PSB 7238 1998-07-01
Revision History: Current Version: 1998-07-01
Previous Version:Preliminary Data Sheet 06.98 (V1.2)
(in previous
(in current
Subjects (major changes since last revision)
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The PSB 7238 Joint Audio Decoder Encoder Multimode (JADE MM ) is a device which
implements voice compression algorithms using the Low-Delay Code Excited Linear
Prediction (LD-CELP) sta ndard as defined in the ITU-T G.728 Recommendation, the
Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction (ACELP) and the Multi-Pulse Maximum
Likelihood Quantization (MP-MLQ) standard as defined in the ITU-T G.723
Recommendation, and for 7-kHz voice using the Sub-Band Coded Adaptive Differential
PCM (SBC-ADPCM) coding according to the G.722 Recommendation. In addition G.711
PCM audio coding is also supported.
Thus in the G.728 mode it compresses a digitized PCM (64 Kbit/s) or linear (128 Kbit/s)
voice signal into a 16 Kbit/s bit stream, and vice versa. The algorithm is implemented in
16-bit fixed point a rithmetic and complies with the newest fixed point specification set
forth by the ITU.
In G.723 mode it compre sse s th e PC M o r line ar v oic e si gna l in to 5.3 Kbit/s (ACELP) or
6.3 Kbit/s (MP-MLQ) bit stream, and vic e versa. The impl ementation com plies with the
newest ITU-T C-code V5.1 and includes the G.723 Annex A (Voice Activity Detection
and Comfort Noise Generation).
In the G.722 mode it compresses the PCM compressed (128 Kbit/s) or the linear
uncompressed (256 Kbit/s) 7-kHz audio samples into a rate of 48/56/64 Kbit/s, and vice
The JADE finds applications in
– ISDN Videophones (H.320)
– Analog Videophones (H.324)
– Video Co nfere nce Systems
– Corporate Network voice concentrators, multiplexers and gateways
– Data-ove r-voi ce and Voic e-ove r-data terminal s.
Other potential application areas are:
– Networks (e.g. LANs) for packetized voice
– Digital Added Main-Line (DAML) & Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment (DCME)
– Voice storage e.g. in PC based applications
– Message recording and distribution.
The interfaces of the JADE allow a seamless integration into IOM-2 based systems. After
the circuit is set up in the proper mode of operation and parameter settings are
programmed by a controlling software, the circuit runs independent of the rest of the
system. Status and control information to/from the JADE can be transferred either
inband the compressed audio data via the corresp onding sel ect ed interf ace or outband
using an 8-bit parallel host interface.
Semiconductor Group 5Data Sheet 1998-07-01
PSB 7238
In a Videophone system using the 8×8 (formerly IIT) VCP (Video Codec and Multimedia
Communications Processo r) the Siemens PSB 7238 can work standalone without the
need of external initialization. The default configuration of the JADE is such, that no host
is needed in this case and the full communication is done betw een the VCP and the
Siemens PSB 7238.
The voice compress ion a lgori thms a re i mplemen ted by an embed ded 16 -bit fix ed point
Digital Signal Processor with all memories internal and no external memory needed.
Integration of these and other features, as well as perfectly matched interfaces with other
ICs allows for the implementation of highly optimized, low cost system solutions e.g. for
Videophones, Data-over-voice and Channel Multiplexing equipment.
For system integration, two serial HDLC/transparent data channels are implemented
which can be serviced by an attached hos t (or th e on-chip DSP). Syst em functions and
communication between the chip and an external controller is supported by a full-duplex
256-byte on-chip mailbox communication memory.
The circuit is offered in a Quad Flat Pack package with 100 pins (P-TQFP-100: size
14 × 14 mm, pitch 0.5 mm, height 1.4 mm).
Note: This Data Sheet g ives a th orough desc ription of t he function s and hard ware that
forms the base of PSB 7238. It includes information (e.g. External Memory
Interface) that is not needed fo r the PSB 7238 as a
data rate
– Digital sampling rate conversion (16 kHz - 8 kHz) for G.722 audio with 8-kHz Codec
(bandwidth reduced to 3.4 kHz)
– Accepts/outputs uncompressed audio in 8-bit PCM A/µ law or 16-bit linear format
– Uncompressed/compressed audio switchable between different interface
combinations (IOM/Serial Audio Interface, IOM/Host, Host/Host)
– Inband controlled H.221/H.223 oriented audio protocol, e.g. for direct serial
connection to videocodec (VCP of 8×8 Inc., formerly IIT Inc.) as well as host based
– Stable reaction on interrupt handshake timing violations of e.g. a slow host
System On-chip Functions
– Two universal serial HDLC/transparent data controllers
– IOM-2 monitor and C/I channels
– Generation of programmable system clock output
– Three programmable timers
– Programmable on-chip PLL for internal clock generation from ISDN low frequency
(7.68 MHz) clock
TypeOrdering CodePackage
PSB 7238Q67101-H6773P-TQFP-100
Semiconductor Group7Data Sheet 1998-07-01
PSB 7238
– 4-line IOM-2/PCM interface
– 5-line serial audio interface, e.g. for connection to videocodec/H.221/223 processor
– Parallel 8-bit Host interface
– 4-line general purpose interface
– External memory interface to external SRAM with programmable waitstates (0 to 15),
for devel opment purposes only.
– Programmable via parallel host interface
– Operating parameters and mode settings via a register bank
– Access to audio channel s and H DLC/seria l transpa rent data c ontrollers from DSP or
an external host
– Interface to external software via a full-duplex 256-byte on-chip mailbox
– H.221/H.223 oriented inband configuration/mode switching
– Supply voltage: 3.0 - 3.6 V
– Additional 4.5 to 5.5 V supply for connection to 5-V systems without external
– Ambient temperature range 0 °C to + 70 °C
– P-TQFP-100 package
If a crystal is used, it is connected between XTAL1 and
XTAL2. If a clock signal is provided (via an external
oscillator), this signal is input via XTAL1. In this case the
XTAL2 output is to be left non-connected. The XTAL1
input has to be 50% duty cycle and must not exceed the
voltage range between
91XTAL2OCrystal Out.
Left unconnected if a crystal is not used.
86CLKOOClock Out.
Output clock of frequency equal to the internal frequency
divided by a programmable factor.
75CA0OC-Bus Address.
73CA1OUsed for addressing ROM or RAM external to the chip.
69CA2OIs to be left NC if not used.
IPositive power supply voltage (3.0 - 3.6 V).
Note: In former versions, pins 34, 41, 52, 58 and 65
could be connected to either
version with external memory) or to
(for special
compatibility with other JADE versions). This
version requires them to be connected to
IPositive power supply voltage (4.5 - 5.5 V) for external
ISeparate positive power supply voltage (3.0 - 3.6 V) for
Clock Generation Unit (Oscillator).
ISeparate Ground (0 V) for Clock Generation Unit
ISeparate positive power supply voltage (3.0 - 3.6 V) for
Clock Generation Unit (PLL).
Note: The power supply for the PLL requires pin 87
connected to
connected to
. In former versions pin 87 was
ISeparate Ground (0 V) for Clock Generation Unit (PLL)
Semiconductor Group 16Data Sheet 1998-07-01
1.6Functional Block Diagram
PSB 7238
Se ri a l
Au dio
Ti mer s
Parallel Host Interface
Cha nn els
256 byte
25 6 byte
Re se t
Mon, C/I
ge n/
External Memory Interface
CA(0:15) CD(0:15)CWR#CRD#
Figure 3
Detailed description see Chapter 2.
Semiconductor Group 17Data Sheet 1998-07-01
PSB 7238
1.7System Integration
Example of integration in ISDN/analog videophone:
The first example represents a low-cost so lution for a des k-top standa lone video phone
that connects to an ISDN S0 bus (ISDN basic access) or an analog telephone line.
The ISDN basic access consists of two 64 Kbit/s so-called B-channels to carry user
information (voice, data, …), and a separate 16 Kbit/s D-channel primarily used for
signaling. The video and audio are both compressed so that they are carried, along with
additional control information, in the two B-channels, or 128 Kbit/s.
The analog telephone line can carry up to 33.6 Kbit/s using a V.34+ modem.
The general aspects of videotelephony are covered by ITU-T H.320/H.324
recommendations. The v id eo is co mpress ed acco rding to the H .261 (s ometime s c alled
“p × 64”) or the H.263 recommendation.
For the ISDN videophone (H.320) the compressed video and audio signals are
multiplexed together with additional synchronization and control information into two
B-channels, which are separately switched via the network and thus have to be
resynchronized at the other end. The multiplexing and resynchronization of the
B-channels is specified by the H.221 recommendation (see Figure 4).
For the analog videophone (H.324) the compressed video and audio signals are
multiplexed together with additional control information into a single communication link.
The multiplexing is specified by the H.223 recommendation (see Figure 4).
Figure 4
Using non-parametric co mpression techniques, au dio can be compressed to 64 Kbit/s
PCM (logarithmical A- or µ-law approximation for 3.1-kHz voice acc. to G.711) or
48/56/64 Kbit/s sub-band coded adaptive PCM (for 7-kHz audio acc. to G.722). This
leaves, however, only approximately 64 Kbit/s for video on the ISDN which, at this rate,
yields only a marginal ly good picture quality. For the ana log videophone it’s not even
possible to transfer only audio at this data rate.
Semiconductor Group 18Data Sheet 1998-07-01
PSB 7238
In order to make the best possible use of the total bandwidth and obtain the best possible
video quality, the audio should require only a small fraction of the total data rate. This is
made possible by using parametric compression techniques such as LD-CELP
(16 Kbit/s), ACELP (5.3 Kbit/s) or MP-MLQ (6.3 Kbit/s). Above all, the corresponding
norms (G.728 and G.723) are inte rnationally adopted standards, so tha t compatibility
between equipment from different manufacturers is ensured.
A low-cost H.320/324 vide ophone solut ion for both ISDN and POTS line as a PCI card
for commercial PC’s is shown in Figure 5.
PSB 7238
V.34 Modem
(synchronous access)
PSB 2186
SAB 83C515A
PSB 2163
Stereo DAC
Video in
Video out
Bus Interface
Figure 5
This “multimode” board is capable to work with whatever telephone line is available,
digital ISDN or analog POTS.
The JADE MM and the video codec chip (e.g. the Video Communication Processor
“VCP” from 8×8 Inc.) constitute the heart of the videophone.
Both (together with the microcontroller 83C515) are connected to the PC via the PCI bus
using PCI bus interface (e.g. the “VPIC” of 8×8 Inc.).
The JADE MM compresses/decompresses audio according to the ITU-T standards
G.728, G.723, G.722 and G.711 and runs a fully inband controlled protocol on the
interface to the video codec. It receives/transmits uncom pressed audio via the IOM-2
interface from/to the ARCOFI-SP. The setup for th is application is done automatically
after a hardware reset, so no additional initialization by a host is required. Since the
JADE MM has all its memories on chip, no external SRAM needs to be connected.
Semiconductor Group 19Data Sheet 1998-07-01
PSB 7238
The ARCOFI-SP (Audio Ringing Codec Filter) i s a hands-free codec for 3.1-kHz voice
which performs detection and elaborate balancing of the received and transmitted audio
to suppress undesirable effects due to acoustical feedback of the signal from the remote
subscriber. The quality obtained is very close to that of echo-free full duplex
The video is captured by a PAL/NTSC camera and digitized and demodulated e.g. by a
standard SAA 7110 which is directly conn ected to the vide o processor. Alterna tively, a
digital camera may be used, which can be connected directly to the video processor.
The video processor compresses and decompresses video according to the ITU-T
standards H.261/263 and multiplexes/demultiplexes video, audio and data according to
H.221/223. The video processo r uses DRAMs and SRAMs to store data and program
When operating in the ISDN mode, the H.221 multiplexed data stream is sent via the two
B-channels of the IOM-2 interface to the ISAC-S-TE (ISDN Subscriber Access Controller
for S-interface) which transmits them to the ISDN according to I.430 S0 interface
recommendation. The ISAC-S-TE also handles, together with the attached
microcontroller (e.g. SAB 83C515), D-channel layer-2 and layer-3 call control signaling.
The reverse functions are performed on the B-channels received from the network.
Instead of an S0, it is conceivable to implement any other layer-1 interface just by
replacing the ISAC-S TE by an appropriate transc eiver, e. g. by a transc eiver for 2-wire
digital transmission ISAC-P PSB 2196 or ISDN echo canceller for 2B1Q.
When operating in the POTS mode, the H.223 multiplexed data stream is sent via the
PCI interface to a V.34 modem. The modem must be able to work in synchronous mode,
i.e. the H.223 mult iplexed data shall be applied directly to the V.34 synchron ous data
pump. When an externa l, non-integrated V.34 modem is uti lized, control between the
modem and the terminal shall be via ITU-T V.25ter and V.80. In such cases the physical
interface is implementation specific.
To achieve “lip synchroni zation”, the audio may be delayed with respect to the video.
This is necessary because of the higher transmission delay suffered by the video signal,
due to the elaborate H.261/263 video compression. A delay of approximately
0.5 seconds is enough in most practi cal cases. To make maxi mum use of the existing
memory in the sys tem, the delay is performed by the video p rocessor with i ts external
In videophone applications calling for high quality, 7-kHz wide-band audio, the PSB 7238
can be switched to G.722 mode. In this case the rate of the compressed audio is 48, 56
or 64 Kbit/s.
When decoding MPEG bitstreams, the audio D/A conversion is provided by a stereo
audio DAC.
Demomstration board designs for H.320 PC based videophones containing the chip set
from Siemens AG and 8×8 Inc. are available and can be ordered from Siemens/8×8.
Semiconductor Group 20Data Sheet 1998-07-01
PSB 7238
General Architecture and Functions
2General Architecture and Functions
Figure 6 shows a sketch of the PSB 7238 architecture with its most important functional
Res e t
Mon, C/I
Ser ia l
Parallel Host Interface
Rec 1
Trm 1
Rec 2
Trm 2
2 56 byte
25 6 byte
Register s
32 KW p r o g r am
8 KW data
2 K W dat a
1 KW data
1 K W data
External Memory Interface
CA(0:15) CD(0:15)CWR#C RD#
Figure 6
The audio processing of the PSB 7238 is based on a 16-bit fixed point DSP core, SPC F
(Signal Processor Core Fast).
The Clock Generator is respons ible for generating the inte rnal clocks for the SPCF. ABaud Rate Generator provides an output clock of programmable rate.
The Parallel Host Interface is used to control the circuit through an associated host via
interrupt handshake procedures. Alternatively, the circuit can be controlled via the serial
audio interface, thus enabling standalone applications to be implemented.
Communication between the host, if used, and the DSP is interrupt supported, via a
full-duplex 256-byte on-chip Communication Memory Mailbox.
Semiconductor Group 21Data Sheet 1998-07-01
PSB 7238
General Architecture and Functions
Two receive and two transmit audio channels are provided. They are input/output on the
ISDN Oriented Modular (IOM-2) or the Serial Audio Interface (SAI) interfaces in
individually programmable time-slots. These channels are accessed from the DSP
and/or the parallel host interface.
The two HDLC Controller channels can be serviced by the DSP or the parall el host
interface. The serial data for the HDLC controllers are located in programmable
time-slots on IOM-2 and/or SAI.
For development purposes, the External Memory Interface allows programs to be
executed from an external memory and external data memory to be used.
2.2.1Summary of the Functions
The main functions implemented by the PSB 7238 are:
– G.728 compression/decompression (16 Kbit/s)
– G.723 compression/decompression (6.3, 5.3 Kbit/s)
– G.722 compression/decompression for 7-kHz audio (64, 56, 48 Kbit/s)
– G.711 compression/decompression (64 Kbit/s)
– Digit al sampling rate conversion (16 kHz - 8 kHz) for G.722 audio with 8-kHz code c
(bandwidth reduced to 3.4 kHz)
– Accepts/outputs uncompressed audio 8-bit PCM A/µ law or 16-bit linear format
– Uncompressed/compressed audio switchable between different interface
combinations (IOM/Serial Audio Interface, IOM/Host, Host/Host)
– Inband controlled H.221/H.223 oriented audio protocol, e.g. for direct serial
connection to videocodec (VCP of 8×8 Inc., formerly IIT Inc.)
– Outband controlled audio protocol with optimized data rate
– Stable reaction on interrupt handshake timing violations of e.g. a slow host
For more details on the hardware (n ecess ary for a better und erstandi ng of som e of the
topics described in the pres ent chapter), plea se refer to the ot her chapters of thi s data
Semiconductor Group 22Data Sheet 1998-07-01
PSB 7238
General Architecture and Functions
2.2.2Audio Functions and Supplementary Features
The uncompressed/compressed audio is applied to the interfaces as follows:
Uncompressed AudioCompressed Audio
IOM-2 (transparent)SAI (H.221/223 oriented audio protocol or
IOM-2 (transparent)Host IF (interrupt handshake protocol with
minimized interrupt load for the host)
Host IF (interrupt handshake protocol)Host IF (interrupt handshake protocol)
“Transparent” means that data is received/transmitted in a time-slot without protocol.
1. Full Duplex G.728 Encoding/Decoding of One Audio Channel
Audio coding accordin g to ITU-T G.728 fixed point recomme ndation using Low Delay
Code Excited Prediction (LD-CE LP, 16 Kb it/s), offering toll quality aud io. The postfilter
of the G.728 may be sw itc hed o n (o fferin g a h igh er q uality impression) or off (pro vid ing
objective better S/N values).
2. Full Duplex G.723 Encoding/Decoding of One Audio Channel
Audio coding according to ITU-T G.723 recommendation using Multipulse Maximum
Likelihood Quantization (MP-MLQ, 6.3 Kbit/s) or Algebraic Code Excited Linear
Prediction (ACELP, 5.3 Kbit/s). The hig h pass filter, th e postf ilter and the Voice Ac tivity
Detection of the G.723 may be independently switched on or off.
3. Full Duplex G.722 Encoding/Decoding of One Audio Channel
Audio coding for 7-kHz voice using the Sub-Band Coded Adaptive Differential PCM
(SB-ADPCM) algorithm according to the G.722 Recommendation.
4. Serial H.221/223 Oriented Audio Protocol
The PSB 7238 supports a serial H.221/223 oriented audio protocol for direct connection
to a Videocodec (VCP of 8×8 Inc.). This protoc ol provides an outband sync hronization
of the audio bit streams by using block structures for the compressed audio data.
Semiconductor Group 23Data Sheet 1998-07-01
PSB 7238
Interfaces and Memory Organization
3Interfaces and Memory Organization
Electrical Interface
The IOM-2 interface is a 4-wire interface with two data lines (DD and DU, programmable
open drain or push-pul l), a data clock line (DCL inp ut/output) and a frame sync s ignal
(FSC input/output). The data clock is by def ault equal to twice the data rate (“Double
Rate”). However, DCL may be set equal to the data rate (“Single Rate”) by programming.
In standalone configuration the clock signal is always “Double Rate”.
In terminal applications , the bit rate on the interface is n ormally 768 Kbit/s, in line card
applications it is 2048 Kbit/s (for details, see IOM-2 Interface Reference Guide).
However, the data rat e may be different (between 16 Kbit/s and 4. 096 Mbit/s and the
DCL rate correspondin gly between 16 kHz and 4.096 MHz), since the interfa ce can b e
considered as a general purpose TDM (Time-Division Multiplex) highway.
-2 Interface
The total number of time-slots on the interface is not explicitly programmed: instead, the
FSC signal (at repetition rate 8 kHz) always marks the TDM ph ysical frame begin ning.
See Figure 7.
Figure 7
DCLBits on DU/DD are clocked out with the rising edge of DCL and
latched in with the falling edge of DCL. Frequency 16 kHz to
4.096 MHz.
FSC (8 kHz)Marks the beginning of the physical frame on DU and DD. The first
bit in the frame is output after the rising edge of FSC. The first bit in
the frame is latched in with the first falling edge after FSC has gone
“high” if CRS = 1, or after the second edge (at 3/4) if CRS = 0.
Semiconductor Group 24Data Sheet 1998-07-01
PSB 7238
Interfaces and Memory Organization
The following channe ls may be prog rammed on th e IOM-2 interfac e: two receive audio
channels, two transmit audio channels, one monitor channel, two C/I channels, two
receive and two transmit HDLC channels:
Audio receive 1 and receive 2 channels
Audio transmit 1 and transmit 2 channels
Independently programmable on DD or
DU, with programmable locations (start
at bit 1 … 512) and lengths (1 … 32 bits)
w.r.t. FSC
Monitor channelProgrammable on DD(in)/DU(out) or
DD(out)/DU(in), with programmable
time-slot (3rd byte in multiplex 0, …, 15)
after FSC
Two C/I channelsProgrammable on DD(in)/DU(out) or
DD(out)/DU(in), with programmable
length (4 or 6 bits) and position (4th byte
in multiplex 0, …, 15) after FSC
Two HDLC receive and transmit channelsIndependently programmable on DD or
DU, with programmable locations (start
at bit 1 … 512) and lengths
(1 … 256 bits) w.r.t. FSC
The transfer of voice samples is performed with the help of an interrupt with repetit ion
rate 8 kHz derived from the FSC signal. A do uble -buffered register is pro vi ded for ea ch
channel, accessible from the DSP and from the parallel host interface. The double
buffered register ensures th at enough time is always provided for reading and writing
data before an overflow/underflow occurs, independent of the location of the time-slots.
Alternatively, the audio samples can be transferred between the DSP or Host and IOM-2
by using an interrupt generated when a programmable number (1 … 32) of bits are
shifted out (number independent of the time-slot length on the line).
Outside the time-slots whe re transmis sion ta kes pla ce the D U and DD lin es a re in high
Semiconductor Group 25Data Sheet 1998-07-01
PSB 7238
Interfaces and Memory Organization
3.1.2Serial Audio Interface
The Serial Audio Interface is a generic 5-line serial interface with the following lines:
SCLKSerial Bit ClockInput or output.
SRSerial ReceiveInput/output.
STSerial TransmitInput/output.
RFSReceive Frame SyncInput or output.
TFSTransmit Frame SyncInput or output.
Figure 8 shows an example where RFS is input and TFS is output.
Figure 8
SCLKInput or output
Bits on SR/ST are clocked out with the rising edge of SCLK and latched in with
the falling edge of SCLK. Alternatively, bits can be clocked out with the falling
edge of SCLK and latched in with the rising edge. When SCLK is programmed
as output, it is derived from a programmable baud rate generator. Additionaly,
SLCK can be set to strobed operation.
RFSInput or output
Marks the beginning of the physical frame on SR.
When inputSampled with a falling edge of SCLK.
When outputClocked out with the rising or falling edge of SCLK
(duration = 1 SCL K period).
Repetition rate (continuous mode) or number of
pulses (burst mode) is programmable
Semiconductor Group 26Data Sheet 1998-07-01
PSB 7238
Interfaces and Memory Organization
TFSInput or output
Marks the beginning of the physical frame on ST.
When inputSampled with a falling edge of SCLK.
When outputClocked out with the rising or falling edge of SCLK
(duration = 1 SCLK period).
Repetition rate (continuous mode) or number of
pulses (burst mode) is programmable.
SCLK is derived from the chip-internal DSP clock via a programmable baud rate
generator (division factor 1, 2, 3, …, 1024).
The Receive Frame Sync (RFS), when programmed as output, has two selectable
modes of operation:
–In the continuous mode (CONT = 1), pulses are continuously generated, separated
by a distance
16 × (PRD + 1) bits from each other, where PRD = 0, …, 255.
–In the burst mode (CONT = 0), pulses are generated upon command a
programmable number of times (REP + 1: 1, …, 1024), spaced 16 bits apart from
each other.
The same applies to TFS when it is an output.
Two Audio receive and transmit channelsIndependently programmable on SR, ST,
DU or DD with programmable locations
(start at bit 1 … 512) and lengths
(1 … 32 bits) with respect to RFS/TFS.
Two HDLC receive and transmit channelsIndependently programmable on SR, ST,
DU or DD with programmable locations
(start at bit 1 … 512) and lengths
(1 … 256 bits) with respect to RFS/TFS.
Semiconductor Group 27Data Sheet 1998-07-01
Interfaces and Memory Organization
3.1.3Parallel Host Interface
The parallel host interface can be selected to be either of the
PSB 7238
1. Motorola type with control signals CS
, R/W, DS
2. Siemens/Intel demultiplexed bus type with control signals CS, WR, RD
3. or of the Siemens/Intel multiplexed address/data bus type with control signals CS,
The selection is performed via pin ALE as follows:
→ (1)
→ (2)
ALE tied to
ALE tied to
Edge on ALE → (3)
The occurence of an edge on ALE, either positive or negative, at any time durin g the
operation immediately se lects the multiplexed bus type. A return to one of the other is
possible only if a hardware reset is issued.
3.1.4External Memory Interface
The external memory interface allows the connection of both program and data
memories to the PSB 7238. The access to either type of mem ory is determined by the
signals CPS
interface used as a program memory interface is normally not needed, but is reserved
for development purposes.
and CDS, respectively. In standard applications, the external memory
The upper 32k half (8000
- FFFFH) of the address space is res erved for execution of
software from external memory.
For executing software in the lower address range 0000
- 7FFFH, a control line EA
(External Access) determines whether program is fetched from internal or external
memory. Thus, in standard applications, the EA
line should always be “high”.
The DSP program execution can be controlled from the outside by loading the
PC-counter of the DSP via the parallel host interface.
The external memory interface implements:
– protection against reading the internal ROM.
Semiconductor Group 28Data Sheet 1998-07-01
PSB 7238
Interfaces and Memory Organization
3.1.5Clock Interface
The chip internal clock is derived from a crys tal connected across XTAL1,2 or from an
external clock input via pin XTAL1. Two different cloc k options are prov ided, control led
by the clock mode pin CM1.
These clock modes are:
CM1 = 0The internal clock circuitry generates a frequency 4.5 times the input
on XTAL1(,2). The internal frequency required is 34.56 MHz and is
obtained by providing a frequency of 7.68 MHz on XTAL1 input.
CM1 = 1The internal frequency is directly input via XTAL1(,2). When using a
crystal, a 34.56 MHz crystal swinging at its basic harmonic has to be
connected to XTAL1,2.
After reset the pin CLKO outputs a frequency of 7.68 MHz, independent of the selection
of CM1 bit. Alternatively, CLKO can be programmed to output the frequency of a
programmable divider (CKOS bit in register 2002
the internal clock divide d by a programmable bau d rate factor (1, 2, 3, …, 2
). Thus, a clock of frequency equal to
) can be
When using the PLL (CM1 = 0), it is made sure that during reset phase CLKO delivers a
continuous 7.68 MHz clock. When us ing the non-PLL m ode (CM 1 = 1) CLKO goes low
while reset phase.
3.2Shared Memories
Note: The absolute addresses for the different internal register banks and memories are
given here and in the rest of this Data Sheet both as seen from the host and from
the embedded DSP, the latter information being included for the sake of
completeness only.
Directly Accessible Register Bank (DARB)
The host accesses directly via its 8-bit address bus the s o-called Directly Acces sible
Register Bank (DARB) located between DSP addresses 3000
and 30FFH.
Semiconductor Group 29Data Sheet 1998-07-01
Figure 9
PSB 7238
Interfaces and Memory Organization
This area is in turn divided into four blocks of 64 bytes each according to their functions.
Not all the addresses in each of these 64-byte areas are used. An overview of the
functions of these 64-byte areas is given in Figure 10, please refer also to the
appropriate chapters for a detailed description.
1. Locations for reading and writing samples “in real time” from/to the serial interf aces
(IOM-2 and serial audio interface) - Input/Output area (see Chapter 3.3.1)
2. Area for communication between the host and the embedded DSP, for pr ogram min g
parameters and reporting status conditions - DSP/Host Com area (see Chapter 3.3.2
and Chapter 3.3.3)
3. Register bank for HDLC Controller 1 - accessed by host if HHA1 (configuration bit) is
‘1’ - HDLC1
4. Register bank for HDLC Controller 2 - accessed by host if HHA2 (configuration bit) is
‘1’ - HDLC2
Figure 10
Semiconductor Group 30Data Sheet 1998-07-01
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