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Print No.: SPR8-X01.840.01.01.02 Doc. Gen. Date:09.05
Replaces: n.a.
Multimobil 2.5
Service Manual
Service Instructions
Service Instructions
Version: 6.0
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Copyright SIEMENS LTD. All rights reserved. For internal use only
Service Manual
Service Instructions
7 Service
7.1 Troubleshooting
7.1.1 Tools and measuring instruments required
• Usual service tools
• Digital multimeter
• 2 channel storage oscilloscope with 2 probes and 1 current probe
• mAs meter
• Protective ground wire and leakage current tester: Bender safety tester
• Radiation detector
During Oscilloscope operation the protective ground wire connection in the
power cable must not be interrupted under any circumstances.
For measurements where ground loops that may be present could impair the
measuring result, use the Tek amplifier and the trigger attachment .
7.2 Control Voltages
VoltageMeasuring PointRange
+5 VD915.X15.44.8V to 5.2V
+15 VD915.X15.513.5V to 16.5V
-15 VD915.X15.7-13.5V to –16.5V
+24 V(For Filament)D920 X4.7 &4.823 V to 25.5 V
Collimator SupplyD920.X12A/B12V ac to 16V ac
7.3 Signals
SignalMeasuring PointRangeAdjustment
2.0 ± 0.1 V for 60kVD915.P7
During Exposure
2 V ± 0.1 V for 60kVD915.P6
During Standby
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Presence of High Tension.
Service Instructions
SignalMeasuring PointRangeAdjustment
During Standby2 V ± 0.1 V
During Preparation3.8 V ± 0.3 V (For critically
damped mA)
FmaxD915.TP.REG point
9.2 kHz ± 0.3 kHzD915.P4
during exposure
7.4 HT Check
Use Radiation Protection.
7.5 Calibration
It is advisable to re-calibrate the unit in case of undershoot or overshoot observed in
the mA waveshape.
Recalibration is required when the single tank is replaced.
7.5.1 kVp Measurement
The kVp measurement can be carried out either by kVp-meter or by electrical
measurement. kVp-meter
Switch the unit ON.
Insert the kV sensor into collimator channel and connect the cable to the meter.
Open collimator flaps such that the sensor is well covered by the field.
Set the kVp meter at 12pulse and 55-85kV range.
Set exposure parameters as 60kV 20mAs.
Release an exposure. The radiation LED will light up during exposure.
The meter will read 57-63kV.
Repeat with meter setting 77-150kV and exposure parameter setting as 90kV 20mAs.
The meter will read 85.5-94.5 kV. Electrical
Connect oscilloscope at D915.TP.KV.
Set the exposure parameters as 60KV 2.5mAs.
Release an exposure.
The recorded waveform will read 2.85 - 3.15V.
Repeat with 90kV 1.6mAs.
The recorded waveform will read 4.27 - 4.75V.
Lower kV indicates error in kVsoll / kVsensing / kV-regulator OR high mA.
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mAs measurement could be carried out either by mAs-meter or by electrical
measurement. mAs-meter
Remove mAs link on D920.
Insert mAs-meter leads in the banana sockets mA+ and mA- on D920.
Set meter in the mAs mode at 200mAs.
Set exposure parameters as 60kV 20mAs.
Release an exposure.
The meter will read 19 - 21mAs.
Repeat for exposure parameters 90kV 16mAs.
The meter will read 14.4 to 17.6mAs.
The actual tube current can be measured by setting the meter in mA mode.
Set the exposure parameters as 60kV 50mAs.
Release an exposure.
During the exposure, the meter will read 23 - 27mA. Electrical
Connect oscilloscope at D915.TP.JR.
Set exposure parameters as 60kV 2.5mAs.
Release an exposure.
The recorded waveform will read 1.58 - 1.62V.
The exposure time will be 76 - 84mS.
Lower mA indicates error in mAsoll / mAsensing / mA regulator circuit.
Higher mA indicates error in mAsoll / mA sensing / mA regulator OR Low kV.
Incorrect mAs indicates Error in timer.
7.6 Troubleshooting
In case of CODEs which Impair radiography, perform the following checks.
7.6.1 Checking the line voltage
Measure the supply voltage at site using the digital multimeter.Ensure that the supply conditions
• Voltage
• Frequency
• Mains Resistance
are within limits as specified in the Technical Specifications for the Unit.
Switch the Unit ON
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Service Manual
Service Instructions
If the Unit can not be switched ON Check Supply at
Socket.Check Continuity of mains cable with the Plug
pins.Check Over Current Protective devices MCB and U1 & U2.
Switch the Unit OFF.
7.6.2 Checking the fuses
Open the front cover of the control unit .
Loosen the Fuse carriers which are mounted on the base of the control unit and check
the continuity of fuse link . If fuse link has responded for overcurrent replace the Fuse
Checking the fuses on D920
F1 0.25 ATT1 transformer primary
F2 0.630 AT240 V for X-ray table.
F30.630 AT24 V for K3,K4,K5 relays
F4 10 AFCollimator supply
F54 AT Filament circuit.
7.6.3 Checking the LEDs on D920
Switch the Unit ON.
After the initialisation, the default data 60 kV and 10 mAs are displayed at first time
switch ON or last stored kV & mAs value. Standby mode
On D920 the following LEDs are illuminated :
V3 Main line voltage 240 V.
V9Presence of 240V.
V12Presence of 24 V for relay
V15Presence of 12 V for collimator
V25 Presence of 24V for filament circuit Preparation ON
On half press of exposure release switch unit should go in preperation mode.
In addition, V22 (green) lights up on D915. Exposure Mode
On the second step of exposure release switch ,unit enters in radiograpy mode.
In addition, V23 (green) for exposure lights up on D915. CODE message
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V24 (red) lights up on D915 and CODE no. will be displayed on 7 segment display.
This will alternate with the kV and mAs values selected.
7.7 Checking the Control Voltages
When the unit is ON relay K2 on D920 are ON.
SMPS placed in the Inverter module gets supply, Measure the DC voltages at X15
connector of D915 PCB.
Depending on the supply voltage, a value between 250 to 350Vdc must be measured
with the digital multimeter across the parallel capacitors C1,C2,C6,C7 and C9(if
present) in inverter module.
7.8 Checking & setting the maximum main inverter frequency
Turn the Unit OFF.
Place the ST link on D915 so as to short the two terminals.
Make the unit ON. The unit enters SERVICE mode.
In the service mode of the unit ,select Prog 7 by using the KV switches.
On activation of this mode by pressing the DL-serv Key , the display indicates
Press the Radiographic exposure switch and monitor REG on Digital storage
Oscilloscope at Reg Test Points.
The display indicates
And max. Inverter firng frequency will be displayed on Oscilloscope.
Adjust REG for 9.2 kHz ±0.3kHz by using P4 on D915 card
After adjusting the frequency switch off the unit and remove ST link on D915 card .
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Service Manual
Service Instructions
Fmax= 9.2 ± 0.3 kHz.
Adjust the maximum main inverter frequency with potentiometer P4 on D915
Turn the Unit OFF.
Connect 9 pin D-type connetor on D920 PCB.
7.9 Filament current measurement
Turn the Unit OFF.
Connect oscilloscope to D915.TP.IH
Turn the Unit ON.
After approx. 3 seconds the Stand-by filament current starts & equal to 2V ± 0.2V
Trigger exposure with default values for kV and mAs.
Observe the change in voltage level from 2 V ± 0.2V to Preheat value approx
3.8V ± 0.3 V.
Note : Preheat value is parameter (kV & mAs) specific. Just observe the change in
level on preheating step.
7.10 Checking the high voltage kVsoll and kVist
Connect oscilloscope to D915.TP.KVS & D915.TP.KV
Turn the unit ON.
Trigger an exposure with the default values.
Observe the voltage on C.R.O with the scale corresponding to 1V= 20kV for KV
and 1V =30KV for 30 KVS.
7.11 Setting the Maximum filament frequency
Turn the Unit OFF.
Remove X11 D915.
Connect oscilloscope to D915.TP.CAL
Turn the unit ON
Wait for the contactor to pick up.Press the DL_serv key on the D936 twice.
Using P3, set the maximum filament frequency on D915 (1.8 KHz to 2.2 KHz))
Note : Duty Cycle of the waveform is varying as the ON time is fixed.
Turn of the Unit.Replace X11 connector on D915 PCB.
7.12 Checking the tube current
Connect oscilloscope to D915.TP.JRS & D915.TP.JR
Turn the unit ON.
Trigger an exposure with the default values.
Observe the voltage on CRO (1V = 20mA) & confirm value for selected kV & mAs.
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Service Manual
Service Instructions
7.13 Checking the kV and tube current (JR)
Connect oscilloscope to D915.TP.KV & D915.TP.JR
Turn the unit ON.
Trigger an exposure with the default values.
Observe the voltage on CRO (1V = 20mA & 1V=20kV) for selected kV & mAs .
7.14 Checking the mAs values
Turn the Unit OFF.
Remove the Shorting Link “mAs +/-” on D920 PCB banana sockets.
Connect mAs meter to “mAs +/ mAs-” on D920 PCB.
Turn the Unit ON.
Trigger the following exposures:
Setting at control panelValid mAs values
40kV,200 mAs190..210 mAs
66kV,100mAs95...105 mAs
Turn the Unit OFF.
Remove the mAs meter and reinsert the Link on the D920 PCB.
7.15 Adjusting the mAs
Turn the Unit OFF.
Remove the Shorting Link “mAs +/-” on D920 PCB banana sockets.
Connect mAs meter to “mAs +/ mAs-” on D920 PCB.
Turn the unit ON.
Trigger the exposures for default kv & mAs settings.
Observe the mAs meter reading and if it is not within the tolerance (specified in the
Technical Specifications) of set value adjust the P1 on D915 card
7.16 Switching the Collimator Light ON
Switch ON Collimator Lamp. The Halogen lamp will light up and field of light will appear
on the target. The lamp will be switched OFF automatically after 30 seconds.
If the collimator lamp is switched ON and OFF several times within a short
period, overload protection will automatically switch the light OFF. Cool-down periods
are recommended.
7.17 Program Modes for servicing.
To put the Unit into service Mode short the ST link on the D915 and turn ON the unit
.The display will show as follows
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Service Instructions
Use the KV + or KV – switch to move to any program (PR 1 to PR7)
Use the DL_Serv switch on the D936 to to select the displayed program.
7.17.1 Program 1
Not Used
1. Short the ST link on the D915 and put the unit on .
the display will read as below and enter program mode .
2. This program is not used
7.17.2 Program 2
To check the total number of exposures taken .
Service Manual
1.The display on the D932 will be as below.
XXX XXX corresponds to the total number of exposures taken on the unit.
7.17.3 Program 3
To check the type of codes that occurred in the unit (maximum 20) .
1.Press the switch DL-serv on the D936 once.The display will be
AA diplays the serial number of the exposures that have occured, in chronological
order (max. 20) & XX displays the corresponding codes occured on the unit
7.17.4 Program 4
To erase the codes that occurred in the unit
1.Press the switch DL-serv on the D936 once.The display will be
Keep the mAS – key depressed for 4 seconds till the dislay beomes
7.17.5 Program 5
To store the Last Value of KV & mAS Display
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By entering into this program the last value displayed before turning OFF the Unit will
be displayed on turn it On the next time .
7.17.6 Program 6
To Display the maimum KV & mAS possible with the Unit
100 indicates the maximum KV available & 200 indicates the maximum mAS
available on the Unit
*I n case the display values do not vary in standby by using the key PCB then
Enter this program and vary the KV & mAs displayed using the Key PCB D936
Then switch the the Unit OFF and enter standby mode, the unit should function
normally .
7.17.7 Program 7
Adjusting REG frequency.
Please refer chapter 7.8 (Checking & setting the maximum main inverter frequency)
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