Siemens EMOTION 16-6 User Manual

SOMATOM Emotion 6/16-slice configuration
Application Guide
Protocols Principles Helpful Hints
Software Version syngo CT 2007E
This material does not substitute for that duty and is not intended by Siemens Medical Solutions Inc., to be used for any purpose in that regard. The drugs and doses mentioned herein are consistent with the approval labeling for uses and/or indications of the drug. The treating physician bears the sole responsibility for the diagnosis and treatment of patients, including drugs and doses prescribed in connection with such use. The Operating Instructions must always be strictly followed when operating the MR/CT System. The source for the technical data is the corresponding data sheets.
The pertaining operating instructions must always be strictly followed when operating the SOMATOM Emotion 6/16-slice configuration. The statutory source for the technical data are the corresponding data sheets.
We express our sincere gratitude to the many customers who contributed valuable input.
Special thanks to Christiane Bredenhoeller, Gabriel Haras, Ute Feuerlein, Jessica Amberg, Thomas Flohr, Rainer Raupach, Bettina Hinrichsen, Axel Barth, Kristin Pacheco and the CT-Application Team for their valuable assistance.
To improve future versions of this application guide, we would highly appreciate your questions, suggestions and comments.
Please contact us: USC-Hotline: Tel. no. +49-1803-112244 email
Editors: Wang Jian, Chen Ma Hao
User Documentation 16
Scan and Reconstruction 18
Dose Information 42
Workflow Information 64
Contrast Medium 122
Application Information 136
Head 162
Neck 204
Shoulder 218
Thorax 226
Abdomen 262
Spine 294
Pelvis 314
Upper Extremities 332
Lower Extremities 346
Vascular 360
Specials 416
Radiation Therapy 462
Respiratory Gating 484
Children 508
User Documentation 16
Scan and Reconstruction 18
Concept of Scan Protocols 18
Scan Set Up 19
Feed in/Feed out 19
Topo Length 20
Scan Modes 21
- Sequential Scanning 21
- Spiral Scanning 21
-Quick Scan 22
- Dynamic Multiscan 22
- Dynamic Serioscan 22
UFC detector 23
Acquisition, Slice Collimation and Slice Width
- SOMATOM Emotion 16-slice configuration
- SOMATOM Emotion 6-slice configuration 26
Increment 27
Pitch 27
Kernels 28
- Head Kernels 32
- Child Head Kernels 32
-Body Kernels 33
- Special Application Kernels 33
Extended FoV 34
Auto-FoV 35
Neuro Modes 37
Automatic Bone Correction 38
Positioning 39
Image Filters 40
Dose Information 42
and CTDI
ImpactDose 44
Effective mAs 45
CARE Dose 4D 47
- How does CARE Dose 4D work? 49
- Special Modes of CARE Dose 4D 53
- Scanning with CARE Dose 4D 54
- Adjusting the Image Noise 58
- Activating and Deactivating 61
- Conversion of Old Protocols into Protocols with CARE Dose 4D 61
- Additional Important Information 63
Workflow Information 64
WorkStream4D 64
- Recon Jobs 64
- 3D Recon 65
- 1. Sagittal/Coronal Reconstructions 71
- 2. Oblique/Double-oblique Reconstructions
- Non-square Matrix for 3D Recon 76
- Case Examples for 3D Recon and Non-Square Matrix 77
Workflow 79
- Patient Position 79
- Auto Reference Lines 79
- Navigation within the Topogram 80
-API Language 81
e - Logbook 83
- e- Logbook Configuration 83
- e- Logbook subtask card area 87
-e- Logbook Browser 88
- Study Continuation 91
- Reconstruction on the syngo CT Workplace
- Examination Job Status 93
- Auto Load in 3D and Postprocessing Presets
Scan Protocol Creation 96
- Edit/Save Scan Protocol 96
- Scan Protocol Assistant 98
- Manipulate scan protocols 100
- Change parameters 103
- Import scan protocols from SOMATOM LifeNet/CD 117
Contrast Medium 122
Contrast Medium 122
- The Basics 122
- IV Injection 125
Bolus Tracking 126
Test Bolus using CARE Bolus 128
Test Bolus 129
- CARE Contrast 130
Application Information 136
SOMATOM LifeNet 136
- General Information 136
- Key Features 137
- SOMATOM LifeNet offline 138
- SOMATOM LifeNet online 140
Image Converter 147
Report Template Configuration 150
File Browser 151
Camtasia 155
- Key features 155
- Additional Important Information 159
Patient Protocol 160
Head 162
Overview 162
- General Hints 165
- Head Kernels 166
Scan Protocols 168
- HeadRoutine 168
- HeadNeuro 172
- HeadSeq 174
- InnerEarHR 177
- InnerEarHRVol 180
- InnerEar 184
- InnerEarSeq 188
- Sinus 192
- SinusVol 196
- Orbit 198
- Dental 200
Neck 204
Overview 204
- General Hints 206
- Body Kernels 207
Scan Protocols 208
- NeckRoutine 208
- NeckThinSlice 212
- NeckVol 214
Shoulder 218
Overview 218
- General Hints 219
- Body Kernels 219
Scan Protocols 220
- Shoulder 220
- ShoulderVol 224
Thorax 226
Overview 226
- General Hints 229
- Body Kernels 231
Scan Protocols 232
- ThoraxRoutine/ ThoraxRoutine06s 232
- ThoraxCombi/ ThoraxCombi06s 235
- ThoraxVol 240
ThoraxFast06s 244
- ThoraxHR 246
- ThoraxHRSeq 250
- ThoraxECGHRSeq 252
-LungLowDose/ LungLowDose06s 254
-LungCARE/ LungCARE06s 258
Abdomen 262
Overview 262
- General Hints 264
- Body Kernels 265
Scan Protocols 266
- AbdomenRoutine/ AbdomenRoutine06s 266
- AbdomenCombi/ AbdomenCombi06s 270
- AbdomenVol 274
- AbdomenFast/ AbdomenFast06s 278
- AbdMultiPhase/ AbdMultiPhase06s 280
- AbdomenSeq 288
- Colonography/ Colonography06s 290
Spine 294
Overview 294
- General Hints 296
- Body Kernels 297
Scan Protocols 298
- C-Spine 298
- C-SpineVol 300
- SpineRoutine 302
- SpineThinSlice 304
- SpineVol 305
- SpineSeq 308
- Osteo 312
Pelvis 314
Overview 314
- General Hints 316
- Body Kernels 317
Scan Protocols 318
- Pelvis 318
- PelvisVol 322
- Hip 324
- HipVol 328
- SI_Joints 330
Upper Extremities 332
Overview 332
- General Hints 334
- Body Kernels 335
Scan Protocols 336
- WristHR 336
- ExtrRoutineHR 340
- ExtrCombi 344
Lower Extremities 346
Overview 346
- General Hints 348
- Body Kernels 349
Scan Protocols 350
- Knee 350
- Foot 352
- ExtrRoutineHR 354
- ExtrCombi 358
Vascular 360
Overview 360
- General Hints 363
- Head Kernels 364
- Body Kernels 365
Scan Protocols 366
- HeadAngio/ HeadAngio06s 366
- HeadAngioVol 370
-CarotidAngio/ CarotidAngio06s 372
- CarotidAngioVol 376
- ThorAngioRoutine/ ThorAngioRoutine06s 380
- ThorAngioVol 384
- ThorAngioECG/ ThorAngioECG06s 388
- ThorAngioECGSeq 392
- Embolism/ Embolism06s 394
- BodyAngioRoutine/ BodyAngioRoutine06s 398
- BodyAngioVol 402
-BodyAngioFast/ BodyAngioFast06s 406
- AngioRunOff/ AngioRunOff06s 410
- WholeBodyAngio 414
Specials 416
Overview 416
- Trauma 416
- Interventional CT 418
- Test Bolus 420
Trauma Protocols 422
- General Information 422
- Trauma 424
- TraumaVol 425
-PolyTrauma/ PolyTrauma06s 426
- HeadTrauma 430
- HeadTraumaSeq 432
- Additional Important Information 434
Interventional CT - Biopsy 436
- Biopsy 437
- Biopsy Single 438
Interventional CT - CARE Vision 439
- The Basics 439
- CAREVision 440
- CAREVisionSingle 441
- CAREVisionBone 442
- HandCARE 443
- Additional Important Information 447
General Information for Biopsy and CARE
Vision 450
- Interventional Toolbar 450
- CAREView 453
- Configuration 456
- Routine Subtask card 458
- Additional Important Information 459
TestBolus Protocol 460
- TestBolus 460
Radiation Therapy 462
Radiation Therapy Planning 462
- Benefits 465
Workflow 468
Scan Protocols 470
- Overview 470
- RT_Head 472
- RT_Thorax 474
- RT_Breast 476
- RT_Abdomen 478
- RT_Pelvis 480
- Additional Important Information 482
Respiratory Gating 484
Key Features 486
- Respiratory Gating 486
- Respiration Monitoring 486
- Respiration Synchronization 487
Positioning of the respiratory sensor belt 488
Scanning Information 490
- Scan Parameters 490
- Temporal Resolution 491
- Technical Principles 491
- Respiratory Triggering 491
- Respiratory gating 492
- Prospective respiratory triggering versus retrospective respiratory gating 494
- Curve Editor 495
- Synthetic Trigger/Sync 497
Workflow 498
- Reconstruction and Post processing 498
Additional important Information 499
Scan Protocol 500
- RespSeq 500
- Resp 502
- RespModBreathRate 504
- RespLowBreathRate 506
Children 508
Overview 508
- General Hints 512
- Head Kernels 515
- Body Kernels 516
Scan Protocols 518
- HeadRoutine 518
- HeadSeq 522
- InnerEarHR 526
- InnerEar 530
- InnerEarSeq 534
- SinusOrbit 538
- NeckRoutine 542
- ThoraxRoutine/ ThoraxRoutine06s 546
- ThoraxCombi/ ThoraxCombi06s 550
- ThoraxHRSeq 554
- AbdomenRoutine/ AbdomenRoutine06s 558
- Spine/ SpineRoutine 562
- SpineThinSlice 566
- ExtrRoutineHR 568
- ExtrCombi 570
- HeadAngio/ HeadAngio06s 574
-CarotidAngio/ CarotidAngio06s 578
- BodyAngioRoutine/ BodyAngioRoutine06s 582
-BodyAngioFast/ BodyAngioFast06s 586
- NeonateBody/ NeonateBody06s 587

User Documentation

For further information about the basic operation, please refer to the corresponding syngo CT Operator Manual:
syngo CT Operator Manual Volume 1:
syngo Security Package Siemens Virus Protection Basics SOMATOM LifeNet
syngo Patient Browser syngo Data Set Conversion
Camtasia SaveLog E-Logbook
syngo Viewing syngo Filming
syngo CT Operator Manual Volume 2:
Preparations Examination MPPS HeartView CT Respiratory Gating CT CARE Bolus CT CARE Vision CT
syngo CT Operator Manual Volume 3:
syngo 3D syngo Dental CT syngo Osteo CT
User Documentation
syngo CT Operator Manual Volume 4:
syngo LungCARE CT syngo Pulmo CT syngo Neuro Perfusion CT syngo Body Perfusion CT
syngo CT Operator Manual Volume 5:
syngo Calcium Scoring syngo Circulation syngo Volume Calculation syngo Dynamic Evaluation syngo Neuro DSA CT
syngo CT Operator Manual Volume 6:
syngo InSpace 4D CT syngo Colonography

Scan and Reconstruction

Concept of Scan Protocols

The scan protocols for adult and children are defined according to body regions - Head, Neck, Shoulder,
Thorax, Abdomen, Pelvis, Spine, Upper Extremities, Lower Extremities, Vascular, RT, Specials and
optional Cardiac, PET, SPECT and Private. The protocols for special applications are defined in the
Application Guide “Clinical Applications” or in the case of a Heart View examination, in the Application Guide “Cardiac CT“.
The general concept is as follows: All protocols without a suffix are standard spiral modes. For example, “Sinus” means the spiral mode for the sinus.
The suffixes of the protocol name are follows: “Routine“: for routine studies “Seq”: for sequence studies “Fast“: use a higher pitch for fast acquisition “ThinSlice“: use a thinner slice collimation “Combi“: use a thinner and a thicker slice collimation “05s”: use the rotation time of 0.5 seconds “ECG“: use a ECG-gated or triggered mode “Neuro“: for neurologicial examinations with a special
mode “Vol“: use the 3D Recon workflow “HR“: use a thin slice width for High Resolution studies A prefix of the protocol name is as follows: “RT”: for radio therapy studies The availability of scan protocols depends on the sys-
tem configuration. “Resp”: for respiratory gated studies The availability of scan protocols depends on the sys-
tem configuration.
Scan and Reconstruction

Scan Set Up

Scans can be simply set up by selecting a predefined examination protocol. To repeat any mode, just click the chronicle with the right mouse button for repeat. To delete it, select cut. Each range name in the chron­icle can be easily changed before load.
Multiple ranges can be run either automatically with auto range, which is denoted by a bracket connecting the two ranges, or separately with a pause in between.

Feed in/Feed out

The performance of the different buttons (soft but­tons, gantry buttons, control box buttons) is standard­ized as follows:
•in NOT loaded modes
1 mm
•in loaded Biopsy mode:
Feed In/Out = slice width x No. slice positions per scan
Scan and Reconstruction

Topo Length

SOMATOM Emotion 16
Length [mm] 128, 256, 512, 768, 1024,
1500 Slice width [mm] 4x0.6 Angle Top, Bottom, Lateral
SOMATOM Emotion 6
Length [mm] 128, 256, 512, 768, 1024,
1500, 1536*, 2000**,
2048*** Slice width [mm] 3x1 Angle AP, PA, Lateral
* only in combination with PET and SPECT, option
** only in combination with SPECT, option *** only in combination with PET, option
Scan and Reconstruction

Scan Modes

Sequential Scanning

This is an incremental, slice-by-slice imaging mode in which there is no table movement during data acquisi­tion. A minimum interscan delay in between each acquisition is required to move the table to the next slice position.

Spiral Scanning

Spiral scanning is a continuous volume imaging mode. The data acquisition and table movements are per­formed simultaneously for the entire scan duration. There is no inter-scan delay and a typical range can be acquired in a single breath hold.
Each acquisition provides a complete volume data set, from which images with overlapping can be recon­structed at any arbitrary slice position. Unlike the sequence mode, spiral scanning does not require addi­tional radiation to obtain overlapping slices.
Scan and Reconstruction

Quick Scan

The data is usually acquired during a full 360° rotation – this is a Full scan. Data acquisition not using a full 360° rotation is called a “Quick scan”. Quick scans are employed to reduce motion artifacts and improve the temporal resolution.

Dynamic Multiscan

Multiple continuous rotations at the same table posi­tion are performed for data acquisition. Normally, it is applied for fast dynamic contrast studies, such as syngo Neuro Perfusion CT.

Dynamic Serioscan

Dynamic serial scanning mode without table feed. Dynamic serio can still be used for dynamic evaluation such as Test Bolus. The image order can be defined on the Recon subtask card.
Scan and Reconstruction

UFC detector

Siemens’ proprietary, high-speed Ultra Fast Ceramic (UFC) detector enables a virtually simultaneous read­out of two projections for each detector element.
The detector configuration with the routine acquisition of the Emotion 6/16-slice configuration:
SOMATOM Emotion 16-slice configuration:
SOMATOM Emotion 6-slice configuration:
Scan and Reconstruction

Acquisition, Slice Collimation and Slice Width

Slice collimation is the slice thickness resulting from the effect of the tube-side collimator and the adaptive detector array design. In Multislice CT, the Z-coverage per rotation is given by the product of the number of active detector slices and the collimation (e.g. 6 x
1.0mm for the SOMATOM Emotion 6-slice configura­tion or 16 x 0.6mm for the SOMATOM Emotion 16­slice configuration ).
Slice width is the FWHM (full width at half maximum) of the reconstructed image.
With the SOMATOM Emotion 6/16-slice configuration, you select the slice collimation together with the slice width desired. The slice width is independent of pitch, i.e. what you select is always what you get. Actually, you do not need to care about the algorithm any more; the software does it for you.
If Metrorecon/Fastrecon is not selected you will rou­tinely get “Real Time” images. The Recon icon on the chronicle will be labeled with “RT”. After the scan the Real Time displayed image series has to be recon­structed.
In some cases – this depends also on Scan pitch and Reconstruction increment – the Recon icon on the chronicle will be labeled with “RT”. This indicates the Real Time display of images during scanning. The Real Time displayed image series has to be reconstructed after completion of spiral.
The Acq (Acquisition) is displayed on the Examination task card. The Acquisition is simply "number of slices acquired per rotation" x "width of one slice".
Scan and Reconstruction
SOMATOM Emotion 16-slice configu­ration
Spiral Mode
Collimation/ Acquisition
16 x 0.6 mm 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 mm
16 x 1.2 mm 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0,
HR/Neuro Spiral Mode
Collimation/ Acquisition
4 x 0.6 mm 0.6, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0,
Sequence Mode
Collimation/ Acquisition
4 x 0.6 mm 0.6, 1.2, 2.4 mm
12 x 0.6 mm 0.6, 2.4, 7.2 mm
16 x 0.6 mm 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6 mm
Slice width
10.0 mm
Slice width
5.0 mm
Slice width
2 x 5 mm 5.0, 10.0 mm
12 x 1.2mm 1.2, 3.6, 4.8 mm
2 x 8 mm 8.0, 16.0 mm
16 x 1.2 mm 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2 mm
Scan and Reconstruction
SOMATOM Emotion 6-slice configura­tion
Spiral Mode
Collimation Slice width
1 mm 1,1.25,2,2.5,3,4,5,6,8,10mm
2 mm 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 mm
3 mm 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 mm
Sequence Mode
Collimation Slice width
1 mm 1, 2, 3 mm
2 mm 2, 4, 6, 12 mm
3 mm 3, 6, 9, 18 mm
5 mm 5, 10 mm
HR Spiral Mode
Collimation Slice width
0.5 mm 0.63, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5mm
HR Sequence Mode
Collimation Slice width
1 mm 1 mm
Scan and Reconstruction


The increment is the distance between the recon­structed images in Z direction. When the chosen incre­ment is smaller than the slice thickness, the images are created with an overlap. This technique is useful for reducing partial volume effect, giving you better detail of the anatomy and high quality 2D and 3D postpro­cessing.
The increment can be freely adapted from 0.1 - 10 mm.


Pitch = feed per rotation z-coverage
z-coverage = detector rows x collimated slice width
Feed/Rotation = table movement per rotation
The Pitch Factor can be freely adapted from 0.45 – 2.0, in Cardio, there is a fixed pitch down to 0.1.
With the SOMATOM Emotion 6/16-slice configuration, you select the slice collimation together with the slice width desired.
The slice width is independent of pitch, i.e. what you select is always what you get. Actually, you do not need to be concerned about the algorithm any more; the software does it for you.
Pitch values with a step width of 0.05 can be selected for all modes.
We recommend to use a Pitch Factor of 0.45 for MPR reconstructions.
Scan and Reconstruction


There are 4 different types of kernels: “H“ stands for Head, “B“ stands for Body, “C“ stands for ChildHead and ”S” stands for Special Application, e.g. syngo Osteo CT.
The image sharpness is defined by the numbers – the higher the number, the sharper the image; the lower the number, the smoother the image.
Head Kernels:
Kernel description
H10s very smooth
H19s very smooth H20s smooth H21s smooth + H22s smooth FR + H29s smooth + H30s medium smooth H31s medium smooth + H32s medium smooth FR + H37s medium smooth (Emotion 16-slice
configuration only) H39s medium smooth H40s medium H41s medium + H42s medium FR H45s medium H47s medium smooth (Emotion 16-slice
configuration only) H48s medium smooth (Emotion 16-slice
configuration only)
H50s sharp H60s medium H70s very sharp H80s inner ear H90s inner ear
Scan and Reconstruction
Body Kernels:
Kernel description
B08s very smooth B10s very smooth
B19s very smooth B20s smooth B29s smooth B30s medium smooth B31s medium smooth + B35s HeartView medium B39f HeartView medium B40s medium B41s medium+
B46s medium
B50s medium sharp
B60s sharp
B65s sharp
B70s very sharp
B75s very sharp (Emotion 16-slice configu-
ration only) B80s ultra sharp B90s ultra sharp
Child Head Kernels:
Kernel description
C20s smooth
C30s medium smooth C60s sharp
Scan and Reconstruction
Topogram Kernels:
Kernel description
T10s smooth
T20s standard
T21s standard T80s sharp T81s sharp T90s ultra sharp
Special Application:
Kernel description
S30s Shepp-Logan S80s Shepp-Logan with notch filter S90s Shepp-Logan without notch filter U90s specification kernel
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