Siemens OC130S Installation Instructions:
Before you begin:
Ensure you have an update copy of your Operating system including Direct X8.1 or higher. You
can download this update free of charge from Microsoft at the following links. C
Windows 98/ME or click here for Windows 2000/XP to download the latest version. (Hint:
Windows XP, Vista or 7 users and anyone who has the latest Windows Updates will not have to
do this step.)
Step 1:
Install the Siemens OC130S Softphone. You may need your Network Administrator to assist you
in getting this done.
Step 2:
Download and install Eutectics Siemens integration software. Follow this link
http://www.eutecticsinc.com/download13/DISK1/IPP200_SiemensSoftPhone.htm to install the
software. You will need a Username and Password to access this link.
Step 3:
Plug in the Eutectics IPP Phone to the PC and let it install itself. If you are prompted for the
location of the drivers, enter “C:\Program Files\eutectics\SiemensSoftphone-IPP200 “ as the file
lick here for
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Step 4:
Configure the Siemens OC130S software to use the IPP Phone.
1. Open the Settings Panel for the OC130 and click on the ManagerModules tab.
2. Change the Accept Audio Connection to use the F10 key and the Disconnect Audio
Connection to use the F11 key.
3. Save the settings and close the OC130S setup window.
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4. Audio Setup – make sure you choose the IPP device as shown below.
5. Set the Voice Channel of the Default Device to the Eutectics device id (IPP400 or any
of the IPP Internet Power Phone devices). On Windows 2000, ME or 98 this will be
USB Audio rather than a specific device name.
6. Set the Signal Channel device to your PC sound card so you will be able to hear the
ring when another user is calling you. On some of the Eutectics IPP phone models
the phone itself has an external ringer which will also sound when you are called.
7. OPTIONALLY – if you have a Eutectics Device that has external ringer (such as the
IPP500 series, IPP400 or IPP2000) – you can set up the Ringer to be controlled by
the Opticlient. To do this two operations are needed. First – select the Signal
Response to be the IPP device rather than the soundcard. Second choose the
OCRing.wav file (located in the install folder where you installed the Eutectics
integration – typically C:\Program Files\Eutectics\IPPNNN – as shown below in the
RING dialog of the Opticlient.
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