Siemens Multiplexer Driver User Manual

Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide
(Windows XP/2000) Siemens Cellular Engines
Version: 07 DocId: Mux_Drv_DevGuide_v07
User’s Guide
Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide
Document Name:
Version: Date: DocId: Status
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Multiplexer Driver Develope r’s Guide
07 2006-9-27 Mux_Drv_DevGuide_v07 Confidential / Released
Transmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of this document as well as utilization of its contents and communication thereo f to others without e xpress authorizatio n are prohibited . Offenders will be held liable for payment of damages. Al l rig hts cr ea ted by patent grant or registration of a util ity mod el or de si gn pa ten t are re ­served.
Copyright © Siemens AG 2006
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Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide


0 Document History....................................................................................................................................7
1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................................9
1.1 Supported Product Versions .........................................................................................................10
1.2 Related Documents....................................................................................................................... 11
1.3 Abbreviations.................................................................................................................................11
2 Architecture............................................................................................................................................12
2.1 Hierarchy Chart in the System ......................................................................................................12
2.2 Handling of the Physical Serial Port..............................................................................................13
2.3 Module Detection ..........................................................................................................................13
2.4 Handling of Control Lines on Virtual Ports ....................................................................................14
2.5 Limitation of Virtual Ports ..............................................................................................................14
2.6 Module Initializing Sequence.........................................................................................................15
2.7 Module Re-initialization .................................................................................................................16
2.8 Power Down..................................................................................................................................16
2.8.1 Power Down on PC Suspend ........................................................................................ 16
2.8.2 Power Down after Closing the Last Port........................................................................16
2.8.3 Power Down on PC Shutdown ......................................................................................17
3 Installation.............................................................................................................................................. 18
3.1 Files Required for WinMux2k Driver Installation ...........................................................................18
3.2 Installing the WinMux2k Driver.......................... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ........................18
3.3 Deinstalling the Driver ................................................................................................................... 19
4 Device Settings and Properties............................................................................................................ 20
4.1 Settings on the Serial Multiplexer Prope rties Page.................................. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ..... 20
4.2 Settings Stored in the Windows Registry......................................................................................21
5 Settings for Applications................................................. ...... ...... ....... ...... ............................................ 25
5.1 Dial-up Network Settings............................................................................................................... 25
5.2 Fax Settings ..................................................................................................................................25
6 Translate Source Code.......................................................................................................................... 26
6.1 Software Requirements............................................................................ ...... ....... ...... ....... ........... 26
6.2 Preparing the Translation..............................................................................................................26
6.3 Compiler Flags .............................................................................................................................. 26
7 Additional Source Documentation.......................................................................................................27
7.1 Interaction of the Different Driver Objects.....................................................................................27
7.2 Internal Driver States.....................................................................................................................28
7.3 Buffer Handling..............................................................................................................................29
7.4 Data Transfer ................................................................................................................................30
7.4.1 Block Flow Diagram for Data Received by the Module .................................................30
7.4.2 Block Flow Diagram for Data Sent to the Module via Virtual Port .................................31
7.4.3 SerMuxSend Function ................................................................................................... 32
7.5 The +++-Parser.............................................................................................................................34
8 Known Problems .......... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ........................35
8.1 Booting Operating System............................................................................................................ 35
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Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide
8.2 Shutdown of the Operating System...............................................................................................35
8.3 Standby of the Operating System .................................................................................................35
8.4 Wake on Ring................................................................................................................................ 35
8.5 Special Environments....................................................................................................................36
8.6 Operation on Virtual USB Port ......................................................................................................36
8.7 Automatic Shutdown in case of Emergency.................................................................................. 36
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Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide
List of Tables


Table 1: Physical serial port......................................................................................................................13
Table 2: Virtual serial port with Multiplexer Protocol version 2 .................................................................14
Table 3: Virtual serial port with Multiplexer Protocol version 3 .................................................................14
Table 4: Module initialization of supported modules.................................................................................15
Table 5: Required driver files.................................................................................................................... 18
Table 6: Registry values........................................................................................................................... 21
Table 7: Registry values for trace outputs ................................................................................................ 24
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Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide
List of Figures


Figure 1: Driver architecture ..................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 2: Serial Multiplexer Properties page............................................................................................. 20
Figure 3: Interaction of the different driver objects.................................................................................... 27
Figure 4: State diagram of the internal driver states................................................................................. 28
Figure 5: Driver internal buffer handling.................................................................................................... 29
Figure 6: Block flow diagram for data received by the module ................................................................. 30
Figure 7: Block flow diagram for data sent to the module via a virtual port .............................................. 31
Figure 8: SerMuxSend function ................................................................................................................ 32
Figure 9: Send function from the virtual communication ports.................................................................. 33
Figure 10: State diagram of the +++-parser................................................................................................ 34
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Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide

0 Document History

0 Document History
Preceding document: "Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide", Version 06 New document: "Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide" Version 07
Chapter What is new
1.1 Enhanced list of supported products.
4.2 Table 6: Added optional Registry values supported as of Multiplexer Protocol version 4. Table 7: Added value 0x0002 0000 Frame information, HDLC.
6.1, 6.2 Updated requirements for Windows environment.
Preceding document: "Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide", Version 05 New document: "Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide" Version 06
Chapter What is new
1.1 Enhanced list of supported products.
8.6 Added Chapter Operation on Virtual USB Port.
8.7 Added Chapter Automatic Shutdown in case of Emergency.
Preceding document: "Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide", Version 04 New document: "Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide" Version 05
Chapter What is new
1.1 Updated list of supported products.
2.6 Changed description within Table 4 to cover all supported modul es. Delet ed tables for
particular modules.
3.2 Hints on migration to different modules changed.
4.2 Updated description of the Registry values “ModemInit”, “ClosePort”, “WaitforDSR”
Preceding document: "Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide", Version 03 New document: "Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide" Version 04
Chapter What is new
Throughout manual
1.1 Updated list of supported products.
2.6 Added note regarding user profile settings
4.1 Added figure and modified descripti on.
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In several chapters, added information specific to XC18.
Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide
Preceding document: "Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide", Version 02 New document: "Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide" Version 03
Chapter What is new
1.1, 1.2 Updated list of supported products and information about version control.
Throughout manual
Complete revision of all chapters. Added information specific to TC35i and TC45. Updated Description of Registry values.
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Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide

1 Introduction

1 Introduction
The multiplex mode accor ding to the ETSI TS 101 369, GSM 07.10 Multip lexer Protoco l enables one phys ical serial interface to be partitioned into th re e vi rt ual c ha nnel s . Th is a ll ows you to take advantage of three s i mul ta­neous sessions running on one serial interface. For example, you can send or receive data on the first channel, while the other two channels are free to control the GSM/GPRS engine with AT commands.
In order to properly communicate with the wireless modem, the application needs to support the Multiplexer Pro­tocol and 3 virtual ports must be installed. For this purpose a Windows 2000/XP multiplexer driver WinMux2k can be provided. The driver of fers basic multiplexer functionality and serv es as a reference impleme ntation to aid developers and system integrators in designing, developing and testing customized multiplexer applications. As such, it has been teste d by Si emens using a var iety of appl icat ions an d platfo rms, b ut naturall y, eve n the mos t extensive test setup can never be adequate to cover all conceivable configurations.
The Siemens AG does not guarantee any support regarding the integration of the driver into a customer’s appli­cation. However, the documentation as well as code binaries and source files can be provided and used for fur­ther development.
This document describes how to install the Windows 2000/XP multiplexer driver WinMux2k in a Windows 2000/ XP based application.Related Documents
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Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide

1.1 Supported Product Versions

1.1 Supported Product Versions
Please note that this User’s Guide covers the three different versions of the Multiplexer Protocol. The following products support the Siemens Multiplexer Protocol version 2:
TC35, TC35 Terminal and TC37 from Release 03.10
MC35 from Release 03.00
The following products support the Siemens Multiplexer Protocol version 3:
MC35i Terminal
TC35i Terminal
TC65 Terminal
WinMux2k driver earlier than version 3.000
The following products support the Siemens Multiplexer Protocol version 4:
WinMux2k driver as of version 3.000
Where differences occur between the two Multiplexer Protocol versions or between the supported Siemens wire­less modules they are particularly noted.
The Multiplexer sources are available on request. In the case you wish to receive the source code of the MinMux2k driver pack ed into a zip file containing the compl ete source files together with corres ponding MS Visual Studio 6.0 project files, see Chapter 6.
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Multiplexer Driver Developer’s Guide

1.2 Related Documents

1.2 Related Documents
[1] 3G TS 27.010, 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Terminals; Terminal
Equipment to Mobile Station (TE-MS) multiplexer protocol
[2] Digital Cellular Telec ommunica tions Syste ms (Phase 2+ ); Termin al Equipm ent to Mobile Station (TE -MS)
“Multiplexer Protocol”; ETSI TS 101 369 V7.1.0 (1999-11), GSM 07.10 Version 7.1.0, Release 1998
[3] AT Command Set of your Siemens wireless engine [4] Hardware Interface Description of your Siemens wireless engine [5] Multiplexer User’s Guide [6] MC35 Multiplexer User’s Guide (for MC35 only) [7] TC3x Multiplexer User’s Guide (for TC35 and TC37 only)
To visit the Siemens Website you can use the following link:

1.3 Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description
ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface CTS Clear to Send DCD Data Carrier Detect DDK Driver Development Kit (Microsoft driver development) DSR Data Set Ready DTR Data Terminal Ready ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute FIFO First in first out GPRS General Packet Radio Service GSM Global System of Mobile Communication MS Mobile Station PC Personal Computer PDA Personal Digital Assistant RI Ring Indicator RTS Request to Send TE Terminal Equipment UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
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