This docu ment contains notices which you shoul d observe t o ensure your ow n pers onal safety as w ell as to avoi d propert y damage.
The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert sym bol, notices referring to property
damage only have n o safety al ert symbol.
Indic ates an immin ently hazard ous s ituation which, if not avoided, will r esu lt in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentiall y hazard ous situ at ion which, if not avoided, could r esult in death or s erious injury.
Used with the safety alert symb ol indicat es a p otentially hazardous s ituation w hich, if not avoided, m ay r esult in min or or
moderate injury.
Used with out the s afety alert s ymbol indicates a pot entially haz ardous situation which, if n ot avoided, may result in property damage.
Used without the safety alert symbol indicates a pot ential situation which, if not avoided, may result in an und esirable
result or state.
When several d anger levels apply, the notices of the highest level (lower numb er) are always dis played. If a notice refers to personal
damages w ith the saf ety alert s ymbol, then another notice may be added w arning of property d am age.
Qualified Personnel
The device / system may onl y be set up and operat ed in conjunction with this documentation. Onl y q ualified personnel should be
allowed to install and work on th e equipm ent. Qualified persons are defi ned as persons who are authori zed to commis sion, t o ear th,
and to tag circuits, equipment and systems i n accord ance with established safety practices.
Intended Use
Please note the f ollow ing:
This device and its components may only be used for the appl ications described in the catalog or tech nical description,
and only in connection with devices or components from other manufacturers appro ved or recommended by Siemens .
All designations marked w ith ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. Other designati ons in this documen tation might be tr ademarks which, if used by third parties for their pur poses, might infringe upon th e rights of the proprietors.
Copyright Siemens AG 2017. All rights reserved.
Reproduction, transmission or use of this d ocument or its contents is not p ermitted without express written aut hority. Of fenders wi ll be
liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by p atent grant or registr ation of a utility model or design, are reserved.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have checked the contents of this document for agr eement with the hardware and software described. Since deviations cannot be
preclud ed entir ely, we c annot gu arant ee full agr eemen t. H owever, th e data in th e manual are revi ewed r egular ly, and an y necess ary
corrections wil l be included in subsequent editions. Sugg estions f or improvem ent are welcomed.
Siemens AG
Digital Factory, Factory Automation
Systems Engineering
P.O. Box 23 55
90713 Fuerth
7.3Service & Support on the Internet ......................................................................... 3 2
7.4List of Abbrevia tions ............................................................................................. 3 2
Operating Instructions, 06/2017, A5E02298098A-AA4
Operating Instructions SIPLUS CMS4000 MCN11
1 Preface
1.1Purpose of the Operating Instructions
This operating instructions supports you to operate the Media Converter Node SIPLUS
CMS4000 MCN11, named MCN11 as peripheral device in the System SIPLUS
1.2Required Basic Knowledge
Basic knowledge of automation technology and equipment condition monitoring is necessary.
This operating instructions contains a description of the components, which are valid at
the time of publishing the manual. We reserve the right, to enclose product information
with current information to new components and updated components.
1.3Validity of this Document
This operating instructions is valid for the MCN11.
1.4Modification compared with the Previous Version
- None
You will find the version of the operating instructions in the number of the footer: A5E02298098A-AA.
1.5CE Marking
The Media Converter Node (MCN11) meets the requirements and objectives of the EGGuideline according to 2004/108/EG.
You will find detailed information in chapter 6.1 of this operation instructions.
The specified approvals are issued when the product is marked.
Operating Instructions, 06/2017, A5E02298098A-AA5
Operating Instructions SIPLUS CMS4000 MCN11
The operating instructions describe the hardware of the Media Converter Node MCN11.
It contains the following topics:
• Installati on and wiring (Chapter 3 and 4)
• Commissioning and di agnosis (Chapter 5)
• Order Numbers (Chapter 7)
• Li st of abbreviations with explanation of the general definiti ons of the used terms
(Chapter 7)
1.8Recycling and Disposal
The MCN11 is environm ental compatibility and recyclable.
For environmentally compatible recycling and disposal of your old device contact a certi-
fied waste disposal for electronic.
Operating Instructions, 06/2017, A5E02298098A-AA6
Operating Instructions SIPLUS CMS4000 MCN11
2 Product Overview
2.1What is SIPLUS CMS?
SIPLUS CMS is an industrial-suited Condition Monitoring System for technical and technological services in industrial plants. SIPLUS CMS is a modular, scalable analysis and
diagnosis system. It is optimized for reaction less measurement of analog, binary and
numerical dat a. SIPLUS CMS can be integrated in existing and new industrial plants.
SIPLUS CMS can be i ntegrated into the TIA-Architecture.
Picture 1 Typical Configuration
Operating Instructions, 06/2017, A5E02298098A-AA7
Operating Instructions SIPLUS CMS4000 MCN11
2.2What is a Media Converter Node (MCN11)?
The MCN11 transforms the transmitting data at physical layer from one medium (electrical) to another medium (optical) and vice versa. MCN11 is used for the communication,
when the linking length is longer than 4.5 meters.
Application Area
• T he MCN11 is suited for the application in the industrial environment, because of the
robust constructi on and the degree of protection IP67.
• The compact design of the MCN11 enables the application in space-saving ranges.
• Easy handling of MCN11 provides a fast commissioni ng and maintenance
• T he product is designed for the application on a DIN Rail or for mounting angles.
The MCN11 has two displays, one I EEE1394 connection and one optical fiber (LWL)cable entry.
Picture 2 Front View MCN11
Status Display:
• PWR (green LED)
• LNK (yellow LED)
IEEE1394 Connection (LNK)
Name Plate
(right d evice site, 2- pices)
Label Plate
LWL Cable Entry
Operating Instructions, 06/2017, A5E02298098A-AA8
Operating Instructions SIPLUS CMS4000 MCN11
2.3Scope of Delivery
• Device MCN11
- incl. clamp for DIN Rail mounting
- LWL Cable entry for LWL twin connectors (other LWL Types on request)
• Operating Instructions (compact)
2.4Unpacking and Checking
After unpacking, please check
• the packet for completeness and
• all parts f or transport damages.
Do not use any parts that show signs of damage!
Operating Instructions, 06/2017, A5E02298098A-AA9
Operating Instructions SIPLUS CMS4000 MCN11
3 Installation
3.1Installation Position, Dimensions
Installation Position
The MCN11 is suited for installation on a DIN rail or for attachment with mounting
Dimension and Expansion Spaces
Chart 1 Dimensions with and without DIN rail/mounting angles
Dimensions in mmMCN11 without
Installation face length160160177
Installation height464646
Installation depth566566
MCN11 with DIN Rail
MCN11 with mounting
Picture 3 Correct Installation Positi on
The minimum spaces which ar e specified in chapter 6.2 on top and underneath the device and in front of
the device have to be kept.