Siemens ME75 User Manual

Siemens ME75 User Manual



Issued by

BenQ Mobile GmbH & Co. OHG

Haidenauplatz 1

D-81667 Munich

© BenQ Mobile GmbH & Co. OHG 2005 All rights reserved. Subject to availability. Rights of modification reserved.

Manufactured by BenQ Mobile GmbH & Co. OHG under trademark license of Siemens AG

Designed for life ME75

Table of Contents


Safety precautions .....................


Display symbols .........................


Overview of phone ....................


Getting started ...........................


Switching on/off/


entering PIN .............................


General instructions ................


Standard functions ..................


Security ....................................


Text entry .................................


Calling ......................................


Default book ............................


Addressbook ............................


Phonebook ...............................


Call records ..............................


Camera .....................................


Message list .............................


SMS ..........................................


MMS .........................................


Email .........................................


Voice message/CB .....................


Surf & fun .................................


Setup ........................................


Fast access key .........................


Organizer ..................................


Extras ........................................


My stuff ....................................


Customer Care ..........................


Care and maintenance .............


Product data .............................


SAR ...........................................


Limited Manufacturer’s


Guarantee .................................


Sınırlı Üretici Garantisi .............


License Agreement ...................


Index .........................................


This is a summarised version of the Operating Manual. The complete version can be found in the Internet at this address:


Safety precautions

Safety precautions

Information for parents

Please read the operating instructions and safety precautions carefully before use. Explain the content to your children and the hazards associated with using the phone.

Remember to comply with legal requirements and local restrictions when using the phone. For example, in aeroplanes, petrol stations, hospitals or while driving.

Mobile phones can interfere with the functioning of medical devices such as hearing aids or pacemakers. Keep at least 20 cm/9 inches between phone and pacemaker. When using the mobile phone hold it to the ear which is further away from the pacemaker. For more information consult your doctor.

Small parts such as the SIM card, sealing stop, lens ring and lens cap can be dismantled and swallowed by small children. The phone must therefore be stored out of the reach of small children.

Do not place the phone near to electromagnetic data carriers such as credit cards and floppy disks. Information stored on them could be lost.

Do not look at the LED (e.g. activated infrared port, flash LED) with optical magnifiers because of radiation. This product complies with IEC/EN 60825-1 “Safety of Laser Products” for LED Class 1M products; such products are safe under reasonably foreseeable operating conditions.

The mains voltage specified on the power supply unit (V) must not be exceeded. Otherwise the charging device may be destroyed.

The power supply must be plugged into an easily accessible AC mains power socket when charging the battery. The only way to turn off the charging device after charging the battery is to unplug it.

Ringtones (page 44), info tones (page 46) and handsfree talking are reproduced through the loudspeaker. Do not hold the phone to the ear when it rings or when you have switched on the handsfree function (page 18). Otherwise you risk serious permanent damage to your hearing.

Safety precautions


Only use original Siemens batteries (100% mercury-free) and charging devices. Otherwise you risk serious damage to health and property. The battery could explode, for instance.

You may only open the phone to replace the battery (100% mercury-free) or SIM card. You must not open the battery under any circumstances. All other changes to this device are strictly prohibited and will invalidate the guarantee.

Please dispose of unwanted batteries and phones as permitted by the laws in your country.

The phone may cause interference in the vicinity of TV sets, radios and PCs.

Use only Siemens original accessories. This will avoid potential risks to health or property and ensure compliance with all relevant regulations.

Improper use will invalidate the guarantee! These safety instructions also apply to Siemens original accessories.

This mobile phone offers various functions and can therefore be used in various positions other than being held to the ear, e.g. elsewhere on the body. In this case, a minimum distance of 1.5 cm must be kept between your body and phone to enable data transfer (GPRS).


Display symbols

Display symbols

Display symbols (selection)

Z Signal strength

W Battery charge level, e.g. 50%




Call records


Surf & fun/Service supplier portal










My stuff



ÇAll calls are diverted

¿Ringing tone off

¾Short ring (beep) only

¼Ringtone only if the caller is stored in the Phonebook

¹Alarm set

ÄKeypad locked

ÅAuto answer feature on

£ Activated and available

² Browser connecting

®Infrared transmission

Events (selection)

ãSIM card memory full

äMMS memory full

å Phone memory full

Æ No network access

 Missed call

Ê Delete assistant

Message symbols (selection)




wMMS received

yMMS with DRM contents (page 11)

zE-mail forwarded

{ E-mail with attachment

ÀVoice mail received

Overview of phone


Overview of phone

1 Joystick


Press the joystick down vertically


to start an application or function


(page 12).

In standby mode

C Open main menu. G Open user profiles.

H Open Phonebook/Addressbook. E Open Inbox.

D Start the camera.

In lists, messages and menus

I Scroll up and down. D Back one level.

During a call

I Set volume. E Call options.

2 A Call key

Dial phone number/name displayed/ highlighted, take calls. Show last phone numbers dialled in standby mode.

3B On/Off/End key

Switched off: Press and hold to switch on.

During a conversation or in an application: press briefly to finish.

In menus: Press briefly to go back a level. Press and hold to go back to standby mode.

In standby mode: Press and hold to switch off phone.

Z £ X

Service provider

01.12.2005 10:10

NewMMS í Ï


Overview of phone

1Integrated antenna

Do not obstruct the phone above the battery cover unnecessarily. This reduces the signal quality.



4Infrared interface


The current functions of this key are

shown in the bottom line of the display as §Text§/symbol (e.g. p).

6# Key lock

Press and hold in standby mode: Switch key lock on/off.

7* Ringtone

Press and hold in standby mode: Switch all audible signals on/off (except alarm).

Press and hold on incoming call: Switch off ringtone for this call only.

8Connection socket

For charger, headset, flash, etc.

9Car kit holder

: Connection for external antenna * Camera lens

Z £ X

Service provider

01.12.2005 10:10

NewMMS í Ï

Getting started


Getting started

Inserting the SIM card/ battery

The service provider supplies you with a SIM card on which all the important data for your line is stored. If the SIM card has been delivered in credit-card size, snap the smaller segment out and remove any rough edges.

Additional information

Please switch off your phone before removing the battery!

1.8- and 3-V SIM cards are supported. Please contact your service provider if you have an older SIM card.

Place the SIM card in front of the slot with the contact surface fac-

ing downwards. Then push the SIM card in using gentle pressure 1 (ensure that the chamfered corner is in the correct position).

Insert the battery sideways into the phone 2, then press downward 3, until it engages (to remove, press the retaining tab on the side of the battery, then lift the battery out).


Push the cover forwards until the

two lugs engage in the openings 4, then push it down until it

5.clicks into place

5 4



Getting started

Insert the locking screw 6 and turn it ninety degrees to lock 7.


To remove the cover, undo the locking screw by turning it back ninety degrees, then use the opening lip to pull off the cover.

Dust and splash-proof seals

Position the cover 1correctly in the connection socket.

The camera lens and antenna

socket are protected by the lens cap 2.



Charging the battery

The battery is not fully charged when delivered. Plug the charger cable into the bot-

tom of the phone, plug the power supply unit into a mains power socket and charge for at least three hours.

As an alternative, the battery can be charged via the USB port (see Accessories: USB data cable).

Y Display during charging.

Charging time

An empty battery is fully charged after approx. 3 hours. Charging is only possible within a temperature range of +5 °C to +45 °C. If the temperature rises/falls 5 °C above/below this, the charge symbol flashes a warning.

The mains voltage specified on the power supply unit must not be exceeded.

Operating time

The operating time depends upon the respective conditions of use. Extreme temperatures reduce the phone’s standby time. Do not leave the phone in direct sunlight or on a radiator.

Talktime: 3 to 8 hours Standby time: 270 to 450 hours

Getting started


Charge icon not visible

If the battery has been discharged fully, the charge icon is not immediately visible when the power supply is plugged in. It will appear after up to two hours. In this case the battery is fully charged after 3 to 4 hours.

Only use the plug-in power supply included in delivery!

Display while in service

Charge level display during operation (empty–full):


A beep sounds when the battery is nearly empty. The charge level of the battery is only displayed correctly after an uninterrupted charging/discharging cycle. You should therefore not remove the battery unnecessarily and where possible not finish the charging process prematurely.

Additional information

The power supply unit heats up when used for long periods. This is normal and not dangerous.

If the battery is removed for longer than 30 seconds, the clock must be reset.


Switching on/off/entering PIN

Switching on/off/entering PIN

Switching phone on and off

B PressEnd key.and hold the On/Off/

Enter PIN

The SIM card can be protected with a 4 to 8-digit PIN.


Enter the PIN using the

number keys. The charac-


ters **** appear to en-


sure nobody can read


your PIN on the display.


Correction with].

Confirm. Logging on to


the network will take a


few seconds.




Additional information


Change PIN..................................

page 14

Clear SIM card barring .................

page 15

Emergency number (SOS)

Only to be used in real emergencies!

By pressing the softkey §SOS§ you can make an emergency call on any network without a SIM card and without entering a PIN (not available in all countries).

Switching on your phone for the first time


During commissioning, set the clock so that it displays the correct time. You will not have to make this setting again.


Press this key, then select



First enter the date (day/

month/year), then the


time (24 hours, including



Press this key. The time

and date are updated.

Time zones


Set the time zone you



are in.


Select the city in the de-

sired time zone.


Use Set time zone to save.

Copying SIM addresses

The first time the SIM card is inserted, the entries on it can be copied to the Addressbook. Please do not interrupt this procedure. During this time, do not accept incoming calls. Follow the instructions in the display.

You can also copy data from the SIM card at a later time (page 24).

General instructions


General instructions

Standby mode

The phone is in standby mode and is ready for use when the name of the service provider appears on the display.

B By pressing and holding, you can return to standby mode from any situation.

Signal strength

Z Strong receive signal.


A weak signal reduces the

call quality and may lead


to loss of the connection.


Change your location.

Digital Rights Mgmt. (DRM)

Remember that you telephone has digital rights management. The use of downloaded pictures, tones or appliations can be restricted by the suppliers, e.g. copy protection, use for a limited period of time only, number of times it can be used etc.

Main menu

The main menu is displayed graphically with symbols:


mode.Call up from standby


Select the application

F/I symbols.

C Start an application.

Main menu options

§Options§ Open menu.

Different functions are available depending on the context:

Big letters

Selection between two


font sizes.


Set display light brighter/




List output of the menu.


Entering letters will ac-


cess a function directly.


General instructions

User guide

Menu controls

The steps needed to reach a function are shown in a condensed form in the user guide, e. g. to display call list for missed calls in condensed form:

C¢P¢Missed calls

This comprises the following steps:


Open main menu.


Select P, then select

function Missed calls.


Press to confirm.

Menu speed dialling

All menus are numbered so that a function (such as writing a new SMS) can be selected directly from standby mode by entering a number:


Press this key to display

the main menu.

5 Press this key for



Press this key for


Write message.


Press this key for SMS.


The following symbols are used to explain operation:

J Enter numbers/letters

B On/Off/End key

A Call key



Displays a soft-key




Press the joystick vertically,

e.g., to call up the menu.


Press the joystick in the di-


rection indicated.

=Function dependent on service provider, special registration may be required.

C Press joystick

The symbol in the centre of the lower line of the display shows the current function when the joystick is pressed down vertically, e.g.:

í Display menu î Take photos ï Zoom

ð Call, accept call ì OK

Standard functions


Standard functions

Option menus

List of functions repeatedly appearing in options menus.

§Options§ Open menu.


Open the entry to edit.


Display entry.


Delete entry/delete all en-

Delete all

tries after confirmation.

New entry

Create new entry.


Select transmission service


and medium for sending.


The sender becomes the

Reply to all

recipient, "Re" is placed in


front of the subject matter


and the received text is


transferred into the new




Store entry.

Save to 9

Save recipients in the cur-


rent address directory.


Set sort criteria (alphabeti-


cal, type, time).

Text input

T9 preferred: Activate/de-

(page 16)

activate T9 input.


Input language: Select


language for text.


Rename selected entry.


Display memory capacity


Display properties of the


highlighted object


Display help text.



Highlighting mode

Highlight one or more entries in order to perform a function on it/them.


Open menu.


Activate mode.


Select entry/entries.


Highlight or delete



Highlight a non-highlighted




Remove the highlighting


from a highlighted entry.

Additional highlighting functions:

§Options§ Open menu.

Mark all

Highlight all entries.

Unmark all

Delete highlighting on


all marked entries.

Delete marked

All selected entries are



14 Security


The phone and SIM card are protected against misuse by several security codes.

Keep these confidential numbers in

a safe place where you can access them again if required.

PIN codes


Protects your SIM card (per-


sonal identification number).


This is needed to set the


charge detail display and to


access additional functions on


special SIM cards.


Key code. Used to unlock SIM


cards after the wrong PIN has


been entered repeatedly.


Protects your phone. Must be


entered at the first security



C¢T¢Security¢PIN codes

¢Select function.

PIN control

The PIN is usually requested each time the phone is switched on. You can deactivate this feature but you risk unauthorised use of the phone. Some service providers do not permit deactivating the control.

§Change§ Press this key.


Enter PIN.


Confirm input.


Change PIN

You can change the PIN to any

4 to 8-digit number you find easier to remember.

§Select§ Press this key.


Enter current PIN.


Confirm input.


J, C Enter new PIN.

J, C Re-enter new PIN.

Security 15

C¢T¢Security¢PIN codes

¢Select function.

Change PIN2

(Display only if PIN2 is available)

Proceed as with Change PIN.


(Change phone code)

You define the phone code (4–8 digits) when you call up a phone-code protected function for the first time (e.g. Direct call, page 49). It is then valid for all phone-code protected functions.

Following the third unsuccessful attempt, access to the phone code and the functions that use it is denied. If this occurs, contact the Siemens Service (page 59).

Clearing SIM card barring

If the PIN is entered incorrectly three times, the SIM card is barred. Enter the PUK (MASTER PIN) provided by your service provider with the SIM card in accordance with the instructions. If the PUK (MASTER PIN) has been lost, please contact your service provider.

Preventing accidental activation

Even if PIN use is deactivated (page 14) confirmation is required to switch on the phone.

This prevents accidental activation of the phone, e.g. when you are carrying it in a bag or when you are travelling in an aircraft.

B Press and hold.

§OK§ Press this key. The phone switches on.

§Cancel§ Press this key or take no action. The phone does not switch on.

Connecting to PCs

You can connect the phone to a PC via infrared or a data cable (accessories). With the MPM program (Mobile Phone Manager) you can save data from the phone onto your PC. Copying your addressbook entries from Outlook®, Lotus Notes™ and other Siemens phones (including Gigasets) is also supported. You can download Mobile Phone Manager from the following website:


Text entry

Text entry

Text entry without T9

Press number key repeatedly until the required letter appears. Example:


Press once briefly to type

2 the letter a, twice to


type b etc. Press and hold


to write the number.


Press briefly to delete the


letter before the cursor,

press and hold to erase the whole word.


Move the cursor.


#Press briefly: Swap between abc, Abc, T9abc, T9Abc, 123.

Press and hold: All inputvariants are displayed.

*Press briefly: Special characters are shown.


Press and hold: Open input



0 Press once/repeatedly:


. , ? ! ’ " 0 + - ( ) @ / : _


Press and hold: Writes 0.

Writes blank.


Press twice = line break.

Special characters

*Press briefly.



















































1) Line break







I, F Navigate to characters.

§Select§ Press.

Text entry menu

*Press down:

Text format (SMS only), Input language, Mark, Copy/Insert

Text input with T9

"T9" combines the correct value from the various key inputs.

#Activate, deactivate T9.

Select input language

§Options§ Open text menu.

Input language, then select language.

§Select§ Confirm.

Text entry


Write with T9

it is best if you finish a word without looking at the display.

You simply press the keys where the relevant letter is located once only.

1/ EA blank space or moving to the right ends the word.

Do not use special characters such as Ä. Instead use the standard characters such as A and T9 will do the rest for you.

T9 word suggestions

If several options are found in the dictionary for a word, the most probable is displayed first.

^Press this key. If this word is also incorrect, press the key again.

^Press this key until the correct word is displayed.

Add a new word to the dictionary:

§Spell§ Select and enter word without T9. Then §Save§.

Correct a word

Words written with T9:


Move left or right,



word by word, until


the required word is



^Scroll through the T9 word suggestions again.


Deletes the character to


the left of the cursor and


displays a new possible



Additional information

#Press briefly: Switch between: abc, Abc, T9abc,

T9Abc, 123.

Press and hold: All input modes are displayed.

*Press and hold: Open input menu (page 16).

T9®Text Input is licensed under one or more of the following:

U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,187,480, 5,818,437, 5,945,928, 5,953,541, 6,011,554, 6,286,064, 6,307,548, 6,307,549, and 6,636,162, 6,646,573; Australian Pat. Nos. 727539, 746674, and 747901;

Canadian Pat. Nos. 1,331,057, 2,302,595, and 2,227,904;

Japan Pat. No. 3532780, 3492981;

United Kingdom Pat. No. 2238414B;

Hong Kong Standard Pat. No. HK1010924; Republic of Singapore Pat. No. 51383, 66959, and 71979;

European Pat. Nos. 0 842 463 (96927260.8), 1 010 057 (98903671.0), 1 018 069 (98950708.2);

Republic of Korea Pat. Nos. KR201211B1 and KR226206B1.

People’s Republic of China Pat. Application Nos. 98802801.8, 98809472.X and 96196739.0; Mexico Pat. No. 208141;

Russian Federation Pat. No. 2206118;

and additional patents are pending worldwide.

18 Calling



Enter the number (always

with prefix/international


dialling code).


]A short press clears the


last digit, a long press


clears the entire phone



A Dial phone number.

End call

B Press the End key briefly.

Set volume


Press upwards/down-

wards in order to regulate


the volume.

Redial previous numbers


Twice press. To redial the

A phone number last called:

Call up the redial list:

A Once press.


Pick out a phone number,

then to select it …


… press this key.

Auto redial

§Auto dial§ The phone number is dialled ten times at increasing time intervals.


§Prompt§ A beep reminds you to redial the displayed phone number after 15 minutes.

Accept call

A Press.

Reject call

B Press briefly.

Additional information

Accept the call before bringing the telephone to your ear in order to avoid ear damage caused by the ringing tones.

ÐStore phone number in the addressbook/phonebook.

§Handsfr.§ Playback via loudspeaker (hands-free calling).

Always switch off "handsfree talking" before holding the phone to your ear! Otherwise, you might damage your hearing!

*Press and hold to switch microphone off.

International dialling codes


Press and hold until a "+" is



Select country.

Calling 19

Call options

§Options§ Functions which are only available during the call are offered.

Swapping between


2 calls


Establish a second connection

§Options§ Open the menu

Hold Hold current call, then dial the new phone number.

§Options§ Open menu.

Swap Swapping between calls.

Incoming calls during a call

You will hear a "knocking tone" and you can now:

Accept the waiting call in addition to the first

§Swap§ Accept the call and put the current call on hold.

Reject the waiting call

§Reject§ Reject the call, or via §Divert§ divert it to the


Accept the waiting call and end the current call

B End call.


Accept new call.


End call(s)

B Press the End key.


Take call on hold.


End all calls.

Conference b

You call 5 up to conference particicpants one after the other. Once you have established a connection:

§Options§ Open menu and select Hold. The current call is put on hold.


Now dial a new number.

When the new connec-


tion is established …


… open menu and select


Conference. Repeat until


all participants are con-




B When the End key is pressed, all calls in the multiparty conversation are ended.

Tone sequences (DTMF)

Enter tone sequences (numbers) for remote inquiries to an answering machine.

§Options§ Open menu and select

Send DTMF.


Default book

Default book

C¢L¢Select function.

Show entries

The entries in the standard directory (Addressbook or Phonebook) are shown.

J/ I

Select a name with the

first letter and/or scroll.

New entry

Create new entry. Addressbook (see also page 21) Phonebook (see also page 23)

Default book

You can set a particulary directory as your preferred one to use.

The selected standard book is opened in standby mode with the joystick.


Open Phonebook or




In the address book, a lot of data can be recorded for each entry and additional functions such as pictures, birthdays, Inst. Message can be used.


The Phonebook is located on the SIM card. Only one phone number can be entered per entry. The Phonebook on the SIM card can easily be transferred into a different phone.

Business card

Create your own business card to sent to a different GSM-phone. If no business card has been created yet, you will be asked for your input.


Move from field to field to


put in your details.



Additional information

The content of the business card corresponds to international standards (vCard).

ÏCopy numbers from Addressbook/Phonebook


See page 22.

<Info numbers>

See page 24.

Addressbook 21


The Addressbook can store up to 1000 entries, each with a variety of telephone and fax numbers as well as additional address details. These entries are managed separately from those in the Phonebook in the phone memory.

New entry

The address book is set as standard:


Open Addressbook

(in standby mode)


Display input fields.


fields.Select required input


Fill in input fields.


At least one name must


be entered. Always enter


phone number with



Special input fields


Allocation to a group


(page 22).


Extension to enter the


complete address: Street:,


Post code:, City:, Country:

Com. services

Information if the entry is being used as an inst. message contact

(page 28):

Nickname:, WV user ID:, ICQ number:,

AIM screen name:

Birthday: After activation, you can enter the date of birth.

Reminder: The telephone reminds you one day before the birthday at the time entered.

Picture: Assign a picture to the entry. It is displayed if you are called by a corresponding phone number.

All fields/Reduced fields

Display of number of input fields.

§Save§ Save the entry.

Additional information

ÎTemporary switch to Phonebook.

+ 51 hidden pages