Information and Communication Mobile
ICM MP Customer Care Information SI_1004.doc
«Name_LSO» From (Name) Henning Boll
«Anrede» «Vorname» «Name» Dept. ICM MP CCQ GRM R
«Zeile_1» Telephone + 45 7219 5823
«Zeile_2» Fax + 49 7219 5835
«Zeile_4» Your Service Manager «Anrede_SK»«Name_SK
Telephone «Telefon_SK»
Tel : «Telefon» Our ref. SI_1004.doc
Fax : «Fax»
Date February 13
, 2004
Subject: SX1 SWUP x 4 requires a program
called Iboot.
Dear «Anrede» «Name»
How to install the Iboot program!
To use the parallel x4 SWUP on the SX1, the program “Iboot_Install” must be installed on the PC, which will
be used as the SWUP unit, and the function of it is to number each USB port as the Winswup needs to
know what port to use for each load.
Please find the program on https://communication-market.siemens.de
“Device SW” and “SX1”.
Download the program and install it to the PC. (The install process will be explained on screen).
Once the program is installed, it is not needed to run it again, unless
one or more of the USB ports is used for other applications, and then later on the SWUP is restarted.
After the Iboot installation, start the SWUP and on the initial run select parallel x4 update under “Options”,
then select “serial config” and set "USB 0 - 3", tick "Force USB port" and finally select "USB only".
When these settings are made, run the SWUP program and update the phones.
Please note: The selection “USB only” must be reset, if the program is terminated and restarted, all other
settings will be saved in the program.
Best regards from ICM MP Customer Care.
sign. Andreas Worch sign. Hans-Juergen Burghart
Customer Care O EMEA Customer Care BA EMEA
Mobile Phones
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Information and Communication Mobile:
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, select “Technique”, “Software”,
the SWUP program is terminated, and
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Siemens AG
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D-81667 München
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