Siemens Sinteso FD20 Product Data

Sinteso™ Detector System
Range Description
Product Data
008164_y_en_-- Smart Infrastructure
Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice.
Transmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of this document as well as utilization of its contents and communication thereof to others without express authorization are prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for payment of damages. All rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design patent are reserved.
Issued by: Siemens Switzerland Ltd. Smart Infrastructure Global Headquarters Theilerstrasse 1a CH-6300 Zug Tel. +41 58 724-2424
Edition: 2019-05-07 Document ID: 008164_y_en_--
© Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2004
Table of contents
1 About this document ............................................................................. 5
1.1 STEP download .......................................................................................... 5
1.2 Download center ......................................................................................... 5
1.3 Revision history .......................................................................................... 6
2 Automatic fire detectors ......................................................................... 7
2.1 Point detector FDOOT221, FDO221, FDT221 ............................................. 7
2.2 Multi-sensor fire detector FDOOT241-Ax, FDOOT241-8 ............................11
2.3 Point detector FDOOT241-9, FDOOT241-A, FDO241, FDT241 .................15
2.4 Multi-sensor fire detector FDOOTC241 ......................................................21
3 Detector base and base attachment...................................................... 23
3.1 Detector base FDB201, FDB202, FDB221, FDB222 ..................................23
4 Colored detector and base................................................................... 37
4.1 Type Overview...........................................................................................37
5 Manual call point ................................................................................ 40
5.1 Manual call point FDM221/223/224 ............................................................40
5.2 Manual call point FDM223H/224H 'Heavy Duty' .........................................44
5.3 Manual call point FDM225/226 (direct alarm activation)..............................47
5.4 Manual call point FDM231 (direct alarm activation) ....................................52
5.5 Manual call point FDM233/234 (direct/indirect alarm activation) .................54
5.6 Manual call point FDM243H 'Heavy Duty' (indirect alarm activation) ...........56
6 Alarm indicators ................................................................................. 58
6.1 Alarm indicators FDAI91, FDAI92, FDAI93 .................................................58
6.2 Addressable alarm indicator FDCAI221......................................................61
7 Alarm devices in the FDnet .................................................................. 63
7.1 Sounder base FDSB29x ............................................................................63
7.2 Sounder beacon FDS224, FDS225, FDS226, FDS227...............................68
7.3 Sounder bases FDSB226, FDSB227 .........................................................73
8 Line separator .................................................................................... 78
8.1 Line separator FDCL221 ............................................................................78
8.2 Multi line separator module FDCL221-M ....................................................80
9 Input/output modules .......................................................................... 83
9.1 FDCI221, FDCIO221 .................................................................................83
9.2 FDCI222, FDCIO222, FDCIO224 ...............................................................87
9.3 FDCI223 ....................................................................................................91
9.4 FDCIO223 .................................................................................................94
10 Special detectors ................................................................................ 98
10.1 Linear smoke detector FDL241-9 ...............................................................98
10.2 Flame detector FDF241-9 ........................................................................100
10.3 SWING radio fire detection system ..........................................................104
10.4 Air sampling smoke detection kit FDBZ290 ..............................................112
10.5 Aspirating smoke detector FDA221, FDA241 ...........................................114
10.6 Multi-sensor fire detector FDOOT241-A9-Ex ............................................118
008164_y_en_-- 3 | 152
10.7 Manual call point FDM223-Ex .................................................................. 121
10.8 Infrared flame detector DF1101-Ex .......................................................... 125
10.9 Line adapter (Ex) FDCL221-Ex ................................................................ 127
10.10 Safety barrier SB3 ................................................................................... 131
11 Test units and accessories ................................................................. 133
11.1 Detector exchanger FDUD291 ................................................................. 133
11.2 Detector exchanger and tester FDUD292, intelligent detector tester
FDUD293 ................................................................................................ 135
11.3 SCORP 8000 ........................................................................................... 136
11.4 Adjustment kit FDLU291 .......................................................................... 139
11.5 Detector tester RE6 ................................................................................. 140
11.6 Detector tester RE7T – Solo461 heat detector tester kit ........................... 141
11.7 Detector tester RE8ST – Testifire 1001-101 RT test kit ............................ 142
11.8 Detector tester RE8STCO – Testifire 1001-101 ST test kit ....................... 143
11.9 Accessories and spare parts for RE7T/RE8ST/RE8STCO ....................... 144
11.10 Detector tester RE10, alarm test filter TF04 ............................................. 145
11.11 Line tester FDUL221 ................................................................................ 146
11.12 LE3 Test lamp ......................................................................................... 148
11.13 Adapter for FDnet devices FDUZ227 ....................................................... 149
About this document
STEP download

1 About this document

You will also find information about search variants and links to mobile
Goal and purpose
This document is an overview of Sinteso FD20 peripheral devices and accessories. This document contains the following excerpts from the data sheets for the
individual products:
Type overview
Technical data
You will find more information about the products in their individual data sheets.
Source language and reference document
The source/original language of this document is German (de).
The reference version of this document is the international version in English.
The international version is not localized.
Document identification
The document ID is structured as follows:
ID code Examples
-- = multilingual or international
Date format
The date format in the document corresponds to the recommendation of international standard ISO 8601 (format YYYY-MM-DD).

1.1 STEP download

You will find the current documentation and pictures on the Siemens intranet.
(STEP, Asset Portal)

1.2 Download center

You can download various types of documents, such as data sheets, installation instructions, and license texts via the following Internet address:
l Enter the document ID in the search field.
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applications (apps) for various systems on the home page.
008164_y_en_-- 5 | 152
About this document
Revision history
The first edition of a language version or a country variant may, for example, be

1.3 Revision history

The reference document's version applies to all languages into which the reference document is translated.
version 'd' instead of 'a' if the reference document is already this version.
The table below shows this document's revision history:
Version Edition date Brief description
y 2019-05-07 New layout
New products: – FDS224, FDS225, FDS226, FDS227 – FDBS226, FDBS227
Automatic fire detectors
Point detector FDOOT221, FDO221,

2 Automatic fire detectors

2.1 Point detector FDOOT221, FDO221, FDT221

2.1.1 Use

Multi-sensor smoke detector FDOOT221
Multi-sensor smoke detector consisting of:
Point detector with additional heat sensors
Detector dust cap to protect the point detector during the construction phase
Functions according to the scattered light principle with two sensors: Optical forward and backward scattering
Opto-electronic measuring chamber: Obstructs disruptive extraneous light but can be relied upon to detect both light and dark smoke particles
Two additional heat sensors increase the fire detector's immunity to deceptive phenomena.
Selectable detection behavior thanks to different parameter sets
For early detection of flaming fires of solid and liquid substances as well as of smoldering fires
For early and reliable fire detection in an environment with deceptive phenomena
Can be used addressed
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Automatic fire detectors
Point detector FDOOT221, FDO221, FDT221
Smoke detector FDO221
Heat detector FDT221
Smoke detector consisting of:
Point detector
Detector dust cap to protect the point detector during the construction phase
Functions according to the scattered light principle with one sensor: Optical forward scattering
Opto-electronic measuring chamber: Obstructs disruptive extraneous light but can be relied upon to detect both light and dark smoke particles
Selectable detection behavior thanks to different parameter sets
For early detection of flaming fires as well as smoldering fires
Can be used addressed
Heat detector consisting of:
Point detector
Detector dust cap to protect the point detector during the construction phase
Two redundant heat sensors: If one of the two sensors fails, the fire detector still conforms to the highest response class
Measures the operating temperature and the temperature inside the detector housing so that temperature rise can be detected.
Selectable detection behavior thanks to different parameter sets
For monitoring rooms in which rapid temperature rise is to be expected in the event of a fire or if optical detection is difficult
Can be used addressed
Dummy detector FDX291
To cover bases that are left empty for prolonged periods of time
Automatic fire detectors
Point detector FDOOT221, FDO221, FDT221

2.1.2 Type Overview

Type Designation Order no. Weight [kg]
Point detector
FDOOT221 Multi-sensor smoke detector A5Q00001566 0.105
FDO221 Smoke detector A5Q00001565 0.104
FDT221 Heat detector A5Q00001567 0.086
FDX291 Dummy detector S54319-F2-A1 0.120
You will find information about detector bases and accessories in document

2.1.3 Technical data

FDOOT221 FDO221 FDT221
Operating voltage (modulated)
Operating current (quiescent) 190…230 μA 180…230 μA 130…200 μA
External alarm indicators which can be connected
Communication protocol FDnet
System compatibility FS20, AlgoRex, SIGMASYS
Operating temperature -10…+60 °C -10…+60 °C
Storage temperature -30…+75°C
Air humidity (short-term moisture condensation permitted)
Color ~RAL 9010 pure white
Protection category (IEC 60529)
Without sounder base
With sounder base
With detector base FDB221/-AA, FDB222, FDB291
Base FDB221 and sealing element FDBZ295
DC 12…33 V
Dependent on
-10…+50 °C
-10…+70 °C
95 % rel.
Base attachment humid FDB293 and base attachment wet FDB295
008164_y_en_-- 9 | 152
Automatic fire detectors
Point detector FDOOT221, FDO221, FDT221
FDOOT221 FDO221 FDT221
DNV GL (marine)
Permissible wind speed Max. 5 m/s Max. 5 m/s -
CEA 4021
EN 54-7
EN 54-17
G204006 126bg/01
EN 54-7
EN 54-17
126bf/01 3029351
EN 54-5
EN 54-17
126bj/01 3046115
Automatic fire detectors
Multi-sensor fire de
tector FDOOT241
Ax, FDOOT241

2.2 Multi-sensor fire detector FDOOT241-Ax, FDOOT241-8

2.2.1 Use

Multi-sensor fire detector FDOOT241-A3, FDOOT241-A4, FDOOT241-A5, FDOOT241-A9, FDOOT241-8
Multi-sensor fire detector consisting of:
Point detector with additional heat sensors
Detector dust cap to protect the point detector during the construction phase
Functions according to the scattered light principle with two sensors: optical forward and backward scattering
Opto-electronic measuring chamber, obstructs disruptive extraneous light but can be relied upon to detect both light and dark smoke particles
Two additional heat sensors increase the fire detector's immunity to deceptive phenomena
Can be set as a multi-sensor smoke detector, smoke detector, or heat detector by the software
Selectable detection behavior thanks to application-specific ASA parameter sets
Multi-protocol: – FDOOT241-A3 (AlgoRex AnalogPLUS, FDnet) – FDOOT241-A4 (SIGMALOOP, FDnet) – FDOOT241-A5 (AlgoRex Interactive, FDnet) – FDOOT241-A9: Collective / GMT (Cerberus / Siemens) / SynoLINE300,
FDOOT241-8 (MS8/PMT, FDnet)
For early detection of flaming fires of solid and liquid substances as well as of smoldering fires
For early and reliable fire detection in an environment with deceptive phenomena
Can be used addressed, for the gradual modernization of: – AlgoRex AnalogPLUS on Sinteso FDnet ¹ with FDOOT241-A3 – SIGMALOOP on Sinteso FDnet ¹ with FDOOT241-A4 – AlgoRex Interactive on Sinteso FDnet ¹ with FDOOT241-A5 – Collective/GMT/SynoLINE300 on Sinteso FDnet¹ with FDOOT241-A9 – MS8/PMT on Sinteso FDnet with FDOOT241-8
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¹ FS20 compatibility in FDnet is assured subject to in-country FS20 software support.
Automatic fire detectors
Multi-sensor fire detector FDOOT241
Ax, FDOOT241
You will find information about the color options for the fire detectors in the data

2.2.2 Type Overview

Type Order number Designation Weight [kg]
Point detector
FDOOT241-A3 S54310-F10-A1 Multi-sensor fire detector Sinteso (A+) 0.106
FDOOT241-A4 S54310-F9-A1 Multi-sensor fire detector Sinteso (SIGMA) 0.106
FDOOT241-A5 S54310-F14-A1
FDOOT241-A9 S54310-F11-A1 Multi-sensor fire detector Sinteso ASA 0.106
FDOOT241-8 A5Q00004663 Multi-sensor smoke detector Sinteso ASA 0.106
Migration kits
FDOOT241-8M A5Q00016038 Migration kit (FDOOT241-8 + FDB281) 0.235
FDOOT241-8B A5Q00015956 Migration kit (FDOOT241-8 + FDB221) 0.162
Base adapter
FDB241 S54319-F13-A1 Base adapter Sinteso (SIGMA/A+) 0.086
FDB251 S54319-F28-A1 Base adapter Sinteso (Interactive) 0.090
FDB281 A5Q00004929 Base adapter MS8/PMT 0.125
FDB299 S54319-F14-A1 Base adapter Sinteso (AlgoRex coll.) 0.086
Other accessories
FDUD290 S54370-S13-A1 Removal tool for adapter 0.098
Multi-sensor fire detector Sinteso (Interactive)
0.106 Accessories
Base adapter FDB241
sheet 009409.
For adapting AnalogPLUS and SIGMALOOP for Sinteso detector systems
Can be set with jumper on replaced detector
Automatic fire detectors
Multi-sensor fire detector FDOOT241
Ax, FDOOT241
Base adapter FDB251
Base adapter FDB281
For adapting Interactive for Sinteso detector systems
Can be set with jumper on replaced detector
For adapting MS8/PMT for Sinteso detector systems
Base adapter FDB299
For adapting AlgoRex (collective) and SIGMACON for Sinteso detector
Removal tool for adapter FDUD290
For removing base adapters FDB2xx with detector exchanger, detector
exchanger and tester, or detector tester
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Automatic fire detectors
Multi-sensor fire detector FDOOT241
Ax, FDOOT241

2.2.3 Technical data

Operating voltage (modulated)
Operating current (quiescent)
External alarm indicators (AI) which can be connected
Communication protocol
System compatibility
Operating temperature
Storage temperature
Protection category (IEC 60529)
with detector base FDB221, FDB222
Base attachment FDB291
Base adapter FDB281
Base adapter FDB241 and detector base DB1131A, or SPF3600
Base adapter FDB251 and detector base DB1151A
Base adapter FDB299 and collective detector base DB1101A or SPF600
DNV GL (marine)
Permissible wind speed
FDOOT241-A3 FDOOT241-A4 FDOOT241-A5 FDOOT241-A9 FDOOT241-8
In the
detector system
DC 16…28 V DC 10…28 V DC 21…33 V DC 14…28 V DC 14…28 V DC 12…33 V
190 μA 200 μA 200 μA 65…125 μA 200 μA 190…230 μA
2 2 2 2 2 2
AnalogPLUS SIGMALOOP Interactive Collective MS8/PMT FDnet
AlgoRex SIGMASYS AlgoRex AlgoRex,
-25…+70°C -25…+70°C -25…+70°C -35…+70°C -25…+70°C -
-30…+75°C -30…+75°C -30…+75°C -35…+75°C -30…+75°C -
In the
detector system
CEA 4021, EN 54-5, EN 54-7, EN 54-17, EN 54-27
In the
~RAL 9010 pure white
In the collective
95 % rel.
1…20 m/s
In the MS8
detector system
FDOOT241-A4, FDOOT241-A5, FDOOT241-A9
In FDnet
FS20 ¹
¹ FS20 compatibility in FDnet is assured subject to in-country FS20 software support.
EN 54-27 for FDOOT241-A3, FDOOT241-A4, FDOOT241-A9 only
Automatic fire detectors
Point detector FDOOT241
9, FDOOT241
A, FDO241, FDT241

2.3 Point detector FDOOT241-9, FDOOT241-A, FDO241, FDT241

2.3.1 Use

Multi-sensor fire detector FDOOT241-9
Point detector with additional heat sensors
Optional detector dust cap to protect the point detector during the
construction phase
Functions according to the scattered light principle with two sensors: Optical forward and backward scattering
Opto-electronic measuring chamber: Obstructs disruptive extraneous light but can be relied upon to detect both light and dark smoke particles
Two additional heat sensors increase the fire detector's immunity to deceptive phenomena.
Can be set as a multi-sensor smoke detector, smoke detector, or heat detector by the software
Selectable detection behavior thanks to application-specific ASA parameter sets
Multi-protocol: Collective / GMT (Cerberus / Siemens) / SynoLINE300, FDnet
For early detection of flaming fires of solid and liquid substances as well as of smoldering fires
For early and reliable fire detection in an environment with deceptive phenomena
Can be used addressed, for the gradual modernization of: Collective/GMT/SynoLINE300 on Sinteso FDnet ¹
008164_y_en_-- 15 | 152
¹ FS20 compatibility in FDnet is assured subject to in-country FS20 software support.
Automatic fire detectors
Point detector FDOOT241
9, FDOOT241
A, FDO241, FDT241
Multi-sensor fire detector FDOOT241-A
Point detector with additional heat sensors
Optional detector dust cap to protect the point detector during the
construction phase
Functions according to the scattered light principle with two sensors: Optical forward and backward scattering
Opto-electronic measuring chamber: Obstructs disruptive extraneous light but can be relied upon to detect both light and dark smoke particles
Two additional heat sensors increase the fire detector's immunity to deceptive phenomena.
Can be set as a multi-sensor smoke detector, smoke detector, or heat detector by the software
Selectable detection behavior thanks to application-specific ASA parameter sets
For early detection of flaming fires of solid and liquid substances as well as of smoldering fires
For early and reliable fire detection in an environment with deceptive phenomena
Can be used addressed
Smoke detector FDO241
Optional detector dust cap to protect the point detector during the construction phase
Functions according to the scattered light principle with one sensor: Optical forward scattering
Opto-electronic measuring chamber: Obstructs disruptive extraneous light but can be relied upon to detect both light and dark smoke particles
Selectable detection behavior thanks to application-specific ASA parameter sets
For early detection of flaming fires as well as smoldering fires
Can be used addressed
Automatic fire detectors
Point detector F
9, FDOOT241
A, FDO241, FDT241
Heat detector FDT241
Dummy detector FDX291
Optional detector dust cap to protect the point detector during the construction phase
Two heat sensors prevent the total failure of the thermal detection capacity of in the event of a fault affecting a sensor.
Measures the operating temperature and the temperature inside the detector housing so that temperature rise can be detected.
Selectable detection behavior thanks to application-specific ASA parameter sets
For monitoring rooms in which rapid temperature rise is to be expected in the event of a fire or if optical detection is difficult
Can be used addressed
To cover bases that are left empty for prolonged periods of time

2.3.2 Type Overview

Type Designation Order no. Weight [kg]
Point detector
FDOOT241-9 Multi-sensor smoke detector A5Q00004813 0.106
FDOOT241-A Multi-sensor smoke detector S54310-F13-A1 0.106
FDO241 Smoke detector A5Q00004811 0.103
FDT241 Heat detector A5Q00004812 0.086
Base adapter
FDB241 Base adapter Sinteso (SIGMA/A+) S54319-F13-A1 0.086
FDB251 Base adapter Sinteso (Interactive) S54319-F28-A1 0.090
FDB281 Base adapter MS8/PMT A5Q00004929 0.125
FDB299 Base adapter Sinteso (AlgoRex coll.) S54319-F14-A1 0.086
Other accessories
FDUD290 Removal tool for adapter S54370-S13-A1 0.098
FDX291 Dummy detector S54319-F2-A1 0.120
FDOOT241-9M Migration kit A5Q00015955 0.140
008164_y_en_-- 17 | 152
Automatic fire detectors
Point detector FDOOT241
9, FDOOT241
A, FDO241, FDT241
You will
find more information about detector bases and accessories
in document Accessories
Addressable detector base FDB221 / FDB221-AA
Detector base with stilts for fire detectors with addressable signal processing
'Orange' connection terminals, 0.2…1.5 mm2 conductor cross-section
FDB221-AA also contains micro terminal DBZ1190-AA
For recess-mounted cable entry
For surface-mounted cable entry up to a cable diameter of 6 mm
Flat, addressable detector base FDB222
Flat detector base for fire detectors with addressable signal processing
'Orange' connection terminals, 0.2…1.5 mm2 conductor cross-section
For flush mounting; only for recess-mounted cable entry
Base attachment FDB291
For routing surface-mounted cables larger than Ø 6 mm
Detector base is secured with a snap fastener
Base attachment humid FDB293
For achieving a higher protection category
For mounting in wet or humid environments
Required when using detector heating unit FDBH291
Required when using protective cage DBZ1194 or EMC-protective cage
Mounted between detector base and ceiling
Detector base mounted quickly: The detector base simply clicks into place in
base attachment humid FDB293.
Automatic fire detectors
Point detector FDOOT241
9, FDOOT241
A, FDO241, FDT241
Base attachment wet FDB295
Sealing element FDBZ295
Base attachment wet with additional integrated rubber seal for mounting in wet or humid environments
For achieving a higher protection category
For mounting in wet or humid environments
Required when using detector heating unit FDBH291
Required when using protective cage DBZ1194
Mounted between detector base and ceiling
Detector base mounted quickly: The detector base simply clicks into place in
base attachment wet FDB295.
For improving the protection category. However, detectors can no longer be installed or removed using the detector exchanger.
Note: Cannot be used in conjunction with designation plate FDBZ291!
008164_y_en_-- 19 | 152
Automatic fire detectors
Point detector FDOOT241
9, FD
A, FDO241, FDT241

2.3.3 Technical data

Operating voltage (modulated)
Operating current (quiescent)
External alarm indicators (EAI) which can be connected
Communication protocol
System compatibility
Operating temperature
Storage temperature
Air humidity
Protection category (IEC 60529)
DNV GL (marine)
Permissible wind speed
Without sounder base
With sounder base
With detector base FDB221/-AA, FDB222, FDB291
Base FDB221 and sealing element FDBZ295
Base attachment humid FDB293 or base attachment wet FDB295
FDOOT241-9 FDOO T241-A FDO241 FDT241
DC 12…33 V
65…230 μA 180…230 μA 130…200 μA
FD20 or collective FDnet
FS20¹, AlgoRex, SIGMASYS
CZ10, CS11, BC10, FC10,
XC10, FC330A,
FC700A, BMS,
-25…+70°C -35…+70°C -25…+70°C -25…+50°C /
-30…+75°C -35…+75°C -30…+75°C
95 % rel.
~RAL 9010 pure white
CEA 4021, EN 54-5 EN 54-5
EN 54-17
EN 54-7
EN 54-27
1…20 m/s
-25…+65 °C /
Depending on parameter settings
FS20 compatibility in FDnet is assured subject to in-country FS20 software
Automatic fire detectors
Multi-sensor fire detector FDOOTC241

2.4 Multi-sensor fire detector FDOOTC241

2.4.1 Use

Alongside its fire detection functionality, the FDOOTC241 also has a CO detection functionality.
Multi-sensor fire detector, neural ASA (S-LINE), FDOOTC241
Fire detection function:
Functions according to the scattered light principle with two sensors, optical forward and backward scattering
Opto-electronic measuring chamber which obstructs disruptive extraneous light but provides excellent detection of both light and dark smoke particles
Two additional heat sensors and an additional CO sensor increase the fire detector's response behavior and immunity to deceptive phenomena
Selectable detection behavior thanks to application-specific ASA parameter sets
CO detection function:
Functions using an electro-chemical CO cell
CO concentration alarm is transmitted to an independent technical CO alarm
channel ('Technical alarm CO')
Independent processing of the CO signal for the CO alarm channel and CO signal for fire detection
Selectable detection behavior of the CO alarm channel, regardless of ASA parameter sets for fire detection
Areas with increased CO exposure, e.g., heating rooms, combustion plants, fermentation plants, garages, automotive workshops, animal stalls, chemical laboratories, or production sites
For early detection of smoldering fires that generate carbon monoxide (CO) (e.g., mattress fires in homes)
For early and reliable fire detection in an environment with deceptive phenomena
Can be used addressed
008164_y_en_-- 21 | 152
Automatic fire detectors
Multi-sensor fire detector FDOOTC241

2.4.2 Type Overview

Type Designation Order number Weight [kg]
FDOOTC241 Multi-sensor fire detector, neural ASA (S-LINE) S54311-F1-A1 0.107
FDB221 Detector base, addressable A5Q00001664 0.026
FDB222 Addressable detector base, flat S54319-F1-A1 0.025
Detector base, addressable incl. 1 micro terminal DBZ1190-AA
A5Q00012741 0.029

2.4.3 Technical data

Operating voltage (modulated) DC 12…33 V
Operating current (quiescent) Typ. 320...400 µA
External alarm indicator without sounder base External alarm indicator with sounder base
Operating temperature -20...+50 °C
Storage temperature -20…+55 °C
Air humidity (short-term moisture condensation permitted)
Communication protocol FDnet
Color ~RAL 9010 pure white
Protection category (IEC 60529):
Base FDB221/FDB222
Base attachment FDB291 with base
Base attachment wet FDB295 with base FDB221/FDB222 and FDOOTC241
Sounder base FDSB29x
2 1
15...90 % rel.
IP43 IP43
Standards EN 54-5, EN 54-7, EN 54-17, CEA 4021
Permissible wind speed Max. 20 m/s
System compatibility FS20
Detector base and base attachment
Detector base FDB201, FDB202, FDB221, FDB222

3 Detector base and base attachment

3.1 Detector base FDB201, FDB202, FDB221, FDB222

3.1.1 Use

Collective detector base FDB201 / FDB201-AA
Detector base with stilts for fire detectors with collective signal processing
'Gray' connection terminals, 0.2…1.5 mm2 conductor cross-section
FDB201-AA also contains micro terminal DBZ1190-AA
For recess-mounted cable entry
For surface-mounted cable entry up to a cable diameter of 6 mm
Addressable detector base FDB221 / FDB221-AA
Detector base with stilts for fire detectors with addressable signal processing
'Orange' connection terminals, 0.2…1.5 mm2 conductor cross-section
FDB221-AA also contains micro terminal DBZ1190-AA
For recess-mounted cable entry
For surface-mounted cable entry up to a cable diameter of 6 mm
Flat, collective detector base FDB202
Flat detector base for fire detectors with collective signal processing
'Gray' connection terminals, 0.2…1.5 mm2 conductor cross-section
For flush mounting; only for recess-mounted cable entry
008164_y_en_-- 23 | 152
Detector base and b
ase attachment
Detector base FDB201, FDB202, FDB221, FDB222
Flat, addressable detector base FDB222
Flat detector base for fire detectors with addressable signal processing
'Orange' connection terminals, 0.2…1.5 mm2 conductor cross-section
For flush mounting; only for recess-mounted cable entry
1 FDB2x1 / FDB2x1-AA
Base height: 22 mm
When using the point detector: 54 mm
FDB202 / FDB222
Base height: 17 mm
When using the point detector: 49 mm
2 Mounting slits
3 Loop contact
4 Screwless connection terminals
5 Opening for cable entry
DBZ1190-AA micro terminal and DBZ1190-AB connection terminal
Micro terminal DBZ1190-AA – Cable cross section up to max. 0.5 mm²
Connection terminal DBZ1190-AB – Cable cross section up to max. 2.5 mm² – For connecting two external alarm indicators or the cable shielding
Detector base and base attachment
Detector base FDB201, FDB202, FDB221, FDB222
Sealing element FDBZ295
1 Detector base FDB2xx / FDB2x1-AA
2 Micro terminal DBZ1190-AA
3 Connection terminal DBZ1190-AB
For improving the protection category. However, detectors can no longer be installed or removed using the detector exchanger.
Note: Cannot be used in conjunction with designation plate FDBZ291!
Designation plate FDBZ291
For labeling with the location address
Can only be used without sealing element FDBZ295
Designation plate DBZ1193A
For labeling with the location address
Can only be used with base attachment wet FDB295 or base attachment
Detector heating unit FDBH291
For operating point detectors in critical ambient conditions during icy
Optimum function is only guaranteed in conjunction with base attachment wet
The point detector temperature increases by approximately 2 °C over the
Mounted quickly: The detector heating unit clicks into place in the detector
humid FDB293
conditions or when there is a danger of moisture condensation. Examples of application: Cold stores, attics, loading ramps, cheese cellars
FDB295 or base attachment humid FDB293.
operating temperature and thus avoids moisture condensation on the detector.
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Detector base and base attachment
Detector base FDB201, FDB202, FDB221, FDB222
1 Base attachment humid FDB293
2 Detector base FDB2x1 / FDB2x1-AA, FDB2x2
3 Detector heating unit FDBH291
4 Connection terminal DBZ1190-AB
5 Micro terminal DBZ1190-AA
Detector locking device FDBZ293
For protection against theft of the point detector
Set screw M3 x 6 mm prevents the point detector being unscrewed from the
Point detector can only be removed with the appropriate Allen key
Base attachment wet FDB295
detector base
Detector base and base attachmen
Detector base FDB201, FDB202, FDB221, FDB222
Base attachment FDB291
1 Set screw
2 Allen key
For routing surface-mounted cables larger than Ø 6 mm
Detector base is secured with a snap fastener
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Detector base and base attachment
Detector base FDB201, FDB202, FDB221, FDB222
1 Base height: 25 mm
2 Opening for cable entry
3 Mounting slits
Base attachment humid FDB293
For achieving a higher protection category
For mounting in wet or humid environments
Required when using detector heating unit FDBH291
Required when using protective cage DBZ1194 or EMC-protective cage
Mounted between detector base and ceiling
Detector base mounted quickly: The detector base simply clicks into place in
When using the point detector: 60 mm
base attachment humid FDB293.
Base attachment wet FDB295
Base adapter FDB241
Base attachment wet with additional integrated rubber seal for mounting in wet or humid environments
For achieving a higher protection category
For mounting in wet or humid environments
Required when using detector heating unit FDBH291
Required when using protective cage DBZ1194
Mounted between detector base and ceiling
Detector base mounted quickly: The detector base simply clicks into place in
base attachment wet FDB295.
For adapting AnalogPLUS and SIGMALOOP for Sinteso detector systems
Can be set with jumper on replaced detector
Detector base and base attachment
Detector base FDB201, FDB202, FDB221, FDB222
1 SPF3600 detector base (SIGMALOOP)
DB1131A detector base (AnalogPLUS)
2 Base height: 29.5 mm
When using the point detector: 74.5 mm
Base adapter FDB251
3 Adapter incl. detector base, 'orange' connection terminals
For adapting Interactive for Sinteso detector systems
Can be set with jumper on replaced detector
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Detector base and base attachment
Detector bas
e FDB201, FDB202, FDB221, FDB222
1 DB1151A detector base (interactive)
2 Base height: 29.5 mm
When using the point detector: 74.5 mm
3 Adapter incl. detector base, 'orange' connection terminals
Base adapter FDB281
For adapting MS8/PMT for Sinteso detector systems
1 Detector base Z84 (MS8/PMT)
2 Base height: 37 mm
When using the point detector: 73 mm
3 Adapter incl. detector base, 'orange' connection terminals
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