Installing and Starting the
Ethernet CP with STEP 7
Configuring Communication
Programming Functions (FCs)
NCM S7 Diagnostics
Firmware Loader
Release 06
Linking to Other Systems with
Document History
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SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
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SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
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SIMATICNET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
This Manual on SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for
Industrial Ethernet
...supports you when using the communication services provided by the SIMATIC
NET communications processors (Industrial Ethernet CPs) for communication on
SIMATIC NET with Industrial Ethernet in the management and cell areas.
The documentation on your S7-CPs and NCM S7 is in several parts that fit
together as shown below:
– selecting
– installing
– commissioning
– performance data
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
This Manual on SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
This manual is intended for personnel responsible for installing and programming
STEP 7 programs and for service personnel.
Scope of this Manual
This manual applies to version 5.2 and higher of the NCM S7 configuration
software for Industrial Ethernet and to version 5.2 and higher of the STEP 7
This version of the manual includes information relating to new functions in STEP 7
and NCM S7 as of V5.2.
In the main, this involves the following topics:
S S7 communication over routers (single-ended client and server functionality) via
an IE/PB Link or CP (see Section 1.4)
S Multiprojects
With the new multiproject functionality, projects can be split up and distributed
for engineering and then merged again.
Symbols used in this Manual
This symbol indicates functions requiring STEP 7 version V5.2.
This symbol appears in the margin to draw your attention to useful tips.
This symbol indicates recommended documentation.
Where you see this symbol, you should also refer to additional information in the
basic help system of STEP 7.
This symbol indicates where detailed context-sensitive help is available. You can
display these help texts with the F1 key or by clicking on the “Help” button in the
relevant dialog.
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
This Manual on SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
You will find additional information in the following sources:
This manual is also part of the NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet documentation
package. These documents are also on the Manual Collection CD supplied with
every S7-CP and they are also available on the Internet. The following table
provides you with an overview.
S7-CPs for Industrial
This is available on the Internet at:
The manual S7-CPs for Industrial Ethernet contains information on the
characteristics of the CPs and instructions on installation and connections.
S General Section:
S CP 343-1:
S CP 343-1 PN:
S CP 343-1 IT:
S CP 443-1:
S CP 443-1 IT:
NCM S7 for Industrial
Based on simple examples, the primer introduces you to the methods of
connecting and networking SIMATIC S7 stations with CPs on Industrial
Ethernet. It shows you how the communications calls are entered in the user
program to allow you to use the services via the SEND/RECEIVE interface.
Y ou will learn how simple it is to create a configuration for standard
applications using STEP 7 and the NCM S7 optional package.
The examples described here can also be found in the project folder for
sample programs after you have installed STEP 7 and the NCM S7 for
Industrial Ethernet option!
This is available on the Internet at:
NCM S7 for Industrial
Advanced PC
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
The manual is intended as a guide and reference work for configuring and
programming an Industrial Ethernet CP.
This is available on the Internet at:
The manual is intended as a guide and source of reference when working with
the IT-CP. In addition to the functions provided by an Ethernet CP, the IT-CP
also provides functions for Internet technology.
This is available on the Internet at:
Advanced PC Configuration is the new tool with which you can commission a
PC station as part of an industrial communication network.
The manual supports you and helps you to make efficient use of
communications with your PC applications in conjunction with the SIMATIC
NET modules. This explains the steps involved in configuration with NCM S7.
This is available on the Internet at:
This Manual on SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Quick Start CD: Samples covering all aspects of communication
The Quick Start CD that can be ordered separately is a
treasure-trove of sample programs and configurations.
The following documentation contains additional information about the STEP 7
standard software of the SIMATIC programmable controllers and can be obtained
from your local Siemens office.
Basic information for technical
personnel using the STEP 7
standard software for control
tasks with S7-300/400
programmable controllers.
STEP 7 basics with
S Configuring hardware with STEP 7
S Programming with STEP 7
S Manual for converting from S5 to S7
S Primer for a fast start
The reference works describing
the programming languages
LAD/FBD and STL as well as the
standard and system functions in
addition to the STEP 7 basic
STEP 7 reference manuals with
S Manuals for LAD/FBD/STL
S Standard and system functions for
You will also find information on SIMATIC programmable controllers on the Quick
Start CD and from the Customer Support Online services at:–net General information
or Product information and downloads
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
This Manual on SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Access to Online Help of STEP 7 and NCM S7
With the online help, you can obtain the following information:
S You can display the contents of the STEP 7 basic help system with the menu
command Help –> Contents.
S Context-sensitive help on the selected object using the Help –>
Context-Sensitive Help menu command, the F1 function key or the question
mark in the toolbar.
You can then access further information relating to the current topic.
S Glossary for all STEP 7 applications by clicking the “Glossary” button.
Please note that each STEP 7 application has its own contents and
context-sensitive help.
References to other manuals and documentation are indicated by numbers in
slashes /.../. These numbers refer to the titles of manuals listed in the References
section of the Appendix.
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
The Ethernet CP for SIMATIC S7 provides a series of communications services for
different tasks.
This chapter explains the following:
S The types of communication possible with the Ethernet CP on Industrial
S The tasks handled by the Ethernet CP for the various services
S How to create the conditions for your communications requirements
You will find further information in the following sources:
S When installing the Ethernet CP, please refer to the instructions in the manual
S For the functions and use of the STEP 7 configuration software, some of which
/1/ supplied with the Ethernet CP. This also contains further information about
the performance of the Ethernet CP .
is used to configure the CP (such as hardware configuration), please refer to /6/
and /8/.
S For using, structuring and handling Industrial Ethernet, you will find detailed
information in /11/.
S For a general introduction to local area networks with TCP/IP refer to /16/ and
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
1.1Industrial Ethernet
Within the open, heterogeneous SIMATIC NET communication system, Industrial
Ethernet is the network for the management and cell level. Physically, Industrial
Ethernet is an electrical network that uses a shielded coaxial cable or twisted pair
or an optical network with fiber-optic cables.
Industrial Ethernet is defined by the international standard IEEE 802.3 (see /11/).
All-Round Communication in the Industrial Sector
Industrial Ethernet is integrated in the SIMATIC NET concept that allows
comprehensive networking of the management, cell and field levels in conjunction
with PROFIBUS and the AS-interface (AS-i).
Figure 1-1Industrial Ethernet in the SIMATIC NET Concept
Network Access
Industrial Ethernet is accessed using the CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple
Access with Collision Detection) network access technique specified in
IEEE 802.3.
(IEEE 802.3)
(EN 50170 Vol. 2 PROFIBUS)
(AS-i, Actuator-Sensor Interface)
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
1.2SIMATIC S7 Communication with S7 Ethernet CPs
Types of Communication
The Ethernet CP for SIMATIC S7 supports the following types of communication
depending on the CP type:
Ethernet CP
Possible types of communication
S PG/OP communication
S S7 communication
S S5-compatible communication
S PROFInet communication
Ethernet CP
Interfaces / Services /
with the protocols
– TCP/IP (RFC 1006)
with the SEND / RECEIVE interface and the protocols
– ISO Transport
– ISO-on-TCP (TCP/IP with RFC 1006)
– E-mail:
with FETCH / WRITE services and the protocols
– ISO Transport
– ISO-on-TCP
with the protocols
S HTML process control with
web browser
S File management and file
access with FTP
S PG/OP communication
PG/OP communication is used to download programs and configuration data,
to run tests and diagnostic functions, and to control and monitor a plant from
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
with the protocols
– HTTP / IP protocol
with the protocols
– FTP / IP protocol
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
S S7 communication
S7 communication forms a simple and efficient interface between SIMATIC S7
stations and PGs/PCs using communication function blocks.
S S5-compatible communication with SEND/RECEIVE interface
Depending on the CP type, the SEND/RECEIVE interface allows
program-controlled communication on a configured connection from a SIMATIC
S7 PLC to another SIMATIC S7 PLC, to a SIMATIC S5 PLC, to PCs/PGs, and
to any other station.
Depending on the CP type, the following communications services are available
on the SEND/RECEIVE interface:
– ISO Transport
optimized for top performance at the self-contained manufacturing level
– TCP/IP for internetwork communication with
ISO-on-TCP connections (RFC 1006), TCP connections and
UDP datagram service (including broadcast / multicast).
– Sending E-mail
The controller is capable of sending messages triggered by process events
(refer to the IT-CP manual for details /5/).
S S5-compatible communication with FETCH/WRITE services (server)
The FETCH/WRITE services (server) allow direct access to the system
memory areas on the SIMATIC S7 CPU from SIMATIC S5 or from devices of
other ranges.
Depending on the CP type, the following communications services are available
for FETCH/WRITE access:
– ISO Transport
optimized for top performance at the self-contained manufacturing level
PROFInet is a standard of the PROFIBUS Users organization defining a
heterogeneous communications and engineering model.
An S7-300 station equipped with a CP capable of PROFInet can be
interconnected as a PROFInet component in SIMATIC iMap.
TCP connections are used for the PROFInet communication.
For more detailed information on PROFInet, refer to /23/.
S HTML process control
With an IT-CP, use the supplied functions and HTML pages to query important
system data using a Web browser (you should also refer to the instructions on
the IT-CP /5/).
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
S File management and file access with FTP
The IT-CP (S7-400 / S7-300) provides additional functions for FTP services.
You can use your S7 station both as an FTP client and as an FTP server (refer
to the manual of the IT-CP /5/).
– S7 Station as FTP Client
You can transfer data blocks from or to a file server.
– S7 Station as FTP Server
Another station, for example, a PC transfers data blocks to or from the S7
station the file system on the IT-CP.
Possibilities for Communication between Device Types
The possible communication available with the types of communication listed
above is shown in the following table:
S7 communication
S7 communication
1) PC only as client
S7 communicationSEND/RECEIVE
S7 communication
FTP services
S5-115 to -155U/H
S7 communication
HTML process
FTP services
S7 communication
HTML process
FTP services
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
Configuration and Diagnostics
To connect and configure the Ethernet CP, you require the STEP 7 configuration
software and the SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet option.
NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet is installed as a STEP 7 option and is therefore
integrated in STEP 7.
NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet also provides a wide range of diagnostic functions
for the various types of communication.
When configuring PROFInet communication, you also use the engineering tool
SIMATIC iMap; for detailed information on SIMATIC iMap, refer to the manual
Component based Automation – Configuring Plants with SIMATIC iMap /23/.
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
1.3PG/OP Communication via Industrial Ethernet
PG/OP communication provides functions that are already integrated in every
SIMATIC S7/M7/C7 device.
A distinction must be made between the following two types of function:
S PG communication
PG communication with STEP 7 PLCs on Industrial Ethernet means the
– You can use the complete range of functions of STEP 7 on Industrial
– You can use programming, diagnostic, operating and monitoring functions on
all modules in the SIMATIC S7 PLC via Industrial Ethernet.
S OP Operation
PG/OP communication on Industrial Ethernet allows the operation and
monitoring of all modules in a SIMATIC S7 PLC using operator interface
systems (TD/OP).
The Ethernet CP acts as a “communications relay” that relays the PG/OP
communication via Industrial Ethernet.
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
Operator Interface functions
Ethernet attachment
S7 – 400
Ethernet CP
S7 – 300
PC with Ethernet CP
Create configuration data for
every CP and download to the
Ethernet CPs
Ethernet CP
S7 – 400
Modem /
* only TCP/IP
Figure 1-2Configuration for PG/OP Operation
Ethernet CP
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
1.3.1PG Communication with STEP 7 over Industrial Ethernet
Requirements for PG Communication
PG communication is possible when the following requirements are met:
S An Ethernet CP is installed in the PG or engineering station or there is a
modem/ISDN interface for remote access.
S The Ethernet CP must have an address (default MAC address or set the IP
Networking the PG / Engineering Station
Depending on the configuration of the PG or Engineering Station, the following two
situations are possible when using PG communication:
S PG / Engineering Station in the Configured Mode
If you select this configuration when you commission the PG / engineering
station, the interfaces of the communication modules you are using are already
known. The option in “Set PG/PC Interface” is automatically set to
Once you have downloaded this configuration to your PG / engineering station,
you can exchange PG functions with the accessible nodes in the network with
STEP 7 without requiring any further settings.
S PG / Engineering Station in PG Operation
If your PG or engineering station is configured for this mode, you must specify the
interface on the PG or engineering station explicitly with “Set PG/PC Interface”.
Follow the steps outlined below:
1. Open the “Set PG/PC Interface” dialog box in the Windows Control Panel.
2. Set the PG/PC interface according to the CPs available on your PG and
according to the bus attachment (interface parameter assignment used).
For more detailed information on the topic of PG operation and engineering station,
refer to /4/.
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
1.3.2OP Operation: Connecting Operator Interface Devices via
Industrial Ethernet
Operation allowing operator interface functions is possible when the following
conditions are met:
S The operator interface device has:
– an Ethernet CP installed
– SOFTNET S7 for Ind. Ethernet or S7-1613/ WIN 95, WIN NT, MS-DOS,
Windows installed.
S The CPs in the S7 stations are supplied with a MAC/IP address (use the default
MAC address or set an IP address).
To be able to use S7 communication, address the required module in the SIMATIC
S7 PLC on your operator interface system.
For more detailed information, refer to the description of your operator interface
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
1.4S7 Communication on Industrial Ethernet
S7 communication via Industrial Ethernet allows program-controlled
communication using communication SFBs/FBs via configured S7 connections.
Per job, up to 64 Kbytes of user data can be transmitted.
The Ethernet CP acts as an “S7 communication relay” by passing on the S7
functions via Industrial Ethernet (see /8/). Depending on the configuration of the
Ethernet CP, data transfer is on the basis of the ISO transport or the ISO-on-TCP
protocol (TCP/IP with RFC 1006).
From the perspective of the user, S7 communication is identical over PROFIBUS
and Industrial Ethernet.
Two cases can be distinguished depending on device type and plant configuration:
S Client and server functionality at both ends
S7 connections can be operated between the following nodes with the entire
functionality of S7 communication:
– between S7 stations S7-300 and S7-400;
– between S7 stations and PC/PG stations with an Ethernet CP.
S7 – 400
Ethernet CP
S7 – 300
Ethernet CP
* only TCP/IP
PC/PG with Ethernet CP
Figure 1-3Nodes Communicating on S7 Connections over Industrial Ethernet
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
S7 – 300 / 400
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
S Client and server functionality at one end only (S7 connections
configured at one end)
In the following situations, write and read functions can be implemented with
– S7 communication over router
PG/PC stations can access S7 stations if the PG/PC stations are connected
to a different subnet (PROFIBUS / Ethernet) via routers (for example, an
IE/PB Link); in this case, S7 stations are servers.
S7 communication is possible over a gateway.
S7 – 400
Ethernet CP
PC/PG Station
S7 – 300
Ethernet CP
PC/PG Station
IE/PB Link
Figure 1-4PC/PG station communicates over a gateway with S7 stations on an underlying PROFIBUS
or Ethernet
For more detailed information on the features supported by your Ethernet CP, refer
to the manual /1/.
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
Configuring S7 Connections
Create S7 connections to use S7 communication for data exchange between two
SIMATIC S7 stations.
For more detailed information, refer to the STEP 7 Description /6/ /8/.
S7 connections via routers are supported only within a STEP 7 project but not between partners in different STEP 7 projects of a multiproject!
Interface in the User Program of the S7 Station
You use SFBs (for S7-400) and FBs (for S7-300) in the user program.
1) you do not need to configure a connection on the server
2) for S7-300
C_CNTRL (S7-300)
ClientServerDescribed in
Documentation /9/
Please remember the following points regarding data consistency in your user program:
In the CPU of the S7 station, the read or written information is taken from the S7
user program into the operating system or copied from the operating system to the
S7 user program in blocks of 8 or 32 bytes (depending on the firmware version).
If information in the word or double-word format is located across such boundaries, data inconsistency may arise during transmission using S7 communication!
For more detailed information, refer to the STEP 7 documentation /9/.
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
Notes on S7 communication between PC/PG station and S7 station
Applications in a PC/PG station communicate with the S7 station over an OPC
interface or SAPI-S7 interface for operator intervention, monitoring and control.
The S7 stations use the integrated communication SFBs/FBs (client and server
functionality at both ends).
The following general requirements must be met by a PC/PG station for S7
S On the PC/PG:
– an Ethernet CP installed
– there is an interface for S7 communication installed: SOFTNET S7 for Ind.
Ethernet or S7-1613/ WIN 95, WIN NT, MS-DOS, Windows.
S The CPs in the S7 stations are supplied with a MAC/IP address (use the default
MAC address or set an IP address).
To use S7 communication with the SIMATIC S7 PLC from a PC, address the
required CPU module in the SIMATIC S7 PLC that you want to communicate with
in your PC application.
S7 communication via routers (one-ended client and server functionality)
It is possible to reach the S7 station from an application (OPC server) of the
PC/PG station that is attached to another subnet. The subnets must be connected
over a router such as the IE/PB Link. An S7 station or a PC connected to both
subnets can also serve as a router.
In this configuration, the S7 station can only be addressed by the PC/PG station as
a communications server on S7 connections configured at one end.
The requirements for the configuration of the PC/PG station are identical to those
for operation in the same subnet (see above); the CP in the PC/PG station must
also have routing capability.
In this situation, configure a one-ended S7 connection to the PC/PG station in the
other subnet for the PC/PG station in STEP 7 NetPro. You can then access data in
the S7 station in your user program using the functions PUT (writing) and GET
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
1.5S5-compatible Communication (SEND/RECEIVE
Using the SEND/RECEIVE interface, your S7 user program has access to
S5-compatible communication with configured transport connections.
Data transmission on a configured transport connection is suitable for
S the reliable transmission of related blocks of data between two Ethernet nodes
– TCP (see /17//19//20/) with ISO-on-TCP connection (see /18/) or TCP
– ISO transport connection
S simple (unacknowldeged) transfer of related blocks of data (datagram service)
between two Ethernet nodes with UDP (User Datagram Protocol) on IP.
The SEND/RECEIVE interface is also suitable for sending E-mail (refer to the
manual for the IT-CP /5/).
For TCP applications, there is an active network with IP protocol (see /20/).
ISO Transport Connection
ISO transport provides services for the reliable transfer of data on configured
connections. Due to the segmentation of the data, large amounts of data can be
Transmission reliability is extremely high due to automatic repetition and additional
field check mechanisms. The communications partner confirms reception of data
and the sender receives a return value on the SEND/RECEIVE interface.
ISO transport is operated only on Industrial Ethernet and is optimized for
high-performance operation at the self-contained manufacturing level.
1The previous name of the SEND/RECEIVE interface was S5S5 connections
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
IP (Internet Protocol)
For internetwork data transmission, the following services are available with
suitable CPs such as the CP 443-1 TCP:
S ISO-on-TCP connection
ISO-on-TCP is intended for reliable, internetwork data transmission.
The ISO-on-TCP service corresponds to the TCP/IP standard (Transmission
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) with the RFC 1006 extension according to
layer 4 of the ISO reference model (see /18/).
RFC 1006 extends the TCP protocol by allowing the transmission of blocks of
data (“messages”) assuming that both partners support RFC 1006.
Transmission reliability is extremely high due to automatic repetition and
additional field check mechanisms. The communications partner confirms
reception of data and the sender receives a return value on the
SEND/RECEIVE interface.
S TCP connection
When using the SEND/RECEIVE interface on TCP connections, the Ethernet
CP supports the socket interface (for example, Winsock.dll) to TCP/IP found on
almost every system (PC or other system).
TCP is intended for reliable internetwork data transmission.
The TCP service complies with the TCP/IP standard (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol; see /18/).
S UDP connection
UDP is intended for simple internetwork data transmission without confirmation.
If the connection is suitably configured, broadcast and multicast frames can
also be sent on UDP connections.
To avoid overload due to high broadcast load, the CP does not allow reception
of UDP broadcasts. As an alternative, use the multicast function over a UDP
connection. This allows you to register the CP as a node in a multicast group.
SEND/RECEIVE interface
Data transfer is triggered by the user program. The interface to the user program in
the SIMATIC S7 is formed by special SIMATIC S7 blocks of the type FC
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
The SEND/RECEIVE interface allows program-controlled communication on
Industrial Ethernet between the SIMATIC S7 PLC and the following:
S SIMATIC S7 PLC with Ethernet CP
S SIMATIC S5 PLC with Ethernet CP
S PC/PG with Ethernet CP
S Other station with Industrial Ethernet attachment
S7 – 400
with Ethernet CP
Ethernet CP
S7 – 300
Other station with
Ethernet attachment
only TCP/IP
Ethernet CP
PG/PC with Ethernet
Figure 1-5SIMATIC S7 PLC with Possible Communications Partners on the SEND/RECEIVE Interface
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
Communication via Ethernet CPs in S7 Stations
1.6FETCH/WRITE Services (Server)
In addition to the SEND/RECEIVE interface, the FETCH/WRITE functionality
provides further services for S5-compatible communication on configured transport
The FETCH/WRITE interface is used primarily to attach SIMATIC S7 to SIMATIC
S5 and to other non-S7 stations (for example PCs).
The partner on the connection (SIMATIC S5 or non-S7 station) can read
system data on the SIMATIC S7 PLC.
The partner on the connection (SIMATIC S5 or non-S7 station) can write
system data on the SIMATIC S7 PLC.
From the point of view of the SIMATIC S7 PLC, this is a passive communication
function; the communications partner initiates the connection establishment.
For further information, refer to the system documentation of the SIMATIC S5 PLC
or the non-S7 station you are using.
Connection Types
To access a station with FETCH or WRITE functions, a FETCH passive or WRITE
passive connection must be configured. The following types are possible:
S ISO Transport
Coordinating Access Using the User Program
To coordinate access, you can use the FCs AG_LOCK and AG_UNLOCK.
With these FCs, you can coordinate access to system memory areas so that no
inconsistent data are created and transferred.
On the SIMATIC S5 station, the FETCH/WRITE services are configured and
SIMATIC NET NCM S7 for Industrial Ethernet
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