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The PSB 4595 and PSB 4596 two-chip solution forms the complete front end of a modem
or fax machine. This Analog Line Interface S olution (AL IS) consists of a DAA, a codec
and a hybrid circuit, and bridges the gap between the phone line and the data pump. The
analog PSB 4595 is manufactured in low-power BiCMOS technology and the digital PSB
4596 in CMOS technology. The ALIS concept is a fully programmable modem front end
which allows a single design for the worldwide market:
• Adaptation to specific countries and applications is achieved by downloading
appropriate coefficient sets.
• Isolation is achieved by a digital capacitor interface, without a transformer; making the
ALIS particularly suitable for designing PCMCIA modems.
• Thanks to an advan ced digital-filter concept in combination with the programmable
electronic DAA, ALIS provides both excellent transmission performance and high
adaptability. This second-generation digital filter concept also allows maximum
autonomy between the various filter b locks. This performance make s ALIS suitable for
V.34+ and V.90 modem applications.
A minimum number of external components is required to complete the functional range
of ALIS. Its internal precision is based on a very accurate band-gap reference. The
frequency behavi or is determined largely by digital filters which exhibit no fluctuations.
As a result of the ADC and DAC concepts, its linearity is limited only by second-order
parasitic effects.
The ALIS chip set can be easily adapted and connecte d to vario us modem data pumps
or to host-based modem solutions. The flexible digital interface of ALIS allows easy
programming via the modem data pump or a controller.
Siemens offers a range of reference and evaluation tools for the ALIS chip set. For
appropriate tools, please contact your nea rest Siemens representative.
Semiconductor Group7Data Sheet 06.98
Analog Line Interface Solution
• ALIS substitutes data access arrangement (DAA),
codec and hybrid
• Ring detecti on: level, frequency and cadence
• Caller ID: detection, decodi ng and storage
• Programmable to different country requirements
• Programma ble DC characteristics
• ALIS supports V.34+ and V.90
• ALIS complies with ETS 300 001 and FCC
• Isolation by digital cap acitor interface
• Analog part powered from the tip/ring line by an
integrated voltage regulator
• High performance analog-to-digital and digital-toanalog conversion
• DSP-based solution for adapting the transmission
behavior, especially for
- AC impedance matching
- trans-hybrid balancing
- frequency response
- gain
PSB 4595
PSB 4596
• Advanced test capabilities:
- digital loops
- analog loops
• High-pass fil te r in rece ive path to suppress line interference (50/60 Hz)
• Isolated control pin s for general purpose use
• Advanced low-po wer 0.8µ m analog B ICMOS technolog y for ALIS analog and 0.8µ m
CMOS technology for ALIS digital
• Two-chip solution: the P-TSSOP24 and P-SSOP28 packages are PCMCIA-compliant
22VDDAPowerProgrammable supply for the circuitry
24GNDAPowerAnalog ground: All signals are referred to
this pin
4TIPITIP AC+DC sense input
5TIP_ACITIP AC sense input
6RINGIRING AC+DC sense input
7RING_ACIRING AC sense input
23T1GOGate for external transistor T1 (AC/DC
19T2GOGate for external transistor T2 (VDDA
21VDD_SENSIVDDA sense input
3VREFI/OReference voltage: Must be connected to
GNDA via an external capacito r of more
than 10 nF (typ. 15 nF)
1CAP1I/OPin for external capacitor of more than 1
F for DC filtering to pin Cap2
2CAP2I/OSee Cap1
18SI_0IAuxiliary input pin 0
17SI_1IAuxiliary input pin 1
8SO_0OAuxiliary output pin 0
9SO_1QOAuxiliary output pin 1
16TESTIMust be connected permanently to GNDA
13CAP_A21IMust be connected via a capacitor of more
than 5pF to CAP_A11.
12CAP_A22IMust be connected via a capacitor of more
than 5pF to CAP_A12.
11CAP_B21OMust be connected via a capacitor of more
than 5pF to CAP_B11.
10CAP_B22OMust be connected via a capacitor of more
than 5pF to CAP_B12.
Semiconductor Group11Data Sheet 06.98
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Analog Line Interface Solution
Pin Definition and Functions
Pin No.SymbolFunctionDescriptions
15CAP_C21IMust be connected via a capacitor of more
than 5pF to CAP_C11.
14CAP_C22IMust be connected via a capacitor of more
than 5pF to CAP_C12.
Table 1: ALIS-A Pin Definition
Semiconductor Group12Data Sheet 06.98
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Analog Line Interface Solution
Pin Definition and Functions
2.3Pin Definition of ALIS-D PSB 4596
Pin No.SymbolFunctionDescription
8VDDPower+5 Volt supply for the digital circuitry
9GNDPowerGround digital: All sig nals are referred to
this pin
25VDDAPower+5 Volt supply for the analog circuitry
24GNDAPowe rGround analog: All analog signals are
referred to this pin
21MCLK1IMaster clock1: One pin of a crystal or
ceramic resonator is connected. This pin
can also be driven from an external
clocking source of 16.384 MHz,
synchronous to FSC (MCLK=FSC*2048)
20MCLK2OMaster clock2: The other pin of a crystal or
ceramic resonator is connected. When
MCLK1 is driven by an external clock, this
pin should be left open
23RESETIReset input: Forces the device to default
16DAT_OUTOData interface: Transmit data to the DSP.
IData interface: Receive data from the
DSP. The data is received in 16-bit bursts
every 125 ms.
Interface selection pin in MUX mode.
The data is transmitted in 16-bit bursts
every 125 ms
18DAT_CLKIData clock 128 to 1024 kHz: Determines
the rate at which data is shifted into or out
of the data interface
10CSIµ-controller interface: Chip select enable
to read or write data. Active low
Semiconductor Group13Data Sheet 06.98
Analog Line Interface Solution
Pin No.SymbolFunctionDescription
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Pin Definition and Functions
19MODEIInterface mode pin (parallel or MUX
4ID_AinIInput for caller ID comparator (connection
5A feedbackOFeedback for caller ID comparator
7B feedbackOFeedback for caller ID comparator
28CAP_A11OMust be connected via a capacitor of more
1CAP_A12OMust be connected via a capacitor of more
-controller interface: Clock. Maximum
clock rate 1024 kHz
-controller interface: Input data
-controller interface: DOUT is high ’Z’ if
no data is transmitted
-controller interface: Interrupt output pin
to TIP)
Input for caller ID comparator (connection
to RING)
than 5pF to CAP_A21.
than 5pF to CAP_A22.
2CAP_B11IMust be connected via a capacitor of more
than 5pF to CAP_B21.
26CAP_C11OMust be connected via a capacitor of more
27CAP_C12OMust be connected via a capacitor of more
22SOOAuxiliary output pin
Table 2: ALIS-D Pin Definition
Must be connected via a capacitor of more
than 5pF to CAP_B22.
than 5pF to CAP_C21.
than 5pF to CAP_C22.
Semiconductor Group14Data Sheet 06.98
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Analog Line Interface Solution
System Integration
3System Integration
ALIS can be used in different modem applicati ons to connect the data pump to the TIP /
RING wire.
3.1ALIS with DSP-based Modem
For a modem data pump, the ALIS pro vides the front-end to the tip/ring.
Data Pump
PSB 4596
PSB 4595
Note: SI: Serial Interface
Figure 4 DSP-based Modem Application
Isolation is provided by a capacitor inte rface, without transformer. This allows ver y flat
frequency response over the entire voice band, even at low frequencies.
In V.90 Modem applications, the 50/60 Hz hig h-pass filter can be turned off.
Semiconductor Group15Data Sheet 06.98
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Analog Line Interface Solution
System Integration
3.2ALIS with Software Modem
ALIS also supports software modems wh ere V.34 runs on the host computer (e.g. in
combination with a USB controller).
PSB 4596
Microcontroller with USB or PCI Interface
Figure 5 Software Modem Application
PSB 4595
Semiconductor Group16Data Sheet 06.98
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Analog Line Interface Solution
System Integration
3.3Hybrid Modem (ISDN plus Analog)
In combination with the SIEMENS ISDN chip set, ALIS supports hybrid modems, ,
allowing connection to either the TIP/RING line or to an S or U-interface for ISDN
PSB 4595
S-Interface *IOM-2 Interface
PSB 2186 *
PSB 4596
PSB 7115
Microcontroller with USB or V.24 In te rface
USB or V.24
Figure 6 Hybrid Modem Application, with S-interface: ISAR34 Enhanced Data Access Controller (PSB 7115) and ISDN Access Co ntroller for S-Bus ISAC-S TE (PSB
* Figure 4 shows a hybrid modem with the ISDN S-interface. To meet the ISDN Uinterface, the ISAC-S TE PSB 2186 is repla ced by the IEC-Q TE PSB 21911.
Semiconductor Group17Data Sheet 06.98
3.4Modem with Speakerphone
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Analog Line Interface Solution
System Integration
PSB 4596
IOM-2 Interface
PSB 7115
PSB 4595
PSB 2163
Microcontroller with USB or V.24 Interface
USB or V.24
Figure 7 Application wi th Speakerphone: ARCOFI-SP Audio Ringing Codec (PSB
2160, PSB 2163, PSB 2165, PSB 2168) and ISAR34 Enhanced Data Access Controller (PSB 7115)
Semiconductor Group18Data Sheet 06.98
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Analog Line Interface Solution
System Integration
3.5Analog Videophone
The diagram below shows a system solution for an analog videophone application using
a SIEMENS chip set.
2168) ; ISAR34 Enhanced Data Access Controller (PSB 7115); JADE Joint Audio
Decoder Encoder (PSB 7230, PS B 723 8)
Semiconductor Group19Data Sheet 06.98
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Analog Line Interface Solution
ALIS Implementation
4ALIS Implementation
The ALIS chip set repla ces all the major parts of a conventional front end for mod em
solutions. The circuit consists of two major parts, a DSP-based codec and an electronic
DAA. Advanced features such as ring detection, pulse dialing and caller ID are
integrated on-chip. Additional operating modes such as sleep mode or ringing mode are
implemented to minimize power consumption .
4.1ALIS Block Diagram
The tip/ring telephone line interface is connected mainly with the ALIS-A. It is also
connected with the ALIS-D for Caller ID functions..
Control Data
Control Interfac e
Data Interface
Transmit/Receive Data
Caller ID
Cap. Int erface
Figure 9 ALIS Block Diagram
The analog front end (ALIS-A) is connected t o the line via TIP/RING. The programmable
supply voltage for AL IS-A is generate d from the line by the Vdd control. Two/four wire
conversion is implemente d in the hybrid circuit. Ana log anti-aliasing pre -filters (PREFI)
and smoothing post-filters (POFI) are included for signal conditioning. High-performance
over-sampling analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and digital-to-analog converters
(DACs) assure the required conversion accuracy. The ADCs and DACs are connected
to the digital signal processor (DSP) on the digital part (ALIS-D) via a dedicated capacitor
interface which also provides the requi red isolation to the line . Special hardwa re filters
perform filtering functions such as interpolation and decimation. The DSP handles all the
necessary algorithms. These include bandpass filtering, sample rate conversion, ringing
detection, and caller ID decoding. All programmable filters and functions are also
controlled and processed by the DSP. The control interface allows external control of the
ALIS features and provide s transp arent access to ALIS commands an d signaling pin s.
Thus pre-calculated sets of coefficients can be downlo aded from the system to the o n-
Semiconductor Group20Data Sheet 06.98
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Analog Line Interface Solution
ALIS Implementation
chip coefficient RAM (CRAM) in order to progr am the fil ters. Transmit an d receive data
is transferred to and from the data pump via the data interfa ce .
4.2ALIS AC Signal Flow Graph
ALIS architecture is based on digital filters. The data path through these filters is shown
in the next few diagrams. The filter concept also allows maximum autonomy between the
different filter blocks. Each filter block has a one -to-one corresp onden ce with a specific
network element. Marked filters (gre y) can be programmed by the user.
Data Access Arrangement, Fix ed Part
Amplification Receive Filter 1
Equalizatio n Rec e iv e
Receive Filter Fixed Part 1
Amplification Receive Filter 2
Receive Filter Fixed Part 2
Analog-to-Digital Converter
Transhybrid Filter Fix ed Part
Transhybrid Filter
Impedance Filter Fixed Part
Impedance Filter
Amplification Transmit Filter 1
Equalization Trans m it
Transmit Filter Fixed Part 1
Amplification Transmit Filter 2
Transmit Filter Fixed Part 2
Digital-to-Analog Converter
Figure 10 AC Signal Flow Graph
Semiconductor Group21Data Sheet 06.98
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Analog Line Interface Solution
ALIS Implementation
4.2.1Receive Path
After passing the DAA and a simple anti-aliasing pre-filter with an analog gain stage, the
voice signal is converted to a 1-bit digital data strea m in the sigma-delta converte r. The
first down-sampling steps are performed in fast digital hardware filters. Subsequent
processing is implemented in the digital structure which allows easy and flexible
programming of parameters. Finally, the fully processed signal is transferred to the data
Subsequent processing is done by microcode in the digital filter structure to allow
adaptability. Gain adjustment is pro vided in two stages, AR1 and AR2. The total gain
adjustment is programmable in two ranges: from 14 to 24 dB, in steps of 0.5 dB; and from
-3 to 14 dB, with steps between 0.02 and 0.05 dB.
Located inbetween is a decimation stage to reduce the sampling rate to the 8 kHz PCM
rate, and a low-pass filter to band-limit the signal in accord ance with ITU-T G.714 and
ETSI (NET33) recommendations (in RFIX1); also an equalization stage (in FRR).
Finally, the signal is passed out to the Serial Data Interface (SDI).
ALIS meets or exceeds all ITU and ETSI (NET33) recommendations on attenuation
distortion and group delay.
4.2.2Transmit Path
The digital input signal is received via the data interface. Low-pass filtering, gain
correction and frequency-response correction are implemented in the digital filter
structure. The up-sampling in terpolation is then performed by fast hard ware structures
to reduce the DSP load. The up- sampled 1-bit data stream is converted to an analo g
equivalent which is smoothed by a post-filter (POFI) and conv erted to a 2-wire signal in
the DAA.
There are also two independent tone generators which can insert tones into the Transmit
path. They have adjustable frequencies, default 2 kHz, and a programmable bandpassfilter to adapt the output for DTMF. When either tone generator is on, the data signal
transmission is suppressed.
ALIS implementation inclu des two loops. One is used to generate the AC-terminatio n
impedance (IM) and the other is used to perform proper hybrid balancing (TH). A simple
additional path IM (from the receive to the transmit path) supports the impedancematching function.
4.2.4Test Features
Several analog and digital test loops are implemented in ALIS. The receive and transmit
paths may be short-circuited at two different points for test purposes.
Semiconductor Group22Data Sheet 06.98
Analog Line Interface Solution
4.3ALIS Ring and Caller ID Signal Flow Graph
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
ALIS Implementation
CID out
comparator for CID
user-programmabl e block
fixed filter block
fixed functional block
Caller ID Lowpass
Caller ID Hilbert Transformer
Caller ID Bandpass
Ring Level Metering
Analog-to-Digital Converter
Ringer Impedace Filter Fixed Part
Ringer Impedace Filter
Digital-to-Analog Converter
Figure 11 Ring Signal Flow Graph
These data paths operate only when the A LIS is in Ringi ng state.
4.3.1Caller ID (CID) Path
The Caller ID receiver meets Bellcore specifications TR-NWT-000030 and
SR-TSV-002476 for Caller ID. In this service, the calling party’s information (Calling Line
Identification Presenta tion (CLIP)) is transmitted in the silent interva l between the first
and second ring. ALIS receives and stores up to 4096 bits of the 1200 baud FSK
(Frequency Shift Keying) signal. The decodi ng scheme meets the Bell 202 and ITU-T
V.23 specifications.
The FSK signal which contains the caller information is converted to a 1-bit data stream
by a comparator in order to minimize power consumption. Down-sampling steps are
performed in fast digital hardware filters. To decode the caller ID, bandpass filtering,
Hilbert transformation and other functions are implemented. The output CID-out is
sampled at 1200 baud, an d stored in the CID-RAM.
Semiconductor Group23Data Sheet 06.98
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Analog Line Interface Solution
ALIS Implementation
4.3.2Ring-Level Metering (RLM) Path
The analog signal is converted to a 1-bit data stream in the ADC. After decimation in
hardware filters, the remaining processing is done in the digital filter structure (in RLM):
bandpass filtering to select the ringing frequency, and integration to determine if the
amount of energy in-band has exceeded the threshold for a valid ring signal. The
bandpass parameters and threshold are programmable.
Ringing is detected in this path. Th e digital input is bandpass filtered, integrated and
compared to a threshold to determine if a ringing signal has occurred. The threshold and
bandpass filters are programmab le. The result of this operation can be monito red by
reading the RMR bit (see “CR1 Configuration Register 1 (Diali ng)” on page 40).
A loop is available to generate the Ring-termination impedance (RIM). Test Features
There are three loopbacks on ALIS-D to test interfaces:
- Host interface: loopback from the PCM in te rface (just inside ALIS-D)
- Caller ID interface: loopback from Caller ID input to capacitor interface
- Capacitor interface: loopb ack throug h different parts of the capacitor interface
There are two loopbacks on ALIS-A:
- Tip/ring interface: loopback from the tip/ring, before the ADC
- Codec: loopback from the tip/ring, after the codec
Semiconductor Group24Data Sheet 06.98
5Configuration Overview
5.1Connection to the Telephone Line
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Analog Line Interface Solution
Configuration Overview
Figure 12 Connection of ALIS-A to the Telephone Line
As shown in the figure, ALIS-A requires a minimum of components to complete the DAA:
- Protection circuit: not shown.
- Bridge: using Schottky diodes will improve the performance at low feedin g condition s.
Recommended: Dual Schottky diode SIE M ENS BAT 240A.
- Resistors for current sensing.
- Capacitors for AC coupling and VDD buffering.
Semiconductor Group25Data Sheet 06.98
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Analog Line Interface Solution
Configuration Overview
- Two transistors (T1, T2) to handle the line current. T2 must be of depletion type, in order
to deal with start-up. Recommen ded tran sistors: T1: SIE MENS BS P 88; T2: SIEMENS
BSP 129.
- Components for EMC protection: no t shown, as they depend on the board layout.
ALIS-D can optionally be connected to the tip/ring to provide Caller ID functions. The CID
circuit requires two capacitors and four resistors.
5.2Host Interface
The host interface consists of a serial µ-controller interface and a 16-bit linear data
interface. They are used to connect ALIS either to a
The two serial interfaces can be accessed on two separate serial ports or in timemultiplex (MUX) mode on a single serial port.
5.2.1The µ-Controller Interface
controller and or to a data pump.
The ALIS internal con figuration registers, the auxiliary po rts, and the Coefficient RAM
(CRAM) are programmable via the serial µ-controller interface. This interface consists of
four pins:
CS:Chip select, to enable inte rface (active low)
DCLK:Clock, 1 kHz to 1024 kHz
DIN:Data input
DOUT:Data output
CS is used to start serial access to the ALIS registers and the Coefficient RAM. Following
a CS falling edge, the first eight bits received at DIN specify the command. Subsequent
data bytes (the number depends on the command) are stored in the selected
configuration registers or th e selected part of the CRAM.
Serial interface specification: 8 bit, no parity, no start/stop bit. Every command must
begin with a CS falling edge.
Semiconductor Group26Data Sheet 06.98
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Analog Line Interface Solution
Configuration Overview
ControlData Byte 1Data Byte 2
High ’Z’
Figure 13 Example of a Write Access, two Data Bytes transferred
If the first eight bits received via DIN specify a read command, ALIS will start to respond
via DOUT with its specific identification byte. The number of specified d ata bytes within
the command (contents of configuration registers or contents of the CRAM) will follow on
High ’Z’
IdentificationData Byte 1
Figure 14 Example of a Read Access, one Data Byte transferred via DOUT
Semiconductor Group27Data Sheet 06.98
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Analog Line Interface Solution
Configuration Overview
The data transfer is synchronized by DCLK. DIN is latched at the falling edge of DCLK,
while DOUT changes with the rising edge of DCLK. During the execution of a command
which is followed by output data (read command), the device will not accept any new
command via DIN. The data transfer sequence can be interrupted by setting CS to ’1’.
To reduce the number of connections to the µ-processor, DIN and DOUT may be
strapped together to form a bi-directiona l data pin.
5.2.2The Data Interface
A serial data inte rface is used for tran sferring voice data. The inte rface consists of five
DAT_CLK:Clock, 128 kHz to 1024 kHz
FSC:Frame synchronization clock, 8 kHz
DAT_IN:Transmit data input
DAT_OUT:Receive data output
The Frame Sync (FSC) pulse identifies the beginning of a receive and a transmit frame.
DAT_CLK synchronizes the data transfer on DAT_IN and DAT_OUT. The data bytes are
first serialized to 16-bit width and MSB. The rising edge indicates the start of the bit, while
the falling edge is used to latch the conten ts of the received data.
125 µS
1114 13 121510 9 836547210
1114 13 121510 9 836547210
16 Bit Voicedata MSB first
Figure 15 Example of a Clock Rate of 128 kb/s
Semiconductor Group28Data Sheet 06.98
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Analog Line Interface Solution
Configuration Overview
125 µS
111413121510 9 836547210
111413121510 9 836547210
Figure 16 Example of a Clock Rate higher than 128 kb/s
The data package must stay within the frame, t
> 0 and t
> 0.
The FSC signal can be generated externally by the ho st or by ALIS.
Semiconductor Group29Data Sheet 06.98
PSB 4595 / PSB 4596
Analog Line Interface Solution
Configuration Overview
5.2.3Interface Modes Demux Mode
Connection of the MODE pin to GND allows the µC and the data interface to be
accessed via two serial ports.
(Data Pump)
Figure 17 Host Interface in Demux Mode, FSC as Input
(Data Pump)
µC Interface
µC Interface
Figure 18 Host Interface in Demux Mode, FSC as Output
Semiconductor Group30Data Sheet 06.98
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