Siemens BH17 7ER Installation Manual

667/HE/20663/000 Issue 13 Page 1
` Siemens Mobility, Traffic Solutions Sopers Lane Poole Dorset BH17 7ER
PREPARED: Roy Bowen / Dave Martin FUNCTION: Senior Group Leader DATE: 13/03/2013 ISSUE: 13
Siemens plc 2013. All rights reserved.
The information contained herein is the property of Siemens plc and is supplied without liability for errors or omissions. No part may be reproduced or used except as authorised by contract or other written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction on reproduction and use extend to all media in which the information may be embodied.
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Safety of Installation and Maintenance Personnel
In the interests of health and safety, when installing, using or servicing this equipment the following instructions must be noted and adhered to:
(i) Only skilled or instructed personnel with relevant technical knowledge and
experience, who are also familiar with the safety procedures required when dealing with modern electrical/electronic equipment are to be allowed to use and/or work on the equipment. All work shall be performed in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989.
(ii) Such personnel must take heed of all relevant notes, cautions and warnings in
this Handbook and any other Document or Handbook associated with the equipment including, but not restricted to, the following:
(a) The equipment must be correctly connected to the specified incoming
power supply.
(b) The equipment must be disconnected/isolated from the incoming
power supply before removing any protective covers or working on any part from which the protective covers have been removed.
(c) Any power tools and equipment must be regularly inspected and
(d) Any personnel working on site must wear the appropriate protective
clothing, e.g. reflective vests, etc.
Safety of Road Users
It is important that all personnel are aware of the dangers to road users that could arise during installation, repair and maintenance of traffic control equipment.
Ensure that the junction area is coned and signed as necessary to warn motorists and pedestrians of any dangers and to help protect the personnel working on the site.
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SAFETY WARNING ........................................................................................................ 2
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Related Documents .......................................................................................... 5
1.3.1 Other STC Traffic Installation Handbooks .................................................. 5
1.3.2 Peek/Sarasota Detector Handbooks .......................................................... 5
1.3.3 Maintenance Provision for Peek/Sarasota Detectors ................................. 5
1.3.4 Siemens Self-Tune Detectors .................................................................... 5
1.4 Issue State ........................................................................................................ 6
1.5 Glossary ............................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Loop Cable and Slot Dimensions ...................................................................... 7
2.2 Positioning of Loops and Loop Tails/Feeders ................................................... 7
2.2.1 Metal Reinforcing ....................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Buried Metal Objects.................................................................................. 7
2.2.3 Buried Cables ............................................................................................ 8
2.2.4 Surface Objects ......................................................................................... 8
2.2.5 Blast Furnace Slag .................................................................................... 8
2.2.6 Loop Tails .................................................................................................. 8
2.2.7 Feeders ...................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Loop Configurations .......................................................................................... 9
2.3.1 Replacement Controllers ........................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Replacement VA Loops ............................................................................. 9
2.3.3 Replacement SDE/SA Loops ..................................................................... 9
2.3.4 Use of Soundmark Test Sets ..................................................................... 9
2.3.5 Procedure for Marking Position of Diamond Loops Prior to Slot Cutting .. 10
2.3.6 Chevron type loops – marking of loops .................................................... 10
2.3.7 UD Loops – SDE/SA, SCOOT, Count and Queue ................................... 11
2.3.8 Turning Loops and SDE/SA Loops .......................................................... 12
2.3.9 MOVA Loops ........................................................................................... 12
2.3.10 Special Loops .......................................................................................... 13
2.4 Loop Slot Details ............................................................................................. 13
2.5 Loop Turns and Feeder Lengths ..................................................................... 13
2.5.1 Siemens ST4R / SLD4 Detectors ............................................................ 14
2.5.2 Peek/Sarasota and Microsense MXED Detectors ................................... 14
2.5.3 Plessey ST and Microsense MSE Detectors ........................................... 14
2.6 Cable Laying and Slot Backfilling Procedures ................................................. 15
2.6.1 Loop Cable Laying ................................................................................... 15
2.6.2 Slots Containing Loop Cable ................................................................... 15
2.6.3 Suppliers for Resins and Compounds ..................................................... 15
2.7 Feeder Cables ................................................................................................ 16
2.8 Feeder Cable Slot Details and Backfilling ....................................................... 17
2.9 Joint Loop Tails to Feeder Cables .................................................................. 18
2.10 Cable Entry Through and Under the Kerb ....................................................... 18
2.11 Loop Detector Settings ................................................................................... 19
2.11.1 Sensitivity ................................................................................................. 19
2.11.2 Presence Time ......................................................................................... 19
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3. CABLING ............................................................................................................... 41
3.1 Cabling and Preparation of Cables for Termination ........................................ 41
3.2 Cabling Jointing .............................................................................................. 41
3.2.1 Feeder Cable to Feeder Cable using the BICC MPJ Series Joint ............ 41
3.2.2 Feeder Cable to Loop Tails using the BICC MPJ Series Joint ................. 42
3.2.3 Preparation, Mixing and Pouring of BICC Bi-Cast Acrylic Resin .............. 43
3.2.4 Feeder Cable to Detector Loop Tails using the Heatshrink Joint ............. 44
3.3 Use of Crimp Tools in Jointing ........................................................................ 44
THE VICINITY OF LIGHT RAPID TRANSPORT SYSTEMS ........................................ 47
UNITS ........................................................................................................................... 49
INDEX ........................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 1 - Marking out Diamond Loops ...................................................................................... 20
Figure 2 - Table of Dimensions for Diamond Loops .................................................................. 20
Figure 3 - Marking Out Chevron Loops ...................................................................................... 22
Figure 4 - Typical Loop Configurations with UD Dimensions – Diamonds................................. 23
Figure 5 - Typical Loop Configurations with UD Dimensions – Chevrons ................................. 24
Figure 6 - Typical SCOOT Loop Leading Dimensions ............................................................... 25
Figure 7 - Typical Count Loop Leading Dimensions .................................................................. 25
Figure 8 - Rectangular SDE/SA Loops ...................................................................................... 26
Figure 9 - Rectangular Turning Loops ....................................................................................... 26
Figure 10 - Chevron SDE/SA Loops .......................................................................................... 27
Figure 11 - MOVA Loops One Way Street or Dual Carriageway ............................................... 28
Figure 12 - MOVA Loops Two Way Carriageway ...................................................................... 28
Figure 13 - Special Purpose Loops ............................................................................................ 29
Figure 14 - Slot Details .............................................................................................................. 30
Figure 15 - Maintaining 50 mm Covering at Crossovers ................................ ............................ 30
Figure 16 - Cutting Away Sharp Corners ................................................................................... 31
Figure 17 - Slot Corners Protected by Corner Pieces ................................................................ 31
Figure 18 - Standard Loop Configurations (a) ........................................................................... 32
Figure 19 - Standard Loop Configurations (b) ........................................................................... 33
Figure 20 - Standard Loop Configurations (c) ............................................................................ 34
Figure 21 - Distance X, Y and Z Loops to Stop Line .................................................................. 34
Figure 22 - Distance SDE-SA Loops to Stop Line ..................................................................... 35
Figure 23 - Dimensions – 1 Lane Counting Loop ...................................................................... 35
Figure 24 - Dimensions – 2 Lane N Counting Loops ................................................................. 36
Figure 25 - Dimensions – 3 Lane N Counting Loops ................................................................. 37
Figure 26 - Dimensions – 2 Lane N+1 Counting Loops ............................................................. 38
Figure 27 - Dimensions – 3 Lane N+1 Counting Loops ............................................................. 39
Figure 28 - Cabling Through the Kerb ....................................................................................... 39
Figure 29 - Cabling Under the Kerb ........................................................................................... 40
Figure 30 - Preparation of Armoured Cable End ....................................................................... 46
Figure 31 - Armoured Cable to Armoured Cable Joint ............................................................... 46
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1.1 Purpose
This handbook is one of a series of General Traffic handbooks that cover common aspects of planning, installation and commissioning of STC traffic controllers and associated street equipment.
1.2 Scope
This handbook describes the procedures for the installation and commissioning of slots, loop detectors, cabling of loops and cable terminations.
1.3 Related Documents
1.3.1 Other STC Traffic Installation Handbooks
General Principles Installation Handbook 667/HE/20661/000 Installation Testing Handbook 667/HE/20664/000 Above Ground Detectors Handbook 667/HE/20665/000 ST4R Loop Detector Handbook 667/HB/27663/000 SLD4 Loop Detector Handbook 667/HB/45200/000 Helios Signals and Poles Handbook 667/HB/30000/000
1.3.2 Peek/Sarasota Detector Handbooks
The handbooks for the Peek/Sarasota detectors can be obtained from Peek Ltd., Kingsworthy, Hampshire SO23 7QA.
These handbooks contain full details and should be consulted when installing and operating Peek/Sarasota detectors.
1.3.3 Maintenance Provision for Peek/Sarasota Detectors
The manufacturer’s MP documents for the relevant detector must be consulted before any detector installation, commissioning or maintenance work is carried out.
1.3.4 Siemens Self-Tune Detectors
667/1/27663/000 – Siemens ST4R Detector 667/1/45200/001 – Siemens SLD4 Detector 667/1/17180/etc - Note that these detectors are no longer available and the
handbook is only applicable where sites equipped with existing detectors are to be maintained.
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1.4 Issue State
Pages Current Issue Type Part ID All 13 Meridian 667/HE/20663/000
1.5 Glossary
UD Uni-directional LRT Light Rapid Transport SDE/SA Speed Discrimination Equipment/ Speed Assessment SCOOT Split, Cycle, Offset Optimisation Technique STS Site to Scale (drawing) VA Vehicle Actuation
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Before the work is carried out, the tools listed in the General Principles Installation handbook (see section 1.3.1) should be available.
2.1 Loop Cable and Slot Dimensions
Loop slots are cut into road surfaces for the installation of the following loop cables:
998/4/70671/001 50/0.25 EPR insulated 998/4/85264/000 30/0.25 EPR insulated 998/4/82021/000 30/0.25 EPR/PCP insulated The works specification specifies cable to be used. Slots for the installation of cables must be of sufficient width to permit the free
entry of cables. Minimum slot widths are as listed: 998/4/85264/000 6 mm 998/4/82021/000 8.5 mm 998/4/70761/001 8.5 mm Slot depths are dependent upon the number of turns in the loop or number of
conductors within a slot, as follows: 998/4/85264/000 4 mm x turns/conductors ) Plus 50 mm where
) slots are cut in a black 998/4/82021/000 6.5 mm x turns/conductors ) top cover, or 25 mm ) where slots are cut in 998/4/70671/001 6.5 mm x turns/conductors ) concrete.
Note: The number of turns is specified in Section 2.5.
2.2 Positioning of Loops and Loop Tails/Feeders
Loop locations containing the following obstructions should be dealt with as indicated.
2.2.1 Metal Reinforcing
When installing loops in concrete roads containing a metallic reinforcing mesh, there must be at least 50 mm of vertical spacing between the top of the mesh and the bottom of the slot or loop cable. The same rule applies to metal damp courses found in some elevated roadways.
2.2.2 Buried Metal Objects
Generally speaking, heavy metal objects such as girders and pipes have little effect on System D and Turning Detector Loops, providing the nearest point is 50 mm or more below the loop.
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However, in the case of SDE/SA loops, the presence of an isolated heavy metal object can distort the electromagnetic effect of one of the pair of loops so that a false speed assessment is given. In these cases it is necessary to re-site the loops 1 metre away from such objects.
Buried tramlines may present a problem as the metal tie rods sometimes make an intermittent electrical connection with the running rails. Any intermittent connection of this type placed under the loop can cause spurious detector signals and it is advisable to remove the track from the area of the loop leaving 305 mm clearance. (One metre clearance for SDE/SA loops).
2.2.3 Buried Cables
Buried Electrical Supply cables do not cause interference with Detectors. However, SDE/SA Loops should be kept 1 metre away from heavier armoured type of cable as the metal content could cause the distortion mentioned in section 2.2.2.
2.2.4 Surface Objects
Loop slots should be kept one metre clear of manhole covers, drain covers, expansion joints and similar disturbances in the road surface. Failure to observe this can weaken the road surface and may cause subsequent breaking up.
2.2.5 Blast Furnace Slag
Occasionally road surfaces incorporating blast furnace slag in their construction will be encountered. This has a de-sensitising effect on detector loops. It is not possible to detect the presence of slag from the road surface appearance and it will usually be discovered only during commissioning in the form of insensitive loops.
Commercial should make it clear that if this material is encountered the customer will be responsible for work involved in overcoming the problem. Avoiding multiple loops on a channel may increase working sensitivity. This will involve some re-cutting and probably additional detector cards. However it may be necessary to replace the material in the vicinity of the affected loops.
2.2.6 Loop Tails
It is advisable that loop tails are twisted with at least 10 twists per metre, outside of the slot. See Figure 14.
However loop tails may be untwisted loop tails over a short distance where they are taken across or along the carriageway to a connection point at the roadside. The length of untwisted loop tails must not exceed 30 metres. No more than 15 metres of tails from any other loop should be laid in a common slot, and then only if the loops are driven from the same detector unit.
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2.2.7 Feeders
Sharing of a multi-pair feeder cable between different detectors is not recommended. See section 2.7 for feeder types.
2.3 Loop Configurations
Loop positions will be marked prior to slot cutting, as per the positioning instructions shown on the STS.
Loop configurations are normally of the following types:
Chevrons - Vehicle actuation, SDE/SA Diamonds - Vehicle actuation (use for replacement or MOVA
only) Rectangle - Turning loops, SCOOT, COUNT, QUEUE and
special purpose (Required for SDE/SA for previous detector types).
Special loops - MOVA loops (diamonds are recommended)
2.3.1 Replacement Controllers
Replacement controllers should continue to use existing diamond Vehicle Actuation loops where they are in good condition. Any existing SDE/SA loops for replacement controllers should be re-cut to the new 3.6 m standard prior to commissioning.
2.3.2 Replacement VA Loops
If a diamond loop needs re-cutting it should be re-cut as a diamond. However if all the loops on an approach are to be re-cut then the chevron loop configuration should be used. It is permitted to have all chevrons on one approach and all diamonds on another subject to the following clause; where two or more VA loops are connected to the same detector channel they must all be to the same configuration, i.e. ALL Diamond or ALL Chevrons.
2.3.3 Replacement SDE/SA Loops
If a 3.05 m spacing SDE/SA loop needs re-cutting it should be re-cut to the same spacing as the original unless every approach on that controller is re­cut. In that case the new 3.66 m spacing should be used and the controller set up or reconfigured accordingly. Controllers cannot accept inputs from loops of mixed spacing.
2.3.4 Use of Soundmark Test Sets
Care must be taken when selecting the loop pitch on Soundmark Test Sets. Selecting PLE selects the old Plessey loop pitch of 3.05 m (10 ft). Selecting GEC selects 3.6 m (12 ft) which is now common for GEC, Microsense and NEW STC equipment.
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2.3.5 Procedure for Marking Position of Diamond Loops Prior to Slot Cutting
These notes are to be read in conjunction with Figure 1 and Figure 2 but kerbs and distances from carriageway centre lines are subject to any standing Local Authority instructions.
Refer to the STS drawing and mark the distance of the loop from the stop line, at the road edge.
1) From this point, mark a datum line to the road centre at right angles to the road edge.
2) Measure in from the road edge 0.3 metres and mark this point on the datum line. This point is referred to as the datum point.
3) Measure in 1 metre from the road centre and mark this point on the datum line. This point is referred to as the end point.
4) Measure the distance between the datum point and the end point. Reference to Figure 2 will determine the appropriate loop configuration to be constructed.
5) Determine the length of the loop diagonal as follows: i) For single loop configuration, the loop diagonal is the distance
between the datum point and end point.
ii) For double loop configuration, the loop diagonal is the distance
between the datum point and the end point divided by 2.
iii) For the triple loop configuration, the loop diagonal is the distance
between the datum point and the end point divided by 3.
iv) For the quad loop configuration, the loop diagonal is the distance
between the datum point and the end point divided by 4.
6) Starting at the datum point, mark the length of the loop diagonal along the datum line for as many diamonds as are required in the configuration. Figure 1 shows a double loop configuration by way of example.
7) Refer to Figure 2 to determine the length of the loop side.
8) Anchor a measuring tape at the datum point and using the tape and chalk, strike arcs either side of the datum line, whose radius equals the length of the loop side.
9) Strike similar arcs from the point on the datum line indicating the length of the loop diagonal. The intersection of these arcs on either side of the datum line fixes the position of the loop corners.
10) Repeat this procedure along the datum line for the required number of diamonds in the configuration.
11) Join up the points with chalk to form the loop configuration required.
2.3.6 Chevron type loops – marking of loops
These notes are to be read in conjunction with Figure 3 but distances from kerbs and carriageway centre lines are subject to any local authority instructions.
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1) Refer to the STS drawing and mark the locations ax, bx, cz 1.1 metres
towards the top line for the loop approach distances X, Y, Z shown on the STS drawing. (In Figure 3 loop ‘a’ is for a three lane configuration, ‘b’ is a two lane and ‘c’ is a one lane configuration loop.)
2) From the point ‘ax’ in loop ‘a’ mark the point ‘aa’ 1 (one) metre from the
centre line and at right angles to the kerb through point ‘ax’.
3) Measure the linear distance between points ‘ax’ and ‘aa’ and divide this
distance by the number of traffic lanes, which in this case is three.
Assuming S1 is 1/3 of total distance between ‘ax’ and ‘aa’, mark points
‘ax’ and ‘aa’. Mark points ‘ay’ and ‘az’ at distances D1 as shown.
4) At measurements D1 from points from ‘ay and ‘aa’ mark points ‘ay1’,
‘aa1’ as shown.
5) Loops b and c are marked out using identical techniques, but for two
and one lane respectively.
6) When all points referred have been marked, the points ‘xx’ can be
marked 1.1 metres from the marked points as illustrated.
7) When the marking of loop structure points have been completed, the
points can be joined together if necessary for slot cutting purposes.
2.3.7 UD Loops – SDE/SA, SCOOT, Count and Queue
Figure 4 illustrates a three-lane VA approach system D with diamond loops. The UD loop overlays the actuating loop by 1/3 of the loop diagonal as shown. Diamond UD loops can be used with Plessey ST, Microsense detectors and Sarasota units.
Figure 5 illustrates a three-lane chevron loop approach. This configuration can be used with Microsense, Plessey ST and Sarasota
detector units. Note: In a two-lane approach the angle of the UD loops should be reversed to
line up with the Y and Z loops. Figure 6 illustrates a SCOOT detector site with two carriageway loops. The length of SCOOT Loops in the direction of travel is fixed as 2 m. This is a
compromise between a loop being short enough to detect gaps in the traffic stream and long enough to detect stationary vehicles in a queue.
The width of the loop is dependent on site conditions and should not be less than 1 m, or more than two lanes wide. Factors affecting the width are:
a) The offside edge of the loop should be approximately 1 m from the
centre line of the road to reduce the probability of under-counting and over-counting due to vehicles straddling the centre line. The centre line is taken to be the line least occupied by vehicles in either direction and may not coincide with the marked centre line.
b) The loop should be sited where the risk of parking over it is minimal.
Experience has shown that double yellow lines are insufficient safeguard and unless other physical deterrents to parking exist (e.g. guard-rail) it is recommended the nearside edge of the loop to be located 2 m from the kerb.
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c) In the case of multi-lane links where more than one loop is provided,
the gap between two adjacent detectors on a link should be approximately 2.5 m (based on the width of an average vehicle) so as to balance under-counting and over-counting errors.
d) Where carriageway width is restricted, the minimum 1m wide loop may
still be clipped by oncoming traffic. Where this problem is expected unidirectional loops should be considered.
e) The dimensions of the UD loop overlay are illustrated in Figure 6.
These SCOOT loop configurations can be used with Microsense, Plessey ST, and Sarasota detector units.
Figure 7 illustrates a N+1 count loop configuration where N is the number of traffic lanes. The length of count loops, in the direction of travel is fixed at 1.8
m. The width of loops and their spacing ‘B’ are dependent on site conditions,
these dimensions being shown on the appropriate site drawings. The distance of the nearside loop to the kerb also varies with site conditions and should be detailed on the site drawing.
The dimensions of the UD loop overlay are illustrated in Figure 7.
2.3.8 Turning Loops and SDE/SA Loops
Figure 8 to Figure 10 illustrate configurations for turning loops, and SDE/SA loops. The turning loop Figure 9 can be connected to Siemens/Plessey, Microsense and Sarasota detectors observing the calculation for loop turns listed in section 2.5 of this document.
The rectangular loop SDE/SA configuration, Figure 8 is for connection to Siemens/Plessey, Microsense or Sarasota detector units.
The chevron loop SDE/SA configuration Figure 10 should be used with Sarasota MTS and Microsense MXE series detectors. This improves speed measurement accuracy for motorcycles.
NOTE: Siemens controllers and Pelicans for new installations will be configured for 3.66 metre speed measuring base in line with current GEC and Microsense controllers. Earlier Plessey controllers may have been configured
for 3.05 metre speed measuring base and other manufacturers’ earlier
controllers for various different bases. When re-cutting an existing loop check with the existing controller for the correct loop spacing.
With intersection controllers the configuration must be checked to verify the loop spacing.
With T110 Pelicans Address 217 should be greater than 0 for 3.66 metre speed measuring base.
2.3.9 MOVA Loops
Figure 11 and Figure 12 illustrate MOVA loops; it is recommended that diamond loops should be used where lane width allows, with a minimum size of 1 sq m and 1.6 m to 1.7 m in the direction of travel. Where lane width is restricted, other loop configurations may be used. For example, where MOVA
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stopline is required, chevron loops away from the direction of traffic should be used.
2.3.10 Special Loops
Figure 13 illustrates queue loops and special purpose loops whereby fixed and limits of variable dimensions are shown. These loop configurations can be connected to Siemens/Plessey, Microsense and Sarasota detectors observing the calculations for loop turns as listed in section 2.5 of this handbook.
2.4 Loop Slot Details
Loop and loop tail slots will be cut in the surface of the roadway with a motor driven saw.
Prior to cutting the slots refer to section 2.1 to determine minimum slot widths, and minimum slot depths. Refer to Figure 14 for typical examples.
When adjacent loops are connected to different detectors, their loop tails must be laid in different slots spaced 150 mm apart and connected to separate feeder cables to each detector unit.
When cutting loops, the saw blade should be lowered to form a dip in the floor of the slots at the point where the slots cross. This will allow the extra bulk of crossing cables to lie in the dip while still maintaining the 50 mm covering for the top cable (See Figure 15). The same rule applies to all loops at the point where the feeder cables join the loop.
The corners of slots should not be cut away at diamond loop crossovers but must be cut away to ease the bend on loop cables turning through an angle of less than 90 (See Figure 16). An alternative is to protect the cable from a sharp corner by inserting a short length of 1 mm thick vinyl or plastic strip formed by bending to fit the corner (Figure 17 refers).
Slots must be cleared of stones, loose material and free water before cable laying. Drying out can be assisted by using a compressor and air line. It is not acceptable to lay cables in a wet slot as backfilling materials do not bond to wet surfaces although the slightly damp surface obtained after using the air line is acceptable. (Definition of a wet slot is a slot that contains free-standing water.)
NOTE: If the saw breaks through into the hardcore bed, work should be
stopped and the customer informed that loops cannot be installed to this Siemens specification.
2.5 Loop Turns and Feeder Lengths
All loops shared on one detector channel are to be connected in series. The maximum feeder length quoted below includes the total length of any
separate pairs fed back for series connection in the controller and the lengths of loop tails.
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2.5.1 Siemens ST4R / SLD4 Detectors
V/A Chevron/Diamond 1 to 3 3 300 m V/A Chevron/Diamond 4 3 250 m V/A Chevron/Diamond 5 3 200 m V/A Chevron/Diamond 6 3 150 m SDE/SA Rectangle 1 3 300 m SDE/SA Chevron 1 3 300 m COUNT/QUEUE Rectangle 1 3 600 m* SCOOT Rectangle 1 or 2 3 600 m* MOVA Diamond 1 to 3 3 300 m MOVA Diamond 1 to 3 3 600 m*
Note: * = Not cycle sensitive
2.5.2 Peek/Sarasota and Microsense MXED Detectors
V/A Chevron/Diamond 1 to 3 3 300 m V/A Chevron/Diamond 4 3 250 m V/A Chevron/Diamond 5 3 200 m V/A Chevron/Diamond 6 3 150 m SDE/SA Rectangle 1 3 300 m SDE/SA Chevron 1 3 300 m COUNT/QUEUE Rectangle 1 3 300 m SCOOT Rectangle 1 or 2 3 300 m
Note: Sarasota MTS 36ZE and MTS 38ZE (667/7/21031/102 and /104)
detectors have a built-in extension timer and must not be used with Traffic Signals.
2.5.3 Plessey ST and Microsense MSE Detectors
Note: These detectors are now obsolete. The following is included for
information only.
V/A Chevron/Diamond 1 to 4 3 150 m V/A Chevron/Diamond 5 to 6 3 100 m SDE/SA Rectangle 1 3 150 m SDE/SA TBA 1 TBA TBA COUNT QUEUE Rectangle 1 3 150 m SCOOT Rectangle 1 or 2 3 150 m
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2.6 Cable Laying and Slot Backfilling Procedures
2.6.1 Loop Cable Laying
The loop cable should be dry. Loops are laid starting at the kerb, running the tails out winding the loop and returning via the same slot to the kerb. When winding a multiple diamond loop, the cables must cross at the point where the diamonds meet. When loops are connected to feeder cable in the crown of the road, loops are laid starting at and returning to the crown of the road. It is acceptable to run short lengths of loops cable pairs taped together in the soil under the pavement or grass verge but the run should be kept as short as possible and should not exceed 4.5 m. When longer runs are required, feeder cables part no. 667/4/03082/etc must be used (See Section 2.7).
When a pair of tails run inside the detector pedestal or controller case they should be taped or tied together at 100 mm spacing.
The free ends should be labelled with the loop identity using Hellerman HC7 sleeving.
2.6.2 Slots Containing Loop Cable
Slots must be backfilled immediately following the laying of cables. The backfill of loops in the United Kingdom consists of two different techniques:
i) Complete cover of the loop cable with dry sand to a depth of 6mm to
12mm and backfilling of the slot by hotpour bitumen.
ii) A 10 mm cover of cables by a two-part epoxy resin, and remaining slot
backfill completed by hotpour bitumen. Note that the loop cable must be dry as the resin will not bond to wet plastic.
Two part epoxy resins and approved hot pour bitumen are listed in section
Prior to backfill of slots, refer to customer’s instructions for preferred backfill.
2.6.3 Suppliers for Resins and Compounds
Epoxy Materials
1) PX212ZE Robnorganic Systems Ltd.
Highworth Road, South Marsten, Swindon, Wilts.
2) CALKTITE COLDPOUR LSM/3O (new improved grade) Sealocrete PLA Ltd.,
Greenfield Lane, Rochdale, OL11 2LD
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