Siemens FM 458-1 DP User Manual

FM 458-1 DP
Function Blocks
Contents, Foreword
Input/output blocks
Communication blocks
Logic blocks
Edition 12.2004
Service-/diagnostic blocks
Closed-loop control blocks
Safety guidelines
This Manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own personal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These notices are highlighted in the Manual by a warning triangle and are marked as follows according to the level of danger:
indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
used with the safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
used without safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in property damage.
Correct usage
used without the safety alert symbol indicates a potential situation which, if not avoided, may result in an undesireable result or state.
Note the following:
This device and its components may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or the technical description, and only in connection with devices or components from other manufacturers which have been approved or recommended by Siemens.
SIMATIC and SIMADYN D are registered trademarks of Siemens AG.
Third parties using for their own purposes any other names in this document which refer to trademarks might infringe upon the rights of the trademark owners.
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Disclaimer of liability
We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with
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Siemens AG 2004 Technical data subject to change.
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft


FM 458-1 DP
Function Blocks
Edition 12.2004
Overview (chapter editions)
Please note that the current edition of this documentation contains different editions of the individual chapters. The following overview tells you when a chapter was revised the last time.
Chapter Edition
Foreword Edition 12.2004 1 Input/output blocks Edition 12.2004 2 Communication blocks Edition 12.2004 3 Logic blocks Edition 03.2003 4 Service-/diagnostic blocks Edition 03.2003 5 SIMOLINK drive coupling Edition 12.2004 6 Closed-loop control blocks Edition 12.2003
Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP ii Edition 12.2004


Purpose of this Manual
Basic knowledge required
Validity of the Manual
Additional support
Training Center
This Manual explains the principle use and functions of the STEP 7 automation software with the main focus on the appropriate technological and drive control components T400, FM 458-1 DP, SIMADYN D, SIMATIC TDC or D7-SYS.
TDC: Technology and Drives Control
This Manual addresses programmers and commissioning engineers. General knowhow regarding automation technology is required in order to understand the contents of the Manual
This Manual is valid for SIMATIC D7-SYS Version 6.2.
If you have questions relating to the use of the products described in the Manual, which cannot be answered here, then please contact your local Siemens office. You can also call the Hotline:
Tel.: +49 (180) 5050-222
Fax: +49 (180) 5050-223
Appropriate training courses are available in order to make it easier to get to know the SIMADYN D automation system. Please contact the central Training Center in D-Erlangen (I&S IS INA TC):
Tel.: +49 (9131) 7-27689, -27972
Fax: +49 (9131) 7-28172
This user part of the Manual does not include any detailed information/instructions with individual descriptions, but is only intended to provide a basic procedure. More detailed information on the dialog boxes in the software and how they are handled is provided in the appropriate online help.
Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP iii Edition 12.2004
Information overview
This manual is part of the overall documentation for the technological and drive control components T400, FM 458, SIMADYN D, SIMATIC TDC and SIMATIC D7-SYS:
Title Content
System and communications configuring D7-SYS
STEP 7 option packages for D7-SYS
Hardware The complete hardware spectrum is described as reference in this Manuals.
Function blocks
The first project in a few steps
This Section provides an extremely simple entry into the methodology when assembling and programming the SIMATIC TDC/SIMADYN D control system. It is especially conceived for first-time users of a control system.
System software
This Section provides basic know-how about the structure of the operating system and an application program of a CPU. It should be used to obtain an overview of the programming methodology, and basis for configuring user programs.
Communications configuring
This section provides you with basic know-how about the communication possibilities and how you configure links to the communication partners.
Changeover from STRUC V4.x to D7-SYS
Essential features are included in this section, which have changed over STRUC V4.x with the introduction of SIMATIC D7-SYS.
Basis software
This section explains the essential use and the functions of the STEP 7 automation software. For first users, it provides an overview on configuring, programming and commissioning a station.
When working with the basis software, you can access the online help which provides you with support when it comes to detailed questions on using the software.
The CFC language (Continuous Function Chart) allows you to graphically interconnect blocks.
When working with the particular software, you can also use the online help which can answer detailed questions regarding the use of the editors/compiler.
Configuring sequence controls using SFC (Sequential Function Chart) of SIMATIC S7.
In the SFC editor, you generate a sequence chart using graphic resources. The SFC elements of the chart are then positioned according to specific rules.
These Reference Manuals provide you with an overview of selected function blocks for the associated technological and drive control components T400, FM 458-1 DP, SIMADYN D and SIMATIC TDC.
iv Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP
Edition 12.2004
A&D Technical Support
As first time user, we recommend that this Manual is used as follows:
Please read the first section on using the software in order to get to know some of the terminology and basic procedure.
Then use the particular sections of the Manual if you wish to carry-out certain processing steps (e.g. loading programs).
If you have already executed a small project, and have gained some experience, then you can read individual sections of the Manual in order to get up to speed about a specific subject.
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GMT: +1:00
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Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP v Edition 12.2004


Foreword ........................................................................................................................................ iii
1 Input/output blocks ................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1 SBM Rotary encoder block....................................................................................... 1-2
2 Communication blocks.......................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Central coupling blocks............................................................................................. 2-1
2.1.1 @CSL2F PROFIBUS FMS coupling central block ................................................... 2-1
2.1.2 @CSL2L PROFIBUS FDL central block................................................................... 2-1
2.1.3 @CSPRO Central block PROFIBUS DP coupling ................................................... 2-1
2.1.4 @PRODP Central block PROFIBUS DP coupling ...................................................2-2
2.2 Kopplung PROFIBUS DP .........................................................................................2-3
2.2.1 DPDIAG Diagnostics overview, PROFIBUS DP....................................................... 2-3
2.2.2 DPSLDG Slave diagnostics, PROFIBUS DP ........................................................... 2-6
2.2.3 DPEVT Alarm information, PROFIBUS DP .............................................................. 2-9
2.2.4 DPPEVT Process alarm information, PROFIBUS DP Symbol............................... 2-12
2.3 FM 458-specific coupling........................................................................................ 2-15
2.3.1 @CPB P-bus, central coupling block...................................................................... 2-15
2.3.2 S7RD_P Reading data from a SIMATIC-CPU (P Bus) .......................................... 2-16
2.3.3 S7WR_P Sending data to a SIMATIC-CPU (P Bus) .............................................. 2-18
2.3.4 BRCV Block-oriented data reception via an S7 coupling ....................................... 2-20
2.3.5 S7STAT S7 CPU operating state ........................................................................... 2-23
2.3.6 S7RD, S7RD_B, S7RD_I, S7RD_D Read from the peripheral area of the S7-
CPU......................................................................................................................... 2-25
2.3.7 S7WR, S7WR_B, S7WR_I, S7WR_D Write into the peripheral area of the S7-
CPU......................................................................................................................... 2-27
2.4 Parameterizing SIMADYN D................................................................................... 2-29
2.4.1 @FMPAR Parameter processing on FM 458-1 DP modules................................. 2-29
2.4.2 CBCONF COMBOARD configuration..................................................................... 2-32
2.4.3 CBRFAW Receiving warnings from a COMBOARD ..............................................2-36
2.4.4 PNAME Parameter names ..................................................................................... 2-38
2.4.5 PSTAT Change enable for parameters ..................................................................2-40
3 Logic blocks ........................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 SAV_TR Save FB for NOV_RAM............................................................................. 3-1
3.2 PAS7 Initiate process interrupt at the S7-CPU......................................................... 3-3
Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP vii Edition 12.2004
4 Service-/diagnostic blocks .................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 FMLED Control FM 458-1 DP diagnostics LED .......................................................4-1
5 SIMOLINK drive coupling ...................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 @SL SIMOLINK central block ..................................................................................5-1
5.2 SLAV, SLAVE_R SIMOLINK receive block for one actual value..............................5-9
5.3 SLD SIMOLINK delta evaluation.............................................................................5-11
5.4 SLDIS SIMOLINK dispatcher.................................................................................. 5-12
5.5 SLSV, SLSV_R SIMOLINK send block for one setpoint ........................................5-13
5.6 SLSV2, SLSV2R SIMOLINK send block for 2 setpoints.........................................5-15
5.7 SLSVAV SIMOLINK send and receive block for one slave.................................... 5-17
6 Closed-loop control blocks ................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.1 INT_M Modulo integrator for axis cycle correct integration ...................................... 6-1
Index ..............................................................................................................................................I-1
viii Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP
Edition 12.2004

1 Input/output blocks

Assignment of the input/output blocks to processor- and peripheral devices.
Blocks Modules
PM5 PM6 T400 IT41 IT42 EA12 EB11 FM
SBM x x
*) with SBM2 Module
Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP 1-1 Edition 12.2004
Input/output blocks

1.1 SBM Rotary encoder block

hardware address ―GV AD YPI DI―position in increments
alarm- or normal FP ―BO DM QF BO―group error message
encoder type ―I TYP RPI DI―max. increments/revolution
baud rate ―I BDR Y R―normalized speed
resolution ―I EXP U I―revolutions
rated speed ―R RS YF DW―error detection
Brief description
The SBM function block is used to realize the following tasks:
Initialize the rotary encoder, which is connected at the SBM2 module
Determine the position and speed from the encoder data
Error handling when communication errors develop between the
encoder and SBM2 module
Mode of operation
During the initialization phase of the system, the initialization I/O are read and the appropriate mode set at the SBM2 module. The following settings are made for the EQN1325 encoder:
The encoder power supply is set to 5 V
Number of revolutions to 4096
Signal periods per revolution 8192
After the mode has been set, the zero position is determined, and the starting values for the position and the speed output at the connections.
In the standard mode, the block can assume four different statuses:
NRM The values read-out from the SBM2 module (position and speed) are displayed at the block connections. If an error is detected, the block goes into the ERR error condition.
ERR The following errors can occur in operation:
Encoder is defective or is not connected
Encoder was disconnected
Data transfer error for serial communications between the encoder
and SBM2 module
SBM2 module not available
In the first three cases, the block goes into the "INI“ initialization
status and in the latter case into the "OFF" status.
1-2 Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP
Edition 12.2004
Input/output blocks
as for the "initialization phase“ mode
Output QF is set and processing terminated.
Hardware address of the SBM2 (initialization input)
Encoder type
TYP = 0 not available TYP = 1 EQN1325 TYP > 1 incorrect encoder type
Baud rate
BDR = 0 100 kHz BDR = 1 500 kHz BDR = 2 1 MHz BDR = 3 2 MHz BDR > 3 incorrect baud rate
Resolution in bits Value range: 16 EXP 32
Configure the block in cyclic tasks or interrupt tasks
DM=0 SBM in interrupt tasks This mode is only practical in conjunction with the alarm­controlled SIMOLINK events (sync interrupt from SLB). Using this sync interrupt, in this mode, the values of the SBM module are de-latched. The block should then be configured in the alarm task started by the same event.
DM=1 SBM in cyclic tasks If the block is computed in cyclic tasks, then the SBM2 module register is read-out in the system mode. The contents of the register are then read-out in the normal mode and the values for the output connections computed.
Rated speed in revolution/min (RS>0) (default: 1.0)
Position in increments (default: 0)
Max. number of increments per revolution (depending on the input connection EXP)
encoderrotary the speedform Normalized
(initialization input default: 1)
(initialization input default: 0)
(default: 23)
(initialization input default: 0)
(default: 0)
(default: 0.0)
Revolutions (default: 0)
Group error message
QF=0 no error, QF=1 for error (if YF≠0)
Error status of the block
YF=0x0000 no error, YF>0x0000 (refer to error statuses)
(default: 0)
(default: 16#0000 0000)
Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP 1-3 Edition 12.2004
Input/output blocks
Error statuses
Value Significance
Nibble 1
0x0001 Initialization mode
0x0002 No SBM2 module available
0x0004 SBM2 module is processed from another SBM
0x0008 Encoder defective/not available
Nibble 2
0x0010 Unknown carrier or illegal module code
0x0020 Incorrect hardware address
0x0040 Encoder fault/error
Check the hardware (encoder, cable etc.)
0x0080 No voltage or short-circuit
Nibble 3
0x0100 No data transfer from or to the encoder
check the hardware (encoder, cable etc.)
0x0200 Erroneous data transfer from or to the encoder
check the hardware (encoder, cable etc.)
0x0400 Invalid mode parameterized
0x0800 Invalid encoder parameterized
Nibble 4
0x1000 Invalid speed normalization parameterized
0x2000 Invalid baud rate parameterized
0x4000 Sampling time too high; speed computation not possible
Sampling time: 4.0 ms
0x8000 Error for the request to save
Nibble 5
0x10000 Invalid resolution parameterized
0x20000 Function block is not configured in the alarm task
Nibble 6-8
Not defined: Reserve Default: 0
Not defined: Reserve Default: 0
Not defined: Reserve Default: 0
Computation time [µs] FM 458-1 DP 13,2
Can be inserted online No
Can be configured in Interrupt tasks
Cyclic tasks
Executed in Initialization mode
Normal mode
Special features Can only be used with an EQN 1325 encoder
1-4 Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP
Edition 12.2004

2 Communication blocks

2.1 Central coupling blocks

Additional information on this group of function blocks, e.g. symbol, mode of operation, I/O and technical data are provided in the online help for the particular block.

2.1.1 @CSL2F PROFIBUS FMS coupling central block

Brief description
the function block initializes and monitors the PROFIBUS FMS
coupling (CS7 and SS5 module).
the function block may only be configured in the sampling interval
32 ms <= TA <= 256 ms and only in the communications FP "Transmit". Otherwise, an entry is made in the communications error field.

2.1.2 @CSL2L PROFIBUS FDL central block

Brief description
the function block initializes and monitors the PROFIBUS FDL
coupling (CS7 and SS5 module).
the function block may only be configured in the sampling interval
32 ms <= TA <= 256 ms and only configured in the communications FP "transmit". Otherwise an entry will be made in the communications error field.

2.1.3 @CSPRO Central block PROFIBUS DP coupling

Brief description
Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP 2-1 Edition 12.2004
the function block initializes and monitors the PROFIBUS DP coupling
(EXM 448/EXM 448-1).
the function block may only be configured in the sampling interval
32 ms <= TA <= 256 ms . Otherwise an entry is made in the communications error field.
Communication blocks

2.1.4 @PRODP Central block PROFIBUS DP coupling

Brief description
the function block initializes and monitors the PROFIBUS DP coupling at connector X03 on FM 458-1 DP.
the function block may only be configured in the sampling interval 32 ms <= TA <= 256 ms . Otherwise an entry is made in the communications error field.
2-2 Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP
Edition 12.2004
Communication blocks

2.2 Kopplung PROFIBUS DP

2.2.1 DPDIAG Diagnostics overview, PROFIBUS DP

DP module name.connector ―GV CTS OK BO―Diagnostics valid
Brief description
Enable ―BO EN DG1
MST BY―Master status ID W―Identification number QTS BO―Block status YTS W―Status display
Slave diagnostics; bits 0 to 31
Slave diagnostics; bits 32 to 63
Slave diagnostics; bits 64 to 95
Slave diagnostics; bits 96 to 127
Data transfer list; bits 0 to 31
Data transfer list; bits 32 to 63
Data transfer list; bits 64 to 95
Data transfer list; bits 96 to 127
The task of the DPDIAG function block is to provide the following information and data to the user program (i.e. the configured CFC software):
System diagnostics (an overview of which slave had signaled
Mode of operation
Data transfer list (overview of with which slave data transfer took
place within the PROFIBUS-DP time frame)
Master status (master-specification information such as the Stop,
Operate and Clear stati)
The PROFIBUS-DP interface is selected using connection CTS.
The function block only enters a communications error for errors, which are detected during initialization. A communications error cannot be acknowledged and this function block is only used for diagnostics. This means, that in normal operation, a communications error is not entered. Only the cause of the error is signaled at output YTS.
Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP 2-3 Edition 12.2004
Communication blocks
Module name.connector of the Profibus-DP interface
Block enable
(Initialization connection)
(Default: 1)
The block is not processed if EN=0; output OK=0 and YTS=1; the last value is kept at the other outputs
OK Diagnostics data valid (Default: 0)
Overview of which slave signaled diagnostics data. This output is
(Default: 0)
bit-coded. Every bit is assigned to a slave with its Profibus address. Bit 3 of the 32 bit is, for example, assigned to the slave with Profibus address 3.
Comment: The bits 0 up to and including 2 are always 0 as the associated addresses (0 to 2) should be reserved for the DP master, for a PG and an OP.
For a more detailed description, refer to the user manual "FM 458-1 DP", chapter "Configuring", section "PROFIBUS DP coupling".
Overview of which slave had signaled diagnostics data. This
(Default: 0)
output is bit-coded. Every bit is assigned to a slave with its Profibus address. The bit 0 of the 32-bit word is, for example, assigned to the slave with Profibus address 32.
For a more detailed description, refer to the user manual "FM 458-1 DP", chapter "Configuring", section "PROFIBUS DP coupling".
Overview of which slave had signaled diagnostics data. This
(Default: 0)
output is bit-coded. Every bit is assigned to a slave with its Profibus address. The bit 0 of the 32-bit word is, for example, assigned to the slave with Profibus address 64.
For a more detailed description, refer to the user manual "FM 458-1 DP", chapter "Configuring", section "PROFIBUS DP coupling".
Overview of which slave had signaled diagnostics data. This
(Default: 0)
output is bit-coded. Every bit is assigned to a slave with its Profibus address. The bit 0 of the 32-bit word is, for example, assigned to the slave with Profibus address 96.
For a more detailed description, refer to the user manual "FM 458-1 DP", chapter "Configuring", section "PROFIBUS DP coupling".
Overview of with which slave data transfer took place. This output
(Default: 0)
is bit-coded. Every bit is assigned to a slave with its Profibus address. For example, bit 3 of the 32-bit word is assigned to the slave with Profibus address 3.
For a more detailed description, refer to the user manual "FM 458-1 DP", chapter "Configuring", section "PROFIBUS DP coupling".
2-4 Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP
Edition 12.2004
Communication blocks
Overview of with which slave data transfer took place. This output is bit-coded. Every bit is assigned to a slave with its Profibus address. For example, bit 0 of the 32-bit word is assigned to the slave with Profibus address 32.
For a more detailed description, refer to the user manual "FM 458-1 DP", chapter "Configuring", section "PROFIBUS DP coupling".
Overview of with which slave data transfer took place. This output is bit-coded. Every bit is assigned to a slave with its Profibus address. For example, bit 0 of the 32-bit word is assigned to the slave with Profibus address 64.
For a more detailed description, refer to the user manual "FM 458-1 DP", chapter "Configuring", section "PROFIBUS DP coupling".
Overview of with which slave data transfer took place. This output is bit-coded. Every bit is assigned to a slave with its Profibus address. For example, bit 0 of the 32-bit word is assigned to the slave with Profibus address 96.
For a more detailed description, refer to the user manual "FM 458-1 DP", chapter "Configuring", section "PROFIBUS DP coupling".
MST Status of the DP master:
Stop (0x40 ), Clear (0x80) or Operate (0xC0)
ID Master identification number:
(0x8037 for EXM448 as Profibus interface, 0x80EB when using X3 of the FM458-1)
QTS Block output QTS is used to display whether the block is operating
error-free (QTS = 1) or was de-activated after a communications error message was entered (QTS = 0).
Detailed status display:
YTS=0 Æ o.k.
YTS=1 Æ Block processing inhibited (EN=0)
For additional values at YTS, refer to: D7-SYS Online Help "Help events". (Press the F1 button in the CFC and call the topic "Help on events" under "CFC for D7-SYS".)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
Configuring data
Computation time [µs] FM458-1 DP 42,7
Can be inserted online No
Can be configured in Cyclic tasks
Executed in Initialization mode
Normal mode
Special features This function block may only be configured
once for each PROFIBUS communications module.
Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP 2-5 Edition 12.2004
Communication blocks

2.2.2 DPSLDG Slave diagnostics, PROFIBUS DP

DP module name. connector ―GV CTS OK BO―Diagnostics valid
Number of device-related
Brief description
Slave address ―I SLA ST1 BY―Status 1, standard diagnostics
I LEN ST2 BY―Status 2, standard diagnostics
diagnostic bytes
Enable ―BO EN ST3 BY―Status 3, standard diagnostics
MPA BY―Master Profibus address ID W―Slave identification number D01
QTS BO―Block status YTS W―Status display
normally invisible
Diagnostic bytes v, w, x u. y 1)
Diagnostic bytes v, w, x u. y 1)
The DPSLDG function block provides diagnostics data from a DP slave to the user program. This diagnostics data correspond, with the exception of the maximum possible length, to EN 50170. According to this Standard, the diagnostics data can be a maximum of 244 bytes long. The function block supports a maximum of 240 bytes
Mode of operation
On the EXM448, there are restrictions regarding the quantity of diagnostics data. Only diagnostics data (Standard diagnostics data) is supplied which the function block DIAPRO supplies.
The consistency of the outputs is not ensured. When new diagnostics data is received, some of the outputs can have "New" information and some can still have "old" information.
The PROFIBUS-DP interface is selected using connection CTS.
The function block only enters a communications error for errors, which are detected during initialization. A communications error cannot be acknowledged and the function block DPSLDG is only used for diagnostics. This means, that in normal operation, a communications error is not entered. Only the cause of the error is signaled at output YTS.
2-6 Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP
Edition 12.2004
Communication blocks
CTS DP module name, connector of the Profibus DP interface (Initialization connection)
Diagnostics data required from the slave with the appropriate station number (3 to 123)
LEN Number of the device-related diagnostic bytes; this means the
diagnostics bytes which extend beyond the Standard diagnostics. Here, a maximum value of 234 may be set. Whether device-related diagnostics data is available and, if yes, which significance they have, should be taken from the user documentation of the relevant DP slave.
EN Block enable. If EN=0, the block is not processed;
output OK=0 and YTS=1, the last value remains at the other outputs.
OK Diagnostics data valid (Default: 0)
ST1 Status 1 of the diagnostics according to the Standard (byte 1).
For a more detailed description, refer to the user manual "FM 458-1 DP", chapter "Configuring", section "PROFIBUS DP coupling".
ST2 Status 2 of the diagnostics according to the Standard (byte 2).
For a more detailed description, refer to the user manual "FM 458-1 DP", chapter "Configuring", section "PROFIBUS DP coupling".
ST3 Status 3 of the diagnostics according to the Standard (byte 3).
For a more detailed description, refer to the user manual "FM 458-1 DP", chapter "Configuring", section "PROFIBUS DP coupling".
MPA Master Profibus address (byte 4 of the diagnostics according to the
ID Identification number of the slave
(bytes 5 and 6 of the diagnosics according to the Standard)
Device-related diagnostic bytes; 4 bytes are combined in one 32-bit word. Bytes 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the diagnostics telegram can be found
(Initialization connection) (Default: 3)
(Initialization connection) (Default: 0, i.e. only Standard diagnostics, not device-related diagnostic bytes)
(Default: 1)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
in D01. For a more detailed description, refer to the user manual "FM 458-1 DP", chapter "Configuring", section "PROFIBUS DP coupling".
When data is entered at LEN, this has an influence on the update of the outputs. For LEN=0, these outputs are not updated. For LEN=234, D01 up to and including D59 are updated.
Comment: Bytes 1 to 6 of a diagnostics telegram for PROFIBUS DP corresponds to the Standard Diagnostics; bytes from 7 onwards depend on the particular slave (referred to the particular device).
QTS Block output QTS is used to display whether the block is operating
error-free (QTS = 1) or was de-activated after a communications error message was entered (QTS = 0).
Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP 2-7 Edition 12.2004
(Default: 0)
Communication blocks
YTS Detailed status display:
YTS=0 Æ o.k.
YTS=1 Æ Block processing inhibited (EN=0)
YTS=2 Æ An initialization connection (SLA er LEN) was
changed in cyclic opertion; this change only becomes effective the next time that the FM458-1 starts
YTS=3 Æ The block has already been configured once for the slave addressed via SLA
YTS=4 Æ The slave, with the address specified at SLA, has not been configured in the PROFIBUS network.
For additional values at YTS, refer to: D7-SYS Online Help "Help events". (Press the F1 button in the CFC and call the topic "Help on events" uncer "CFC for D7-SYS".)
Configuring data
Computation time [µs] FM458-1 DP 29
Can be inserted online No
Can be configured in Cyclic tasks
Executed in Initialization mode
Special features The function block may only be configured
(Default: 0)
Normal mode
once for each slave.
2-8 Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP
Edition 12.2004
Communication blocks

2.2.3 DPEVT Alarm information, PROFIBUS DP

Brief description
Expanded info ―BO EXT OB I―Appropriate S7 alarm OB
STA I―Station SLO I―Slot SUB I―Sub-module SBN I―Sub-network YO1
QTS BO―Block status YTS W―Status display
normally invisible
Diagnostic bytes 0, 1, 2 and 3
Diagnostic bytes 4, 5, 6 and 7
Diagnosebytes 8, 9, 10 and 11
Diagnostic bytes 12, 13, 14 and 15
Diagnostic bytes 16, 17, 18 and 19
Diagnostic bytes ...
Diagnostic bytes ...
The DPEVT function block (DP event) provides more detailed information about a Profibus-DP process or diagnostics alarm. The information/data, provided at the outputs, correspond to the information/data which a SIMATIC S7 module also has when processing the appropriate alarm OBs (e.g. OB40, OB55 etc.).
Mode of operation
When an alarm event is output, all of the values at the outputs are updated.
When the appropriate alarm occurs, the alarm task configured for this purpose, is started, Within the alarm task, DPEVT reads-out the alarm information. A new alarm of the same time is only detected again after the alarm task has been completed.
When a communications error occurs, the cause is also output at output YTS and the QTS output is set to "0".
Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP 2-9 Edition 12.2004
Communication blocks
For EXT=0, only the data/information at outputs Y01 to Y05 is updated.
For EXT=1, in addition, the information/data at outputs Y06 to Y21 is updated.
OB The number of the appropriate SIMATIC S7 organizational block
(OB) is displayed at this output. In an error-free state, values 40, 55, 56, 57, 82, 83 and 86 are possible here. The actual value depends on the process alarm configured in the HWConfig for the particular alarm task.
STA Station address of the slave which had initiated the alarm. Values
of between 1 and 126 are valid values for this address.
SLO Slot of the module which initiated the alarm. Values of between 1
and 244 are valid values for the slot data.
SUB Sub-module of the module which initiated the alarm. Values of
between 1 and 31 are valid values for the sub-module data. A value of 0 means no sub-module.
SBN Sub-network to which the module, which initiated the alarm, is
connected. Values of between 1 and 255 are valid values for the sub-network data. The number for the sub-network can be taken from the properties dialog box in NetPro or HY-Config.
YO1 The first 4 bytes with information about the last alarm event are
available at this output. The actual significance corresponds to the first byte of the local data of the appropriate S7-OB. As a whole, the local data comprise 20 bytes; the structuring of the local data can be taken from the help for the appropriate OB.
YO2 The second 4 bytes with information about the last alarm event
are available at this output.
YO3 The third 4 bytes with information about the last alarm event are
available at this output.
YO4 The fourth 4 bytes with information about the last alarm event are
available at this output.
YO5 The fifth 4 bytes with information about the last alarm event are
available at this output.
Y06 to Y21
QTS Block output QTS is used to display whether the block is
YTS Detailed status display for additional values at YTS,
You can obtain additional information/data about the alarm, which goes beyond the local data of the S7-OBs, at these outputs. The information/data correspond to that which you would obtain if you would have called the SFB54 "RALRM" within the appropriate S7-OBs. The outputs are only updated if EXT=1 is set to 1. Normally, these outputs are switched so that they are invisible, and, when required, must be first made visible in the CFC, under the tab "I/O".
operating error-free (QTS = 1) or was de-activated after a communications error message was entered (QTS = 0).
refer to: D7-SYS Online Help "Help events". (Press the F1 button in the CFC and call the topic "Help on events" uncer "CFC for D7-SYS".)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
(Default: 0)
2-10 Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP
Edition 12.2004
Communication blocks
Configuring data
Computation time [µs] FM458-1 DP 23,6
Can be inserted online No
Can be configured in Alarm tasks
Executed in Initialization mode
Normal mode
Special features
The DPEVT may only be configured in an alarm task for which one of the following alarm causes is configured in HW-Config:
Process alarm 1 (OB40)
DPV1 status alarm (OB55)
DPV1 update alarm (OB56)
DPV1 manufacturer-specific alarm (OB57)
Diagnostics alarm (OB82)
Withdraw/insert alarm (OB83)
Failure, subrack alarm (OB86)
If this is not the case, DPEVT signals an appropriate communications error and stops processing.
Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP 2-11 Edition 12.2004
Communication blocks

2.2.4 DPPEVT Process alarm information, PROFIBUS DP Symbol

Brief description
STA I―Station SLOI―Slot SUB I―Sub-module SBN I―Sub-network EVC BY―Event classes and IDs IOF BY―IO flag IN BO―Input module OUT BO―Output module MDL W―Logical address PAD
YYR I―Year YMOI―Month YDA I―Day YHR I―Hour YMII―Minute YSE I―Seconds QTS BO―Block state YTS W―Status display
The DPPEV (DP process event) provides more detailed information about the Profibus DP process alarm (OB40 alarm). Contrary to the DPEVT, only selected information/data is available, but then, in a conditioned form.
Mode of operation
When an alarm event is output, all of the values at the outputs are updated.
For a communications error, the cause is additionally output at YTS and the QTS output is set to "0".
2-12 Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP
Edition 12.2004
+ 55 hidden pages