stabilisation that is automatically derived from the measured quantities and the configured current
transformer data
• Fast, phase segregated tripping also on weak or zero infeed ends (breaker intertrip)
• Low dependence on frequency
• Digital protection data transmission; communication between devices via dedicated communication links (in
general optical fibre) or a communication system
• Communication possible via a single copper wire pair (typically 8 km, max. up to 30 km, depending on cable
type used)
• Synchronization via GPS possible, resulting in automatic correction of transmission time differences thus
increasing once more the sensitivity
• Permanent monitoring of the protection data transmission concerning disturbance, failure or transfer time
deviations in the transmission network with automatic transfer time correction
• Automatic changeover of the communication paths possible in case of transmission failure or transmission
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• Phase segregated tripping possible (for operation with single-pole or single-and three-pole auto-reclosure)
(order variant)
Distance Protection (optional)
• Can be used either to operate in parallel to differential protection, or as the main protection function
• Protection for all types of faults in systems with earthed, compensated or isolated starpoint
• Selectable polygonal tripping characteristic or MHO characteristic
• Possibility to choose between Z pickup, I>-, U/I- or U/I/ϕ pickup, enabling the adaptation to different system
conditions and the user philosophies
• Reliable differentiation between load and fault conditions also on long, high-load lines
• High sensitivity in the case of a lightly loaded system, extreme stability against load jumps and power swings
• Optimum adaptation to the line parameters by means of the tripping characteristic with diverse configuration
parameters and „load trapezoid“ (elimination of the possible load impedances)
• Six measuring systems for each distance zone
• Six distance zones, selectable in forward or reverse direction or non-directional, one can be graded as an
overreach zone
1.3 Characteristics
• Nine time stages for the distance zones
• Direction determination (with polygon) or polarization (with MHO characteristic) is done with unfaulted loop
voltages and voltage memory, thereby achieving unlimited directional sensitivity not affected by capacitive
voltage transformer transients
• Suitable for lines with serial compensation
• Insensitive to current transformer saturation
• Compensation of the influence of parallel line is possible
• Shortest command time significantly less than one cycle
• Phase-selective tripping (in conjunction with single-pole or single- and three-pole auto-reclosure) possible
• Instantaneous tripping following switching onto a fault is possible
• Two setting pairs for earth impedance compensation
Power Swing Supplement (optional)
• Power swing detection with dZ/dt measurement from three measuring systems
• Power swing detection up to 10 Hz swing frequency
• Remains in service also during single-pole dead times
• settable power swing programs
• prevention of undesired tripping by the distance protection during power swings
• Tripping for out-of-step conditions can be configured
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1.3 Characteristics
Teleprotection Supplement (optional)
• Different schemes which may be set:
• Transfer trip (direct, via pickup or a separately settable overreach zone)
• Comparison schemes (permissible overreach transfer trip = POTT or blocking schemes with separate overreach zone or directional pickup)
• Pilot wire comparison/reverse interlocking (with direct current for local connections or extremely short lines)
• suitable for lines with two or three ends
• Phase segregated transmission possible in lines with two ends
• Signal exchange between the devices via binary outputs and binary inputs, either directly via the device contacts or via the protection data interface(s)
Earth Fault Protection (optional)
• Time overcurrent protection with a maximum of three definite time stages (DT) and one inverse time stage
(IDMT) for high resistance earth faults in earthed systems
• For inverse-time overcurrent protection a selection from various characteristics based on several standards
is possible
• The inverse time stage can also be set as fourth definite time stage
• High sensitivity (from 3 mA on, depending on the version)
• Phase current restraint against error currents during current transformer saturation
• Second harmonic inrush restraint
• Optional earth fault protection with voltage-dependent tripping time or with zero sequence power inverse
time tripping
• Each stage can be set to be non-directional or directional in forward or reverse direction
• Single-pole tripping enabled by integrated phase selector
• Direction determination with automatic selection of the larger of zero sequence voltage or negative sequence voltage (U
, IY or U2), with zero sequence system quantities (I0, U0), with zero sequence current and
transformer starpoint current (I
power (3I
· 3U0)
• One or more stages may function in conjunction with a teleprotection scheme; also suited for lines with three
• Instantaneous tripping by any stage when switching onto a fault
Sensitive Earth Fault Detection (optional)
• for compensated or isolated networks
• Detection of the displacement voltage
, IY), with negative sequence system quantities (I2, U2) or with zero sequence
• Determination of grounded phase
• Sensitive earth fault directional determination
• Angle error correction for current transformers
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SIPROTEC, 7SD5, Manual
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