Siemens FIDAMAT 6 Operating Instructions Manual

Operating Instructions Edition 08/2004
gas analysis
Gas analyzer for the measurement of total hydrocarbons
Operating instructions
A5E00222135-01 Release 08/2004
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Table of contents
1. INFORMATION FOR THE OWNER ..................................................................................................... 1-1
INFORMATION FOR OUR CUSTOMERS ............................................................................................. 1-2
1.2 GENERAL COMMENTS................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 USING THIS MANUAL ..................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.4 HAZARD INFORMATION ................................................................................................................. 1-3
1.5 USE FOR THE PURPOSE INTENDED ................................................................................................ 1-4
1.6 QUALIFIED PERSONNEL ................................................................................................................ 1-5
1.7 WARRANTY INFORMATION............................................................................................................. 1-5
1.8 DELIVERY INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 1-6
1.9 STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS .................................................................................................... 1-6
1.10 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY..................................................................................................... 1-7
2. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................. 2-1
SCOPE OF APPLICATION ............................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2 DESIGN ....................................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.3 MODE OF OPERATION ................................................................................................................... 2-7
2.4 COMMUNICATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 2-10
2.5 TECHNICAL DATA........................................................................................................................ 2-14
3. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................................................... 3-1
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................................................. 3-2
3.2 GENERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................... 3-3
3.3 GAS CONDITIONING ...................................................................................................................... 3-5
3.4 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS .......................................................................................................... 3-6
3.4.1 POWER SUPPLY....................................................................................................................... 3-6
3.4.2 CONNECTING THE SIGNAL LINES ............................................................................................... 3-6
3.4.3 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS (ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS)....................................................................... 3-8
3.5 DIMENSION DRAWINGS ............................................................................................................... 3-11
4. START-UP.................................................................................................................................... 4-1
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................................................. 4-2
4.2 START-UP PREPARATIONS ............................................................................................................ 4-3
4.3 START-UP AND OPERATION........................................................................................................... 4-5
4.3.1 MEASURING RANGES ............................................................................................................... 4-5
4.3.2 CALIBRATION........................................................................................................................... 4-7
5. OPERATION ................................................................................................................................. 5-1
GENERAL COMMENTS................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2 STATUS DIAGRAM......................................................................................................................... 5-7
5.3 OVERVIEW OF OPERATOR FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................... 5-9
5.3.1 DIAGNOSIS............................................................................................................................ 5-10
5.3.2 CALIBRATION......................................................................................................................... 5-11
5.3.3 MEASURING RANGES ............................................................................................................. 5-17
5.3.4 PARAMETERS ........................................................................................................................ 5-20
5.3.5 CONFIGURATION.................................................................................................................... 5-27
6. MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................. 6-1
MAINTENANCE CONCEPT .............................................................................................................. 6-2
6.1.1 PUMP MAINTENANCE................................................................................................................ 6-2
6.1.2 REPLACING THE FILTER PLATE.................................................................................................. 6-2
6.2 REPLACING THE MOTHERBOARD AND OPTION BOARD ..................................................................... 6-3
6.3 CHANGING FUSES ........................................................................................................................ 6-3
6.4 CLEANING THE UNIT ..................................................................................................................... 6-4
6.5 MAINTENANCE REQUEST AND FAULT MESSAGE .............................................................................. 6-4
6.5.1 LIST OF MAINTENANCE REQUESTS ............................................................................................ 6-5
6.5.2 FAULTS................................................................................................................................... 6-7
6.5.3 OTHER FAULTS........................................................................................................................ 6-8
7. LIST OF SPARE PARTS AND RETURNS............................................................................................ 7-1
INFORMATION ON ORDERING ......................................................................................................... 7-2
7.2 LIST OF SPARE PARTS .................................................................................................................. 7-3
7.3 RETURNS .................................................................................................................................. 7-12
7.4 ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 7-15
7.5 OVERVIEW OF OPERATOR FUNCTIONS ......................................................................................... 7-16
1. Information for the owner
1.1. Information for our customers
1.2. General comments
1.3. Using this manual
1.4. Hazard information
1.5. Use for the purpose intended
1.6. Qualified personnel
1.7. Warranty information
1.8. Delivery information
1.9. Standards and regulations
1.10. Declaration of conformity
Information for the owner
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer
1-2 Operating manual – A5E00222135-01
1.1 Information for our customers
Please read this manual carefully before beginning operation of the sensor! It will provide you with important information and data you need to ensure proper functioning of the sensor and reduce maintenance costs. Following these instructions will help you to operate the device more easily and efficiently, allowing you to achieve reliable measuring results.
1.2 General comments
Before product described in this manual left the factory, it was inspected and found to be in perfect condition as regards safety. To keep it in this state and to ensure its safe and problem-free operation the product should only be used in the manner described by the manufacturer. In addition, proper transportation, storage and installation as well as careful operation and maintenance of the product are vital for ensuring correct and safe operation.
This manual provides the information you will need for using the described product for the purpose for which it is intended. The manual is intended to be used for technically qualified personnel with special training or who have relevant knowledge in the field of automation technology (instrumentation and control technology).
Familiarity with and a technically faultless implementation of the safety information (including warnings) contained in this manual is essential for hazard-free installation and commissioning as also for safe operation and maintenance of the product described. Only qualified personnel possess the special knowledge required not only for a correct interpretation in the individual concrete case of the safety information and warnings provided in this manual for general application but also for putting them into practice.
This manual is a permanent part of the scope of supply even when ordering it separately has been permitted for logistical reasons. Due to the sheer number of technical details it is not possible to cover all versions of the product described nor every conceivable aspect of installation, operation, maintenance and use of the product as part of a system. If you require further information, or should problems be encountered which are not treated in sufficient depth in this document, contact your local Siemens representative for the information you require.
Particularly before the device is used for new applications in the area of research and development, we recommend you contact us to discuss the application in question.
Information for the owner
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer Operating manual – A5E00222135-01 1-3
1.3 Using this manual
This manual provides you with information on using, installing, operating, and maintaining this device.
Pay particular attention to all warnings and notes. Information of this type is set apart from the rest of the text and specially identified by appropriate symbols (see examples on the left). This information provides you with useful tips on how to avoid operating the analyzer incorrectly.
1.4 Hazard information
Please observe the following notes not only for your own personal safety but also to safeguard against damage to the product described as well as any devices connected to it.
Safety information and warnings are given particular emphasis in this manual by means of the various "signal” terms defined below. They apply to both users and maintenance personnel and are intended to help prevent dangers to life and limb, or to health, and also to prevent damage to property. These notes are also marked by warning symbols which reflect the meaning of the accompanying text and may therefore vary from the examples given below. Within the context of this manual and information on the product itself, the terms used are defined as follows:
means that death or severe injury and / or considerable damage to property will result if the corresponding precautions are not taken.
means that death or severe injury and / or considerable damage to property could occur if the corresponding precautions are not taken.
with a warning triangle means that minor injury may result if the corresponding precautions are not taken.
without a warning triangle means that damage to property may result if the corresponding precautions are not taken.
Information for the owner
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer
1-4 Operating manual – A5E00222135-01
means that an undesirable event or condition may result if the note in question is not observed.
gives important information about the product, about using the product, or about the corresponding part of the manual to which special attention is to be drawn.
1.5 Use for the purpose intended
In this manual 'use for the purpose intended' means that this product may only be used for the application cases described in the catalog and in the technical description (in this regard see also "Technical description” from page 2-1 onwards) and only in conjunction with third-party devices and components recommended or approved by Siemens.
The product described in this manual has been designed, manufactured, inspected and documented in compliance with the relevant safety standards. For this reason, provided both the handling requirements described for planning, installation, operation and maintenance and also safety instructions are observed, under normal circumstances the unit will not be a source of danger with respect to personal health and safety nor with respect to damage to property. The analyzer has been designed in such a way that a safe separation between primary and secondary circuits is ensured. Extra-low voltages which are connected must also be generated by safe separation.
Once the housing or shock-hazard protection has been removed or the system cabinet opened, certain parts or components of this unit or system which could be carrying a hazardous voltage become accessible. For this reason only appropriately qualified personnel should be permitted such access to this unit. These persons must have a thorough knowledge of all sources of danger and of maintenance activities as described in this operating manual.
Information for the owner
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer Operating manual – A5E00222135-01 1-5
1.6 Qualified personnel
Unqualified tampering with the unit or system, or failure to observe the warnings in the manual or affixed to the unit or system cabinet could result in severe bodily injury and / or damage to property. Only appropriately qualified personnel should therefore be permitted such access to this unit or system. Within the context of the safety information in this manual or on the product itself, qualified personnel is defined as persons who:
as planning and design personnel are familiar with the safety concepts applicable in automation technology, or
as operating personnel have been given instruction on working with automation technology equipment and who are familiar with the operation-related content of this manual, or
as commissioning or maintenance personnel possess the training which enables them to repair automation technology equipment of this kind or who have been authorized to operate, ground or label devices, systems and electrical circuits in accordance with accepted technical safety standards.
1.7 Warranty information
Your attention is expressly directed to the fact that the nature and quality of the product is described exclusively and conclusively in the contract of purchase. The contents of this product documentation do not constitute part of a past or existing agreement, promise, or legal relationship nor are they intended to modify these. All obligations on the part of Siemens originate from the purchase contract in question, which also includes the full and exclusively valid warranty provisions. The contractual provisions relating to liability for defects are neither extended nor in any way restricted by the information contained in the present document.
Information for the owner
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer
1-6 Operating manual – A5E00222135-01
1.8 Delivery information
The scope of supply corresponding to the applicable purchase contract is shown in the shipping documents enclosed with the consignment.
When opening the packaging, read and comply with the instructions provided on the packaging material. Make sure the consignment is complete and undamaged. In particular, you should also, if applicable, check the order number on the nameplates against the ordering information.
If possible, you should not discard the packaging material as this could be needed later should anything need to be returned. A returns form is provided on page 7-14 of the section entitled "Spare parts and returns.”
1.9 Standards and regulations
As far as possible the specifications and manufacture of this device were based on the harmonized European standards. Where harmonized European standards were not applied, the standards and regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany will apply (see also "Technical data” on page 2-14). If this product is used outside the area of validity of these standards and regulations, the standards and regulations valid in the owner's country should be observed.
Information for the owner
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer Operating manual – A5E00222135-01 1-7
1.10 Declaration of conformity
Product name, model
FIDAMAT 6E 7MB2421-xxxxx-xxxx
is in compliance with the following standard(s) or documents:
- Low-Voltage Equipment Directives (73/23/EEC and 93/68/EEC)
- EMC Directives (89/336/EEC, 91/263/EEC, 92/31/EEC, 93/68/EEC and 93/97/EEC)
- Harmonized standards applied to
all devices EN 61326
EN 61010
In accordance with the aforementioned EC directives, the EC Declarations of Conformity are kept available for the relevant authorities by
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Automation and Drives A&D PI 2 D-76181 Karlsruhe
If this product is used outside the European Union, the standards and regulations valid in the owner's country must be observed.
Information for the owner
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer
1-8 Operating manual – A5E00222135-01
2. Technical description
2.1. Scope of application
2.2. Design
2.3. Mode of operation
2.4. Communications
2.5. Technical data
Technical description
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer
2-2 Operating manual – A5E00222135-01
2.1 Scope of application
The FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer is used for the quantitative determination of hydrocarbons. The analyzer is also suitable for measurements in corrosive and condensing gas mixtures.
The measuring principle is based on flame ionization detection (FID) with a minimum detection level of about 0.1 ppm. During combustion of hydrocarbons in a hydrogen flame, ions are produced which are in turn converted into a current flow by application of an electrical field. The current intensity arising from this is a measure of the number of carbon atoms.
The FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer stands out due to its very wide scope of application. Accordingly, measurement is possible:
With H
O vapor concentrations up to
With ultrapure gas applications
With high-boiling components (up to
When corrosive gases are present
Unlike other comparable devices, the FIDAMAT 6 has:
A very low transverse gas sensitivity compared to unwanted gasses
Low consumption of combustion air
Low susceptibility to being affected by
The device is also equipped with warning and fault messages, for example:
Failure of combustion gas supply
Detector flame extinguished
Malfunctions of pump and filter
and so on
Examples of applications
Environmental protection
Wastewater (in combination with a
stripping unit, determination of hydrocarbon content of liquids)
Measurement in flue gases in accordance with Emissions Prevention Directives and Clean Air Guidelines (13. BlmSchV /
17. BlmSchV and TA-Luft) for these types of fuel: oil, coals, gases and refuse (with TÜV [Technical Inspectorate] approval)
Monitoring at workplaces with respect to maximum allowable concentration of pollutants
Quality surveillance
Process 14
Ultrapure-gas measurement in media
such as O2, CO2, inert gases and cold measurement gases
Measurement of corrosive and condensing gases
Process optimization
Automotive industry (engine
development, vehicle assembly development and certification)
Measurement of emissions (environmental protection)
Chemical plants
Gas manufacturers (quality surveillance
for ultrapure gases)
Research and development
Cement industry
Paint shops and chemical cleaning
Refineries (tank farms, wastewater)
Drying plants
Solvent recovery facilities
Pharmaceutical industry
Technical description
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer Operating manual –A5E00222135-01 2-3
Main features
Four measuring ranges freely parametrizable, also with suppressed zero point, all ranges linear
Hydrogen required: H2
Extremely short measuring spans
Electrically isolated measured-value
output 0/ 2/ 4 to 20 mA (negated also)
Automatic or manual range changeover selectable; remote changeover is also possible
Measured values can be retained during calibration
Time constants selectable within wide limits (static / dynamic noise suppression); in other words, the Unit's response time can be adjusted to suit the measurement task on hand
Simple to use due to menu-controlled operation
User operation based on NAMUR recommendations
Short response time
Low long-term drift
Three operator control levels each with
own authorization code to prevent inadvertent or unauthorized operator actions
External pressure pick-ups can be connected to correct process gas pressure fluctuations
Units easy to swap over since electrical connections only need to be disconnected from unit
Wear-free, corrosion-resistant filter
No clogging of measuring-gas capillary
since a quartz capillary is used
Low consumption of combustion air
Digital display of gas concentration, of
measuring gas, combustion air and hydrogen pressure
Response factors meet the minimum requirements of the Clean Air Guidelines and of the German Automotive Industry Working Group
Simplicity of operation due to a numerical membrane keyboard and operator guidance
Parametrizable automatic measuring range calibration
Menu and interface are compatible with
the other Series 6 devices (CALOMAT 6, OXYMAT 6, ULTRAMAT 6, OXYMAT 61)
Customer-specific versions of the device, such as:
- Customer acceptance
- TAG plates
- Drift recording
Technical description
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer
2-4 Operating manual – A5E00222135-01
2.2 Design
Design of the overall unit
The FIDAMAT 6 consists of two main modules.
a) Analysis module b) Electronics
a) Analyzer section
This consists of a oven in which the following components are installed:
- Measuring gas filter (heated)
- Flame ionization detector (FID)
- Various restrictors
- Two pressure regulators
- Two pressure sensors
- Solenoid valves
- Bulkhead connections 6 mm or ¼"?
The unit has been designed in such a way that interior parts are easily accessible for maintenance. Access is possible both from the top (for maintenance of individual parts) and from the rear (for replacing the measuring-gas filter).
The measuring-gas pump is easily accessible from above. Both the gas connections and the electrical connections are located on the rear of the unit.
b) Electronics module
This consists of:
- Operator control board with display
- Motherboard
- Adapter board
- Option boards: PROFIBUS (DP/ PA), AK,
The operator control board is integrated into the front panel. The adapter board accommodates the preamplifier for measured data acquisition and for the control unit.
Design of the FIDAMAT 6 housing
19" rack module with 4 HU for installation in swing frame
19" rack module with 4 HU for installation in cabinets, with telescopic or support rails
Front panel for maintenance access, swings downwards (for example, for laptop connection, RS 485)
Gas path Material
Piping Gas entry Seals Measuring-gas restrictor Reactant-gas restrictors Pump diaphragm Pump head
Stainless steel 1.4571 Stainless steel 1.4571 Graphite
Stainless steel 1.4571 PTFE Stainless steel 1.4571
Nozzle FID housing
Quartz Stainless steel 1.4571
Gas connections for measuring-gas entry (sample) and measuring-gas outlet (exhaust) and also hydrogen and combustion air; pipe diameter 6 mm or ¼" (Swagelok)
Technical description
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer Operating manual –A5E00222135-01 2-5
Display and control panel
Large LCD panel for simultaneous display of:
- Measured value (digital and analog
- Measuring ranges
- Status bar
LCD panel contrast adjustable via menu
Permanent LCD backlighting
Five-digit measured-value display
(decimal point counts as a digit)
Wipe-clean diaphragm keyboard and front panel
Menu-guided operation for parametrization, test functions and calibration
User guidance in plain text
Graphic display of concentration curve;
time intervals can be parametrized
User software in two languages in each case: German/English; English/Spanish; French/English; Spanish/English; Italian/English
Inputs and outputs
Two analog inputs can be configured
One analog output 0/ 2/ 4 - 20 mA
Six binary inputs can be configured as
required for example, for measuring range changeover, processing of external signals from sample preparation
Six relay outputs can be configured as required for example, for faults, maintenance request, limit value alarm, external solenoid valves
Further eight binary inputs and relay outputs can be added in each case for automatic calibration with a maximum of four calibration gases
ELAN (RS 485) contained in base unit (connection at rear)
AK interface for the automotive industry with expanded functions
Converter to RS 232 (for ELAN)
Converter to TCP/IP Ethernet (for ELAN)
Incorporation in networks via
PROFIBUS DP/PA interface
SIPROM GA software as service and maintenance utility (for ELAN)
Response factors
Substance Response factors
n-butane 1,00
n-propane 1,00
n-heptane 1,00 Cyclohexane 1,08 Isopropanol 0,81 Toluene 1,06 Acetone 0,92 Ethyl acetate 0,76 Isobutyl acetate 0,83 Methane 1,06 Ethane 0,99 n-hexane 1,01 Isooctane 1,04 Acetylene 0,91 Propene 0,84 Methanol 0,87 Ethanol 0,83 Acetic acid 1,13 Methyl acetate 0,67 Benzole 1,01 Ethyl benzole 0,96 p-xylene 1,03 Dichloromethane 1,13 Trichloroethene 1,01 Tetrachloroethene 1,07 Chloroform 0,72 Chlorobenzene 1,15
Technical description
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer
2-6 Operating manual –A5E00222135-01
Fig. 2-1: Membrane keyboard and graphics display
Fig. 2-1: Membrane keyboard and graphics display
Technical description
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer Operating manual – A5E00222135-01 2-7
Fig. 2-2: FIDAMAT 6 – Mode of operation
2.3 Mode of operation
The FIDAMAT 6 measures compound-class-specifically not component-specifically. It measures the total of all organic carbons in a measuring gas but giving different weighting to the hydrocarbon molecules.
As a first approximation, the value displayed is proportional to the number of C atoms in the molecule in question. In practice, however, there are deviations from this. The reading deviation for the molecule in question is expressed by the response factor.
The measuring gas is supplied to the FIDAMAT 6 under overpressure or drawn in by the built-in diaphragm pump (optionally via a heated line and an additional filter) and then routed to the flame ionization detector via a non-clogging fused-silica restrictor. Within the detector the hydrocarbons contained in the measuring gas are combusted in an oxy-hydrogen flame. During the combustion process the organic hydrocarbons are ionized.
Technical description
The ions which are released are converted into an ion current by the polarization voltage between two electrodes and then measured using a highly sensitive amplifier.
The current measured is proportional to the number of organic C atoms of the hydrocarbons in the measuring gas.
A pressure regulator keeps the pressure of the hydrogen constant. A mutually adjusted system of pump, capillaries and combustion-air pressure regulator ensures a constant measuring-gas pressure.
After switching on the analyzer, the flame will be ignited as soon as a flame temperature of 165°C has been reached. The pump is started automatically once the flame reaches a temperature of 220°C.
The FIDAMAT 6 sends out various signals in the form of floating contacts:
Maintenance request Measuring-gas flow rate (filter / pump) Fan failure (advance warning for measurement accuracy) The unit continues to measure as normal and the measured value is not affected.
Fault Hydrogen, combustion air and measuring gas pressure, temperature, physical section and pump, fault in the electronics (temperature). The measured value can be affected; under certain circumstances the unit will switch into a different state (the combustion-gas valve is closed). See also "List of maintenance requests” on page 6-5.
Sample gases must be free of dust when they enter the analyzers. Condensate should be avoided. For this reason, it will in most application cases be necessary to use a gas conditioning device suitable for the measurement task in question.
2-8 Operating manual – A5E00222135-01
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer
Technical description
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer Operating manual – A5E00222135-01 2-9
Fig. 2-3: Gas circuit (unit with pump)
Technical description
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer
2-10 Operating manual – A5E00222135-01
2.4 Communications
All of the gas analyzers in Series 6, ULTRAMAT 6, OXYMAT 6/ 61, CALOMAT 6, ULTRAMAT 23 and also FIDAMAT 6 provide the following communication methods:
ELAN interface (also with SIPROM GA)
AK interface
ELAN interface
ELAN is a serial interface (RS 485) built in as standard and which allows communication between several analyzers. A maximum of 12 analyzers with no more than four components may be networked together. Connection can be made even without a PC. The following diagram shows how this works.
Fig. 2-4: Typical arrangement for an ELAN network
(RS 232)
No. Key
1 Computer
RS-485 / RS-232 converter with RS 485 and RS 232 connecting leads
3 RS 485 bus plug with jumper 4 Analyzer 5 RS 485 cable 6 RS 485 bus plugs 7 RS 485 network 8 9-pole SUB D connector 9 Optional: RS-485 repeater
Interface parameters
Level RS 485 Baud rate 9600 Data bit 8 Stop bit 1 Start bit 1 Parity None No information feedback
Ordering information Order no.
Interface description
RS 485-RS 232 converter
SIMATIC cable / bus cable
6XV1 830-OEH10
SIMATIC bus plugs
6ES7 972-OBB11-OXAO
9-pole SUB D connector
6ES7 972-OBB11-OXAO
6ES7 972-OAA01-OXAO
For further information, see the ELAN interface description. Order number:
C79000-B5200-C176 German C79000-B5274-C176 English
Technical description
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer
Operating manual –A5E00222135-01
SIPROM GA is a software utility especially for service and maintenance tasks. It allows remote operation and monitoring of all functions of the analyzers, either as individual units or networked together.
Display and storage of all device data
Remote operation of all device functions
Parameter and configuration settings
Comprehensive diagnostics information
Remote calibration
On-line help
Cyclic saving of measured values
Status on hard disk and exportation to
user programs available on the market
Downloading of new software
Hardware requirements:
PC or laptop, Pentium 133 MHz, RAM 32 MB, CD drive
At least 10 MB free on hard disk
VGA graphics card supported by
Printer supported by Windows
Unused COM port: RS 232 or for
connection to ELAN network RS 485 / RS 232
For connecting the Ethernet / RS 485 interface converter, a standard 10 Mbit or 100 Mbit network (RJ 45 connection) with TCP/ IP is required. With an RS 485 network the distance must not be greater than 500 m or a repeater will need to be installed.
Software requirements (optional):
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows NT 4.0
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Ordering information Order no.
SIPROM GA software, German or English selectable at time of installation, consisting of 1 CD with installation instructions, software, product certificate and registration form
Firmware retrofit kit for older analyzers:
- German
- English
- French
- Spanish
- Italian
A5E00223093 A5E00223146 A5E00223149 A5E00223152 A5E00223155
PROFIBUS DP / PA is the field-bus market leader. All Siemens gas analyzers when equipped with an optional plug-in board (can be retrofitted) have Profibus capability and meet the mandatory "device profile for analysis devices” defined by the PNO (PROFIBUS Nutzer Organisation) (Profibus users organization). Centralized access to the analyzers installed in the system is possible using the SIMATIC PDM operator control utility.
The term "field bus” designates a digital communication system with which decentrally installed field devices in a system are networked together using a single cable and at the same time connected to automation devices or to a process control system.
Due to its high transmission speeds coupled with relatively small data volumes for each device, the PROFIBUS DP variant is used widely in production automation, while PROFIBUS PA takes particular account of properties demanded in process control, such as large quantities of data and deployment in explosion-hazard areas.
The benefits to the user lie is considerable potential for savings in all parts of the system, from engineering and commissioning, to operation and maintenance, and later on to installation expansion.
Technical description
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer
2-12 Operating manual – A5E00222135-01
The gas analyzers can be operated from a control system or a separate PC using the SIMATIC PDM (Process Device Manager) operator control utility, a program which runs under Windows XP or Windows 2000 and which can also be incorporated into the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system. This means that is possible to represent in a clear and logical manner not only the incorporation of the devices in the system but also the complex parametrical structure of the analyzers and operating the units becomes simply a matter of clicking. The PROFIBUS users organization (PNO) is an independent international body representing the interests of a large number of manufacturers and users. Alongside services such as giving advice, training and the certification of devices, its primary duty is the further development, standardization and promotion of PROFIBUS technology. Definition of a mandatory functionality for a class of devices in a profile is a necessary condition for devices from different manufactures behaving in a uniform manner – what is known as "interoperability”. At the end of 1999 a mandatory profile for analysis devices was established down thereby ensuring that all devices in a system with PROFIBUS capability will work together.
This profile defines the functionalities of the analysis devices in a block model. For example, the device block (physical block) describes the measurement procedure, the analyzer and manufacturer names, serial number and operational state (in operation, under maintenance). Different functional blocks contain the execution of specific functions such as measured-value processing and alarm response. The transducer blocks describe the functionality of the measurement procedure itself as well as control of the procedure – for example, preprocessing of a measured value, cross-corrections, curves, measuring ranges and also switching and control operations. Data transmission between bus users is defined in protocols.
Here a distinction is drawn between cyclic and acyclic services. Time-critical data, such as measured values and states, are transmitted using cyclic services. Acyclic services, on the other hand, permit device parameters to be interrogated or modified during operation.
All of the gas analyzers in Series 6 (ULTRAMAT 6, OXYMAT 6/ 61, CALOMAT 6, ULTRAMAT 6 and FIDAMAT 6 and also ULTRAMAT 23) have PROFIBUS capability once fitted with an optional plug-in board (which can also be retrofitted) (see also the electronics spare parts from page 7-3 onward of the spare parts list).
Fig. 2-5: Typical layout of a PROFIBUS system
Technical description
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer
Operating manual –A5E00222135-01
AK interface
AK is an interface which is not a standard integrated part of Series 6 gas analyzers but which can only be used when an additional board is fitted. It can be ordered under this order number: C79451-A3474-B61
Unlike PROFIBUS and ELAN, communication with AK is only possible between a device and a PC and takes place on the master-slave principle. The devices transfers data only upon being so requested by a command telegram, and here it can only process and reply to one command at a time.
Fig. 2-6: Basic structure of an AK interface
The AK menu can be accessed via function 88 and the parameters set.
The benefit to the user lies in its numerous functions which are primarily required in the automotive industry in order to carry out relinearization,
The principle behind the connection technology corresponds to an RS 232 and is shown in the diagram below.
For further information, see the AK interface description.
Order number: C79000-B5200-C188 German
C79000-B5276-C188 English
Technical description
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer
2-14 Operating manual – A5E00222135-01
2.5 Technical data
General comments
Measuring ranges
4, can be switched over internally or externally; manual and automatic measuring range changeover possible
Hysteresis, selectable
Smallest possible measuring span
0 - 10 ppm
Threshold of detection 0.1 ppm
Largest possible measuring span
Concentration units (ppm)
99,999 ppm
, C3, C6, mg C/m3
Measured-value display
Digital concentration reading (5 positions with floating point)
Resolution of the digital display
Position of normal use
0.1% of the measured value
Front panel vertical
Oven temperature
CE symbols to EN 50081-1, EN 50082-2
Adjustable between 100-200 °C (depending on application)
Design, housing
Degree of protection IP 20 as per EN 60529
See "Dimensional drawings” diagram
approx. 23 kg
Electrical features
Auxiliary energy
100 - 120 V AC (nominal consumption range 90 -132 V), 48 - 63 Hz, or
200 - 240 V AC (nominal consumption range 180 - 264 V), 48 - 63 Hz
Power consumption
approx. 150 VA in operation approx. 350 VA during warming-up
phase EMC – resistance to interference (electromagnetic compatibility)
Complies with standard requirements of
NAMUR NE21 (August 1998)
Electrical safety To EN 61010-1,
overvoltage category II
Fuse-protection values 100... 120 V: 4.0 T/ 250
200... 240 V: 2.5 T/ 250
Gas entry conditions
Permitted measuring­gas pressure
- With pump
Atmospheric pressure
Measuring-gas flow rate 18 ... 60 l/h (0.3 to 1 l/min)
Measuring-gas temperature
0 - 200°C
Measuring-gas humidity
< 90% RH (RH = relative humidity)
Consumption figures for the gases
Combustion air
approx. 350 ml/min
Hydrogen approx. 20 ml/min
Sample approx. 1 l/min
Neutral gas / calibration gas
approx. 2 l/min
Time behavior
Warming-up time
At room temperature, approx. 2 - 3 h
Display delay (T90) 2 - 3 s
Attenuation (electrical time constant)
0 -100 s, parametrizable
Dead time (time for flushing out gas path inside unit at 1 l/min)
With filter 2 - 3 s
Time for signal
rocessing within unit
< 1 s
Measurement behavior
Output signal fluctuations < 0.75% of smallest measuring
range possible according to nameplate with electronic attenuation constant of 1 s (this corresponds to +/- 0.25% at 2 σ)
Zero-point drift
< 0.5% per month of smallest measuring range possible according
o nameplate
Measured-value drift
< 1% per week of measuring span concerned
R epeatability < 1% of measuring span concerned
Linearity deviation
< 1% of measuring span concerned
Technical description
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer
Operating manual –A5E00222135-01
Influencing variables
Ambient temperature
Ambient pressure Sample pressure
< 1% / 10 K with respect to the smallest measuring range possible according to nameplate
Auxiliary energy
< 1% / 50 hPa
< 2% of measuring span / 1% pressure change
Influence due to position < 1% with change of output signal
span of ±10%
< 1%
< 1% with inclination <15°
Electrical inputs and outputs
Analog output 0/ 2/ 4 to 20 mA, floating, output
load max. 750
Relay outputs 6, with changeover contacts,
parametrizable, for example for measuring range identification; output loading capability: AC / DC 24 V / 1 A floating
Analog inputs 2, designed for 0/ 2/ 4 to 20 mA for
external pressure pick-up and accompanying gas correction (transverse gas correction)
Binary inputs 6, designed for 24 V , floating, freely
paramerizable, e. g. for autoranging)
Serial interface ELAN (RS 485)
Options AUTOCAL functions with each
8 additional binary inputs and relay outputs, also for PROFIBUS PA or PROFIBUS DP
Climatic conditions
Permitted ambient temperature
+5 to +45 °C in operation
-30 °C to +70 °C in storage or during transportation
Permitted humidity <90 RH (RH = relative humidity)
annual mean, during storage and transportation (no falling below dew point)
Unit with pump
Input pressure
hPa (rel.)
Operating pressure
hPa (rel.)
Flow rate
ml/ min.
Flow rate
ml/ min.
Without pump
With pump
Hydrogen 2.000 – 4.000 1 ± 20 ~ 25 ---
Combustion air 2.000 – 4.000 420 ± 20 500 ~ 320 ~ 500
Sample atmosphere --- 500 ± 2 ~ 3 ~ 1000
Zero gas 2.500 – 3.000 --- 500 ± 2 ~ 3 ~ 1000
Turning gas 2.500 – 3.000 --- 500 ± 2 ~ 3 ~ 1000
FIDAMAT 6 gas analyzer
Operating manual – A5E00222135-01
+ 88 hidden pages