GAMMA instabus
Technical Product Information
March 2014
IP Router N146/02 5WG1 146-1AB02
Siemens AG N 146/02, 8 pages Technical Manual
Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Building Technologies
Control Products and S ystem s ã Siemens AG 2014 Update:
P.O.Box 10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg Subject to change without prior notice
Product and Applications Description
The IP Router N146/02 is a DIN rail mounted device.
The device implements the KNXnet/IP standard and
connects KNX/EIB lines via data networks using the
Internet Protocol (IP). Also this device offers concurrent
access to the bus line from any PC or other data
processing equipment.
The physical connection to the KNX/EIB is established
via a bus connector terminal block. For connection to the
data network (IP via 10BaseT) the device contains an
RJ45 socket.
By using a LAN modem an KNX/EIB installation can be
remotely accessed even if there is no direct data
network connection between a PC and an IP Router.
LAN modems are available on the market for standard
telephone, ISDN or DSL connections.
The IP Router requires additional operating power for its
operation. The IP Router N146/02 can source this
operating power via the network connection from “Power
over Ethernet” according to IEEE 802.3af. Alternatively,
the operating power can be provided via a second
term inal blo ck ( whit e-y ell ow term in als) by a safet y ext ra
low voltage (SELV) power supply AC/DC 24 V or by a
bus power supply (unchoked power, DC 29V). When a
SELV power supply is connected the operating power is
sourced from it.
The IP Router has th ese ch arac teri stics:
· Simpl e con nec t i on t o hi er ar c hi cally su per i m po s ed
systems via Internet Protocol (IP)
· Direct access to the KNX/EIB installation from any
access point to the IP network (KNXne t/IP Tunneling)
· F as t comm u ni c at i on bet ween K NX / EI B li nes , ar ea s
and systems (KNXnet/IP Routing)
· Communication between buildings and facilities
· Fi ltering and routing of telegrams depending on
- individual address
- group address
· LED display of
- operation
- KNX/EIB communication
- IP communication
· Simple configuration with standard ETS
· Easy connection to SCADA and Facility Management
systems (see: Supported Software)
IP Router as line / area coupler (KNXnet/IP Routing)
Using the existing data network for communication
between bus lines in non-residential buildings is a logical
step. The advantages are: fast communication between
KNX/EIB lines, extension of an KNX/EIB system beyond
one building by using LAN and WAN connections, direct
transmission of KNX/EIB data to any network user,
KNX/EIB remote configuration from any network access
The IP Router logically connects KNX/EIB bus lines by
transmitting KNX/EIB telegrams between them via a
data network but separates them galvanically. This
allows to run each bus line independently from other bus
The IP Router can be used as line coupler or area
coupler in existing EIB networks as well as in new
KNX/EIB networks. The IP Router holds a filter table
determining, which bus telegrams are transmitted or
blocked from or to the bus line thus reducing the bus
load. The filt er table is automatically generated by the
ETS (EIB Tool Software) during configuration and startup of the system.
The physical address of the IP Router assigned by ETS
automatically determines the IP Router function as a line
coupler or area coupler. The definition follows these
Coupler function Line
Area coupler Main line 1- 15
Line coupler Line 1- 15