© Siemens Schweiz AG, 2020 Page 1 of 2
General Terms and Conditions for Training Courses of Siemens Schweiz AG (Version 2020)
Contractual basis
Unless other provisions have been agreed in writing with the
customer as part of a special offer, order confirmation or contract,
the provision of training services by Siemens Schweiz AG shall be
exclusively governed by these General Terms and Conditions.
The customer shall be deemed to have accepted these General
Terms and Conditions on placing an order or, at the very latest,
on commencement of the training course.
Siemens Schweiz AG will deliver the booked training course in
accordance with the description in the course program , the offer
made to the customer, the order confirmation or the contract. It
will provide the necessary course documentation, work materials
and technical aids as well as a certificate or confirmation of
course attendance. Siemens Schweiz AG reserves the right to
make changes to course details, locations, dates and trainers. It is
entitled to further develop or update courses to reflect the current
state of the art without prior notice. This may result in differences
between the course description and the course content as
Courses for individual participants
All courses where a price per person is quoted in the course price
list/course program can be booked by individual participants.
Unless other information is specified in the course description,
Siemens Schweiz AG delivers these courses on its own premises
or in rooms rented for this purpose. There are restri ctions on the
number of participants in each course. The maximum number of
participants is specified in the respective course description. In
cases where a far higher number of registrations is received,
Siemens Schweiz AG will endeavor to offer an alternative.
Cancellations, no-shows and changes to bookings
Cancellation by Siemens Schweiz AG
Siemens Schweiz AG is entitled to canc el a course at any ti me
due to illness on the part of the trainer or other reasonable
grounds. In the case of courses for individual participants,
courses may also be canceled because the minimum number of
participants has not been reached. The minimum number of
participants is specified in the respective course description.
Before canceling a course, Siemens Schweiz AG will always try to
offer an alternative, i.e. talk to individual customers about
switching to a different date or course location. In this case, the
customer has the choice of switching the booking to a new date or
deciding against participation and canceling the booking free of
charge. All further claims are excluded.
Cancellations, no-shows and changes to bookings by
Cancellations by individual customers shall be submitted to
Siemens Schweiz AG no later than 10 days prior to the
confirmed start date of the course. In the case of later
cancellations, no-shows or non-completion of a course,
Siemens Schweiz AG reserves the right to charge the full
course fee.
A detailed description of the services provided for the course
price is given in the respective course program. Unless
otherwise agreed, the course price includes the following:
course room
required infras tructure
course deliv ery, course instructor
course documentat i on
confirm ation of attendance and/or certificate
In the case of courses held at customer premises, further costs
may be incurred, such as the course instructor’s expenses for
accommodation, meals and travel.
Customer obligations for courses at customer premises
Courses with a theoretical content should take place in a room
that has one of more windows and provides sufficient space for
the necessary number of chairs and tables. Necessary
infrastructure such as WiFi access, beamer, flipcharts,
whiteboards and pinboards must be provided by the customer
free of charge. The customer is responsible for organiz ing the
catering at lunchtime and during breaks, and for providing
drinking water in the course room.
In the case of courses which include practical instruction carried
out directly on systems, machines or equipment, safety
regulations must be observed. If necess ary, the customer must
organize suitable access for course participants.
The course program/price list specifies the language in which the
course will be delivered. Courses in languages other than that
stated in the description can be offered on request, at additional
cost. Details must be agreed with course administrators.
All prices are quoted in Swiss Francs, not including VAT. Course
fees are specified in the currently valid course program/price list.
Costs for accommodation, meals and travel are not included in
the course fees. If a cancellation is not received i n writing at least
10 days before the course begins, the full course fee will be
Payment terms
Unless otherwise agreed, invoices shall be payable immediately
and no later than 30 days after the invoice date, without cash
discount or any other deduction. Payments shall be made using
the payment details on the invoice. Payment shall be deemed to
have been made once the due amount is credited to the
respective account of Siemens Schweiz AG.
The setting-off of such claims against counterclaims is not
Data protection, disclosure of the business relationship, data
and information
The customer shall agree that Siemens Schweiz AG is permitted
to store the customer’s contact information including name, phone
number, e-mail address, and the names of the participants. This
information will be processed and used exclusively in the context
of the existing business relationship or course participation.
The customer shall further agree that all data and information
required for the business relationships or resulting from them,
particularly contractual documents and all data and information
required for fulfillment of the contractual obl igations, belonging to
and about the customer and their partic ipants may als o be st ored
outside Switzerland. All such data and information may
furthermore be made available to Siemens AG and its affiliated
group companies, particularly for the performance of the services,
the fulfillment of statutory requirements or for Siemens' own
internal auditing or supervision purposes, and disclosed for
processing as necessary, always in compliance with respectively
applicable data protection laws.

© Siemens Schweiz AG, 2020 Page 2 of 2
General Terms and Conditions for Training Courses of Siemens Schweiz AG (Version 2020)
The course material provided to participants is i ntended for their
personal use only. The training documentation or parts thereof
may not be copied, reprinted, translated or passed on to third
parties. Course documentation may not be copied, electronically
processed, distributed or passed on internally or externally i n any
form – even for training purposes – without the written consent of
Siemens Schweiz AG. In this c ontext, c ourse document ation als o
includes any electronic knowledge products or learning systems
made available to course participants. Offenders may be liable for
Software made available by Siemens Schweiz AG for training
purposes may not be used for any purpose other than training
within the course, nor may it be copied either whol ly or in part or
rendered usable or disclosed in any other form for which consent
has not been obtained.
The copyrights in paragraph 8 also apply in cases where the
documentation and/or software used is from third-parties.
Safety and accident prevention regulations
The individual participants are responsible for compliance with
the safety and accident prevention regulations applying to the
training location.
Customer’s responsibilities
The customer is required to report any issues without delay so
that they can be remedied immediately. In addition to direct
feedback, Siemens Schweiz AG gives participants the
opportunity to complete an evaluation survey at the end of the
In cases where participants are provided with hardware or
software products for use during the course, the participants
must take note of the operating instructions and/or any supplied
instructions/manuals. The participants will be informed as to
whether these tools form part of the course (and can be retained
permanently) or are being made available by Siemens Schweiz
AG exclusively as a temporary loan during the course.
Any data media brought to the course by participants must not
be used on computers belonging to Siemens Schweiz AG or
brought into contact with them in any way.
All claims by the customer over and above those expressly set
out in these General Terms and Conditions, on any legal
grounds whatsoever, especially not expressly specified claims
to compensation, price reductions, contract termination or
contract withdrawal, shall be excluded. In no circumstances
shall the customer be entitled to claim compensation for
damages resulting from malware in copied files.
Siemens Schweiz AG shall not be liable for loss of or damage to
participants’ personal property.
This exclusion of liability does not apply in cases of unlawful
intent or where liability is mandatory in law.
Applicable law , place of jurisdiction
The contract is subject to Swiss substantive law.
The place of jurisdiction for the cus tomer and Siemens Schweiz
AG is Zürich. However, Siemens Schweiz AG shall also be
entitled to take legal action against the customer at its domicile or
registered place of business.