Siemens RDU341 Basic Documentation

Semi-flush mount room thermostats with KNX communications RDU341
Basic Documentation
Edition: 1.1
Building Technologies
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Building Technologies 2015-06-08
1. About this document ........................................................................... 4
1.1 Revision history ..................................................................................... 4
1.2 Reference documents ............................................................................ 4
1.3 Before you start ..................................................................................... 5
1.3.1 Copyright ............................................................................................... 5
1.3.2 Quality assurance .................................................................................. 5
1.3.3 Documen t use / reque st to the reader .................................................... 5
1.4 T arg et audience, prerequ isites ............................................................... 6
1.5 Glossary ................................................................................................ 6
2. Summary .............................................................................................. 7
2.1 Typ es .................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Ordering ................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Functions ............................................................................................... 7
2.4 Integra tion via KNX bus ......................................................................... 8
2.5 Equipment combination s ...................................................................... 10
2.6 Accessories ......................................................................................... 1 1
3. Functions ........................................................................................... 12
3.1 T emperature control ............................................................................. 12
3.2 Operating modes ................................................................................. 13
3.2.1 Differen t w ays to influe nce the op era ting mod e .................................... 14
3.2.2 Commun ication examples .................................................................... 17
3.3 Room temperature setpoint s ................................................................ 19
3.3.1 Descr iption .......................................................................................... 19
3.3.2 Setting and adjus ting se tpo ints ............................................................ 20
3.4 Applica tions overview .......................................................................... 22
3.5 Additional functions .............................................................................. 23
3.6 Control sequ ences ............................................................................... 25
3.6.1 Seque nces overview (s etting via para meter P01) ................................. 25
3.6.2 Applica tion mode ................................................................................. 26
3.6.3 Minimu m and maximu m air volume ...................................................... 28
3.6.4 Single-du ct .......................................................................................... 29
3.6.5 Single-du ct with elec tric he ater ............................................................ 30
3.6.6 Setpoint s and sequences ..................................................................... 32
3.7 Control outputs .................................................................................... 33
3.7.1 Overview ............................................................................................. 33
3.7.2 Control outpu t s con figura tion (s ett ing via D IP sw itch es or tool) ............. 33
3.8 Multifunc tiona l input, digital inpu t.......................................................... 34
3.9 Handling faults ..................................................................................... 36
3.10 KNX communication s........................................................................... 36
3.10.1 S-mode................................................................................................ 36
3.10.2 L TE mode ............................................................................................ 3 6
3.10.3 Zone addre ss ing in LTE mode (in conjunction w ith Synco) ................... 37
3.10.4 Example of hea t ing and co ol ing de man d zon e ..................................... 39
3.10.5 Send heartbea t and receive timeo ut ..................................................... 40
3.10.6 Startup ................................................................................................. 40
3.10.7 Heating demand .................................................................................. 4 0
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3.10.8 Air demand .......................................................................................... 40
3.10.9 Electric heater interlock by supply air controller (LTE mode only) ......... 41
3.10.10 Primary fan over run af ter sw itching o ff the elec tric heat er ..................... 41
3.10.11 Fault function on KNX .......................................................................... 42
3.10.12 Emerge ncy contro l (LTE Mode only) .................................................... 4 3
3.11 Commun ication objects (S-mo de) ........................................................ 44
3.1 1.1 Over view ............................................................................................. 44
3.1 1.2 Description of commun ication objec ts .................................................. 45
3.12 Control parameters .............................................................................. 47
3.12.1 Parame ter setting via local HMI............................................................ 4 7
3.12.2 Parame ter setting / dow nload via tool ................................................... 48
3.12.3 Parame ters of the "Service level" ......................................................... 49
3.12.4 Parame ters of the "E xpert le vel with diagn os tics an d test" ................... 50
4. Handling ............................................................................................. 52
4.1 Mounting and inst allation ..................................................................... 52
4.2 Commissioning .................................................................................... 53
4.3 Operation............................................................................................. 55
4.4 Remote operation ................................................................................ 56
4.5 Disposa l .............................................................................................. 56
5. Supporte d KNX tools ......................................................................... 57
5.1 ETS ..................................................................................................... 57
5.1.1 Parame ter setting s in ETS ................................................................... 57
5.2 ACS tool .............................................................................................. 57
5.2.1 Parame ter settings in ACS ................................................................... 58
5.2.2 Operation and moni toring with ACS ...................................................... 59
5.2.3 Operation and monitoring with OZW772 ............................................... 61
5.2.4 Operation and monitoring with RMZ972-B ............................................ 61
6. Connection ......................................................................................... 62
6.1 Conne ction terminals ........................................................................... 62
6.2 Conne ction diagrams ........................................................................... 62
7. Mechanic al design ............................................................................. 63
7.1 Genera l ............................................................................................... 63
7.2 Dimensions .......................................................................................... 64
8. Tec hnical data .................................................................................... 65
Index …………………………………………………………………………………67
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1. About this document
1.1 Revision history
Edition Date Changes Section Pages
1.1 2015-06-08 Update the mounting notes, d isposal notes, declaration information and connect ion diagrams
6.2 8
52 56 62 65
1.0 16 Jul 2010 First edition all
1.2 Reference documents
Subject Ref Doc No. Description
Semi-flush mount room thermostats with KNX communicati ons, RDU341
[1] CE1N3172 Data Sheet [2] CE1B3172 Operating Instructions [3] CE1M3172 Mounting Instructions
KNX Manual [4] Handbook for Home and Building Control – Basic Principles
(http:// /knx-en/training /books-d ocument ation/knx-associati on-books /index.p hp
Synco and KNX (see /synco
[5] CE1N3127 KNX bus, Data Sheet [6] CE1P3127 Communication via the KNX bus for Synco 700, 900 and
RXB/RXL, Basic Docum entati on
XLS template
in HIT
Planning and commissioning protocol,
communicati on Synco 700 [8] CE1N3121 RMB395 central control unit, Data Sheet [9] CE1Y3110 KNX S-mode data points [10] -- Product data for ETS [11] CE1J3110 ETS product data compatibility list [12] 0-92168en Synco Application Manual
DESIGO engineering docum ents
[13] CM1Y9775 DESIGO RXB integration – S-mode [14] CM1Y9776 DESIGO RXB / RXL integration – Individual Addressing [15] CM1Y9777 Third-party integration [16] CM1Y9778 Synco integration [17] CM1Y9779 Working with ETS
Apogee engineering docum ents
[18] 565-132 Installation I nstructions: KNX driver for PXC Modular [19] 127-1676 Technical Spec Sheet: KNX driver for PXC Modular [20] 140-0804 Technical reference for KNX driver [21] 140-0804 Application 6205 point map for RDU
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1.3 Before you start
1.3.1 Copyright
This document m ay be duplicated and distributed only with the express permission of Siemens, and may be passed only t o authorized persons or companies with the required technic al knowledge.
1.3.2 Quality assurance
This document was prepared with great care.
· The contents of this document are checked at regular intervals
· Any corrections necessary are included in subsequent versions
· Docum ents are automatically amended as a consequence of modifications and
corrections to the products described Please make sure that you ar e aware of the latest document revision date. If you find lack of clarity while using this document, or if you have any criticisms or suggestions, please contact the Product Manager in your nearest br anch office. The addresses of the Siemens Regi onal Companies are available at
1.3.3 Document use / request to the reader
Before using our products, it is important that you read the documents supplied with or ordered at the same time as the products (equipm ent, applications, tools, etc.) carefully and in full. We assume that persons using our products and documents are authorized and trained appropriately and have the technical knowledge required to use our products as intended. More information on the products and applications is available:
· On the intranet (Siemens employees only) at
https://workspace. sbt.siem ent/00001123/def ault.aspx
· From the Siemens branch office near you
www.buildingt echnologies.siem or from your system supplier
· From the support team at headquarters fieldsupport-z if
there is no local point of contact
Siemens assumes no liability to the extent allowed under the law for any losses resulting from a failure to comply with the aforementioned points or for the improper compliance of the same.
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1.4 Target audience, prerequisites
This document assumes that users of the RDU KNX thermostats are familiar with the ETS Professional and/or Synco ACS700 tools and able to use them.
It also presupposes that these users are aware of the specific conditions associ­ated with KNX.
In most countries, specific KNX know-how is conveyed through training centers certified by the KNX Association (see
For reference documentation, see section 1.2.
1.5 Glossary
The inputs, outputs and parameters of an application can be influenced in various ways. These are identified by the following symbols in this document:
Parameters identified by this symbol are set usi ng ETS.
Parameters identified by this symbol are set using the ACS tool.
Setting RDU KNX parameters is only supported by the following tool versions:
– ETS3f or higher – ACS 700 version 5.11 or higher
Inputs and outputs identified by this symbol communicate with other KNX devices. They are called communication objects (CO).
The communication objects of the RDU KNX thermostats work partly in S-mode, partly in LTE mode, and partly in both. These objects are described accordingly.
A list of the parameters is shown in section 3.12.
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2. Summary
2.1 Types
Product number Stock number Operating voltage Control output s
Housi ng
3 pos ON/OFF DC 0..10 V
RDU341 S55770-T106 AC 24 V -- ü ü white
2.2 Ordering
· When ordering, please indicate both product no. / stock no. and name:
E.g. RDU341 / S55770-T106 room thermostat
· Order valve actuators separately
2.3 Functions
VAV systems via ON/OFF or modulating control outputs:
· Single-duct system
· Single-duct system with electric heater
The room thermostats are delivered with a fixed set of applications. The relevant application is selected and activ ated during commissioning using one of the following tools:
· Synco ACS
· Local DIP switch and HMI
· Operat ing modes: Comfort, Economy (Energy Saving) and Protection
· Out puts for DC 0…10 V actuator and AC 230V electric heater (ON-OFF)
· Automati c or manual heating / cooling changeover
· Backlit display
· AC 24 V operating voltage
· Room temperat ure control via built-in temperature sensor or external room
temperature / return air temperature sensor
· Changeov er between heating and cooling mode (automatic via local sensor or
bus, or manually)
· Selecti on of applications via DIP switches or commissioning tool (ACS700)
· Sel ect operating mode via operating mode button on the thermostat
· Temporary Comfort mode extensi on
· Displ ay of current room temperature or setpoint in °C and/or °F
· Displ ay of outdoor temperature or time of day via KNX bus
· Minim um and maximum limitation of room temperature setpoint
· Mi nimum and maximum limitation of air flow signal DC 0...10 V
· Button lock (automatically or manually)
· 2 multifunctional inputs, freely selectable for:
– Operating mode switchover contact (keycard, window contact, etc.)
– Sensor for automatic heating / cooling changeover
– External room temperature or return air temperature sensor
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– Dew point sensor – Electri c heat er enabl e – Fault i nput – Monitor input for temperature sensor or switch state
· Reload factory settings for commissioning and control parameters
2.4 Integration via KNX bus
The RDU room thermostats can be integrated as follows:
· Int egrati on into Synco 700 system via LTE mode (easy engineering)
· Integrat ion into Synco living via group addressing (ETS)
· Int egrati on into DESIGO and Apogee via group addressing (ETS) or individual
· Integrat ion into third-party systems via group addressing (ETS)
The following KNX functions are available:
· Central tim e program and setpoints, e.g. when using the RMB795 central control unit
· Out side temperature or time of day via bus displayed on thermostat
· Rem ote operation and monitoring, e.g. using the RMZ792-B bus operator unit
· Rem ote operation and monitoring with web browser using the OZW772 or
OZW775 web server
· Maxim um energy efficiency due to exchange of relevant energy information, e.g. with Synco 700 controll ers (e.g. heating demand, cooling demand)
· Alarmi ng, e.g. external fault contact, condensation, etc.
· Monit oring input for temperature sensor or switch
Engineering and commissioning can be done using… – local DIP switches / HMI
– Synco ACS700 service tool – ETS
The RDU room thermostats are especially tailored for integration into the Synco 700 system and operate together in LTE mode. This extends the field of use of Synco for individual room control in conjunction with VAV.
Thanks to S-mode extension to the QAX910 central apartment unit, communicating room thermostats can be easily integrated into Synco living systems. Using the S-mode data points of the central apartment unit, additional room information can be exchanged with the room thermostat via KNX TP1 (RF function is not available on the room thermostats). To make the integration, the ETS engineering tool is required.
Synco 700
Synco living
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Synco 700 Building automation and control system (BACS) Synco living Room automation and control system RDG..., RDF…, RDU… Room thermostats OZW772 (or OZW775) Web server RMZ792-B Bus operator unit QAW... Room unit ACS Engineering and Service tool OCI700, OCI702 Interface for ACS RXB, RXL Room controllers QAX Room unit for RXB / RXL room controllers
The RDU KNX devices can be integrated into the Siemens building automation and control systems (BACS) DESIGO / Apogee or into 3rd-party systems. For integration, either S-mode (group addressing) or indiv idual addressing can be used. The workflow for integration into DESIGO / Apogee is the same as with standard KNX devices.
Synco to po logy
DESIGO, Apogee and third-party systems
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2.5 Equipment combinations
Type of unit Product no.
Cable temperat ure sensor, cable length 2.5 m NTC (3 kW at 25 °C)
Room temperature sensor NTC (3 kW at 25 °C)
Condensation detector / Supply unit
QXA2000 / QXA2001 /
Electrical actuator, DC 0..10 V (for radiator valve)
Electrical actuator, DC 0..10 V (for 2 and 3 port valves / V…P45)
Electrical actuator, DC 0..10 V (for small valve 2,5 mm)
Electrical actuator, DC 0..10 V (for small valves 5.5 mm)
Electrical actuator, DC 0..10 V (for Combi-valve VPI45)
Electromotori c actuator, DC 0..10V (for valves 5.5 mm)
Thermal actuat or, DC 0..10 V (for small valves and radiator valves)
DC 0…10 V damper actuator
VAV compact controller
DC 0…10 V valve actuators
DC 0…10 V damper actuators
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2.6 Accessories
Product no /
Stock no.
Changeover mounting kit (50 pcs / package)
N3009 Plastic mounting bracket for RDU semi-flush­mount thermostats for increasing the headroom in the conduit box by 10 mm
Conduit box for semi-flush mounted thermostat
ARG71 /
KNX power supply 160 mA (Siemens BT LV)
5WG1 125-1AB01
KNX power supply 320 mA (Siemens BT LV)
5WG1 125-1AB11
KNX power supply 640 mA (Siemens BT LV)
5WG1 125-1AB21
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3. Functions
3.1 Temperature control
Setting of the control parameters (P01, etc., mentioned throughout the document) is described in section 3.12.
The thermostat acquires the room temperature via built-in sensor, external room temperature sensor (QAA32), or external return air temperature sensor (QAH11.1), and maintains the setpoi nt by delivering actuator control commands to heating and/or cooling equipment. The following cont rol outputs are available:
· VAV box / damper: Modulating PI/P control with DC 0...10 V
· El. heater: ON/OFF control (2-position)
The switching differential or proportional band is 2 K for heating mode and 1 K for cooling mode (adjustable via parameters P30 and P31). The integral action time for modulating PI control is 5 minutes (adjustable via parameter P35).
The display shows the acquired room temperature or the Comfort setpoint, selecta­ble via parameter P06. The factory setting displays the current room temperature. Use parameter P04 to display the room temperature or setpoint in °F rather than °C as needed. The acquired room tem perature (internal or external sensor) is al so available as information on the bus.
· W ith automatic changeover or continuous heating / cooling, symbols
/ indicate that the system currently heats or cools (heating or cooling output is activated).
· With manual changeover (P01 = 2), symbols
/ i ndicate that the system
currently operates in heating or cooling mode. Thus, the symbols are displayed even when the thermostat operates in the neutral zone.
Concurrent displ ay of the current temperature or setpoint in °C and °F (parameter P07 = 1) is possible on the thermostats.
The outside temperat ure can be displayed on the room thermostat by setting parameter P07 = 2. This temperature value has only information character. In LTE mode, the outside temperature can only be received on outside temperature zone 1. In S-mode, the corr espondi ng communication object needs to be bound with a KNX sensor device.
Time of day via bus can be displayed on the room thermostat by setting parameter P07 = 3 or 4. The display format is either in 12- or in 24-hour format. The information can be received from a Synco controller with time master functionality or any other KNX device if the corresponding communication object is bound.
General note: Parameters
Temperature control
Room temperature
Concurrent displ ay of °C and °F
Outside temperature via bus
Time of day via bus
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3.2 Operating modes
The thermostat's operating mode can be influenced in different ways (see below). Specific heating and cooling setpoi nts are assi gned to each operating mode.
The thermostat sends the effective room operating mode on the bus.
The following operating modes are available:
In Auto Timer mode the room operating mode is commanded via bus. Auto Timer is replaced by Comfort when no time schedule via bus is present
In Comfort mode, the thermostat maintains the Comfort setpoint. This setpoint can be defined via parameters P8, P9 and P10. It can be locally adjusted via the +/- buttons or via bus. In Comfort mode, the fan can be set to automatic or manual fan speed: Low, medium or high.
The setpoints (less heating and cooling than in Comfort mode) can be defined via parameters P11 and P12. The thermostat switches to Economy mode when... – the operating mode button is pressed (only possible if parameter P02 is set to 2) – Ec onomy is sent via bus – an operating mode switchover contact (e.g. keycard contact presence detector,
window contact) is active. The contact can be connected to multifunctional input X1, X2. Set parameter P38 / P40 to 3 (P02 is irrelevant) *)
– "Window state" is sent via bus, e.g. from a KNX switch or a KNX presence
detector (P02 is irrelevant) *)
*) Operating mode switchov er: Only one input source must be used, either local
input X1/X2 or KNX bus. User operations are ineffec tive and “OFF” is displayed if the operating mode switchover contact is active, or if "Window state" is sent via bus.
In Protection mod e, the system is... – protected against frost (factory setting 8 °C, can be disabled or changed via
– protected against overheating (factory setting OFF, can be enabled or changed
via P66) No other operating mode can be selected locally if Protection mode is commanded via bus.
and are displayed.
Room operating mode: State
Auto Time r
Room operating mode: Window state
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3.2.1 Different ways to influence the operating mode
The operating mode can be influenced by different interventions. The source of the effective room operating mode state can be monitored using the "Cause" diagnostic data point in the ACS tool, operator unit RMZ792-B or web server OZW772.
Source Description Value of DP "Cause"
Local operation via operating mode button
· Operati ng mode is not Auto Tim er
· No time schedule via bus
Room operating mode selector (preselection)
· Temporary Comfort extension is active “Timer” function
· Operating mode switchov er contact Room operating mode contact
Bus command
Room op. mode
· "Window state" sent via bus Room operating mode contact
· Time schedule available via bus
à local operating mode is set to Auto Timer
· Tim e schedule sends Protection mode via bus
à operating mode cannot be changed locally
Time switch
The following table shows the priorities of diff erent interventions. A lower number means a higher priority.
Priority Description Remark
Commissioning In parameter setti ng mode (highest priority), you c an always
command an operating mode independent of all other settings or intervention via bus and local input.
Protection mode via bus from time schedule
Protection mode, sent by a time schedule, has pri ority 2. It cannot be overridden by the user nor by an operating mode switchover contact .
Operating mode switchover contact
If the contact is closed, the operating mode changes to Economy. This overrides the operating mode on the t hermostat.
"Window state" via bus "Window state" sent via bus has the same effect as the operat ing
mode switchov er contact.
Note: Only one input source must be used, either local input X1/X2 or KNX bus.
Operating mode button The user can switch the operating mode using the operating
mode button.
Operating mode via bus The operating mode can be changed via bus
Temporary extended Comfort mode via operating mode button
The operating mode can be temporarily set from Economy to Comfort by pressing the operating mode button, if... – Econom y was sent via bus – ex tended Comfort period >0 (parameter P68)
The last intervention wins, either locally or via bus
Time schedule via bus
The operating mode sent via bus can be overridden by all other interventions. Exception: Protection mode has priority 2.
Source for change of operating mode
Priority of operating mode inter v e ntions
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If a time schedule via bus is present, e.g. from central control unit, then the Auto Timer mode
is active. The thermostat automatically changes between Comfort
and Economy according to the time schedule via bus. The display shows the Auto Timer mode symbol
along with the symbol for the
effective room operating mode (Comfort
or Economy ). By pressing the operating mode button, you can change to another operating mode. Automatic fan is the default fan speed in Auto T imer mode.
Each time the time schedule sends a new operating mode (switching event), the operating mode of the thermostat is set back to Auto Timer mode. This is to assure that the room temperature is maintained according to the time schedule.
If the time schedule sends Precomfort mode, then this mode will be transformed either into Economy (factory setting) or Comfort (selectable via parameter P88).
No intervention is possible neither by the user nor by an operating mode switch­over contact, if Protection mode is set by the time schedule. OFF flashes on the display when the user presses a button.
The operating mode can be selected locally via the operating mode button. The behavior of t he operating mode button (user profile) can be defined via parameter P02, factory setting is P02 = 1.
P02 Without time
With time sche­dule via bus
1 à
· Switching m anually between 2 modes, Econom y i s not available (f actory sett ing)
· Suit ed for hotel guest rooms or commercial buildings.
· If a time schedule via bus is available, then the Comfort
mode can be temporarily ex tended (see below)
2 à à
à à à
· Switching m anually between 3 modes
· Suit ed for homes and rooms where manual switching to
Economy mode is desired
The thermostat can be forced into Economy mode (e.g. when a window is opened, when a presence detector signals "no one present", when the keycar d of a hotel room is withdrawn, etc). The contact can be connected to multifunctional input X1, X2. Set parameter P38, P40 to 3.
If the operating mode switchover contact is active, pressing the operating mode button will show “OFF” (blinking).
The function is also available via the KNX signal "Window state", e.g. from a KNX switch or a KNX presence detector.
Note: Only one input source must be used, either local input X1/X2or KNX bus. User operations are ineffec tive and “OFF” is displayed if the operating mode switchover contact is active, or if "Window state" is sent via bus.
Auto Timer mode with time schedule via bus
Behavior when bus sends new operating mode
Precomfort via bus
Behavior when bus sends Protection
Availability of Economy mode
Operating mode switchover contact (window contact)
Room operating mode: Window state
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Comfort mode can be t emporarily extended (e.g. working after business hour or on weekends) when the thermostat is commanded to Economy mode. The operating mode button switches the operating mode back to Comfort for the period preset in P68. Press the operating mode button again to stop the timer.
The following conditions must be fulfilled:
· Mode selecti on via operating mode button is set to “Protection-Auto” (P02 = 1) and parameter P68 (extend Comfort period) is greater than 0
· The time schedule via bus is Economy or Operating mode switchover is active
During the temporary Comfort mode extension, symbol
If parameter P68 (extend Comfort period) = 0, extended Comfort cannot be activated; pressing the operating mode button will swit ch the thermostat to Protection.
Temporary timer to extend the Comfort mode
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3.2.2 Communication examples
The following ex amples show two typical applications of a central tim e schedule in conjunction with local control of the room operating mode. The room operating mode in rooms 1…2 of a building is determi ned by the time schedule. Window contacts are fitted in all rooms.
The following condi tions are specified:
The rooms are used and controlled by the time schedule as follows: – Night setback from 17:00 to 08:00 (Economy) – Protection from 20:00 to 06:00 – Lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00 (Precomfort)
The substitution (parameter P88) for Precomfort via bus is set on the thermostats as follows: – Room 1: Comfort (1) – Room 2: Economy (0)
Operating mode switchover
In room 1, the window is opened briefly, once in the morning, once in late afternoon and once at night (1). Only the opening in the morning has a direct impact on the effective room operating mode. During lunch break, the time schedule changes to Precomfort. The mode remains in Comfort as set by parameter “Transformation Precomfort” (P88 = 1).
Time schedule
Window contact
Room 1
Effective room operating mode
Room 1
Window open
Window closed
Example 1
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Interaction of user operation (operating mode button) and central time schedule
In room 2, the window is opened briefly, once in the morning and once at night (1). Only the opening in the morning has a direct impact on the effective room opera­ting mode.
With the operating mode button, the operating mode can be changed between OFF and Auto or temporary Comfort extension respectively.
· During lunch break , the time schedule changes to Precomfort.
The mode of the thermostat c hanges to Economy as set by parameter “Transformation Precomf ort” (P88 = 0) (6)
· During lunch break, the user changes the operating mode to Comfort
(temporary Comfort extension) by pressing the operating mode button (2). At 13:00, the timer is reset due to mode change of the central time schedule
· In the aft ernoon, the user switches the thermostat off by pressing t he operating
mode button (3). At 17:00 the user setting is reset to Economy by the time schedule
· At 19:30, the user again extends the Comfort mode (4). At 20:00, the timer i s
reset by the time schedul e
· After 20:00, pressing the operating mode button has no effect, as the central
time switch sets the thermostat to Protection (5)
Time schedule
Room operating mode
Operating mode button on the thermostat
Window contact
Room 2
Effective room operating mode
Room 2
Window open
Window closed
Example 2
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3.3 Room temperature setpoints
3.3.1 Description
The factory setting for the Comfort basic setpoint is 21 °C and can be changed in the thermostat’s EEPROM v ia parameter P08 or via bus with communication object " Comfort basic setpoint". The last intervention always wins.
The Comfort setpoint can be adjusted via +/- buttons, or via bus from a remote device like a touchpanel, operating unit, etc. The last interv ention always wins.
If the “Temporary setpoint” function is enabled via parameter P69, the Comfort setpoint adjusted via the +/- buttons or vi a bus is set back to the Comfort basic setpoint stored in P08 when the operating mode changes.
For energy saving purposes, the setpoint setting range can be limited to minimum (P09) and maximum (P10).
· If the m inimum limit P09 is set lower than the maximum limit P10, both heating and cooling are adjustable between these 2 limits
· For heating or cooling applications (e.g. single duct): – The setting range in cooling mode is from P09…40 °C in place of 5…40 °C – The setting range in heating mode is from 5…P10 °C in place of 5…40 °C
· For heating and cooli ng applications (e.g. single duct wit h el. heater):P09 is the setpoint for cooling and P10 the setpoint for heating – The setpoint can no longer be adjusted via the rotary knob
Examples Single duct
Heating OR cooling
Single duct & el. heater
Heating AND coo li ng
P09 < P10
Cooling setpoi nt adjustable 18…25 °C Heating setpoint adjustable 18…25 °C
Cooling setpoi nt adjustable 18…25 °C Heating setpoint adjustable 18…25 °C
P09 P10
Cooling setpoi nt adjustable 25…40 °C
Heating setpoint adjustable 5…21 °C
Cooling fixed = 25 °C (P09) Heating fixed = 21 °C (P10)
Use control parameters P11 and P12 to adjust the Economy mode setpoints. The heating setpoint is factory-set to 15 °C, and the cooling setpoint to 30 °C.
Use control parameters P65 and P66 to adjust the Protection mode setpoints. The heating setpoint is factory-set to 8 °C (frost protection) and t o OFF for cooling.
Comfort mode
Temporary setpoi nt
Setpoint limitation
P09 < P10
P09 P10
Economy mode
Protection mode
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Siemens RDU341 Basic Documentation CE1P3172en Building Technologies 2015-06-08
If a setpoint (Economy or Protection) is set to OFF, the thermostat does not control the room temperature in the corresponding mode (heating or cooling). This means no protective heating or cooling function and thus risk of frost in heating mode or risk of overtemperature in cooling mode!
The Economy setpoints are accessible at the service level (P11, P12); the Protection setpoints at the expert level (P65, P66).
3.3.2 Setting and adjusting setpoints
Room temperature setpoints can be – set during commissioning – adjusted during runtime
The source can be – the local HMI – a tool – a central control unit
The thermostat stores the setpoi nts – in EEPROM i n the form of parameters – in the runtime memory
The table below shows the interr elations:
Setpoint setting
red in EE PROM
of thermostat
– HMI – Tool download
Input LTE mode
Input S
Comfort basic setpoint Dead zone Comfort 1)
Setpoints Heating Setpoints Cooli ng
Comfort basic setpoint P08 Comfort basic setpoint
P33 Dead zone Comfort 1)
Setpoint Economy Heating Setpoint Economy Cooling
Setpoints Heating Setpoints Cooli ng
P11 Economy Heating
P12 Economy Cooling
Setpoint Prot ection Heating Setpoint Prot ection Cooling
P65 Protection Heating
P66 Protection Cooling
setpoints in thermostat
runtime setpoints in thermostat
Input LTE mode
Input S
-mode3)Local ope
ration 3)
Comfort setpoi nt Setpoint shift H
Setpoint shift C
Comfort setpoint + / - buttons Comfort setpoint
Economy Heating Economy Cooling
Setpoint shift H
Setpoint shift C
Economy Heating
Economy Cooling
Protection Heati ng Protection Cooling
Protection Heating
Protection Cooling
Effective room operating mode Current setpoint (used by the thermostat for temperature control)
Comfort basic setpoint Comfort setpoint
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Siemens RDU341 Basic Documentation CE1P3172en Building Technologies 2015-06-08
1) Only required for heating AND cooling applications (see section 3.6.6)
2) The shift is added to the local shift (LTE mode only)
3) The last intervention wins, either S-Mode input or local operation
The current setpoint (used by the thermostat for temperature control) is available on the bus for use in the central control unit.
· The supported communicati on objects are different in LTE mode and S-mode
· Change s via the local HMI or via KNX have the same priority (last always wins)
· Adj usting the Comfort basic setpoint will reset the runtime Comfort setpoint to
the basic setpoint
· Central setpoi nt shift is used for summer / winter compensation in particular
· Setpoi nt shift does not affect the setpoints stored in parameters P08, P11, P12,
· Local shift and central shift are added together
· Appli es only to Comfort and Economy setpoints; Protection setpoints are not
shifted central ly
· The resulting (current ) setpoint heating and cooling is limited by the Protection setpoint; if Protection setpoint is OFF, then minimum 5 °C and maximum 40 °C are used
· The resulting setpoint s for cooling and heating of the same operating mode have a minimum distance of 0.5 K between them
· The result of local and central shift, together with the room operating mode, is used by the thermostat for temperature control (current setpoint)
Current setpoint
General notes:
Notes on setpoint adjustment (LTE mode with Synco only)
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