Siemens REFLEX DP Instructions And Guidance

When magnets are properly cared for, theyare safeto use and can last a lifetime.However, the following guidelines should be followed while using these magnets:
1) Takecare not to setmagnets near
computers,colour monitors, televisionsets, floppy discs, video/audio tape and other electronicequipment;
2) Magnets can pose risk to
electronicsand magnetic storage media e.g. credit cards when placed in close proximity;
3) Magnets may interfere with the
operation of pacemakers, magnetic valves,etc.
4) Keep magnets away from reach of
children.If swallowed,consult your physician.
Connectthe audio inputonly to equipmentwhich conformswith the safetyrequirementsof IEC65/BS EN 60065.
Keepbatteriesaway fromchildren! Batteriesmust notbe swallowed.
Removethe batterieswhen the instrument is not in use over a prolongedperiod. Replace leaking batterieswithout delay.
Protectagainst dampness, moisture, overheatingand damage.
Removeyour hearing instrument before:
• showering/bathingandwhen usinghairspray
• coming into contact with strong magneticfields (e.g. MRI scanners)
• undergoing an X-rayexamination
• Is the instrument switched on?
• Is the battery inserted?
• Is the battery run down?
• Is the battery compartment closed?
• Is the sound opening in the ear mould clogged with wax?
Clean the earmould regularly to removebuilt up ear wax.
Audioadaptor includingplug
General noteson safety
Children’s safety device for thebatter y
Thisspecial feature prevents children fromunintentionally removing the battery.
Pressopen the battery compartment to the first stop to switch off, do not
open thebattery doorfully.
Usinga pointed tool, push the pin to theright to lock the battery door and tothe left to unlock.
Instructions and guidance
Issue1: September 2007
e2e wireless
for REFLEXe2e systems
The followingsection applies to binaural fittingsonly.
Uniqueto your REFLEXDP hearing systemis the e2e (ear-to-ear)wireless
technology.Thewireless functionality:
• automaticallyadjusts the systemto changeboth hearinginstruments simultaneouslytoadapt to different listeningsituations.
• provides synchronisationofthe settingsin the system.If you change thevolume or programon one instrument,the otheris automaticallychanged.
Yourhearinginstrument specialistcan activatethe wirelessfunctionalityof yourhearing system.
The performance of the e2e wireless could be affected by electro-magnetic interference,such as computer monitoror halogen lamp systems controlledby a switching power supply.Move away from the source of interference if you experience difficulty.
Siemens AudiologischeTechnik GmbH Gebbertstrasse125 D-91058Erlangen Germany
Representedin theUK by: SiemensHearing Instruments AlexandraHouse NewtonRoad ManorRoyal, Crawley WestSussex RH109TT UnitedKingdom
Withthe CE marking, Siemens confirmsthat thishearing instrument fulfils allrelevant Europeanguidelines, in particular directive 93/42ECC of the EuropeanCouncil applying to medicalproducts.
Ourquality management system, cer tified by anindependent authority, assures consistently highproduct quality and reliability to the customer.
AccordingtoEU guidelines fordisposal readthe “disposalinformation“brochure.
Issue1: September 2007
With AutoPhone functionality,your REFLEX DP will automatically switch to the telephone program when you hold a hearing instrument-compatible telephonehandset near to your REFLEX DP.When you are f inished speaking on the phone and you move the telephone handset away from the hearing instrument, it will automaticallyreturn to the previously used hearing program.
Youcan also select the telephone programmanually by using the programpush button.
YourNHS Audiologist will program yourhearing system to your individual requirements.
Using the telephone
YourREFLEX DP hearing system is fully automatic. Thereis no need to manually adjust the volumecontrol.
However,if you prefermanual volumecontrol, your REFLEX DP hearing systemcan be programmedfor manual adjustment. This will be done by yourNHS audiologist.
Switching the instrument on/off
Changing the batteries
Pressopen the battery compartment tothe first stop to switch off.
Close the battery compartment fully toswitch on.
1.Open the battery
2.Remove coloured
stickerfrom new battery,place batter y in drawer with + symbol on battery + side up. (Youshould only removethe protectivesticker if youactually use the battery).
3.Close batter y door.
1. Earhook
2. Mircophone opening
3. Volume control
4. Coverfo rprogram mingsock et
5. Program button
6. Battery compartment
7. Audioi nput
8. Colour-coded typeplate red =right instrument blue -lef tinstru ment
Using the volume control
Rotatethewheel upwardstoincrease volume.Rotateit downto decrease volume.
Low Batteryindicator
Yourhearing system may be programmedto inform you when the battery should be replaced for best systemper formance. Youmay hear an intermittentseries of beeps and/or experiencelow amplification power or volume/change the battery when either of thes occurs.
Yourhearing instrument may be equippedwith a “power-on delay” feature.
Thisfeature delays soundfrom entering yourhearing instrument whenit is first turnedon, so that you may insert the heainginstrument into yourear withoutexperiencing unpleasant feedback(whistling).
Check with your NHS Audiologist about which on/off function your REFLEX DP is equipped with.
Using thepush button
YourREFLEX DPcan also be programmed byyour NHS Audiologist to be turned on and off using the program button.
Toturn your hearing ins trument off, pressand hold the program button for approximately3 seconds. Toturn your hearing instrument on again, press and hold the program button for approximately3 seconds. Please note that when you turn your hearing instrument off using the program button,you must wait approximately 10 seconds for the instrument to reset beforeturning it back on using the programbutton.
Selecting the hearing program
TheREFLEX DP can be programmed withup to 3 hearing programs which areselected with a program button. Eachtime the button is pressed the instrumentchanges to the next program,which is confirmed with beep tones.The number of beep tones is the sameas the selected program.
Hearing program
1. Everyday listening
Youraudiologist willcomplete your programdetails below:
REFLEXDP will always be on program1 when initially switched on.
If your system is programmed for manual adjustment, the wheel-shaped volumecontrol can be rotated up (louder) or down (softer) to select the desiredlistening volume.
Toincrease volume, place your index finger gently against the volume controlwheel and rotate it upward. If yoursystem is equipped with a warning tone for volume control limits, once it is heard, adjusting the volumecontrol further in that directionwill haveno effect. To reducethe volume, rotatethe wheel in the opposite direction.
If your hearing system has not been programmedfor manual control adjustment, the volume will automaticallyadjust and rotating the volume control wheel will have no effect.
It ispossible toconnect accessories throughan audio shoe.
Ask your hearing instrument specialist.
Beforethe audioshoe can be connected tothe hearing systemthe following stepshave to befulfilled:
1.Open the batterycompartment
2.Open the audio shoecover
3.Close the Batterycompartment
Fitting theaudio shoe to the hearing instrument
Withthe connected audio shoe the batterycompartmrnt switch is disabled andthe hearing system only can be switchedoff with the push button.
Safetyinstructionsfor hearing systemswith audioinput.
Theaudio input may be connected to line-operatedequipment only if the equipmentfulfils the safety requirementIEC 65 / DIN VDE 0860.
Attaching theaudio shoe
Takethe audioshoe andhook the two nibs intothe small recesses ofthe hearing system housing.Slide the audioshoe to the innerside of the hearingsystem housinguntil it snaps intothe end position.
Removing theaudio shoe
Toremove theaudio shoe,slide the audio shoein the opposite direction.