Siemens SIPART DR21 User Manual

SIPART DR21 C73000-B7476-C143-08
SIPART DR21 6DR 210*--*
Edition 08/2010
SIPART DR21 C73000-B7476-C143-08
Classification of safety--related notices
This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as follows according to the level of danger:
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Copyright e Siemens AG 1999 All rights reserved
The reproduction, transmission or use of this docu­ment or its contents is not permitted without ex­press written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by pa­tent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved.
Siemens AG Bereich Automatisierungs-- und Antriebstechnik Geschäftsgebiet Prozessinstrumentierung-- und Analytik D--76181 Karlsruhe
Disclaimer of Liability
We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and software descri­bed. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections included in subsequent edi­tions. Suggestions for improvement are welcomed.
e Siemens AG 1999 Technical data subject to change.
SIMATICR,SIPARTR,SIRECR, SITRANSR registered trademarks of Siemens AG.
Third parties using for their own purposes any other names in this document which refer to trade­marks might infringe upon the rights of the trademark owners.
Controls and displays
3 4 5 6
19 20
1 Analog indication of actual value x 2 Analog indication of setpoint w 3 w/x digital display (other values can be displayed) 4 Signalling lamp w -- lights up if w is displayed 5 Signalling lamp x -- lights up if x is displayed 6 Selector pushbutton for w/x digital display,
acknowledgement pushbutton for flashing following return of power or pushbutton for entering selection mode
7 Pushbutton for adjustment of manipulated variable --
closed (open)
8 Pushbutton for adjustment of manipulated variable --
open (closed) 9 y digital display 10 Signalling lamps of Δy digital outputs with S controller 11 Switchover pushbutton Manual/Automatic or “Enter” pushbutton
from selection mode of configuring mode 12 Signalling lamp for manual mode 13 Signalling lamp for y--external mode
Modification of setpoint 14 Pushbutton for falling setpoint
15 Pushbutton for rising setpoint 16 Selector pushbutton for internal/external setpoint or “”Exit’”
pushbutton from configuring and selection modes to process
operation mode 17 Signalling lamp for internal setpoint 18 Signalling lamp for computer switched off (with w
Further messages 19 Signalling lamp for adaptation procedure running
20 Signalling lamp for “Limit triggered”
. Note Operation can be blocked using the digital signal bLb;
exception: switching over o w/x digital display.
Display of actual value and setpoint
Modification of manipulated variable
SIPART DR21 C73000-B7476-C143-08
Block diagram
Slot 1
Slot 2
24 V
+24 V
+5 V
24 V
15 14 13
Z S20
x2 S16
x1 S15
4DO 24V 2DI
2DO Rel
Slot 3
Slot 4
Txd Rxd
3/5 3/4 3/3
S8 to S10
Basic settings
S1 to S3
Analog inputs
S4 to S21
Configuration of slot 3
Digital inputs
Setpoint tracking
Control algorithm
Y switchover
Y indicator
Analog output
Switching output
Digital outputs
Limit monitors
x/w indicator
Restart conditions
Serial interface
Manual Contents
SIPART DR21 C73000-B7476-C143-08
1 General Part -- Fundamental control technology terms 9....................
2 Technical Description 17...................................................
2.1 Safety notes and scope of delivery 17..................................................
2.2 Range of Application 18..............................................................
2.3 Features 19........................................................................
2.4 Design 24..........................................................................
2.5 Function principle 26................................................................
2.5.1 Standard controller 26.................................................................
2.5.2 Option module 28....................................................................
2.6 Technical Data 34...................................................................
2.6.1 General data 34......................................................................
2.6.2 Standard controller 36.................................................................
2.6.3 Option module 40....................................................................
3 Functional description of the structure switches 47..........................
3.1 General 47.........................................................................
3.2 Analog input signal processing (S3 to S21) 47..........................................
3.3 Digital input signal processing (S23 to S41) 50..........................................
3.4 Controller types (S1, S42 to S45) 55...................................................
3.4.1 General, recurrent functions 55.........................................................
3.4.2 Fixed setpoint controller with 2 independent setpoints (S1 = 0) 59............................
3.4.3 Slave controller, synchronized controller, SPC-controller 62.................................
3.4.4 DDC-Fixed setpoint controller (S1 = 2) 68................................................
3.4.5 Controlled ratio controller (S1 = 3) 75....................................................
3.4.6 Control unit/process display (S1 = 4) 80..................................................
3.4.7 Fixed setpoint controller with one setpoint (control system coupling) 89.......................
3.4.8 Slave controller without Int/Ext -switching (control system coupling) 90........................
3.5 Control algorithm 91.................................................................
3.6 Controller output structures (S2, S49 to S55) 94.........................................
3.7 Analog output signal processing (S56) 110...............................................
3.8 Digital output signal processing (S57 to S75) 111.........................................
3.9 Adaptation (S48) 113.................................................................
3.10 Other functions of the standard controller 115............................................
3.10.1 Adaptive filter 115.....................................................................
3.10.2 Response threshold AH 116............................................................
3.10.3 Limit value alarm (S76 to S80) 117.......................................................
3.10.4 Linearizer (S21, oFPA) 118.............................................................
3.10.5 Restart conditions (S82, S83) 120........................................................
3.10.6 Serial interface and PROFIBUS-DP (S84 to S91) 120.......................................
4 Installation 121.............................................................
4.1 Mechanical Installation 121............................................................
4.1.1 Work prior to installation 121............................................................
4.1.2 Installing the controller 124..............................................................
4.1.3 Installation of the options modules 125....................................................
4.2 Electrical Connection 126.............................................................
4.2.1 Warnings and block diagram 126.........................................................
4.2.2 Connection standard controller 130.......................................................
4.2.3 Connection of the options modules 133................................................... Modules for analog measuring inputs 133................................................. Connection examples for analog measuring inputs with the module 6DR2800-8J 137............. Modules for expanding the digital inputs and digital outputs 142...............................
4.2.4 Connection of the interface module 6DR2803-8C 144....................................... RS 232 point-to-point (END/END) 144.................................................... RS 485 bus 145....................................................................... PROFIBUS-DP, 6DR2803-8P 146........................................................
5 Operation 149..............................................................
5.1 General 149.........................................................................
5.2 Process operation mode 150..........................................................
5.3 Selection mode 152..................................................................
5.4 Configuration modes 154..............................................................
5.4.1 General, Online and Offline modes 154...................................................
5.4.2 Configuration mode online-parameters onPA 155..........................................
5.4.3 Configuration mode adaptation AdAP 156................................................
5.4.4 Configuration level offline parameters oFPA 163...........................................
5.4.5 Configuration mode structure switch StrS 165.............................................
5.4.6 Set UNI-module CAE3 173............................................................ Measuring range for mV (S8 = 0) 175..................................................... Measuring range for U, I (S8 = 0) 175..................................................... Measuring range for thermocouple with internal reference point (S8 = 1) 175.................... Measuring range for thermocouple with external reference point (S8 = 2) 176.................... Measuring range for PT100 four-wire and three-wire connection (S8 = 3,4) 176.................. Measuring range for PT100 two-wire connection (S8 = 5) 177................................. Measuring range for resistance potentiometer (S8 = 6, 7) 177.................................
5.4.7 APSt (All Preset) Reset to factory setting 178..............................................
5.5 CPU self-diagnostics 179..............................................................
6 Commissioning 181........................................................
6.1 Adapting the direction of control action to the controlled system 181.........................
6.2 Setting of actuating time in K-controllers (S2 = 0) 183......................................
6.3 Adaptation of the S-controller to the actuating drive 183....................................
6.4 Setting the filter and the response threshold 185..........................................
6.5 Automatic setting of control parameters by the adaptation method 186.......................
6.6 Manual setting of the c ontrol parameters without knowledge of the plant behavior 189..........
6.7 Manual setting of the control parameters after the transient function 191......................
7 Application examples for configuring the controller 193.......................
7.1 General 193.........................................................................
7.2 Working with different setpoints 195.....................................................
7.3 Configuration examples 199...........................................................
7.4 Configuring tool, forms 216............................................................
8 Maintenance 223...........................................................
8.1 General information and handling 223...................................................
8.2 Exchanging components 224..........................................................
8.3 LED-test and software version 226......................................................
8.4 Spare parts list 227...................................................................
8.5 Ordering data 228....................................................................
9 General explanation of abbreviations for SIPART DR 229......................
Index 235........................................................................
SIPART DR21 C73000-B7476-C143-08
1 General Part -- Fundamental control technology terms
D Control loop
The function of a closed-loop control is to bring the output variable x of a controlled system to a predefined value and to retain this value even under the influence of disturbance variables z. The controlled variable x is compared with the command variable w. The resulting system deviation xd = w -- x is processed in the controller to the manipulated variable y which acts on the controlled system.
The controlled variable x is measured cyclically in a digital control.
w Command variable x Controlled variable xd System deviation y Manipulated variable z Disturbance variable
1 Controlled system 2 Control equipment
z1 z2 z3
Figure 1-1 Function diagram of control loop
D Sensors and transmitters
The controlled variable can be any physical variable. Frequently controlled variables in pro­cess engineering are pressure, temperature, level and flow.
In most process engineering applications, the process variables are measured using sensors and transmitters with a standardized signal output (0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA). The standard­ized signal can be connected to several process process devices (loop between e.g. re­corder/indicator/controller). Temperature sensors such as resistance thermometers or ther­mocouples, as well as resistance transmitters, can be connected directly to the controller using appropriate input cards (options).
D Final control elements and actuators
In process engineering applications, the manipulated variale y primarily acts on the con­trolled system via a valve, a butterfly valve or another mechanical means of adjustment. Three types of drive are possible for actuating such final control elements:
- Pneumatic actuators with compressed air as the auxiliary energy and electropneumatic signal converters or electropneumatic positioners. These have a proportional action and are driven by continuous controllers.
- Electric actuators, consisting of an electric motor and gear unit. These have an integral action and are driven by three-position step controllers. Electric actuators are also poss­ible with an integrated (series-connected) positioner and then have a proportional action and can be driven by continuous controllers.
1 General Part -- Fundamental control technology terms Manual
- Hydraulic actuators with electric oil pump and electrohydraulic positioner. These have a proportional action and are also driven by continuous controllers. These types of actuators can be used to implement continuous controls.
- Temperature control loops with diret electric or gas heating and/or cooling systems are driven by two-postion controllers (on/off controllers). The two-position controllers with the heating or cooling medium via relays, external contactors or thyristor controllers. The ma­nipulated variable y is the on/off ratio. These are referred to as discontinuous controls.
D Controllers and control response
The controlled variable x is compared with the command variable w in the input circuit of the controller, and the system deviation xd is determined. This is processed with or without a time response into the output signal. The output signal of the amplifier can directly represent the manipulated variable y if e.g. proportional-action final control elements are to be driven by it.
In the case of electric actuators, the manipulated variable is produced by the actuator. The required positioning inrements are derived from the controller ouptut as a pulse-width-modu­lated signal by conversion.
Depending on the design of this circuit, the controller has a proportional action (P), a propor­tional-plus-derivative action (PD), a proportional-plus-integral action (PI) or a proportional­plus-integral-plus-derivative action (PID).
D Step function
If a step function is applied to the controller input, a step-forced response results at the out­put of the controller in accordance with its time response.
Figure 1-2 Step function
D P controller, step-forced response
Characteristic of the P controller are the proportional gain Kp and the working point y
.The working point is defined as the value of the output signal at which the system deviation is zero. If disturbance variables are present, a steady-state deviation may result depending on y
Kp · xd
Figure 1-3 Step-forced response of P controller
1 General Part -- Fundamental control technology termsManual
SIPART DR21 C73000-B7476-C143-08
D PD controller, step-forced response
In the case of the PD controller, the decaying D component is superimposed on the P com­ponent. The D component depends on the derivative action gain Vv and the derivative action time Tv.
Tv Vv
Kp · Vv · xd
Kp · xd
Figure 1-4 Step-forced response of PD controller
D PI controller, step-forced response
In contrast to the P controller, a steady-state deviation is prevented in the PI controller by the integral component.
A characteristic of the integral component is the integral action time Tn.
Kp · xd
Figure 1-5 Step-forced response of PI controller
D PID controller, step-forced response
The PID controller results in improvement of the dynamic control quality as a result of the additional application of a D component.
Refer to the PD and PI controllers.
Kp · xd
Tv Vv
Figure 1-6 Step-forced response of PID controller
1 General Part -- Fundamental control technology terms Manual
D Controller output signal
The controller ouptut signal must be adapted to the final control element. The following must be used according to the type of drive/final control element:
Type of drive/actuator
Controller output signal
Electric actuators Three-position step controllers
Pneumatic and hydraulic actuators Continuous controllers
Direct heaters/coolers Two-position controllers
D Three-position step controller with internal feedback
The three-position step controller switches the electric motor of the actuator to clockwise, stop or counterclockwise by means of relays or semiconductor switches. The rate of adjust­ment of the actuator can be influenced using different switch-on/pause ratios.
w Command variable x Controlled variable xd System deviation y Manipulated variable
1 Transmitter 2 Stepoint adjuster 3 Three-position switch 4 Feedback with time
response 5 Control amplifier 6 Actuator
0 to 20mA
(4 to 20mA)
Figure 1-7 Function diagram of three-position step controller
The output response to the three-position amplifier in conjunction with the integral-action actuator permits a “continuous” manipulated variable taking into account the response threshold.
1 General Part -- Fundamental control technology termsManual
SIPART DR21 C73000-B7476-C143-08
Kp Proportional gain Tn Integral action time xd System deviation Δy Manipulated variable of controller y Manipulated variable of motor
Kp · xd
Figure 1-8 Transient function and parameters of the three-position step controller
D Continuous controller
The controller output 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA acts on the final control element via an electropneumatic signal converter or an electropneumatic positioner.
0to20mA (4 to 20 mA)
0.2 to 1 bar
w Command variable x Controlled variable xd System deviation y Manipulated variable
1 Transmitter 2 Stepoint adjuster 3 Control amplifier 4 Electropneumatic signal
5 Pneumatic actuator
Figure 1-9 Function diagram of continuous controller
This type of controller is preferentially used in the chemical industry.
1 General Part -- Fundamental control technology terms Manual
D Two-position controller
The two-position controller (or three-position controller for heating/cooling) is used to activate relays, contactors or thyristor switches for electric heating or cooling.
- Two-position controller without feedback In the simplest version without feedback, two-position controllers operate an on/off switch. The controllers output is switched if the controlled variable violates the upper or lower limits of the switching hysteresis (x1 and x2). The controlled variable x is subject to permanent oscillation whose frequency and amplitude depend on the delay time of the system and the switching hysteresis of the controller.
1 Controller 2 Controlled system 3 Setpoint adjuster
x1 x2
w Command variable x Controlled variable y Manipulated variable ON/OFF z Disturbance variable
On Off
Figure 1-10 a) Function diagram b) Switching ouptupt and response of controlled variable
1 General Part -- Fundamental control technology termsManual
SIPART DR21 C73000-B7476-C143-08
- Two-position controller with feedback In modern two-position controllers with feedack -- such as the SIPAR T DR21 -- the switching response is determined by the period, the system deviation and the para­meters. The period T is set as a fixed value in the controller. The system deviation xd in conjunctionw ith the parameters Kp/Tn/Tv determines the duty factor (ON/OFF ratio) within the period. Thus the switching response of the controller is not only triggered by changes in the controlled variable; appropriate selection of the parameters results in a largely constant controlled variable x.
1 Control amplifier 2 Controlled system 3 Setpoint adjuster 4 Pulse/pause converter
On Off
Duty factor 0 %
Duty factor 100 %
2 ¢ 100 %
- System deviation xd
- Parameters Kp, Tn, Tv
w Command variable x Controlled variable y Manipulated variable Z Disturbance variable TPeriod
*) Duty factor (in % if period)
Figure 1-11 a) Function diagram b) Switching output and resosne of controlled variable
Adjustment of the period (separately for heating/cooling) permits the controller to be adapted to the special type of heater or the cooling unit. A compromise has to be made beween the control quality and the degree of wear.
Short period: Improved control quality, but increased wear on contact/heating valve.
Prime use with electric heaters.
Long period: Low wear on contact/heating valve, but poorer control quality. Prime
application with gas heaters or coolers.
1 General Part -- Fundamental control technology terms Manual
2 Technical Description
2.1 Safety notes and scope of delivery
SIPART DR21 C73000-B7476-C143-08
2 Technical Description
2.1 Safety notes and scope of delivery
When operating electrical equipment, certain parts of this equipment automati­cally carry dangerous voltages. Failure to observe these instructions could therefore lead to serious injury or material damage. Only properly trained and qualified personnel are allowed to work on this equipment. This personnelmust be fully conversant with all the warnings and commissioning measures as de­scribed in this user’s guide. The perfect and safe operation of this equipment is conditional upon proper transport, proper storage, installation and assembly as well as on careful oper­ation and commissioning.
D Scope of delivery
When the controller is delivered the box also contains:
1 Controller as ordered 1 three-pin plug at 115/230 V AC or special plug at 24 V UC 2 Clamps, pluggable 2 Adhesive labels ”Power supply 115 V” (for 115/230 V-version). 1 CD ROM with documentation
D Standard controllers
The following variants of the SIPART DR21 are available:
Order number:
Output stage Power Supply
6DR2100-4 K/S-output 24 V UC 6DR2100-5 K/S-output 1 15/230 V AC, switchable
D Options modules (signal converters)
Signal converters have separate ordering- and delivery items. For handling reasons standard controllers and signal converters which were ordered at the same time may be delivered by separate mail.
D Documentation
This user’s guide is available in the following languages:
English C73000-B7476-C143 German C73000-B7400-C143
2 Technical Description
2.2 Range of Application
D Subject to modifications
The user’s guide has been compiled with great care. However, it may be necessary, within the scope of product care, to make changes to the product and its operation without prior notice which are not contained in this user’s guide. We are not liable for any costs ensuing for this reason.
2.2 Range of Application
D Application
The SIPART DR21 process controller is a digital instrument of the mid to upper performance class. It is used in control systems in process engineering for instance in the chemical and petrochemical industries, control- and power station engineering and in other fields of in­dustry such as the food- and drink and tobacco industries.
The controller’ s great flexibility makes it suitable for use in simple or intermeshed control cir­cuits. The wide setting range of the control parameters allow the SIPART DR21 to be used in process engineering both for fast (e.g. flow) and slow controlled systems (e.g. tempera­ture). The controller determines the optimum control parameters independently on request without the user being expected to have any prior knowledge of how the control loop may respond. The applied adaptation procedure is suitable for systems with compensation and aperiodic transient behavior; Even greater dead times are taken into account. (Systems with­out compensation cannot be adapted by this method.)
D Controlling tasks
The input structure of the SIPART DR21 controller can be changed by configuring in such a way that the following controlling tasks can be solved.
- Fixed value controls, even with disturbance variables applied at the input
- Three-component controls
- Control circuits with up to two internal setpoints
- Follow-up-/synchronization controls
- Disturbance variables applied at the output
- Computer-controlled circuits in SPC- or DDC-operation
- Ratio controls with fixed or manipulated variables
SIPART DR21 can also be configured as a control unit, manual control unit, process display or resolver transmitter.
The SIPART DR21 controller can be used as a continuous controller with output 0/4 to 20 mA, as a stepper controller with a built-in relay for controlling motorized drives or as a two-position controller for heating/cooling systems.
Overlaid control functions or status- and alarm messages are possible through digital inputs­and outputs.
2 Technical Description
2.3 Features
SIPART DR21 C73000-B7476-C143-08
2.3 Features
D General
Up to four signal converters can be added to the already generously and extensively equipped, fully functional standard controller to expand the range of application by plugging them into the slots at the back of the closed device.
SIPART DR21 offers the following features:
D Analog inputs
Two analog inputs for current 0/4 to 20 mA, without potential isolation
The SIPART DR21 controller can be expanded to a total of 4 analog inputs with signal converters.
The following signal converters are available:
Use as (on) Possible signal generators
AI3 (slot 1) TC/RTD/R/mV, with adapter plug also mA or V, electri-
cally isolated, permissible common mode voltage 50 V .
AI3 (slot 1) AI4 (slot 2)
0/4to20mA,0/2to10V,0/0.2Vto1V Electronic potential isolation, permissible common mode voltage 10 V.
AI3 (slot 1) AI4 (slot 2)
Resistance potentiometer
In addition, the modules from the previous program (thermocouple/mV and Pt100) can be used (see SIPART DR20 user’s guide for wiring).
D Output structure
The SIPART DR21 controller has a y-analog output (manipulated variable) with a current signal of 0/4 to 20 mA and a switching output with two built-in relays which are interlocked. The relay lock can be released for a universal digital output. The relays are designed for AC 250 V, a spark quenching combination for wiring with contactors is provided.
The SIPART DR21 can be configured to operate as a continuous controller, a stepper con­troller for motorized drives or as a two-position controller.
When used as S-controllers, the analog output can be used for outputting x, w or xd for example.
2 Technical Description
2.3 Features
The relays are designed for a maximum switching voltage of AC 250 V/8 A in overvoltage class III and degree of contamination 2 according to DIN EN 61010 Part 1.
The same applies for the air- and creep lines on the circuit board.
Resonance increases up to three times the rated operating voltage may oc­cur when phase shift motors are controlled. These voltages are available at the open relay contact. Therefore such motors may only be controlled under observance of the technical data and the pertinent safety conditions via isola­ted switching elements.
D Voltage output
A voltage output L+ for feeding two-wire-transmitters or contacts for digital inputs.
D Slots for options
Four rear slots can be used for functional expansions. The options modules are slot coded so that wrong installation is largely ruled out. Slot assignment, see figure 2-2 Rear view, page 25.
D Power supply unit
The power supply unit is designed for the following voltages depending on the standard con­troller:
- 230 V/115 V AC, switchable by plug-in jumpers in the instrument.
2 Technical Description
2.3 Features
SIPART DR21 C73000-B7476-C143-08
D Digital inputs
Two digital inputs, potential-bound It can be upgraded to four or seven potential-bound digital inputs with signal converters. The digital inputs can be assigned to the following controller-internal switching signals.
bLb Blocking operation
Blocking the entire instrument operation and configuring. Exception: Switching the w/x-digital display
bLS Blocking structuring
With this signal the controller only allows switching to the online-parameterization levels outside process operation. In this way the parameters for adapting the instrument to the process and the necessary settings for adaptation can be selected. Structuring is blocked.
bLPS Blocking parameterization and structuring
The entire configuring of the instrument is blocked, this means the parameterization as well. Only the normal process operation according to the preselected controller type is permitted.
CB Computer-standby
Depending on the controller type, this digital signal together with the Internal/External key causes either switching in the setpoint range. In DDC-controllers, DDC-operation begins.
He Manual external
This signal blocks the output of the controller and enables direct manual adjustment of the manipulated variable on the front control panel.
N Tracking
With this signal the output of the K-controller and the three-position-step controller with external position feedback is tracked to the tracking signal y
Si Safety operation
The output of the K-controller or the three-position-stepper controller with external position feedback accepts the parameterized safety value. In three-position-stepper controllers with internal position feedback, the manipulated variable runs defined to 0 or 100 %.
P P-operation
Switching from PI (PID) to P (PD)-controller (i.e. switch off the I-part) This function simplifies automatic start-up of control circuits.
Switching off the setpoint ramp time
tSH Hold on setpoint change (setpoint ramp)
+yBL / --yBL Direction-dependent blocking of the manipulated variable
Direction-dependent limiting of the manipulated variable by external signals, e.g. from the limit switches of the actuating drives. This limiting is effective in every operating mode.
2 Technical Description
2.3 Features
D Digital outputs
Two digital outputs, active, potential-bound. It can be upgraded to four or six digital outputs with signal converters. The digital outputs are loadable up to 30 mA per output for direct tripping of relays. The digital outputs can also be used for the variable output, the relay outputs are then free for any digital signal output. The following controller-internal switching signals can be assigned to the digital outputs or relays.
Computer standby
Message that the controller can be switched to the external setpoint by the CB-signal.
Computer operation
Message that the controller is presently in computer operation or that it has been switched over to the external setpoint by the CB-signal.
H Manual mode
Message that the controller has been switched over to manual mode with the Manual/Automatic key.
Nw Tracking operation active
Message that the controller is in tracking operation.
A1 bis A4 Alarm output Alarm 1 to Alarm 4
MUF group alarm transmitter fault
The instruments’s analog input signals can be monitored for exceeding of the measuring-range. This signal gives a group alarm if an error is detected.
Δw Output of switching signals for setpoint adjustment
This function is only active when the controller is structured as a control unit (S1=4).
Δy Output of the incremental y-adjustment
Assignment is only possible on DO1, 2, 7 or 8 (S57).
The following signal converters are available for extending the digital inputs and outputs:
Use on Description
4 x DO/2 x DI Slot 3 4 binary outputs 24 V
2 binary inputs 24 V 5xDI Slot 3 5 binary inputs 24 V 2xrelays Slot 3 2 relay outputs 35 V
D Serial interface
An interface can be retrofitted with signal converters for RS 232/RS 485 or PROFIBUS DP.
2 Technical Description
2.3 Features
SIPART DR21 C73000-B7476-C143-08
D Others
Further functions are also possible. Examples:
Meaning see chapter
Automatic determining of the controller parameters by means of a robust adaptation method which also consider­ably simplifies commissioning of even critical controlled sys­tems.
Configuring level AdAP; 3.9 (page
113) and 5.4.3 (page
adaptive filter forxdFilter which dampens amplitude-dependent interference, the
value of the dampening is adapted automatically.
onPA-Parameter tF
3.10.1 (pg. 115) and
5.4.2 (page 155)
Setpoint ramp Prevents the setpoint or nominal ratio being changed too
fast. The desired adjustment speed can be set. The time for the change is set from 0 to 100 % here. The setpoint ramp is not active at x-tracking and digital signal tS
oFPA-Parameter tS;
3.4.1 (pg. 55) and
5.4.4 (pg. 163)
Filter for all inputs A 1st order filter can be connected to every analog input. onPA-Parameters t1
to t4; 3.2 (pg. 47) and 5.4.2 (pg. 155)
Root extractor for all controller inputs
A root extractor can be connected before every analog input. Structure switches
S11 to S14; 3.2 (pg.
47) and 5.4.5 (pg.
Linearizer for an input variable
A linearizer with 13 (equidistant) support points and para­bolic approximation can be assigned to one of the analog inputs AI1 to AI4 or to the controlled variable x1.
Structure switch S21; 3.10.4 (pg.
118) and 5.4.5 (pg.
Initialization of the display x/w
The controlled variable x and the command variable w can be displayed in physical values.
oFPA-Parameter dA, dE; 3.4.1 (pg. 55) and 5.4.4 (pg. 163)
Limits for the set­point w
The setpoint can be limited anywhere within the selected measuring range.
oFPA-Parameter SA, SE;
3.4.1 (pg. 55) and
5.4.4 (pg. 163)
Limits of the manipulated variable y
The manipulated variable y can be limited within the setting range –10% and +110 %. (Not in S-controllers with internal feedback)
onPA-Parameter YA, YE; 3.5 (pg. 91) and
5.4.2 (pg. 155)
x-Tracking The setpoint w is tracked to the controlled variable x in
manual-, tracking- and DDC-operation as well as at the safety setpoint.
Structure switch S43; 3.4.1 (pg. 55) and 5.4.5 (pg. 165)
Limit value alarms Any controller-internal variables or inputs can be monitored
for limit values. The output is by way of alarms A1 to A4.
Structure switches S76 and S77; 3.10.3 (pg. 117) and 5.4.5 (pg 165)
Transmitter monitoring
All or specific analog inputs can be monitored for dropping below- or- exceeding the range. In the event of a fault, the four-digit digital display outputs a message selectively for every input. A system fault can be output via the digital out­put MUF.
Structure switches S4 to S7, S66; 3.2 (pg. 47) and 5.4.5 (pg. 165)
Adaptation of the direction of action
SIPART DR21 operates with normal direction in the factory setting. The direction of the controller can be changed for reversing systems.
Structure switch S46; 3.5 (pg 91) and
5.4.5 (pg. 165)
Restart conditions After mains recovery the controller starts automatically with
the structured operating modes, setpoints and manipulated variables.
Structure switch S82; 3.10.5 (pg.120) and 5.4.5 (pg. 165)
2 Technical Description
2.4 Design
2.4 Design
D Standard controller
The process controller has a modular structure and is therefore maintenance friendly and easy to convert- and retrofit. The standard controller consists of
- the front module with the control- and display elements
- the backplane module with the power supply unit
- the plastic housing with four slots for optional modules
D Front module
The front module accommodates the control- and display elements, the CPU (Central Pro­cessing Unit) and the connectors for the backplane- and options modules.
It is operated by a membrane keyboard with IP64 degree of protection. The front design is based directly on the SIPART DR 20/22/24-controller-family with color coded assignment of the display- and control elements.
For better monitoring of the process, SIPART DR21 has user-friendly analog displays for the setpoint- and actual value display, a four-digit digital display which can be set for setpoint, actual value and alarms (depending on the controller setting), a two-digit digital display for the manipulated variable y, numerous control keys and indicator diodes for various status signals.
The tag plate and the scales for the analog displays are replaceable.
D Backplane module with power supply unit
The following signal connections are accessible through the backplane.
- 2 analog inputs AI1, AI2, potential-bound to GND, 0/4 to 20 mA
- 1 analog output AO, potential-bound to GND, 0/4 to 20 mA
- 2 digital outputs + Δ y, - Δ y, potential-free via relay contacts
- 2 digital inputs DI1, DI2, for 24V-logic, function can be set
- 2 digital outputs DO1, DO2, for 24V- logic, function and direction can be set
- 1 Voltage output L+ to the transmitter supply
The power supply is located in a die-cast housing on the backplane module. The heat loss is transferred to the back of the controller by cooling fins.
A DIN rail can be mounted for connecting a powerful coupling relay module.
The power supply unit is high powered and offers a total 200 mA current for:
- supplying the analog output (0/4 to 20 mA)
- Active digital outputs (up to 6 digital outputs)
- L+-output for supplying two-wire-transmitters
- supplying the interface module
2 Technical Description
2.4 Design
SIPART DR21 C73000-B7476-C143-08
D Connection technique
The power supply is connected
- for 230 V/115 V AC by a three-pin plug
- for 24 V UC by a special two-pin plug.
On the standard controller the field lines (signal cables) are connected to three functionally combined plug-in screw-type terminals.
The options modules for analog inputs and digital inputs- and outputs have their own ter­minals which are also designed as plug-in screw-type terminals. The interface module is connected by its own plug.
Figure 2-1 Front view
1 Mains plug 2 Power supply unit 3 Slot1 AI3(I/U,R,P,T) 4 Slot2 AI4(I/U,R,P,T) 5 Slot 3 4DO,24 V or
2DO relay or
(scope of delivery of the relay module)
8 Terminal block 1
9 Terminal block 2
AO1 DI1toDI2 DO1toDO2 24V L+; M
10 Terminal block 3
Digital outputs ±
3 4 5 6
Figure 2-2 Rear view
2 Technical Description
2.5 Function principle
2.5 Function principle
2.5.1 Standard controller
D General
The SIPART DR21 controller operates on the basis of a modern, highly-integrated microcon­troller in C-MOS-technology. A large number of functions for controlling processing plants are stored in the instrument’s ROM. The user can adapt the controller to the task himself by configuring it.
D Analog inputs AI1 and AI2.
The analog inputs of the SIPART DR21 are designed for 0/4 to 20 mA input signals. The in­puts have an input load resistance of 248 Ω and are potential-bound. The start value 0 mA or 4 mA is determined by the structure switches S4 and S5.
D Outputs for the manipulated variable Y
The standard controller has the following outputs
K-output: switchable between 0 or 4 to 20 mA, potential-bound (S56) S-output: two relays, NOC, interlocked in factory setting, built-in spark quenching de-
signed for wiring with medium contactors. Other functions can be assigned to the relay outputs by configuration (structure switches S57 to S68), e.g. manipulated variable output ±Δy in S-controllers.
D Digital outputs DO1 and DO2
The digital outputs are short-circuit-proof and can drive commercially available relays or the interface relays 6DR2804-8A/8B directly. Different functions can be assigned to the digital outputs by configuration (structure switches S57 to S68).
D Digital inputs DI1 and DI2
The inputs are designed in 24-V-logic and are potential-bound. The function is assigned to the input by configuration of the controller (structure switches S23 to S33).
The microcontroller used has integrated AD- and DA-converters and watchdog-circuits for cycle monitoring. The processor operates with a 64k EPROM (on a socket and therefore replaceable) and a 1k RAM.
The SIPART DR21 program runs with a fixed cycle time of 100 ms. A process image is gen­erated at the start of every routine. The analog- and digital inputs, the operation of the front keyboard and the process variables received by the serial interface are acquired or accepted. All calculations are made according to the stored functions with these input sig­nals. Then output to the display elements, the analog outputs and the digital outputs and
2 Technical Description
2.5 Function principle
SIPART DR21 C73000-B7476-C143-08
storage of the calculated variables for transmission mode of the serial interface take place. In S-controllers, the program run is interrupted every 5 ms to be able to switch off the S-out­puts for better resolution. The interface communication also runs in interrupt mode.
D Power supply unit
A cast, overload-protected mains transformer for 115 V or 230 V AC built into a heat sink or a primary clocked plug-in type power supply unit for 24 V UC built into a heat sink generates the secondary internal supply voltages +24 V, +5 V and U
from the power supply. The
metal body rests on protective conductors (protection class
The power supply and internal supply voltages are isolated from each other by safe separation. The internal supply voltages are function low voltages. Since no other voltages are generated in the instrument, these statements apply to all field signal lines with the exception of relay connection lines (used standards see chapter 2.6 Technical data, page 34).
D Configuring
The controller has a large number of prepared functions for controlling processing plants. The user programs the instrument himself by selecting the desired functions or setting para­meters by setting structure switches. The total functioning of the instrument is given by the combination of the individual structure switches or parameter settings. No programming knowledge is necessary (see Operation, chapter 5, page 149).
All settings are made without exception on the front operating panel of the SIPART DR21 or the serial interface.
The job-specific program written in this way is saved in the non-volatile user program mem­ory.
The instrument is configured as a fixed value controller in the factory setting. This setting can be restored with the ”APSt”-function at any time.
The following parameterization- and structuring modes are available for configuring the SIPART DR21 controller.
onPA The transmission properties of the controller and with these the process course
are determined with the online-parameters. They can be changed during control operation (online)
oFPA The offline-parameters determine the basic functions such as display elements,
limit values, safety values. The controller is blocked (offline) while they are being set, the last value of the manipulated variable is held.
StrS The instrument structure, e.g. fixed value controller or follow-up controller is de-
termined with the structure switches. The controller is blocked (offline) while they are being set, the last value of the manipulated variable is held.
APSt The all preset-function restores the factory setting.
2 Technical Description
2.5 Function principle
(AdAP) In the adaptation level the output conditions for automatic adaptation of the con-
troller parameters to the process is preset and adaptation started.
(CAE3) The measuring range is set and fine adjustment made if necessary here for the
UNI-module. The CAE3-menu is only displayed if it has been released in the structuring level (structure switch S6>3).
2.5.2 Option module
The following option modules are described in this chapter
6DR2800-8J I/U-module 6DR2800-8R R-module 6DR2800-8V UNI-module 6DR2805-8A reference point 6DR2805-8J measuring range plug 6DR2801-8D module with 2 DO (relay) 6DR2801-8E module with 2 DI and 4 DO 6DR2801-8C module with 5 DI 6DR2803-8P serial interface PROFIBUS-DP 6DR2803-8C serial interface RS 232/RS 485 6DR2804-8A module with 4 DO relays 6DR2804-8B module with 2 DO relays
6DR2800-8J I/U-module
D Input variables current 0/4 to 20 mA or voltage 0/0.2 to 1 V or 0/2 to 10 V
The module’s input amplifier is designed as a differentiating amplifier with shuntable gain for 0 to 1 V or 0 to 10 V input signal. For current input signals the 49.9 Ω 0.1 % impedance is switched on by plug-in bridges on the module. The start value 0 mA or 4 mA or 0 V or 0.2 V (2 V) is defined by configuration in the standard controller. The differentiating amplifier is de­signed for common mode voltages up to 10 V and has a high common mode suppression. As a result it is possible to connect the current inputs in series as for electrical isolation when they have common ground. For voltage inputs this circuit technique makes it possible to sup­press the voltage drops on the ground conductor by two-pole wiring on potential-bound volt­age sources. We refer to an electronic potential isolation.
6DR2800-8R R-module
D Input for resistance- or current potentiometer
Potentiometers with rated values of 80 Ω to 1200 Ω can be connected as resistance trans­mitters. A constant current of Is = 5 mA is fed to the potentiometer wiper. The wiper resis­tance is therefore not included in the measurement. Resistors are switched parallel to the potentiometer by settings on the module and a rough range selection made. Start of scale and -- full scale are set with the two adjusting pots on the back of the module.
2 Technical Description
2.5 Function principle
SIPART DR21 C73000-B7476-C143-08
This fine adjustment can be made on the displays on the front module (if structured appropri­ately). For adjustment with a remote measuring instrument, the analog output can be assigned to the appropriate input.
The external wiring must be changed for resistance transmitters which cannot withstand the 5 mA wiper current or which have a rated resistance >1 kΩ. The constant current is then not fed through the wiper but through the whole resistance network of the potentiometer. A volt­age divider measurement is now made through the wiper. Coarse adjustment is made by a remote parallel resistor to the resistance potentiometer.
This module can also be used as a current input with adjustable range start and full scale. The load is 49.9 Ω and is referenced to ground.
6DR2800-8V UNI-module
D Direct connection of thermocouple- or Pt100-sensors, resistance- or mV-transmitters
Measured value sensors such as thermocouples (TC), resistance thermometers Pt100 (RTD), resistance potentiometers (R) or voltage transmitters in the mV-range can be con­nected directly. The measuring variable is selected by configuring the controller in the StrS-level (structure switches S6, S8, S9 and S10), the measuring range and the other para­meters are set in the CAE3-menu. The sensor-specific characteristics (linearization) for ther­mocouples and Pt100-resistance thermometers are stored in the contoller’s program mem­ory and are automatically taken into account. No settings need to be made on the module itself.
The signal lines are connected by a plug terminal block with screw-type terminals. When using thermocouples with internal reference point, this terminal block must be replaced by the terminal 6DR2805-8A. With the measuring range plug 6DR2805-8J in place of the ter­minal block, the measuring range of the direct input (0/20 to 100 mV) can be extended to 0/2 up to 10 V or 0/4 up to 20 mA.
The UNI-module operates with an AD-converter with 18 bit resolution. The measuring inputs and ground of the standard controller are electrically isolated with a permissible common mode voltage of 50 V UC.
The UNI-module can only be used at slot 1 (AI3).
6DR2805-8A Reference point
D Terminal with internal reference point for thermocouples
This terminal is used in connection with the UNI-module for temperature measuring with thermocouples at an internal reference point. It consists of a temperature sensor which is pre-assembled on a terminal block and plated to avoid mechanical damage.
2 Technical Description
2.5 Function principle
6DR2805-8J Measuring range plug
D Measuring range plug for current 0/4 to 20 mA or voltage 0/2 to 10 V
The measuring range plug is used in connection with the UNI-module to measure current- or voltage. The input variable is reduced to a signal range of 0/20 to 100 mV by a voltage di­vider or shunt resistors in the measuring range plug.
Wiper resistors with 250 Ω or 50 Ω are available optionally at 2 different terminals for 0/4 to 20 mA-signals.
The electrical isolation of the UNI-module is retained even when the measuring range plug is used.
6DR2801-8D 2 DO relays
D Digital output module with 2 relay contacts
To convert 2 digital outputs to relay contacts up to 35 V UC.
This module is equipped with 2 relays whose switching contacts have potential free outputs. The RC-combinations of the spark quenching elements are respectively parallel to the rest­and working contacts.
In AC-consumers with low power the current flowing through the capacitor of the spark quenching element when the contact is open may interfere (e.g. the hold current of some switching elements is not exceeded). In this case the capacitors (1 μF) must be removed and replaced with low capacitance capacitors.
The 68 V suppressor diodes parallel to the capacitors act additionally to reduce the induced voltage.
The relays used on the digital output module are designed for a maximum rating up to UC 35 V. The same applies for the air- and creep lines on the circuit board. Higher voltages may therefore only be switched through appro­priately approved series connected circuit elements under observance of the technical data and the pertinent safety regulations.
6DR2801-8E 2 DI and 4 DO
D Digital signal module with two digital inputs and 4 digital outputs
The module serves to extend the digital inputs and digital outputs already existing in the standard controller.
The inputs are designed in 24-V-logic and are potential-bound. The functions are assigned to the inputs- and outputs by configuration of the controller. (Structure switches S23 to S33, S58toS68).
The digital outputs are short-circuit-proof and can drive commercially available relays or the interface relays 6DR2804-8A/8B directly.
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